Chapter 104 Ye Ruo, who caused an uproar, was shocked by the people of Liyue!!

Afterwards, Ying wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Good to say, good to say.

Finally, these uncles of the Qianyan Army believed it.

It's too hard.

This kind of movement is not what she wants to see.

And for the Thousand Rock Army.

After all, it is a person who can ride the Wind God dependent.

It should be unlikely to be the bad guy.

It will not be such a big limelight.

It should be as this girl said, it was the wind knight who brought her along the way, so Qian Yanjun reported the situation and passed the situation to Yuheng

After the stars were there, they let them go.

Ying can only be angry and funny.

After all, such a time did not make him late for the Immortal Ceremony.

It can only be said that there are some more twists and turns.

I really have to thank Ye Ruo.

It's this guy, who can obviously use magic airships, but he acts so amazingly.

Perhaps, this is the Wind Knight.

As Mond's strongest combat power at present, people do have this confidence and style is different from ordinary people.

It's also a very special and mysterious person.

Ying recalled Mond's days, as if he didn't know much about this wind knight.

There are too many unknown colors on him.

Even that wind god Wendy said that he didn't know.

It's weird.

Forget it, don't want to.

It's time for myself and Paimon to set off and get a good look at the second realm.

Land of Rocks!


Ye Ruo had already arrived at the streets of Liyue, but he was a person who could play the wind with flashes and teleportations.

It's not surprising where it appears.

At the Wangshu Inn, there was a short man.

Ah no.

There is an immortal, which is similar to his ability.

Both of them are wind elements.

Wind is suitable for developing this skill. It's just that very few people are able to do this.

While walking here in the lively streets.

Ye Ruo thought about it, let's go to those branches of his own first, and then go to see his old friends.

Recently, Liyue has provided a lot of legends.

Go see what's going on.

Although those old friends of Mond who are in charge of the branch often return to Mond to buy goods, Ye Ruo has recently been less energetic because of the doctor's affairs

Now that I've relaxed, I can walk around freely.

However, as Ye Ruo was walking here, he suddenly seemed to notice something.

A corner in front of him to the right.

A surprised female voice came.

"Hey, Ye Ruo, when did you come to Liyue?"

What appeared there was the Heavenly Power Star Condensation that had gone out.

She was accompanied by several secretaries.

Dressed gorgeously, the noble temperament of the gaze can be described as the focus of everyone.

All the passing crowds put their eyes on her side with amazement and respect

Because of the matter of inviting the Immortal Dianyi, this year's ceremony was hosted by her Condensing Light.

So in this approaching time, she is also more active and handles a lot of affairs.

This time.

Many people can see the figure of staring light.

Even if Condensing Light was originally one of the very common Liyue Seven Stars, it is now even busier.

However, after seeing Ye Ruo, she came over in surprise.

And halfway through to let a few of her secretaries retire first, she came to Ye Ruo by herself.

Then she walked with Ye Ruo.

Ye Ruo also spoke with emotion.

"I can meet you all, old friend. Originally, I was going to visit my branches and then look for you. "

"Oh, is that so?"

"I thought you came to Liyue this time, forgot about me, and secretly played around by yourself."

"Haha, how come. Our friendship is very good. "

"Yes, it's really good. I couldn't find anyone for a long time, and I didn't know that I thought that you were in charge of the work of the Zephyr Knights, not the Dandelion Knight. "

"Actually, you paddle a lot, and the work is done by people."

"Ahem, there is indeed something recently, Ning Guang, you are now a Heavenly Power Star, and you must have obtained a lot of information."

"So you can't blame me for that. And didn't I come this time, if you have time, I will treat you to a drink. "

"Well, wait for this Immortal Ceremony to be successfully completed, and then I will have time."

"Did you also come to invite Immortal Dianyi on purpose?"

"No, I just came to see the bookstore and look for you."

"Hmph, after such a long time, you are still so good at talking."

Ye Ruo and Ning Guang talked and laughed, and then left here.

Head towards the teahouse...

But such a scene.

In the eyes of others, it can be described as an uproar.

For a while, countless people were shocked.

"My God, Lord Ning Guang actually talked and laughed with a strange man."

"It looks very happy, this is a rare scene."

"Yes, it is clear that Lord Ning Guang is usually polite to everyone else, but also elegant and decent to keep a distance. But it feels different this time than before! "

"What kind of relationship are they, if only that man were replaced by me, although he is indeed a little handsome."

"But I think it's still close compared to me!"

As soon as he said this unwilling word, the person next to him mercilessly pierced him.

"Come on, don't embarrass people here, people's appearance has thrown you more than ten streets."

"Even if you put it on the street of so many people, there is no man who can match that person."

Saying this, the man just now suddenly blushed shyly.

Sorry to say it any more.

However, there are many people with a sour heart like him.

After all, Ning Guang is such a rich woman with infinite charm and wealth at the same time.

There are many people who like her and try to pursue her.

Whether it is those rich businessmen, or the sons in Yujingtai, or those among the seven stars and eight gates.

They all want to win the favor of Ning Guang, hoping to see this beauty smiling at them.

Some people even spend tens of millions of mora to invite Ning Guang to eat in order to have a few more words with Ning Guang.

Such a large number is nothing in a place like Liyue where wealth is accumulated.

There are many people who have this asset.

But no matter who it was, Ning Guang was not interested.

It seems that there is no man who can make Ning Guang care, she seems to only like Mora.

As a result, today, Ning Guang was talking to a man like this with a smile.

Such a sight.

It really broke many people's hearts.

This is their goddess!

And others are also very confused.

"In other words, who is that one, it seems that it is not our Liyue's face, it is a little strange."

"After all, I'm in our Liyue to go south and north, and I know the streets and alleys. The result drew sighs from others. "

"Hey, Lao Guan, it's thanks to you that you are still there to tell me the content of that immortal novel."

"Even the author is not recognized."

"That young man is the creator who wrote several recent popular novels, and he is also Ye Ruo, the wind knight of Mond."

"The young knight with a legendary experience."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the Wind Knight and our Lord Ning Guang had such a good relationship."

"It looks like we've known each other for a long time."

Hearing this, the man known as Lao Guan was also shocked.

"Is he Ye Ruo?"

"As good as the rumors, coupled with his identity and strength, it is no wonder that Lord Ning Guang can be so so."

"Is it too late for me to go to him now to ask for an autograph, I like the immortal story in it!"

After learning the identity of the man beside Ning Guang.

There are many people who are shocked.

After all, not everyone has been to Mond.

Even if he goes to Mond, he may not be able to see Ye Ruo.

But such a scene of theirs is indeed very eye-catching, too amazing.

One is one of the seven stars of Liyue.

One is the Wind Knight of Mond.

No matter who it is, it is a big man in their respective countries.

Their actions are likely to trigger something unusual, or usher in a new cooperation between the two countries.

For businessmen, this is definitely the biggest news today! So for a while, the news spread widely.

It's just that neither Ning Guang nor Ye Ruo care about such a thing. They knew each other at a very young age.

It has nothing to do with who you are and what you have achieved today.

It will not affect their previous feelings because of their current identity...

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