[hands up!]……]

The robin killed people in the arena with his own background music.

He took his axe and spun around to defeat a bunch of enemies.

He smashed his opponents with a"complete madness".

He turned the arena into his own concert.

[Roast Chicken: Her singing voice is a bit lax, but her physical attack makes up for it. She is indeed the rising star of the resurrection match!]

【Ling Ri: It is indeed a physics consonant!】

【Alicia: The time for magic is over, now it's time for physical attacks♪! Funny.jog】

【Xing: Miss Robin is too strong, I'm going to beat her to death!】

【Sunday: You are worthy of being my sister!】


The robin and Sunday were both bruised

[Mockingbird: I'm done. Now what?]

[Roast Chicken: Okay, who among you wants to be resurrected?]

[Robin & Sunday: My brother (my sister)!]

[Robin: I won't, you revive first!]

[Sunday: No, it's you!]

[Robin: It's you!]

【Ying: What a touching brother-sister relationship! I'm so envious!】


【Sunday: No matter what happens, the robin is always the most important!】


【Happy Aha: I cried when I saw it】


The roast chicken also made me cry

[Roast Chicken: The love between brother and sister is so touching. I will let you resurrect together!]


[Sunday: Thank you.]

There was a flash of light, and the two of them were in another place.

[Robin: Brother, look, is that a wheat field in the distance? What comes into view is a golden field.

[Sunday with a serious face: No... that's fried chicken! ]

A super-large pioneer appeared in the sky

[Star: Pinocchio's Crazy Sunday is great, spend 10 get 2 free, I'm going to eat! ]

Robin and Sunday turned out to be fried chicken, shivering in the bucket

【Hanabi: Hahahaha, what a chicken wing boy and girl!】

【Xing: Let me have a taste of robins and Sunday, hiahiahiahia!】

【March 7: Difficult to comment】



【Elio: Is this fate? Is this script authentic?】

【Lingri: Roast Chicken: Can I still sell you a fake script? Funny.jpg】


[Roast Chicken: Hey, you are a returning customer. Did you have fun this time?

The brother and sister, with teeth marks all over their bodies, looked at the roast chicken with a kind face.

[Sunday: Hehe, I am so happy. I also brought some local specialties. I hope you like them. ]

A star came out from under the table.

Star jumped up and ate the roast chicken.

[Star: Wow, roast chicken hem!]

【Robin: Well done!】

【Star: Delicious roast chicken!】

【March 7: It fits the character and is reasonable!】

【Ling Ri: Discharged from hospital!】


[Roast Chicken: Sidaopu! Sidaopu! I will revive you again!!]

The scene changes.

[Gallagher: So this is how he was resurrected. That's amazing!]

[Sunday: It’s all your fault, okay, it’s all your fault!]

There was a big hole in Sunday’s clothes, and a scissor pointed at

[He did a good job]

Gallagher pretends to be nothing and starts whistling.

Video ends

【Star: WC, big double-door refrigerator, I lick it!】

【March 7: Be normal!】

【Sunday: I knew it was you who did this. I will send someone to catch you now. Just wait for me! From now on, you are the enemy of Pinocchio!】


【Sunday: Do you hear me, Gallagher? I'm talking to you, do you hear me?】

【Gallagher: Well, you can't find me anyway.】

【Fluorescence: 6】


【Trigger random questions and answers: What is the real reason why Robin, Firefly, Sunday, Gold Dust and others won the resurrection match?】

【A.There is indeed no real death in Pinocchio's dream】

【B.San Yue Qi is actually a memory maker. At critical moments, he can restore memory and manipulate memory to save dying people.】

【C.Walter distributed his Yang Sit-Up power to everyone, so no one could die!】

【D.The star core actually has the ability to resurrect. The star can just scatter its heart and resurrect everyone!】

【Theresa: The last three options don't seem very reliable.】

【March 7: Maybe I really have some amazing background, and I will become a big shot!】

【Ling Ri: Isn’t it enough to just ask the Memory Star God?】

【Memory Fu Li: I don’t know!】

【March 7: Let’s not talk about it】

【Star: Hearts are scattered here! Tata opens, a self-drawn Tata opens!!】

【Walter (Bengtie): Please, stop making fun of me. Is it funny? What if you are the one being hacked?】

【Sunday: Pinocchio’s dream is the safest place in the universe, why doesn’t anyone believe in option A?】

【Gold Dust: Come on! They are not stupid, how could there be no trick?】

【Sunday: Humph, no matter what you think, I will make the right choice!】


【3.2.1 Congratulations on the success of the Sunday quiz】

【Sunday: I choose A!】

【Congratulations on the correct answer】

【Sunday: Damn it! Heizi is talking!】

【Gallagher: 666 you are awesome!】

【Gold Dust: 666, you are awesome!】

【Hanabi: 666 you are awesome!】

【There is indeed no death in Pinocchio's dream. The robin, Sunday, and firefly killed by the memory domain meme [What is Towards Death] and the gold dust killed by Huangquan with the power of nothingness all went to a deeper dream. The real Pinocchio】

【Sunday: See, what did I say...what? The real Pinocchio?】

【Gallagher: Fun】

【Hanabi: Hahaha, I got blown up!】

【Gold Sha: There must be something fishy going on. How could the company's border prison become the star of the event so easily?】

【Robin: My brother and I don’t know about this, please stop pressuring me!】

【Gopherwood: I didn't expect it to be exposed……】


【Congratulations on getting the reward on Sunday, pupil technique, infinite moon reading】

【Infinite Tsukuyomi, a magic used by the Otsutsuki clan to collect scattered chakra, can make all people on a planet fall into an eternal dream, and concentrate all the life energy on the planet into a chakra fruit. The eater can obtain all the life energy on the planet. This planet and all life will become a dead star. After system transformation, it can affect everyone below the star god, but it can only be used once.

Sunday, who was a little panicked just now, turned from sadness to joy when he saw the reward.

【March 7: What kind of reward is this? It’s too awesome!】

【Huang Quan: This is really tricky.】

【Ling Ri: What the hell, what six-way motor?】

【Ji Zi (Beng Tie): The system said that the reward is related to the respondent's wishes. Could it be that Mr. Sunday wanted everyone to sink into a dream? 】

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