[Don't Worry Me

Paimon (Duoduopoi)]

The opening scene is Paimon lying on the grass holding a book, surrounded by a circle of flowers. Paimon opens his eyes and opens the book in his arms.

[The weather is fine and the wind is calm. There are chaotic footprints on the beach.

Two fishing rods and a lonely flying drowned rat are the beginning of the story.

The blue, orange, purple and green camera is filled with memories, but I miss you so much. The episode where I met you]

The scene is when Paimon and Ying just met. Paimon swallowed a belly full of sea water and fainted on the beach. Ying poked the filled Paimon and wondered if this thing was edible.

Then when they were adventuring together, Paimon was scared by a monster and hugged Ying

【Ying: It was when I first met Paimon! I was fishing and caught Paimon.】

【Paimon: Wuuwuwuwuwuwu (If Ying hadn’t fished me out at that time, I would have been buried in the sea)】

【Xing: You can fly, right? How can you still drown?】

【Paimon: Wuwuwuwuwu (I was so hungry that I fell into the sea)】

【Xing: That’s not surprising, that’s not surprising】

【When a journey is about to end, we always remember its beginning】


【Kong: Don’t let it end!】


[Only then did I realize that we had already walked very far.

How many times have we looked into each other's eyes and sighed,"Thank God, Thank God!"

I remembered a flower language and suddenly wanted to give it to you. I picked a pure white flower,

Cecilia, Cecilia, blooming in the windy place

, bathing in the scorching sun of September, secretly placing it on your body, to convey the words I dare not say on my wandering road.

You are the only thing I care about.

You are the only thing I care about, so don't make me worry.……]

Walking on the road, Paimon was hungry and wanted to eat meat. Ying had her hands on her waist and had no choice but to hunt and cook for her. Paimon ate bread and fried eggs, and Ying stared at her. Paimon looked up and saw Ying smiling quietly.

Paimon and Ying walked side by side, and photos of the adventures they had experienced flashed around them. Looking at Ying's back, Paimon also smiled.

【Siegfried: What flower?】

【Cecilia: Le】

【Wendy: I was moved to tears. The relationship between Ying and Paimon is so touching.】

【Ying: (hugs Paimon and kisses him fiercely), 555 Paimon, I'm so touched!】

【Paimon: Wuuuuuuuuuuuu (Ying, stop it, don't suck my dick!】


【Xiao Palace: Even Paimon……】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Okay, okay, okay】

【March 7: Why are people driving cars? I guess people didn’t do this before?】

【Ling Ri: This is how you play online, sure.jpg. Believe me, I wasn't like this before I got in touch with the Internet, serious.jpg】

【Theresa: No】

【Xiangling: I think Lingri is right.】

【The Herr of Knowledge: What the hell, you are not allowed to drive! There are children here! 】

(No, no, no, no, I am not allowed to drive!)


[I'm sorry I'm so cowardly I always like to hide behind you

I'm so noisy and clumsy thank you for your tolerance

I've known you for so long

I 've learned a little courage and tenderness When we make a pinky promise

I won't back down again

The starry sky can't guess where you're going

I wish I could always taste the sweet wine you make

Actually you must be tired too And have wounds that hurt

Pick a pure white flower

Cecilia Cecilia


You are my only concern, the starlight on the endless sea

, so don't let me worry, so don't let me worry……]

Paimon closed the book, and the story continued. Ying was fighting with the Hilichurls, and Paimon hid behind Ying. Ying was frozen by the ice slime, and the two were stunned. Ying was trembling as she learned to fly with wind wings, and Paimon watched nervously from behind. After climbing the desert rock wall, Ying's stamina bar was empty, and the two were terrified.

Ying was exhausted and covered in dirt, and sat on a tree trunk to rest, while Paimon was still eating bread. Paimon saw Ying's fatigue and scars, and knew that she was very tired and exhausted. Tears filled his eyes, and he threw himself into Ying's arms.

Ying and Paimon fell asleep in each other's arms. Paimon drooled, and suddenly woke up. Seeing Ying beside him, he fell asleep again with a smile.

The two were on the sunny grass, pasting their memories together, and they were both laughing happily. Ying put her hand on Paimon's face, and Paimon tilted his head and smiled.

【We still have to walk a long way together and spend a long time together. Then when you find your family, we will bring many, many friends with us and tell your family all these stories.

Happy 3rd anniversary of our meeting!!】

【Silver Wolf: The most touching episode!】

【March 7: Paimon, the best friend!! ×748】

【Ying:Woo, cry.jpg】

【Alicia: Unexpected encounter, traveling side by side, long-term companionship, eternal memories】

【Zhongli: Traveling alone is called wandering, traveling with two is called traveling】

【Sora: Thank you Paimon for staying with my sister for me.】

【Paimon: Woohoo, proud.jpg】

【Kiana: This is not a knife, it's candy! But I still feel so touched that I want to cry】

【Ling Ri: Kid, you are wrong, this is a sword. How could the MHY planner miss such a perfect sword Jinchūriki? As MHY characters, we must be aware of it!】

【Ying:? No sword Paimon!! Angry.jpg】

【Liuying:! I will, set Shanghai on fire! 】

(mhy better be sensible, and finally dare to use the knife to kill Paimon so that I can set Shanghai on fire)


【The 22nd song, Genshin Impact New Year's Eve second creation song,"Liyun Yuehai"] (I'm going to speed up, because I think there are too many songs listed, I don't like to do this kind of inventory, because there is not much fun)

【A joyful and festive song at the Genshin Impact Spring Festival Party, sung by Ying, Kong, Keqing, and Ningguang. The cast is magnificent and the song is beautiful.】

【Kiana: Wow, you guys are really talented, there are so many secondary creations.】

【Ling Ri: Playing Genshin Impact】

[Liyun Yuehai

Singer: Ying (Yan Ning ccccc)

Kong (Lu Yan kana)

Keqing (XY Big Sugarcane)

Ningguang (Du Mingya)]

[The soles of my shoes are still treading on the mud where my feet sank yesterday.

The wounds are still there, but it doesn’t matter. The corners of my mouth are already curled up, ready to see you tomorrow and travel together.


With the wings you gave me

, I fly and chase the clouds and the moon.……


I planted a willow tree facing south

, hoping to hear the oriole singing. It is hard to predict the will of heaven, but

I wish to make sure everything goes well.


May the wishes of all families in the world come true with the lanterns in the sky! ]

Brother Long and Sister Ying appear in the same frame, celebrating the Chinese New Year together. The brother and sister reunite in the second creation. Keqing and Ningguang wear new clothes from the real game, and Keqing's opera voice is very amazing.

【Ying: I am Keqing and Ningguang’s dog!】

【Xing: I am Ying’s dog!】

【Ling Ri: I am Kong Ge’s dog!】



【Silver Wolf:6】

【Ying: Against the Sky÷】

【Ying withdrew a message】

【Ying: Strange, this sentence appeared directly in my mind.】

【Walnut: People can be abnormal and evil, but they cannot be mutated and weird!】

【Silver Wolf: Child, I know you said this to make yourself look special, and you did it. You look particularly stupid! 】

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