(I found that there are too many good songs. I thought 30 songs were enough, but it turns out that 30 songs are not enough. Some of the songs I want to watch may not be uploaded. Sad.)

(Also, there will be one update today and tomorrow. Shabi will take a break. Sandcoin ddl)

In the video, more tentacles attacked Bronya and Seele. Bronya took Seele's hand again.

The two jumped off the cliff, and saw Seele was about to be completely wrapped by the tentacles. Bronya gritted her teeth and threw Seele out of the encirclement with force, but she was pulled back to the quantum sea by the tentacles.



【Bai Xier: Sister Bronya!】

【Bronya (Honkai Impact 3): Seele, I am willing to fall into darkness in exchange for you returning to the light】

【Padovich: Kevin, why are you just watching? Help!】



[Sorry, Hill.……]

Bronya used a dagger to cut the last tentacle connecting the two.

With Seele's shocked and unbelievable expression, Bronya was pulled back to the Quantum Sea, and Seele passed through the exit. Seele wanted to stop, but the exit kept closing, so Hei Seele pulled Seele out.

Seele lay on the floor of the Eigenworld with bruises all over her body. How she wanted to come back here one day and reunite with her sister Bronya. She came back, but the price was that her sister Bronya stayed in the Quantum Sea. Could it be that they could never be reunited after all?

[Why... (crying)]

Bai Xier pounded the floor in grief, leaving bloody handprints on the floor, and Hei Xier appeared silently behind her

[It's over, there's nothing you can do]

【Bronya (Honkai Impact 3): (heartbroken) Seele, your hand……】

【Bai Xier: Xier, never leave sister Bronya again!】

【Ling Ri: Hei Xier tells you, it's over, ruined, the end, only I say, it's stable, everything is stable! The password is correct, the quantum sea, danger!】

【The quantum ocean:?】

【Imaginary Tree: Music】


【Star Gods:?】



【Walter (Broken Iron):?】


Everyone was stunned when they saw the Imaginary Number Tree and the Quantum Ocean speak.

【Ling Ri: No, oh my god, you two are actually conscious?】

【The Tree of Imaginary Numbers: Nonsense, how can we be unconscious?】

【Transit: Yes】

【Xing: Why didn’t you come out and comment when you saw Otto rushing into the tree before?】

【Imaginary Number Tree: Because we were trying to get out of this system】

【Kiana: So……】

【The Sea of Quantum & the Tree of Imaginary Numbers: We can't do anything!】

【Ling Ri: Isn’t this a kind of inheritance?……】

【Quantum Sea: @Imaginary Tree, you are so happy, you were so happy even though you were washed away before】

【The Tree of Imaginary Numbers: @The Ocean of Quantum, what a joke! That means I recognize Otto's will. Unlike you, you are about to be beaten to death by your own"daughter" and yet you are still scolding her!】

【Bai Xier:?】

【Quantum Sea: I'm sorry you sold a treasure……】

【Imaginary Number Tree: What the hell are you doing?……】

【It was detected that the speech of users Quantum Sea and Imaginary Tree was too obscene, and they have been banned for ten minutes to block their speech.】

【Ling Ri: Le, these two are also very down-to-earth】

【Black Tower: Am I dreaming? I actually saw that the Imaginary Number Tree and the Quantum Ocean have consciousness and are greeting each other's families?】

【Walter (Bengtie): The live broadcast room is so scary!】

【Hanabi: With this live broadcast room, I guess all the worlds in the sea of trees will be assimilated by [Joy], and finally become the Tree of Joy and the Sea of Aha.】

【Happy Aha: Lelelelelelelele! 】

Bai Xier was still hammering the floor, but it was obviously useless. Hei Xier was still saying discouraging words behind her.

[You can't open it! You can't save her!]

[Sister Bronya... No way! ] (Face collapses) (Floor cracks)

Hei Xier can't stand it anymore, so she grabs Bai Xier's wrist and locks her whole body with chains.

[Enough! Enough is enough……]

[We clearly agreed to go to the sea together……]

Bai Xier's tears fell on the floor, and a white flower bloomed in the crack, emitting blue light.

More flowers appeared, and the cracks continued to expand. Bai Xier raised her arms for the last time, and the chains broke. Her hands fell heavily, and Kevin couldn't get rid of it. The entrance to the quantum sea that Lao Yang couldn't escape from was smashed into slag.

【Memory Float: Another scene after Otto Chongshu!】

【Ling Ri: Quantum Seven Wounds Fist】

【Walter (Beng Tie): The daughter of the sea is indeed an apt description.】

【Kevin: thump thump → buzz, buzz↑→, clown.jpg】

【Padre Felice: Don't be sad, Kevin】

【Ling Ri: We clearly agreed to go see the sea together, how could you leave me alone? ×

We clearly agreed to go to the Quantum Sea together, how can I c without you?✓


【Bai Xier:……】

【Bronya (Honkai Impact 3): Touched. 】

Bai Xier roared [You...coward! ]

The background music began to sound, and this seemed to be the real protagonist.

Xier fell quickly, dodging the quantum shadows.

When she could no longer avoid it, she was trapped in the middle by a group of quantum seas.

[Please... another me, come with me to save... the sister who has always... always protected us!]

The scene flashed with Bronya hugging the crying Seele.

White Seele yelled.

Above, Black Seele glanced at her with a proud smile on her face.

[I really can't do anything about you.]

The music is very exciting, abrupt and reasonable

[Long ago buried heart

Right away torn apart

So it hurts how it lasts

Till I

All the quantum shadows were blown away. Hei Xier held Bai Xier's neck. The quantum holy mark on Bai Xier's chest burst out with strong light. Hei Xier turned into a huge red sickle.

[Let's go save our sister together!]

With one sword, he chopped everything in front of him! All the obstacles that prevented Seele from seeing Bronya were shattered!

【Ling Ri: A true thoughtless sword!】

【Lei Movie: No, this is a knife full of longing. Sure enough, people's dreams can transcend eternity.】

【Bronya (Honkai Impact 3): Seele, Bronya once said that she would protect you well, but from the beginning to the end, you were the one who protected me】

【Bai Xier: Sister Bronya, no, it is because Sister Bronya has been protecting Xier that Xier has the courage to save Sister Bronya.】

【Hei Xier: Tsk, could you please say less? It's so annoying. I'm dizzy!】

【Ling Ri: Kid, being tsundere is outdated.】

【Gui Naifen: That’s right, love should be expressed out loud!】

【Hei Xier: Mud……】

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