[In 1933, the Liyue Seven Stars failed in their anti-encirclement campaign and began the Long March. Long Ge was elected President of Kanreya and began to implement Long Ge's New Deal. Albedo became Prime Minister of Mondstadt and began to annex military and political power.]

【Xingqiu: Oh my god, can ordinary people really succeed?】

【Ling Ri: Of course, that’s the people’s army!】

[In 1935, Qixing affirmed Tianquan Ningguang's correct path and began to become the de facto leader. Mond tore up the World War I treaty and began to invade parts of Xumi.]

[In 1936, the Liyue Seven Stars Long March ended, the second Red and White Cooperation began, and Inazuma completely established a socialist regime]

[In 1937, Inazuma launched a full-scale invasion of Liyue. The Liyue army was far less well-equipped than Inazuma, and suffered a series of defeats in the early stages. The old capital Guiliji was occupied, and Inazuma carried out a massacre in Guiliji, killing and injuring more than 300,000 people.]

【Liyue People:!!!】

【Zhongli: The beast sleeping in my body has awakened!】

【Thunder and lightning:horror.jpg】

【Kitsai Palace: Please don't vent your anger on Inazuma in Liyue, this is not the history of Teyvat, I bow.jpg】

【Ling Ri: I got even angrier after seeing this】

【Fox Palace: sweating profusely.jpg】

[In 1938, Mond continued to expand, Fontaine adopted a policy of appeasement and signed a peace treaty with Mond.]

【Yiran: Le, this Fontaine, is it really led by Funina? How can we trust Albedo? Judging from his behavior, he is an ambitious guy.】



[In 1939, Mond and Solitaire signed a non-aggression pact. Mond attacked Fontaine and all areas of Fontaine were quickly occupied. The main force led by Funinna surrendered in more than a month, and most of Fontaine was destroyed. World War II broke out]

【Ling Ri: What I wanted to see is here.】


【Farga: Joy!】

【Klee: Brother Albedo is so awesome!】

【Albedo: Klee, this is not that great】

[In 1940, Mond launched a frenzied attack, occupying most of Fontaine, parts of Xumi and Nata, and continued to attack the remaining forces of Fontaine. Navilette was ordered to call on the people of Fontaine to fight to the death, and successfully repelled Mond's army. Mond and Inazuma officially formed an alliance]

[In 1941, Inazuma conducted bacterial experiments and bacterial warfare in Liyue, causing a series of tragedies.

Mond tore up the treaty and attacked Solitary Winter.

Solitary Winter held a military parade on Red Square, and then immediately went to the battlefield.

With great momentum, under the call of [Steel Father], they successfully defended the Winter Capital and dragged down the Mond army.

Inazuma attacked Kanreya, the first powerful country Kanreya was furious and joined the anti-Mond Inazuma alliance]

【Zhongli: Inazuma has already sought death. And that Albedo, for not abiding by the contract, should be punished by the rock-eating... I'm talking about the other world.】

【Raiden: Scare me】


【Dainsleb: Kanria back then... was indeed very powerful... otherwise he wouldn't have……】

[In 1942, Kanreya, Fontaine, Winter Solstice, and Liyue Xumi formally formed the Anti-Mondstadt Inazuma Alliance. Inazuma and Kanreya fought again, and Inazuma was defeated miserably.]

[In 1943, Solstice officially began to counterattack Mondstadt. General Klee, who was in charge of conquering Natar, surrendered, and the southern forces of Mondstadt were destroyed. Solstice held a meeting in Kanrea Fontaine to prepare for the second battle against Mondstadt.]


【Ling Ri: Indeed, Lao Mo’s operation is quite Tang】

【Kagami: So... this is all Nata's role is?】

[In 1944, the Kanreya-Fontaine coalition opened up a second battlefield and penetrated directly into Mondstadt's vital points. The winter counterattack restored all territory.]

[In 1945, the three giants of Zhidong, Fontaine, and Kanrea first appeared. Albedo committed suicide in despair, and Mondstadt surrendered. Inazuma resisted stubbornly, and Zhidong declared war on Inazuma and quickly wiped out Inazuma's army in Liyue. Kanrea threw two Frost Sky Nails at Inazuma. Inazuma surrendered. World War II ended. Negotiations between the two factions in Liyue]


【Falga: Mond still lost】

【Lingri: World War II was a just war against aggression, Mond Inazuma will definitely lose】

【Kong: Frost Sky Nail?】

【Walter (Bengtie): It should be something like nuclear weapons.】

[In 1946, Fontaine proposed the Iron Curtain Theory, and Kanreya and Zhidong, who were comrades-in-arms, began to turn against each other because of color issues. The Liyue Immortal Sect violated the agreement and began to attack the Seven Stars, and the Liyue Civil War broke out.]

【Yan Fei: Why did you start fighting again?】

【Ling Ri: A country cannot have two opposing regimes】

[In 1947, the Liyue Seven Stars crushed the attack of the Immortal Sect and began to counterattack. Kanreya became two superpowers in the winter, and the Cold War began, and the bipolar structure was born.]

【Kiana: Just because of different ideas, comrades become enemies?】

【Ling Ri: There is no way. The friendship between countries is different from that between people. There are no eternal comrades, only eternal interests.】

[In 1949, the Seven Stars of Liyue completely defeated the Immortal Sect, and the Immortal Sect retreated to Guyun Pavilion. Since then, Red Liyue was officially established, and the people of Liyue have stood up!]

【Xiangling: Yay! The people of Liyue are finally liberated!】

【Zhongli: Red thought is the truth of the world and the way to people's liberation】

【Tianli: I don’t think so.】

【Ling Ri: You are not allowed to think @天理】

【Heavenly Principle:……】

【Lingri: @Zhongli, when did you sober up?】

【Zhongli: Don't mention this anymore. I have killed the mastermind behind this.】

【Wendy: (bruised face) Barbatos? Who is that? I don't know him.……】

[In 1950, the Red and White Civil War broke out in the Salt Kingdom, a neighboring country of Liyue.

In order to prevent the Red from expanding further, Kanreya took control of Sky Island and gathered a coalition of Kanreya, Fontaine, Xumi, Nata and other countries, known as the"Sky Island Army", to attack the Northern Salt Kingdom.

The Northern Salt Kingdom asked Liyue for help.

The Seven Stars of Liyue, which had just experienced a civil war and was still unstable, resolutely sent troops to fight Kanreya and aid Salt to defend their country.


【Yaoyao: Why is Liyue, which has just achieved peace, going to war again? Isn’t it a war in our own country?】

【Zhongli: Only by keeping the enemy out of the country can we gain space for peaceful development.】

【Ling Ri: The international environment is complicated and we must ensure that our neighbors are good people. This battle is the battle for the establishment of Liyue. We must fight and win! 】

When everyone wanted to watch it, the video ended

【Lingri: @AI Xiaotong, please recommend me more videos like this】

【Yi Ran: @AI Xiaotong, please recommend me more videos like this】

【Ying: Ahhh, I think I know whether Liyue won!】

【Ling Ri: We are guaranteed to win, sister, and we have defeated the Kanrui army to the point of making history.】


(Preview: A list of 30 popular songs.)

(Some people should not be so ridiculous. Can they not understand history? I won’t say who has a problem with their thinking.)

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