The next victim was El Haisen, who was seen forking a whole large intestine.

[Food made by gods, interesting]

【Ling Ri: Longevity while traveling at sea?】

【El Haisen:???】

【Tinari: I don't think it's necessary to risk your life to study God.】

【Seno: I think it is normal for El Haisen to eat Jiuzhuan Dachang, because El Haisen eats sh】

【Kavi: Yue, this is the most disgusting joke】


Lei Dianying blinked, and Alhaisen sniffed it. Suddenly, a strong smell of death swept over him.

Alhaisen put down his fork slightly, turned around, and saw Azar standing on the side.

Alhaisen called Azar over. As soon as he came over, Alhaisen hugged him affectionately and stuffed the whole large intestine into Azar's mouth.

Azar died on the spot, and Alhaisen gave Lei Dianying a thumbs up.

[Awesome, this is the power of God]

【Ling Ri: Awesome, this trick of using a knife to kill someone is brilliant】

【Nashida: As expected, El Haisen】

【Xing: It’s a pity that Hazard has already been sent, otherwise I could pull him out and make fun of him.】

【King of the Great Compassionate Tree: Elhaisen, I was right about you. You do have outstanding wisdom. Now I officially appoint you as the Great Sage!】

【El Haisen:! Can I refuse?】

【Great Compassion Tree King: No】

【El Haisen:……walk slowly】

【Transit: Stretched】


【Please enjoy"Fu Hua: Why is there no one who can fight today?》】

【Fu Hua: It's over.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Hahahahahaha ↑ This old antique is going to be unlucky again.~】

【Kiana: It's okay, squad leader. The fact that you were hurt so badly shows that you are popular. 】

The video opens with the collapse of Fu Hua and she opens her eyes

[I am Fu Hua. I haven't used this form for a long time. I need to test my physical strength.]

【Kiana: Wow, the class monitor is so handsome!】

【Alicia: This is a perfect artificial collapse, the strongest mode of the fusion warrior.】

【Ling Ri: Comment: Very handsome guy】

【Yi Ran: Rating: Not as good as Succubus】


【Fu Hua: You are so beautiful】


[Hey, Xi'er? What a coincidence, let's train together]

[Okay, okay, Sister Fu Hua, what kind of training do you want to do?]

[Let's take it step by step. Let's start by hitting each other 300 times to warm up! Then you hit me 500 times, and I'll hit you again.……]

Xier was sweating profusely and ran away

[I, I have something else to do.……]

【Xianyun:? Is this how the immortals next door practice? 】

Xianyun looked at his eldest disciple

【Ganyu: (The Qilin's true body is several hundred feet long) I think it is better to cultivate immortality……】

Xianyun looked at the second disciple

【Shen He: (lifting a boulder weighing dozens of tons with one hand) I have no objection】

【Xianyun: Forget it, I still want to live a few more years】

【Fu Hua:……No, I can't. I rely on Honkai energy to fight, not the magic in novels. I also don't fight with others. At most, I fight with mountains and resist mountains when I practice boxing.】

【Idle Cloud:6】

【Bronya (Honkai Impact 3): Class leader, please don't bully Seele】


[I think I scared her. I need to be careful with my words.]

Susanna came over.

[Let's train today after a long time~eh? Senior Fu Hua~!]

[Susanna is here just in time. Let's go together.]

[Together... together what?]

[Launch a fierce attack on my flesh!]

【Susanna:? This... this……】

【Lingri: The Strange Language of the Red Kite Immortal】

【Fu Hua: No, that's not what I meant.……】

【Cheng Lixue: Master, please come to me first for this kind of thing, seriously.jpg】

【Danzhu: Oh my, Hua, you've been enduring for fifty thousand years and finally you can't bear it anymore?】

【Jing Yuan: I can't hold it anymore. I can't look the Marshal in the face anymore.】

【Hua (Marshal of Xianzhou):ᗜ ‸ ᗜ, an unexpected disaster】


In the video, Susanna's face turned red and she ran away.

[Hey hey hey hey ~ People...I don't know how to do that~!!]

Fu Hua is speechless

[By the way, I heard that Mei and Kiana have a high-intensity 1-on-1 special training.……]

[Mei, do you have time to accompany me to do what you did with Kiana on the moon before?

Mei is sweating profusely.

[Eh? Who told you that? No, I didn't.……]

[I heard that you used a technique that allowed you to launch more than a hundred attacks in an instant.]

[Eh? How do you know? No, there is no such thing.……]

[I want to experience it too!]

Mei runs away

[Me, I'm still on fire]

【Kiana: It's over, I've been discovered】

【Xing: Is this still a secret?】

【Lingri: No dunking allowed in this live room, serious.jpg】

【Yi Ran: With the power of the Herrscher of the Origin, it is indeed possible to stretch and retract more than a hundred times in an instant just by moving the fingers, upright.jpg】

【Kelly:Mom, what are they talking about?】

【Alice: My dear daughter, they are talking about playing games.】

【Klee: I want to play this game too!】

【Alice:……At least you have to wait until you grow up to play……】


【Kiana: It's over. Mei and I were caught playing games secretly in the middle of the night. She was able to perform a hundred combos in an instant and kill me instantly. It's so embarrassing.】

【Raiden Mei:……】

【Ying: Are you really playing games?】

【Ling Ri: Really?】

【I don't believe it】

【I have detected some comments that violate the law. This system strongly resists discussions of illegal content. Next time you make such comments, I will give you a thumbs up.】

【Ling Ri: 666 I didn't expect you to be such a system】


[Strange, isn't their special training applicable to others?]

The Herrscher of Knowledge comes in angrily.

[Old antique, what are you crazy about?!]

[The Herr of Consciousness? Okay, come and hit me.]

[That's exactly what I meant!]

A Xuanyuan Sword thrust forward.

Xiao Shi was still feeling proud, but Fu Hua stood up with the sword stuck in her head.


[Let you be stubborn!!]

Several Xuanyuan Swords flew out again, but Fu Hua inserted���The swords on his body were still plain.

He used the sword for the third and even fourth time, which made Xiao Shi exhausted.

But Fu Hua was intact except for a tuft of hair on his head.

[Is that all?]

【Ling Ri: Herrscher of Knowledge: Master Fu Hua, I am so sorry that I couldn't let you use your full strength.】

【Yi Ran: It is indeed a Shenzhou tablet, no, this is a Shenzhou steel plate】

【Fu Hua: You guys are so special……】

The Herrscher of Knowledge smiled like Tom, then completely collapsed


[This is too fierce~]

The Herrscher of Knowledge collapsed and ran out

[There's something wrong with this old antique! He can't satisfy her no matter what!]

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