(I received a surprise today. This book is on the top 30 of the new book list. I am really grateful for the love and help of all my relatives. Originally, this was a product of my YY, but I am really flattered that so many friends like it. In the future, I will continue to work hard and become more and more crazy. Obscene smile.jpg)

【Star: Got it】

【Ying: Got it】

【Ling Ri: @Ying, I haven’t seen you for a while, are you alive?】

【Ying: What are you talking about? I am very capable. I used my eloquence to win them over and made them willing to be good sisters. Deyi.jpg】

【Lingri: 66666, I, Uchiha Lingri, would like to call you the strongest!】

【Yi Ran: 66666, I, Kamen Rider Guiyi, am willing to call you Sai Q and fight you!】

【Kamisato Ayato:?】


【Naganohara Ryunosuke:?】

【Kamisato Ayato has gone offline】


【3.2.1 Congratulations to Bronya (Bengtie) for answering the question successfully】

【Hook: Great! Big Guardian sister is awesome!】

【Seele: Bronya, well done!】

【Bronya (Bengtie): My answer is that these ladies are all dead or missing.】

【Congratulations on the correct answer】

【Analysis: Firefly and Robin were killed once, although they didn't really die. Tingyun would have been missing after Huanlong's attack.】

【Star: Memoirs of a Late Wife】

【Ling Ri: So only Tingyun has not won the resurrection match】

【Stop Cloud:……The little girl is not dead yet】

【Yi Ran: There is no way, the opponent is Lao Da, the opponent is too strong, Lao Yun can't beat him with his elbow. Funny.jpg】

【Stop Cloud:……】

【Please select a reward from Bronya (Bengtie):

1. Revive your mother.

2. Deal with the company's bad debts.】

【Xier (Bengtie) why are you still cursing in your live broadcast room?】

【Yi Ran: I told you to study hard, but you insisted on mining.】

【Xi'er (Bengtie): Mud……】

【Bronya (Broken Iron):……Tangled.jpg】

【Jeppard: Great Guardian, no matter what choice you make, we, the people of Beloberg, will support you.】

【Shiluwa: Support】

【Natasha (Bengtie): Support】

【Seele (Bengtie): Bronya, you can choose whichever one you want. We will listen to you.】

【Bronya (Bengtie): Thank you everyone. Although I miss my mother very much, the fate of Beloberg is extremely important, so I choose 2.】

【Topa: No, system, what do you want to do? Although Beloberg's bad debts are insignificant compared to the entire universe, if you conjure up trillions of credits out of thin air, it will still cause a certain degree of inflation, currency depreciation, etc.……】

【Kavi: How much?】

【Kiana: Am I blind or did Topado hit a few zeros?】

【Ningguang: No wonder Ms. Bronya chose to handle the accounts. With so much money, even if she sold Teyvat, she wouldn't be able to save a fraction of it.】

【Ling Ri: If credit points are also the flesh and blood of gods, then the Amber King’s destiny is definitely not [preservation], but [pluripotent stem cells]】


【Black Tower:……What a cold joke】

【Do you think I look like a stupid and brainless system that can turn money into money directly?】

【Gold Sand: That's definitely not the case. We have all witnessed the power of the System Master.】

【Hum, of course, I will choose the most peaceful way, which is to solve the source of the account. (Grabbing the back of Klipper's neck) Interstellar Peace Company, if you don't cancel this debt, I will kill the Star God!】

【Cun Hu Klipper: ? ? Build a wall! Build a wall!!! (You are really my living father)】

【Huan Yue Ahaha: Holy shit, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha……】

【Memory Fu Li: Awesome. (Click, six starlight cones, lifting the back of the Star God's neck.jpg)】

【Destroy Nanook: I have nothing to say, I kneel down to the system】

【Other Star Gods:?】

【Louis Fleming:???】

【Eastern Departure:???】



【The Stoneheart Ten:?】


【Bronya (Broken Iron):???horror.jpg】

【City Builders:?】

【Genius Club:?】

【The Knowledge Society:?】

【Star Train:?】

【Lingri: Awesome, a path never imagined before】

【Yi Ran: My mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast, and then my mom came over and knelt too】

【Zhongli: The system... is truly supreme and unscrupulous.……】


【Zhongli withdraws a message】

【Give me a straightforward answer, can you solve it?】

【Louis Fleming: Excuse me, Grandpa System, please release Lord Klipper. I have sent Topa back to Beloberg with an apology.——】

【walk slowly】

【Protect Krippo: Build a wall. (This scares me to death. It will take 10,000 Amber Ages to build the wall.)】

【Huan Yue A Ha: I didn't expect that Brother Tu Mu would be bullied one day. I thought he was the only one who bullied others. Hahahahahaha】

【Gold Dust: This system is so terrifying that it can easily control the Star God】


【Please enjoy"Funina Wants to Be Popular" (Tossing No. 5】】

【Funina: Great! It’s finally my turn!】

【Navilette: Uh...why do I have a bad feeling?】

【Ling Ri: Already started laughing】


The beginning is Fernina crying on the ground.

Ying: [What's wrong, Fernina? ]

Fernina: [5555, that Violet actually said I was stupid! (氵のsay me ❾)

I am also a water god after all (i tm kai(っ╥╯﹏╰╥c) 】

【Furninna:? Violet, you don’t really think I’m stupid, do you?】

【Navilette: Nothing.】

【Ying: This rebellious English subtitles】

【Ling Ri: How do you know English?】

【Ying: Hey, I'm a well-traveled traveler. I've been to a world where this kind of writing is the universal language.】

【Yi Ran: 6]

Ying: [So what happened? ]


Navilet: [Funina, what are you doing? ]

Funina: [I heard from travelers that the most popular people in each country are called idols, so I want to debut as an idol! ]

Navilet: [Then why did you crush the lights in my office? ]

Funina: [Because I don't allow them to shine brighter than me! (don't allow it me! skr!)

Then Funina was sprayed out of the Mo Mang Palace by Navilet's thick water column.



【Furninna: Violet, I just stepped on your lamp and broke it. Is it necessary for you to be like this?】

【Naweileite: I already said it was a second creation, I won't do this to you】

【Furninna: What would you do if I did that?】

【Navilette:……Then I'll just have to...eat all your little cakes, water dragon chewing and winking.gif】

【Furninna: Wow!】




(This is the only update today)

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