[Ling Ri: I can’t hold back my laughter anymore.gif】

【Xing: Tsk, I just said that gold coins wouldn't be dropped and now they are dropped.】

【Silver Wolf:ᗜ ‸ ᗜ】

【Botio: Oh, he treasures his legs, the gold coins of the star-blasting core hunter, a needle won't poke】

【Silver Wolf: Who are you? Let me check...Sea Patrol Ranger?】


【Botio: @Huangquan, you are such a cutie, my baby's invitation was taken away by you, so you have to wash your neck and wait for my baby to go to Pinocchio to beat out the rice for your baby!】


【March 7: With so many babies, I don’t know whether to say you have high or low quality.】

【Portio: Honey, my synesthesia beacon has been modified, so now I can only talk to my lovely babies like this!】

【Ling Ri: You should continue to renovate it. Our live broadcast room is a green live broadcast room and needs a clean environment.】

【Yi Ran: Really? I don't believe it.】

【Silver Wolf: Oh, you are still a wanted criminal, and the bounty is only 700 million. Hahaha, it’s so funny. It’s not even one-fifth of mine.】

【Topa: Let's say, is being wanted an honorable thing?】

【Silver Wolf: But I have more than him, a low-level wanted criminal.】

【Portio:……(Eight hundred treasures are omitted here)】

【Ling Ri: Fame, wealth, power, the man who once had everything in this world, the Pirate King of the Universe: Goldo Roger, the words he said before his death made the men with dreams run to the universe: My treasure? If you want it, I can give it all to you, go find it! This is where everything in the universe is! The men all raised their star destroyers and ran to the universe, and the universe began to usher in the Great Pirate Era!】

【Xing: What is this?】

【Gold Dust: Speaking of treasure, I heard that there is a legendary watchmaker's legacy in Pinocchio. I wonder if the family knows about it.】

【Sunday: No comment】

【Yiran: Hi! Ohma-zio! Henshin, I will definitely be the One Piece!】

【Sunday:cold sweat.jpg】

【Lingri: Cowhide】

【Ying: Hey, hey, we’re off topic. Aren’t you answering the question?】

【Silver Wolf: I’m just guessing, I know nothing, let’s grab it!】

【3.2.1 Congratulations to Paimeng for answering the question successfully】

【Silver Wolf:! Your hand speed is faster than mine!】

【Paimon: Hehe. I choose D】

【Congratulations to Paimon for answering incorrectly】

【Paimon: Got it, but got it wrong (p′︵‵)】

【Silver Wolf: Hahahaha, I originally wanted to choose D, thanks to you!】


【Gold Dust: All or Nothing.jpg】

【Paimon was punished; he turned into a cup for seven days】

【Paimon: ??? Woo woo woo woo? ?】

【Ling Ri: Oh my god, is this cup normal?】

【Also: Want to see】

【Theresa: You are disgusting.】

【Silver Wolf: Disgusting】

【Ling Ri: We didn’t say anything.】

【Yiran: That’s right, those who understand me in seconds are the most disgusting.】


【Ying is offline】

【Nashida: Wow, new knowledge has been gained!】


【Please enjoy the excerpt of"The Past of Rice Wife (crossed out) Passing away",》】

【Ray Movie: Alert】

【Arata Ichito: I, Arata Ichito, will definitely be there for Inazuma's big event!】

【Jiuqi Shinobu: This second creation is not a good thing】

【Yae Miko: I really want to see a certain otaku girl make a fool of herself~】

【Lei Movie: Glimpse.jpg】

【Lei Dian Zhen: Kindness.jpg】


The opening scene is Kamisato Ayaka standing with her hands on her hips

【Xiao Gong, do you still recognize me?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It's me?】

【Xiao Gong: And me? It doesn't look good.

Xiao Gong leaned against a motorcycle with his eyes closed, looking extremely weak.

【"Shebuxing, get out of here." Kamisato Ayaka smacked her lips arrogantly and tilted her head.

【Look at you, you've been knocked down and are lying on the ground, and you're still showing off?】

【Lingri: The Quality Linghua】

【Kamisato Ayaka: This is so rude, I don't usually do this. Sweating.jpg】

【Yaejinko: Oh, it seems like these two little cuties have a grudge against each other.】

【Xiao Gong: I have a very good relationship with Linghua, right?……】

Xiao Gong: [Are you going to leave or not?]

Kamisato Ayaka: [Tsk, Xiao Gong, do you know why I came here today?】

【I'll give you one last chance, either you go away or you don't.

Linghua lowered her head and approached Xiaogong and said

【I'm telling you, this Traveler is my husband. If you understand, hand him over quickly. Don't think I don't know who beat you down. It's just that cute little kitten. Do you think you can show off everywhere just because you eloped with the Traveler on Xumi? Traveler, she's mine. You can't even straighten your fingers. Sooner or later, your fireworks store will be closed down.

Kamisato Ayaka made an international friendly gesture

【Kamisato Ayaka:???】

【Night Palace:?】


【Star: emotional drama, eating melon.jpg】

【Fireworks:Eating melon.jpg】

【Happy Aha:Eating melon.jpg】

【Ying: Uh, Linghua, listen to me.……】

【Xiao Gong: Linghua, although we are good sisters, I will not admit defeat in this regard!】

【Ying: Don't add fuel to the fire.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Hehe...Sumeri...elope..., traveler, you wait for me well in Sumeru♥】

【Kamisato Ayaka has been offline】【Xiao Gong has been offline】

【Keqing: There are two more things. First, my last name is not Ke. Second, I was clearly here first!】

【Keqing is offline】

【Kamisato Ayato:……】

【Ling Ri: This is a disaster for Ying】


Xiao Gong finally moved his head when he heard this.

Ling Hua acted very surprised.

【Hey, hey, hey, you're still moving. Why don't you try to move one of my fingers? Look at you! Come on, come on, come on! Hit me! Hit me here! Hit me! Hit me wherever you want! 】

Xiao Gong opened his eyes.

【She Fengxing, you dare to come and show off to us now, you are really bold,】

【Don't just talk, move, move a finger of mine. 】

The seal is lifted.

Xiao Gong gets angry and punches Ling Hua in the face.

【I! Ni! Ma!】

【Oh, I tested……】

Linghua was knocked to the ground.

Xiaogong took out the Mist Cutter from the motorcycle, and Linghua started running.

On the street, Linghua ran away madly in front, and Xiaogong chased her madly behind her, waving a knife.

【Kamisato Ayaka, stand there!】

【cmwcnm cm】

【Oh, oops, wc……】

【Today I will chop you to death!】


【Don't chase me! Xiaogong, I owed you in my last life, wc……】

【I'll chop you to death!】


End of video

【Lingri: applause.jpg】

【Hu Tao: Has the art of Liyue language been passed on to Inazuma? 】

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