- 1960 -

The yellow sand is everywhere, and three camels each carry a man on the desert.

"Is it finally here?"

A middle-aged man in a black gown muttered, and strangely his hair hidden under a black top hat seemed to resemble a starfish.

"If you want to turn back, take advantage of now, sir."

"From here beyond is the realm of the dead, where darkness consumes everything, including the souls of the living, as the sun sets."

It seems that the two companions who are with the middle-aged man are not optimistic about the middle-aged man, and both of them are persuading the middle-aged man to turn back.

The middle-aged man only reached out and lifted the brim of his hat, his face full of interest in the valley of the royal family.

Valley of Kings, the burial place of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

"The number of graves found in this canyon is more than 60." Companion A said with a look of fear, "There is only the king's tomb at the destination, and it is said that no one has ever reached its depths. "

Before the war, one of the British excavators died at the end of the sentence. Companion B looked solemn, "Dark game."

"Dark game, sounds interesting, doesn't it?"

"There's a trap there, which no one has been able to unravel yet, and there must be a terrible treasure sleeping in its depths."

"But, sir," said companion B, looking at the middle-aged man, "well, we are different from outlaws like you, we can lead the way at the entrance before we reach the tomb, but before we reach the treasure in front of us, we need the master to lead the way for us." "

Got it, I'm not interested in treasures or anything." The middle-aged man said and let the camel walk forward, "Fill your stomach first, tomb robberies are carried out at night according to the rules." The

night and the bright moon dominated the sky, and the middle-aged man lay by the campfire with a cigarette in his mouth, and his two companions also sat cross-legged.


Companion A and the middle-aged man took out the torches from the campfire together, and it seemed that they were ready to start going to the grave.

"Sir." Companion B looked at the middle-aged man, "I've always wanted to ask you, it's strange to see you dress, are you going to propose to someone in the grave?"

"Pretty much." The middle-aged man said amazingly, "Only games are my survival value, so I will show the greatest respect to my game opponents."

"When I lose the game, I'll put on a jumpsuit made of jeans and wait to get old in place of the chips I've been penalized."

"If you lose tonight's game... Maybe you won't be able to get stripped naked, so be careful. After

Companion B finished speaking, he and Companion A turned around and walked towards their destination, and the middle-aged man followed.

When he arrived at his destination, Companion B asked the middle-aged man to go first.

After walking for a while, the group saw a mountain of bones piled up with the corpses of the diggers.

Suddenly, companion A noticed that the eyes on the head of the snake on the side were two rubies, and after confirming that the other side was also a ruby, companion B was about to step forward to take it off, but was stopped by a middle-aged man reaching out.

Companion A, who was stopped, was naturally very dissatisfied, and the middle-aged man just took the cigarette from his mouth and threw it out.

The smoke thrown out was whipped by the arrows that came out of the snake's mouth, and if the target was a human, it would probably end up with the mountain of bones on the ground.

"The game seems to have begun."

After walking for a long time, the three of them came to a dead end.

"What?! Isn't this a dead end? "

There was a board under the huge stone statue, and the two companions searched everywhere but did not find the treasure, and the whole person was a little impatient.

The middle-aged man reached out and touched the board on the wall, looked at what appeared to be a liquid substance underneath, and then stretched out the torch.

The burning flames made the panels emerge with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, and for some unknown reason, middle-aged people seemed to understand this kind of writing.

"From here there is the realm where the great pharaoh sleeps, and those who invade will be corrupted by the punishment of the gods, and their souls will be buried in darkness."

"You!" Companion B was a little surprised, "Can you read ancient characters?"

"I don't know, I think it's incredible, but this is the real entrance."

"But there's no entrance anywhere or anything..."

Before they could finish speaking, the floor under the feet of the three of them was dented, and they jumped to the side to find that it was a hidden passage.

"What the hell is this?"

"This is the entrance." The middle-aged man lifted the brim of his hat and looked at his head above, "The sun god Horus, that is the Pharaoh, is the symbol of the one who opens the way." The

three of them walked to the end of the passage, where there was also a mountain of bones piled up with corpses, and a statue with a weapon in front of it.

"Where is this?"

"Looks like this is the main venue for the game."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man stepped forward and kicked down the knife held in the hand of a skeleton, and it was only after seven seconds that an echo sounded, and the middle-aged man judged that he could not go down and could only take the road ahead.

At this point, the opinions of the two companions are divided, with Companion B wanting to move on, and Companion A wanting to go home.

After a friendly exchange between the two, Companion B triggered a trap to block the retreat, and even spikes stretched out of the wall to compress the living space.

Seeing that the space was getting smaller and smaller, Companion B impatiently took out the pistol in his satchel and pointed it at the middle-aged man, asking the middle-aged man to hurry over.

Seeing that the wall was getting closer and closer, the middle-aged man had no choice but to turn around and run.

After the middle-aged man approached the statue, the statue actually moved, and the other statues gradually moved.

The twin knives wielded in the statue's hand made the middle-aged man only retreat, and the shrinking living space made Companion B more and more impatient, so that the middle-aged man could quickly find a way.

The middle-aged man subconsciously took another step back, the statue seemed to stop, the middle-aged man took another step back in confusion, and the statue once again brandished the deadly double knife.

The middle-aged man noticed the strangeness of the statue, and after listening to the taunts of his impatient companion B behind him, he suddenly realized.

The pharaoh was a god in ancient Egypt, and all statues dedicated to the pharaoh had the left foot in front.

This is the sacrifice of the left breast of the heart of the god-like Pharaoh, which means absolute obedience.

The tomb of the king is the realm of the gods, and no one must be humble, and when humility is forgotten, death will be given.

The middle-aged man put his left foot in front of him, and the statue gradually stopped.

The middle-aged man turned his head and asked the two companions behind him to put their left feet in front of them to walk, the two companions were obviously unwilling to use the Xi unaccustomed way of walking, but the middle-aged man just asked them to take a snapshot and put his left foot in front of him and walked past the statue in front of him, and the two companions reluctantly walked forward according to the middle-aged man's appearance.

After some time, the middle-aged man walked to the end of the room.

Companion A, who didn't know what was wrong, took a step back in fear and was slashed by the statue with a knife, and fell down unsteadily on his feet, looking like he was hopeless.

Companion B, who walked to the end of the room, gritted his teeth for a while, took out a pistol and pointed it at the middle-aged man to tell him to move forward quickly, and then he still raised his gun and pointed it at the middle-aged man's back.

The two of them walked to the door of the second room, where new hieroglyphs were on the walls.

"The monsters that lodge on the stone slabs will sanction you, and those who are afraid will be swallowed by the monsters and show the way to those who have courage."

When the two entered the room, there was only a road made of pictures, and at the end of the road was a golden chest on a stone platform, and the treasure seemed to be inside.

Companion B pointed a gun at the middle-aged man and told him to hurry forward, and the middle-aged man had a familiar feeling after stepping on the road.

Seeing that he was about to reach the end, companion B behind the middle-aged man shot the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man could only hold himself up with one hand to keep himself from falling.

After walking to the middle-aged man's companion B, he taunted him, and gradually walked towards the end.

That's right, Companion B has broken the rules of the room, and he's Game Over.

A monster emerges from the drawing at his feet, grabs his increasingly frightened companion B and swallows it, before returning to the drawing.

The middle-aged man gradually couldn't support it, and he was about to fall.

At this time, the light stained the dark room, and a starfish head with a golden cloak stretched out a helping hand to the middle-aged man in the light.

"I'm waiting for you, Simon..."

, however, the middle-aged man lost consciousness without hearing another name, a name that the next middle-aged man would not allow to forget for the rest of his life.

By the time the middle-aged man regained consciousness, he had already returned to the bridge, and the gunshot wound in his back had healed for unknown reasons.

The golden cabinet at the end glowed brightly, and the middle-aged man who was attracted walked over and picked up the golden cabinet.

"That's the proof of glory."

The middle-aged man took the treasure and walked home, and the figure that had been hiding in the shadows left the place that represented the beginning of everything with an imperceptible chuckle.

We will meet each other eventually, and we should move on to the next leg of our journey in order to meet each other better.

— and now —

"And just like that, I got the millennium cone."

Grandpa Double-Six finishes the last character of his bedtime story, though this is clearly his autobiography of his last game.

Because the jumpsuit he wears most often now is jeans, he thinks he lost the game, so he fulfilled his promise as a bargaining chip for being penalized.

"Grandpa used to be handsome, right?"

Sitting on the side, I said that Shuai was very handsome, but I was really embarrassed after being shot, and I almost burst into tears when I worked together to save him with Wang Xiang, who hadn't seen the game.

"Ho ho ho, a little exaggerated."

Grandpa Shuangliu said that he was making a gesture with his hands, as if the game was really too exaggerated.

I'm afraid it's not the tip universe, your old man lost that game before he retired, and the ones I saw before can be said to be gods blocking and killing gods.

The legendary gambler is just modest, and the grandfather of Double Six has a card printed with the [legendary gambler] that his young self went up, which is the God of Gamblers' version of the strong luck that must be opened in the city.

"But what's the matter? Suddenly asked about a long time ago, was it because I was going to Egypt? "

Well, because the slate in the museum has been sent back to Egypt."

Tomorrow we will travel to Egypt, and when the three cards of the gods are held up to the stone tablet, the king's journey to find his memories will begin.

When the journey is over, the goodbye will come.

"Well, does Grandpa still remember the location of the king's tomb?"

"I don't remember exactly, because I hired a very special guide at the time."

"The Valley of the King is very vast, and there are many similar caves."

"Really?" The game looks a little lost, "If I go to Egypt, I still want to see where to put the millennium bricks?"

"No, no, no!" Grandpa Shuangliu seemed to remember something terrible, "Only there can't be done."

"Compared to this, the game." Grandpa Shuangliu said with his hands folded, "Please, so let me see it again." "

Grandpa Shuangliu is talking about three god cards, after all, you may never see them again after this trip.

The problem is that this is the fifth time, and this time even the game shows a very troubled expression.

In the end, the game was defeated by the tears of Grandpa Shuangliu, and he took out the God Card in the bag that was placed aside, and Grandpa Shuangliu let out an exclamation when he saw this.

After that, the blood of Grandpa Shuangliu's collector was boiling and I wanted to leave the card of God in the store, I helplessly pressed Grandpa Shuangliu's hands, and the game took the opportunity to take the card back.

"Grandpa Shuangliu, that's another game to find your own memories, if you stay here, what else will you go to Egypt."

After a battle of thoughts, Grandpa Shuangliu gave his final instructions to the game's travel.

"Game, the holder of the Millennium Brick will inherit the soul of the Pharaoh, and that will be accompanied by a series of tests."


No matter what happens, you can't lose to that test, and people can only gain something after overcoming it."


, the courage and pride that cannot be explained in words, you will understand when the time comes."

"Well, I'm not going to lose to a test or something."

"That's my grandson."

"We'll come back in good condition, and we want to see you hold your great-grandson."

The game turned directly into a red apple, with steam still bubbling on his head, and Grandpa Shuangliu smiled with satisfaction.


of Rebecca's age, we are not so early, and we are about to embark on a journey into the world after this trip, so the descendants are really embarrassed.

But the game is different from Apricot, and after four years, you can really let Grandpa Shuangliu hold his great-grandson.

Although the mess of some undead is quite troublesome, that kind of thing has long been solved.

It's just that Diva's sister Sierra often comes to me, but since Diva came down from the high dimension with a fierce face, it seems that she has been hated by Serra... I'm tired of... up....

It's so miserable, the sister who is hated by his sister really looks so miserable, Diva was beaten and coaxed for a long time to make Serra angry.

Look at Ningirsu's guy, what kind of Oram has been targeted, the sister control must have the self-cultivation of the sister control, and once the protection is not good, Eve will be blackened to show you!

What's more, even the current Sierra only came to me to learn Xi dueling, and it will not develop into a relationship between me and Rebecca, and Diva is really not wronged at all by Serra.

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