"Brother Sheng, how have you learned your skills, are you confident that you will pass the assessment?"

At this moment, Zhang Qisheng heard a deep male voice behind him.

Turning his head, it turned out to be Liu Bo.

The two originally had little intersection, but after the last round, Liu Bo took the initiative to chat with him and exchange ideas, so they met like this.

Zhang Qisheng smiled, there was nothing to hide, and said directly.

"According to my expectations, it will take another two hours to get started."

"With more than an hour left, it's not hard to find an evolutionary factor."

Liu Bo looked at him with some envy.

"It's worthy of you, Brother Sheng!"

The conversation turned to himself.

"My imperial beast is expected to take another three hours to get started, and then there will only be half an hour left to explore."

"I can only pray that I am lucky enough."

"Who would have thought that the content of the assessment would be reformed? I was still confident.

"I knew I should have signed up last time."

Zhang Qisheng comforted Liu Bo before saying modestly.

"My imperial beast has learned before, and other simplified versions of factor exploration skills, so it can be regarded as a touch class bypass, and this is the cultivation speed faster than you."

"If you want to start from the same point, maybe which of us is fast."

Among the on-site candidates, there are not many people who choose evolution as the test question, no more than ten.

Seeing that the two were discussing, they all gathered around.

If it is unknown whether Liu Bo can pass the assessment, then the rest of the people have basically been determined to fail.

"According to the instrument calculation, it will take another 8 hours for my imperial beast to get started, hehe."

"I'm 16 hours."

"Haha, I'm 20 hours."

After this group of people were completely in a bad mood, they began to compare the time it took to get started.

"You guys said, this time we will start this skill, will the next assessment have an advantage, can directly skip the learning stage, and spend all the time exploring factors."

Some people asked questions, and many people nodded their heads with anticipation.

Zhang Qisheng poured cold water.

"Unfortunately, it can't."

"The skill of evolutionary factor exploration has gone through hundreds of years of research and perfection to become what it is now, which can be said to condense the life's work of countless ancestors."

"It's hard to exhaust the variations."

"Pulling out less than 1% of the content has become a skill we learn now."

"Presumably, the person who wrote the question will not let us exploit the loophole, so even if we still have to learn this skill in the next assessment, the name is the same, but the content is very different."

"I have learned similar abridged skills before, and I can only say that they have a certain reference effect, but not much."

Hearing this, everyone wailed even more.

"It's over, if I say so, won't I be able to enter the graduate school for the rest of my life."

Compared with the candidates who chose evolution as the test question, those who chose to cultivate the test question had no mind to move around at the moment, let alone chat with people.

They are all experimenting feverishly, hoping to find a formula with a higher proportion.

Time passed silently.

In the process, many people chose to give up and began to sit on the chair like Yi Tian.

The only thing that comforted them a little was that they were not the first to give up, Yi Tian was.

After going out, they also have face when they explain to people, and they have thought about the words.

"The topic of this assessment is so difficult that even the first place in the first round of assessment chose to give up, speaking of which, I have persisted longer than him."

Jingle bells ring, and everyone and the beast stop moving.

"It's time."

Zhang Sheng stood at the forefront.

Then it's time to test your grades.

First the topic of cultivation is examined, and then the topic of evolution.

Zhang Shenglang said loudly.

"Candidates who feel confident that they can pass will come to the front."

Most people fail to meet the pass requirement, and in order to save time, it is not mandatory for everyone to take the test of achievement.

As his words fell, the crowd immediately moved.

Zhou Qiong glanced at Yi Tian, smiled at him, and then walked forward.

Yi Tian followed suit.

The people behind looked at the back of the person in front and showed an envious look.

"What kind of monsters are these people?"

"Can you pass such a difficult assessment?"

"One, two, three... Five. "

Someone held out their hand and counted, and a total of five people felt they could pass.

Normally, fewer people pass the evolution assessment than the cultivation assessment.

Therefore, the two will not add up to more than ten people, and the number of people who signed up for this assessment is several thousand.

With a pass rate of less than 1%, it's terrifying.


Suddenly, someone realized that something was wrong.

"Why did Yi Tian also go?"

As the first place in the first round, Yi Tian naturally attracted a lot of attention.

The problem is that everyone saw that Yi Tian began to rot in less than an hour.

How did he have the courage to stand in front and lose people?

Could it be that he really felt confident that he could pass?

Zhang Sheng also stared at Yi Tian suspiciously, and then repeated his words.

"I mean those who have the confidence to pass the assessment and stand at the front."

I was afraid that Yi Tian did not understand and explained the rules.

"There are two requirements for passing the assessment, one is to reach the entry level of skills, and the other is to research the formula for increasing the cultivation rate by more than 10%."

Several other people also followed Zhang Sheng's gaze to Yi Tian, except for Zhou Qiong, all of them had strange eyes.

Seeing that Yi Tian was still unmoved.

Zhang Sheng had no choice but to go by him.

The process of checking the results is very simple, the Royal Beast Master only needs to let the Royal Beast connect to the instrument and use the skill to judge the proficiency.

The recipe is written down and provided to Zhang Sheng, who will test it with a royal beast called a simulated beast and get the results.

For a total of five people, Zhang Sheng randomly ordered people to test.

"Gao Xu, you come first."


Gao Xu is a well-mannered young man with glasses, and the imperial beast is a cat with a dark body.

The black cat connects to the instrument and uses it under Gao Xu's order to wait for the opportunity.

It can be faintly seen that around the cat's body, a twisting but transparent thin layer is immediately covered.

Immediately afterwards, a yellow light lit up on the instrument.


Gao Xu clenched his fists.

As soon as a yellow light appears on the screen, the skill has already started.

Gao Xu handed over the formula he had developed to Zhang Sheng.

As soon as Zhang Sheng waved his hand, a blue slime appeared in front of everyone.

This is the simulation beast, which is specially bred to do various experiments.

According to the formula provided by Gao Xu, some staff members matched a tube of potions and fed them to the simulated beast.

Then let it start cultivating and wait for the opportunity, and the number was quickly displayed on another instrument.


"Good !!"

Gao Xu cheered.

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