Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 7: I will do this one too, is there any problem?


The two beams of blade light fell on the head of the one-horned blood python almost simultaneously.

Ling Xuan's flaming knife light stood on top of the snake's head from behind.

And that gust of wind sword light slashed horizontally from the front into the opened mouth of the one-horned blood python!

The two just cross into a cross!



The huge snake head was instantly chopped up and turned into four pieces, like a flower blooming!

The huge snake drive suddenly twitched and twisted, but soon it crashed to the ground and stopped moving.


Ling Xuan looked at the corpse of the one-horned blood python with a stunned expression.

He didn't feel any surprise that he could behead this guy.

However, he did not expect that the one-horned blood python would be killed in this way!

He raised his head and looked at Lu Lin.

Because that other sword light just burst out from Lu Lin!

Ling Xuan asked: "What you just used... is the Spirit Slaying Saber?"

Although, the power attribute that burst out just now is different from his.

However, he can confirm that it is the same sword and rune skills as him!

Lu Lin didn't hide it either, and nodded directly.

He even asked back, "Is there any problem?"

Ling Xuan originally wanted to ask Lu Lin how he could use this talisman skill, but after being asked by Lu Lin, he couldn't open his mouth.

After all, this spirit-cutting saber technique is not a unique secret skill, and even if you have money, you can buy it online on the Consciousness Talisman.

He can learn, and Lu Lin can also learn.

He could only change his mind and ask, "Then why didn't you use it until now?"

"Of course it's for a surprise victory!"

Lu Lin smiled slightly, pointed to the corpse of the one-horned blood python under his feet, and said, "If I use it from the beginning, maybe this guy will just run away?"

Ling Xuan had nothing to say at this moment, just a little depressed.

After all, he had always thought just now that Lu Lin was injured by forcibly breaking through before, so he couldn't do his best, but he still insisted on containing the monsters for him.

He also felt a little moved by this!

In the end, did you think too much?

"Also, because of my special skills, although I can release some runes with stronger power, it takes a certain amount of time to prepare."

Lu Lin said again: "Such an outbreak would also consume a lot of my rune power, that's why I've been waiting for an opportunity."

In fact, his words are not deceitful.

Because "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements" does have a characteristic, it can forcibly enhance the power of rune skills.

The price is just like what he said, it needs to consume a lot of rune.

Moreover, he had indeed downloaded "Spirit Slaying Sabre Technique" a long time ago, and had been waiting for a chance to win by surprise.

The only difference is that this forced promotion does not require as long as he said to prepare.

Ling Xuan also sensed that after Lu Lin released the blow just now, his breath did drop a lot.

Therefore, he believed what Lu Lin said.

For a while, he felt much better in his heart.

After all, he is only seventeen now, so he is somewhat proud.

He believes that his talent and understanding are the top among his peers!

But Lu Lin Mingming's cultivation base is lower than him, and the power of the same talisman skill is actually stronger than him!

This was really hard for him to accept.

Now that Lu Lin explained it like this, he felt it was understandable!

Immediately, Ling Xuan couldn't help blushing.

Because, he realized that Lu Lin clearly saw that he was uncomfortable, so he made a special explanation!

This made him feel a little ashamed for his little emotion just now.

What Ling Xuan didn't know was that Lu Lin said this simply because he didn't want to alienate him because he pretended to be coercive unintentionally.

After all, Lu Lin's system is still running, downloading another skill on Ling Xuan's body: "Spirit Armor"!

Lu Lin, who had already tasted the sweetness, didn't want Ling Xuan to part ways with him because he felt unhappy, which would result in the download of his quests being incomplete!

Ling Xuan glanced around and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's hurry up and harvest the materials on this guy first, and then change the place!"

Lu Lin also nodded.

Their battle just now lasted for a long time, and the movement was not small.

It is estimated that it has already attracted the attention of other people nearby, or other monsters.

And the two of them fought each other, and both of them were at a loss.

Continue to stay here, if there is any more danger, it will be difficult to deal with!

Lu Lin didn't forget that among the people who participated in the competition this time, there are still people who are trying to kill Ling Xuan while they are now!

He wanted to follow Ling Xuan for the time being, he just wanted to download, but he didn't want to suffer.

Therefore, Lu Lin and Ling Xuan immediately harvested the spoils.

However, when they finished harvesting and were about to move their positions, Lu Lin suddenly remembered something.

He stopped Ling Xuan and said, "We may be able to lurk around for a while!"


Ling Xuan was a little puzzled.

Lu Lin didn't explain anything, just looked at the two huge snake pupils he had just obtained from the one-horned blood python.

He said to Ling Xuan, "Come with me! Let's deal with these two things first!"

Ling Xuan didn't know what he was going to do, but he followed him and walked to a nearby corner.

Not long after they left, three men in tight black suits and masks appeared on the spot.

The three men in black carefully probed the surrounding situation and analyzed something.

"I'll go back and report to Young Master Chen, UU Reading seems to have found the trace of Ling Xuan! You guys continue to search nearby!"


And not long after they left, some contestants came to the neighborhood.

After a brief exploration, they also left.

What these people didn't know was that Lu Lin and Ling Xuan didn't actually go far.

Even, they were hiding a hundred meters away, and they could see everything that happened just now!

And the reason why they were not found was because Lu Lin believed that with their current state, they couldn't run too far if they wanted to.

In addition, he suddenly thought of a certain detail in the original plot, so he had an idea and asked Ling Xuan to set up a psychedelic talisman to hide their figures and auras.

The materials used in this psychedelic rune array are the two eyes of the one-horned blood python that they just killed.

At this time, within the psychedelic talisman formation, Lu Lin and Ling Xuan were both sitting cross-legged.

Ling Xuan's face was a little ugly.

He gritted his teeth and said, "That **** Chen Jiang, I thought he would just bribe some players to deal with me. Unexpectedly, he even hired a professional killer!"

Seeing him like this, Lu Lin secretly said in his heart: That's it!

Seeing this, he should have completely gained Ling Xuan's trust!

Sure enough, after Ling Xuan got angry, he quickly calmed down.

Then, Ling Xuan looked at Lu Lin and said solemnly, "Lu Lin, thank you for this time! If you hadn't reminded me, I might have been killed by someone inexplicably just now!"

Lu Lin said in his heart, "You son of luck doesn't die so easily!"

What's more, I won't let you die so easily until I finish downloading the valuable things on you.

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