Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 76: Accidental discovery! System multi-threaded download!

After thinking about it for a long time, Xu Huan still couldn't understand Lu Lin's intention.

It was impossible for him to think that Lu Lin asked him to punch just to speed up the download for himself!

However, he decided that Lu Lin must have some deep meaning.

Perhaps, the new master is trying to gain insight into something through his boxing skills?

Or do you want to see your true strength?

While he was thinking about this, Lu Lin looked at Ling Xuan beside him and said to him, "Set up a talisman array, I don't want people to see what's going on here."


Ling Xuan nodded, and immediately began to set up.

Soon, a psychedelic rune that enveloped the entire yard began to operate.

Not far away, Song Bin, who was secretly protecting Lu Lin and the others, could not help frowning when he noticed this situation.

However, he also saw that it was Ling Xuan who arranged the talisman, so the disease did not do anything.

He just wondered in his heart, who is the old man who just entered Lu Lin's house?

In the small courtyard, Lu Lin saw that the talisman formation began to run, and looked at Xu Huan again, and said, "Let's start!"

Xu Huan didn't dare to delay, and quickly responded to Lu Lin: "Yes!"

Then, he followed Lu Lin's instructions and began to practice his "Running Thunder Fist" in the yard!

I saw him swing away with a starting gesture, and the whole person's momentum suddenly changed.

Originally, he was just an ordinary-looking old man, but at this moment he suddenly turned into a fierce tiger.

The intimidating momentum swept the Quartet in an instant!

Ling Xuan's expression changed slightly.

It was only at this time that he realized that the old man in front of him turned out to be a Moon Shadow Realm powerhouse!

Moreover, from the perspective of breath, the strength should still be above Zhou Hong!

Just when he was thinking about this, Xu Huan had already started showing "Running Thunder Fist" one by one.

Because he didn't know what Lu Lin meant, he didn't dare to hide anything, and went all out to show his boxing skills to the strongest state.

For a while, fists and feet roared everywhere in the yard, mixed with the sound of thunder and thunder.

Ling Xuan was dazzled for a while looking at the fierce and domineering fist shadows.

Lu Lin was very happy when he saw the download speed on his download panel suddenly jumping to the boss.

However, it was Xu Huan who played "Running Thunder Fist" like this, and the download time still took several hours.

Lu Lin felt that this time could not be wasted.

With a thought, he opened his personal attribute panel.

After he refined the five-needle spirit pine last night, his attributes have now undergone a lot of changes.

Name: Lu Lin

Age: Eighteen

Cultivation: Astral Spirit Realm Seventh Layer

Exercise: "Canglong Nine Refinements"

Talents: Talisman (excellent), wind (top), wood (top), ice (middle)

Bloodline: none

Skills: "Feather Clothes Protecting the Body (Dacheng, "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique (Dacheng, "Cloud Track Footwork (Dacheng, "Frightening Dragon Palm Technique (Dacheng, "Slayer Sword Technique (Xiaocheng ", "Liuguang Fist (Dacheng, "Ling's Talisman (Xiaocheng

Looking at his current download panel, in addition to Xu Huan's "Running Thunder Fist" being downloaded, there is another task, which is Ling Xuan's best fire talent!

This was added directly after he returned to the City Lord's Mansion today.

At this point, though, it's only less than 10% downloaded.

Finally, there is one more task left.

Lu Lin thought for a while, and then turned his attention to Ling Xuan beside him.

He opened Ling Xuan's attribute panel again, selected the Thunder (high-grade) talent from the above, and started downloading!

After he downloads "Running Thunder Fist" next, he will merge with "Liuguang Fist" into a new boxing skill - "Thunderbolt Run Lei Fist"!

If you want to exert the real power of this rune skill, you must have the thunder attribute.

So downloading now is a must!

And after adding the download, Lu Lin's heart moved again: If Ling Xuan starts to practice the Thunder Rune Skill now, will it also help me to download?

So, he suddenly asked Ling Xuan, "Xiao Ling, how do you feel about the power of this boxing technique?"

Ling Xuan said: "Quite powerful!"

Lu Lin asked again, "So, are you interested in studying?"


Ling Xuan was stunned for a while, thinking that Lu Lin was joking.

However, seeing Lu Lin's expression, he seemed to be very serious.

Ling Xuan couldn't help but ask: "Is this... is it really possible?"

Obviously, he was also a little moved.

After all, the skill is not overwhelming!

Moreover, he has long known the fact that he has the thunder attribute.

However, he has never had the opportunity to learn any powerful lightning spell skills.

Lu Lin smiled slightly and said, "As long as you want to learn, nothing is impossible!"

It happened that Xu Huan also finished playing "Ben Lei Quan" at this time, and stood up with his fists closed.

Lu Lin asked directly: "Lao Xu, then you will teach Ling Xuan this set of boxing skills!"

Only then did Xu Huan understand that Lu Lin asked him to demonstrate boxing skills, but the real purpose was to let Ling Xuan learn!

In this regard, he naturally has no objection, nodding: "No problem!"

Seeing this, Ling Xuan naturally did not shirk any longer.

He said to Lu Lin, "Then thank you Brother Lu and Elder Xu for his guidance!"

Lu Lin just waved his hand and said, "You and my brother, don't be polite! Just study hard!"

Ling Xuan nodded and walked into the courtyard, still learning from Xu Huan.

Lu Lin immediately found that the download speed of "Ben Lei Quan (Dacheng on his download panel and Ling Xuan's top-grade thunder talent suddenly increased!

He couldn't help but his eyes lit up and secretly praised his arrangement this time.

Afterwards, he thought that Xu Huan actually had the talent of Thunder.

According to the function introduction of the system, two kinds of the same things will go further after the fusion.

He hadn't tried downloading two equal talents together before.

Is it possible to combine two top-grade talents directly into one top-grade talent?

After hesitating for a while, he directly deleted the top-grade fire talent he was downloading, and added Xu Huan's thunder talent to the download.

But at the moment he decided on the mission, UU reading made an unexpected change appear.

I saw that on the task panel, there was no download item for the second talent: Thunder (top grade), but a x2 appeared behind the original talent: Thunder (top grade)!

At the same time, the original download speed suddenly doubled again!

Lu Lin couldn't help but be surprised: "This is... a multi-threaded synchronous download?!"

Two download sources with the same talent can actually achieve the effect of speeding up the download progress!

He really did not expect that the system even has such a hidden function!

But after his surprise, his face suddenly froze again.


If I had known it was like this, the fire-type top talent just now should not be deleted!

I wasted most of the previous download progress in vain!

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