Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 72: You can call me the Riddler!

Name: Xu Huan

Age: fifty-eight

Cultivation: Moon Shadow Realm Ninth Layer

Exercise: "Shadow Secret Treasure Record"

Talents: Dark Element (Top Grade), Lightning Element (Top Grade), Earth Element (Middle Grade)

Bloodline: none

Skills: "Phantom No Trace (Dacheng, "Transfiguration (Dacheng, "Earth Walk (Dacheng, "Lei Fist (Dacheng, "Earth Shield Body Protection (Xiaocheng, "Piercing the Heart (Xiaocheng

Lu Lin quickly scanned the contents of the attribute panel, and sighed in admiration: The first few items of this skill are either hiding or running for their lives, as expected of doing secret work!

Then, he added a download task to himself.

Mission 1: Skill · Thunder Fist (Dacheng)!

Download progress: 0.01%…0.05%…0.10% (remaining: about one day)

That's right, this boxing technique is the "Ben Lei Fist" that matches Jiang Xing's "Liuguang Fist"!

This is also one of the purposes of Lu Lin's trip!

Of course, Xu Huan was not the only one who knew this set of boxing and rune skills.

In the original plot, Jiang Xing got it from another person.

That person actually has something to do with Xu Huan.

Seeing that the download time would take almost a day, Lu Lin's mind changed: It seems that he has to find a way to make this old guy take more shots and speed it up a bit.

He didn't have time to stay by Xu Huan's side for a day.

Meanwhile, outside the private room—

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Xu Huan did not enter the private room directly, but politely knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

After hearing Lu Lin's voice in the private room, he took a deep breath and stepped into the private room.

At this time, he was very nervous.

The person who made him nervous was naturally the young man who was sitting in this elegant room, looking at him with great interest.

He never thought that one day, he would be so nervous because of a teenager who was only in his teens and whose cultivation was not at the seventh level of the Astral Spirit Realm.

And the reason why the other party can do this is naturally because of the Chen family identity token that he handed over to him through the waitress at the front desk just now!

The token is actually not too complicated, but sending it to him by the other party is enough to explain a lot of problems.

The first point is that the other party knows his true identity and the relationship between himself and the Chen family!

And that's just the basics.

Xu Heng had no way of knowing how much the other party knew about other things.

However, after working in secret for many years, Xu Huan still did not show the slightest trace of his face even though his heart was up and down at the moment.

After entering the private room, he closed the door.

After making such a move, he subconsciously paid attention to the change in Lu Lin's expression.

He originally thought that Lu Lin's face would show some nervousness.

After all, he and Lu Lin were alone in this room.

Xu Huan believed that Lu Lin should know his strength.

Lu Lin should also know that if he wants to do something, it will be a fatal blow to him.

However, he was disappointed.

Lu Lin didn't have the slightest nervousness on his face, but instead showed a bit of playfulness towards him.

Xu Huan's heart sank slightly.

Undoubtedly, the situation that he really didn't want to see in his anticipation still occurred.

However, thinking that the other party had just dealt with Chen Jiang, he actually dared to come here to see him, just having such a courage, it can show that this Lu Lin is very personable.

Moreover, since he has come here, he is naturally prepared for the worst.

Therefore, Xu Huan quickly adjusted his mental state, took the dessert in his hand, and delivered it to the table in front of Lu Lin.

He even put a slight smile on his face, and said to Lu Lin, "Mr. Lu, the dishes are ready, do you know if you are satisfied with your meal?"

Lu Lin nodded in appreciation, and said, "Satisfied, quite satisfied! Chef Xu's craftsmanship really lives up to its reputation!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't say anything else, he just spooned the dessert that Xu Huan had just sent, and tasted it carefully.

Then, he couldn't help but exclaim a few times.

Hearing his admiration, Xu Huan was not happy at all.

Because he knew that Lu Lin definitely didn't come here just to eat.

But Lu Lin didn't take the initiative to mention it, instead he didn't know what to say.

In the end, he had to take the initiative to ask, "Mr. Lu, I don't know if you came to Xu suddenly, but what's the matter?"

Lu Lin said: "It's nothing, I just want to see what kind of person is the manager arranged by the Chen family in Rongcheng."

Xu Huan thought to himself: Sure enough, this kid does know my identity!

However, he couldn't figure out how Lu Lin learned about it.

Just before he came, he actually quickly learned some relevant information about Lu Lin.

After all, Lu Lin destroyed Chen Jiang's plan this time. This matter is now well known in the city. It is impossible for him not to let people collect Lu Lin's intelligence.

But he didn't get any useful information at all!

According to the information, before participating in the trials in Rongcheng, Lu Lin was a little talented talisman master, and his cultivation was also very low, so there was nothing special about it.

But such a person, after entering Mosha Ridge, suddenly made amazing moves one after another, and even let Chen Jiang, the genius of the Chen family, smash the halberd into the sand in his hands!

It's like a different person!

Xu Huan even wondered if the other party pretended to be Lu Lin's identity to participate in the talisman master trials.

Unfortunately, he just confirmed that there were no traces of disguise on Lu Lin's body.

As a result, there was only one inference left in Xu Huan's heart: this Lu Lin, like him, has been hiding his strength, but for some reason, he suddenly began to show his strength when he participated in the selection competition for the Talisman Master!

Moreover, Lu Lin was able to do it, so that his subordinates could not investigate any special information, but he knew the information on his side like the back of the hand!

This ability is enough to make him jealous!

It is precisely because the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that this Lu Lin is unfathomable, Xu Huan did not avoid it just now, but chose to come to this elegant room.

Because avoiding is not necessarily useful, meeting Lu Lin, you can spy on the other party's true origin and real purpose.

Sadly, it doesn't seem to be that easy now.

At this time, standing in front of Lu Lin, Xu Huan also sensed Lu Lin's cultivation, but he didn't believe it at all.

The seventh level of the Astral Spirit Realm?

This is definitely not the true strength of the young man in front of him!

Otherwise, he does not believe that the other party can be so calm in front of him when he knows his relevant information!

What's more, he heard that Lu Lin was only at the fourth level of the Astral Spirit Realm before entering Mosha Ridge.

Now, in just three days, it has even broken through the triple realm?

This kind of thing is fake!

Most of them are just deliberately releasing some of the hidden strength!

As for Lu Lin's true strength, he couldn't find out at all.

But judging from the fact that the opponent is so calm, his strength will definitely not be lower than the fifth level of the Moon Shadow Realm!

Even, it may be equivalent to him!

At the same time as his mind changed, Xu Huan's expression was still dull.

He just asked blankly: "So, Mr. Lu has seen me now, and then what?"


Lu Lin looked at him and said, "Then, I just wanted to ask, shouldn't the taste of the heart eater be uncomfortable?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Huan, who was still calm at first, suddenly changed his face!

His eyes were fixed on Lu Lin, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? Why do you even know about this?!"

Lu Lin grinned: "You can call me Riddler!"

"The Riddler?"

Xu Huan muttered to himself.

He racked his brains and couldn't think of any information related to this.

In the Scarlet Flame Dynasty, when was there such a person? organization?

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