Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 46: Knife done! Moon-level advanced sword, black dragon!

Within the compound five-star formation, Han Xiaomo and the three hurried out of it.

At this time, the danger has been lifted, and the materials have been refined, so they naturally don't need to stay in the talisman formation.

In contrast, they wanted to come here to watch Lu Lin refining the talismans.

So, they hurriedly ran outside the magic talisman formation.

When Ling Xuan saw their arrival, he immediately cast a few talismans and let them enter the talisman formation.

And just before Han Xiaomo and the others came over, before they could sit down, Lu Lin had already started.


I saw that the array of symbols was running again under his operation.

Dao Dao talisman light shrouded the black gold crystal suspended in the air.

The next moment, the black gold crystal flew into the talisman formation and came to Lu Lin.

This is the first time that Lu Lin has actually started to make talismans by himself. He is very excited and at the same time very serious.

Fortunately, the system is indeed powerful, and the downloaded skills are exactly the same as what he has learned hard for more than ten years.

He mobilized the array of symbols skillfully, melted the black gold crystal again, and immediately changed into the shape he wanted.

At the same time, each talisman in his hand turned into different talismans, constantly falling on the black gold crystal, tempering it in all directions.

Lu Lin devoted himself to the refining of talismans with all his attention, and various talisman refining techniques were presented in his hands.

After a short while, this talisman has basically taken shape!

That is a thick line, looks very domineering war knife!

The whole body of the sword is black, and the golden parts just now were all tempered by Lu Lin just now, and they were restrained to the inside of the blade.

Chu Qingxue and Ling Xuan could see this clearly.

Especially Chu Qingxue.

With the help of a special secret technique, she saw that the restrained golden colors inside the blade seemed to form bloodlines, and a faint golden light circulated inside the blade.

As a result, this blade embryo actually seems to have life!

Perfect embryo!

Chu Qingxue couldn't help but once again glanced at Lu Lin in surprise.

The so-called perfect embryo refers to the perfect combination of all the materials and all the characteristics of the talisman master when refining the talisman!

Chu Qingxue felt a little depressed when she saw this blade embryo now.

Because she had already made preparations just now, if the embryos that Lu Lin refined were too poor, she would instruct Lu Lin to refine them again.

Who would have thought that Lu Lin would succeed at the first attempt, and what he had produced was a perfect embryo!

Chu Qingxue thought to herself: Lu Lin has made magic bones many times before, right?

Because the perfect embryo is very rare.

Even some advanced talisman masters, or even master-level talisman masters, may not be able to make perfect talismans every time they refine talismans.

For most people, it is only possible to refine the perfect utensil embryo by refining and researching the same material and shape many times.

Now that Lu Lin has refined it at one time, she has to suspect that Lu Lin has refined it before.

But if you think about it, it's unlikely!

After all, both the jade dragon essence and the magic bone are extremely rare materials.

With her family background, she couldn't just use it to experiment and refine, so it is unlikely that Lu Lin has refining experience.

If you think about it like this, it can only be that Lu Lin has high attainments in talismanism, and his luck is quite good!

While Chu Qingxue was thinking about it, Lu Lin was ready to start the next step of refining.

I saw that he was holding a rune pen and raised his hand to draw a rune pattern on the blade.

This talisman is actually not his own.

His original rune pen was a very poor thing.

Although it can be used reluctantly, if you really want to use it to draw runes for this sword, it is just a waste of this material.

Although it will not waste the materials, the talisman grades that can be refined are definitely limited.

Therefore, when he was refining the materials just now, he unceremoniously took out such a talisman from Chen Jiang's space talisman bracelet.

The quality of this talisman is better than the one in Ling Xuan's hands!

At this moment, Lu Lin waved this talisman, and quickly and accurately wrote on the blade.

Every time the brush stroke falls, there will be golden runes on the blade, and then quickly disappear, leaving only a little trace.

This process is actually based on the rune to mobilize the introverted power of the jade dragon essence in the blade to release it, allowing it to form a formation that changes layer by layer.

Lu Lin kept writing, and the brushstrokes quickly traveled all over the blade.

So, after a while, golden lines appeared on the sword.

When Lu Lin finished drawing the last rune—


I only heard the sound of Qingyue's knife, as if a real dragon was chanting.

The battle knife in front of Lu Lin had changed drastically.

At this time, it exudes a faint golden light, and it looks like a black dragon with countless scales on its body, which is exquisite and mysterious.

Knife done!

Advanced Moon!

Lu Lin nodded slightly.

Obviously, he is quite satisfied with the effect of his refining this time.

After all, in the original plot, even with the help of Chu Qingxue, Ling Xuan only reached this level in the end.

But now he achieved it by himself, and did not ask Chu Qingxue for help.

Of course, he was actually referring to the labor results of Ling Xuan and Chu Qingxue in the original plot, but he couldn't be regarded as completely relying on himself.

If there is no relevant experience reference for the original plot, even if he downloads Ling Xuan's "Ling's Talisman Alchemy", he can only refine it into an intermediate moon rank, or even a junior moon rank!

But others don't know this.

Han Xiaomo and others, who had witnessed everything the whole process, were already stunned by this time.

You know, except for Zhang Jing, the three of them are all intermediate talismans.

However, they can only refine the top-level talismans at the most.

On the other hand, Lu Lin, UU Reading is still wearing the badge of a junior talisman master on his chest, but he has directly refined a moon-level talisman, and he is still an advanced moon-level talisman!

This made them very suspicious, is this intermediate Talisman Master fake?

Lu Lin ignored their feelings, rubbed the sword lightly, and smiled: "I'll call you the Black Dragon Sword!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and put the black dragon sword into the space talisman bracelet on his hand.

This bracelet originally belonged to Chen Jiang, but now Lu Lin seems to regard it as his own, and has never considered returning it to Chen Jiang.

After the talisman was refined, Lu Lin looked at Chu Qingxue and said, "Lord Deputy City Lord, shouldn't it be time for our trials to end?"

Hearing this, Chu Qingxue came back to her senses.

"Yes, it's time to end it!"

She glanced at Chen Jiang, who was lying on the ground and pretended to be dead, and said lightly, "There are still some accounts, and it's time to settle them!"

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