Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 39: Lu Lin: How can you contaminate people out of thin air?

Lu Lin's sudden opening was not small, and it spread directly to all directions.

Everyone else nearby was taken aback.

Ling Xuan, who was in the compound five-star array, said in surprise: "Vice city lord? Could it be the deputy city lord Chu who presided over the trials? Is she actually nearby?"

Han Xiaomo and the others were also very surprised, and their eyes shifted left and right.

As for Chu Qingxue herself, when she heard Lu Lin's call, she was also slightly startled.

She was a little surprised: How did Lu Lin know that I was back?

Also, shouldn't he expect me not to come back at this time, and quickly take the opportunity to refine the demon bones?

If she showed up, how could she pretend she didn't see it?

Chu Qingxue really didn't understand Lu Lin.

She even wondered if she had guessed wrong just now. Lu Lin had no plans to refine this demon bone at all.

Just when she was puzzled, Lu Lin shouted again: "Chu Deputy City Lord, please show up!"

When Chu Qingxue heard this, she finally took a step forward and flew towards the vicinity of Lu Lin.

When Ling Xuan and the others saw Chu Qingxue's appearance, they were once again surprised.

Zhang Jing couldn't help but said: "The deputy city lord Chu is really nearby! How could she just watch us get beaten here and didn't help us?"

Ling Xuan said, "If she makes a move, will we be considered eliminated?"

As soon as these words came out, no one else said a word.

At the same time, they didn't understand Lu Lin's sudden call to Chu Qingxue.

They managed to persevere until now, why did Lu Lin suddenly give up?

If Lu Lin called out Chu Qingxue when the demon bones were attacking just now, they would think that Lu Lin did the right thing.

But now, after the demon bone crushed the talisman that Chen Jiang took out, it remains motionless for the time being, so there is no need to do so!

Just when they were puzzled, Chu Qingxue had already arrived outside Lu Lin's talisman formation.

"What's the matter?" Chu Qingxue asked.

"Come in!"

Lu Lin directly opened the talisman formation, signaling Chu Qingxue to enter it.

Chu Qingxue suddenly became more puzzled.

She looked at the demon bones that didn't move for a while, but kept staring at this side, and finally stepped forward and stepped into the talisman formation.

Then, she saw Lu Lin hand over Chen Jiang's space talisman bracelet directly, and said to her, "Lord Fu City Lord, can you please help me to open this space talisman?"

Chu Qingxue: "..."

Good guy!

Thanks to her guessing for a long time!

Who would have thought that this Lu Lin called her in because he couldn't open Chen Jiang's space talisman!

She really couldn't figure it out, and said, "You actually asked me to have an invigilator to help you sack another contestant? How did you come up with such a miraculous idea?"

"Lord Deputy City Lord, how can you filthy people's innocence out of thin air?"

Lu Lin had a serious face and said, "You have seen what Chen Jiang has done, Lord Fu, how can he still be considered a contestant? He is a vicious gangster who destroyed the examination room and harmed other contestants! "

Hearing this, Chu Qingxue had a little recollection.

She looked at Lu Lin with a half-smiling smile, and said, "What do you mean, what you are doing now is not to rob other contestants, but to eliminate violence and protect the audition?"

Lu Lin nodded again and again and said, "Of course! This should have been the work of your invigilators, but who made me enthusiastic? But the solution to this problem is in Chen Jiang's space treasure, and I don't dare to do it without authorization. The sinner Chen Jiang is executed, so he cannot forcibly open his space talisman. In this case, do you think you should give me some help?"

Chu Qingxue didn't answer, she just said lightly: "Actually, if you don't have the confidence to deal with this demon bone, I can do it myself, you don't have to open Chen Jiang's space talisman."

Lu Lin couldn't hold it any longer, and hurriedly said: "Don't tell me! I admit that when I do good deeds, I also want to get some benefits. I wonder if the respected Deputy City Lord of Chu, can you give me a chance?"

When Chu Qingxue saw that he had softened, her expression softened a little.

At this moment, the demon bones outside the talisman formation seemed to have completely digested the essence of the jade dragon that it absorbed just now, and suddenly stepped forward again, heading straight for Lu Lin and the others!

Seeing this scene, Chu Qingxue also quickly made a decision.

She said, "It's not impossible for me to help you! But you have to promise me a condition!"

Without thinking, Lu Lin agreed directly: "As long as the conditions you mentioned do not violate my principles, I can agree!"

In fact, when he said this, he was secretly overjoyed.

Because, he knew what conditions Chu Qingxue would impose.

It was nothing more than breaking out of the siege in the official competition in Fucheng, and then joining forces with her in the final of the imperial capital.

In the original plot novel, Chu Qingxue used a similar method to get Ling Xuan to agree to help her, and then formed an alliance with Ling Xuan.

Now Lu Lin has successfully replaced Ling Xuan.

The difference is that in the original plot, Chu Qingxue took the initiative to help Ling Xuan, causing Ling Xuan to owe her favor.

On the other hand, Lu Lin took the initiative to ask Chu Qingxue to help, and took the initiative to owe her a favor.

The reason for this was because Lu Lin knew that forming an alliance with Chu Qingxue would have huge benefits!

Seeing that he agreed, Chu Qingxue did not hesitate any more.

As soon as she raised her hand, the space talisman bracelet in Lu Lin's hand flew up and fell into her hand.

I saw that she waved her hand gently, and the talisman formation on the bracelet suddenly made a click and was forcibly broken!

Immediately, Chu Qingxue threw it back into Lu Lin's hands.

Lu Lin checked the contents of the bracelet and was overjoyed.

He saw a large amount of spiritual stones, piled up like a mountain!

He secretly said in his heart: Sure enough, even if the plot changes, the impact is not too big.

At least the spirit stone on Chen Jiang's body is still there!

There are millions of spirit stones in this stroke!

According to the description of the original plot, this spiritual stone is actually the proceeds from the sale of many industries by the Chen family, not Chen Jiang's personal belongings.

Later, UU reading www.uukanshu. After Chen Jiang was killed by Ling Xuan, the space bracelet fell into Ling Xuan's hands.

But Ling Xuan didn't break the blockade of the master-level rune array above until he went to the imperial capital, and obtained the spirit stone.

As for now, this spirit stone will naturally return to Lu Lin.

Coincidentally, Lu Lin is going to use Krypton Gold to use the second pass after the game to download Ling Xuan's unparalleled talent for Rune Dao, just in need of spirit stones!

It should be enough!

At the same time, the demonic bones outside had also rushed in front of them and began to frantically attack the rune formation.


Fu Zhen suddenly vibrated violently!

In the distance, Ling Xuan and the others, who were still speculating on what Lu Lin and Chu Qingxue were talking about and what the situation was now, couldn't help but get anxious.

Because, they could see that the talisman formation that Lu Lin captured from Chen Jiang's side doesn't seem to have the same defensive power as their composite five-star formation!

If you continue to be attacked by this demonic bone, it won't be long before the talisman formation will shatter!

This made them sweat for Lu Lin.

"I'm going out to help Brother Lu!"

As soon as Ling Xuan gritted his teeth, he was about to rush out of the talisman formation.

Zhang Jing hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't be impulsive! You're just going to die when you go out!"

Han Xiaomo also nodded and said, "That's right, don't worry, the deputy city lord is still there, she can't just watch Brother Lu get killed!"

Ling Xuan wanted to say something, but suddenly heard Jiang Xing exclaim: "Look, what did Lu Lin bring out?"

Lu Lin hurriedly found something from the Fubao bracelet that was forcibly broken open and took it out.

As soon as the thing appeared, the demon bones outside the talisman formation suddenly became more violent!

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