Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 33: The Demon Bone was born! Calm Lu Lin

Name: Chu Qingxue

Age: Twenty-three years old

Cultivation: Moon Shadow Realm Ninth Layer

Exercise: "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements"

Talents: Space Element (Superior), Rune Dao (Superior), Fire Element (Superior)

Bloodline: none

Skills: "Jinghong Finger (Dacheng, "Xianyu Bodyguard (Dacheng, "Lingyan Cloud Trail (Dacheng, "Purple Phoenix Alchemy (Dacheng

Lu Lin looked at the attribute panel and fell into deep thought.

There are too many things that can be downloaded, which is also a tangled thing.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Lin finally chose the defensive rune skill "Xianyu Bodyguard (Dacheng.

It's not that he is afraid of death, so he chose the defensive rune skill, but because this rune skill is the fastest to download!

Because this is a fifth-level rune skill, it is only one level higher than the "Spiritual Armor" he currently masters.

Others, such as "Jinghong Finger" is a sixth-level rune skill, it takes a long time to download, and after downloading, due to the limitation of cultivation, he can't exert its power.

"Lingyan Cloud Track" is a fifth-level movement rune skill, which was improved and upgraded by Chu Qingxue based on "Cloud Track Footwork", and it was originally a good choice.

However, Lu Lin felt it was too feminine.

Moreover, after he now has "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique", the effect that can be exerted with the "Cloud Track Footwork" he originally mastered is not inferior to "Lingyan Cloud Track".

Therefore, Lu Lin did not choose this body technique.

The final "Purple Phoenix Talismans" is actually slightly inferior to Ling Xuan's "Ling's Talismans".

Although the fusion with Ling's talisman technique may be able to learn from each other's strengths, but the download time is not short, Lu Lin also gave up temporarily.

Let's talk about it later!

As for those top-grade talents and top-grade talents, Lu Lin was greedy.

But it's all attributes that he doesn't have at all. The download time is too long, so he naturally doesn't consider it.

In the end, Lu Lin chose "Xianyu Bodyguard".

Looking at the download time, Lu Lin felt relieved that it only took less than half a day.

Then, he kept silent, quietly waiting for the download progress to increase rapidly, full of expectations.

Chu Qingxue, who was beside him, naturally didn't know what he was thinking.

Just now, she has summoned the guards she brought to her, and asked them to be responsible for continuing to suppress the riots of monsters in Mosha Mountain, so there is no need to come here.

After the interrogation was over, her attention returned to Lu Lin.

Seeing him keep silent all the time, but he seemed a little excited. Do you think he was nervous and excited because he was by his side?

For a while, Chu Qingxue felt a little embarrassed.

Just when Chu Qingxue was thinking about whether she wanted to find something to talk about and break the atmosphere, suddenly—


In the valley in front of them, there were bursts of violent vibrations!

The attention of both of them was suddenly attracted to the past.

At first glance, they saw Chen Jiang and the others who were originally covered by the talisman formation, and they suddenly showed their figures.

This is not because they took the initiative to show up, but because in the valley, a terrifying evil spirit is rising into the sky, directly shattering their talisman formation!

On the other hand, Lu Lin and the others were actually only a dozen meters away from Chen Jiang and the others, but the talisman formation was extremely stable.

In fact, Chen Jiang was completely unaware of Lu Lin's existence.

Because, at this time, the person who is maintaining this talisman formation is Chu Qingxue!

A master-level talisman master who is only 23 years old!


The violent shaking of the valley continues, and the magnitude is getting bigger and bigger!

Standing in front of Lu Lin and the others, Chen Jiang's face was full of excitement, and his eyes kept staring at the center of the valley.

next moment-


A loud bang came suddenly!

It was like something in the ground suddenly shattered.

The ground in the center of the valley suddenly cracked a huge crack.

A palm with only bones left is the first to break out of the ground!

Immediately afterwards, the other hand bone also stretched out, pulling away the surrounding mud and broken bones, and quickly came out of fear.

Beside Chen Jiang, several killers in black suits couldn't help but shrink their pupils when they saw this scene.

Cowardly, she took two steps back in fright.

Really, the thing that is about to climb out of the ground, the breath it exudes is too terrifying!

Moreover, just from the scale of these two palms, it can be seen that this thing is at least ten meters high!

Only Chen Jiang, when he saw this thing coming out, his face became more and more excited.

Aware of the fear of the people around him, he snorted softly and said, "What a bunch of trash!"

Then, he continued to look excitedly at the behemoth that appeared in front of him!

Finally, this behemoth crawled out of the ground completely!

The killers around Chen Jiang all widened their eyes.

Because this thing is bigger than they originally imagined, it is actually 30 meters high!

A huge human-shaped skeleton ten stories high!

Its main body looks very similar to a human bone, but it has two horns on its head, one long and one short.

And behind it, there are two wing-like bones, and a long tail that also has only bones left.

Looking at it like this, it looks like a demon crawling out of hell!

Everyone at the scene, UU reading www. When saw this scene, it was Chu Qingxue who could remain calm.

Chu Qingxue is well-informed, and has long felt nothing about it.

What surprised her was that Lu Lin, who was beside her, was also very calm, and looked at the huge demon bone up and down with a look of interest.

Chu Qingxue couldn't help but ask: "Faced with this level of monsters, you are not afraid at all?"

Lu Lin asked back, "Why are you afraid? Even if I can't beat it, isn't there still the Vice-City Lord here?"

Chu Qingxue was a little speechless.

Think about it, too.

If it was really dangerous, whether it was out of selfishness to recruit Lu Lin, or because she was the invigilator of this audition, she would not be able to sit back and watch Lu Lin's accident.

However, Lu Lin's fearless tone made her a little uncomfortable.

So, she said, "I said, this is your game, unless you choose to forfeit, I won't shoot."

"Then don't be afraid!"

Lu Lin grinned and said, "Because I don't think this guy is coming towards us!"

Chu Qingxue asked, "Why?"

Lu Lin pointed in one direction and said, "Chen Jiang hasn't found us yet, so he will definitely lure him in that direction!"

Chu Qingxue glanced over there, and her heart moved.

That direction is exactly where she saw Lu Lin and Ling Xuan hiding!

She asked, "Where is Ling Xuan?"

Obviously, she also knew something about the conflict between Ling Xuan and Chen Jiang.

Lu Lin nodded and said, "That's right! Besides, when Chen Jiang attacked our talisman formation over there just now, he quietly did some tricks!"

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