Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 31: You may not know that you are also a tool man!

"You wait for me!"

After Chen Jiang threw down such a cruel word, he left quickly with his subordinates.

Ling Xuan was a little nervous and said, "I don't know, what exactly is this guy doing?"

"No matter what he wants to do, I'll ask Han Xiaomo and the others to come over and talk about it!"

Lu Lin did what he said, and directly asked Ling Xuan to use the talisman to send Han Xiaomo and the others into the talisman.

"Thank you Brother Lu!"

"Thank you Brother Lu for saving your life!"

Han Xiaomo and the others did not expect that Lu Lin would take the initiative to bring them into the talisman formation, and they were very grateful to Lu Lin for a while.

Lu Lin said, "You don't need to thank me. I asked you to come here just because our talisman formation needs three people to help run it! If you want to survive, join in."

After a slight pause, he glanced at Han Xiaomo and the three of them, and said, "Of course, if you have other ideas, you can also choose to refuse, and I will throw you out."

The faces of Han Xiaomo's three turned black.

To refuse is to be thrown out?

Under such circumstances, how could they refuse?

Therefore, they naturally agreed quickly, and then they all took the other three pass formation talismans that Ling Xuan had just refined, and each rushed to a corner of the talisman formation.

Seeing that they were getting acquainted with the talisman formation seriously one by one, as if they were looking forward to it, Ling Xuan simply admired Lu Lin to the extreme.

This kind of admiration has been growing ever since Lu Lin started plotting against Han Xiaomo and Jiang Xing.

Now it has reached a higher level.

From Ling Xuan's point of view, Han Xiaomo and the others made this move, and Lu Lin's deployment was extremely mysterious!

Before, he thought that Lu Lin just wanted to use them to collect monster materials, but later found out that Lu Lin also used them as cannon fodder to attract Chen Jiang's hatred.

He thought this was an amazing deployment.

Who would have thought that Lu Lin's calculations would go even deeper!

Now Lu Lin wants Han Xiaomo and the others to help run the rune formation, and Han Xiaomo and the others can't refuse!

What's even better is that these three people happen to have three different attributes, which just correspond to the needs of the composite five-star array.

The composite five-star array does not necessarily require the power of the five elements to be effective, it only needs to have five different attributes.

Right now, with Lu Lin and Ling Xuan plus Han Xiaomo, they can form the five attributes of wind, fire, water, thunder, and earth!

"These three people are really excellent tool people!"

Ling Xuan tsk tsk tsk tsk admiration, "Brother Lu, I don't know how you can see the attributes of their tool people?"

Lu Lin glanced at him with a strange look.

You are so embarrassed to say that people are tool people?

I'm afraid you don't know, you are also a tool person now!

However, these Lu Lin naturally wouldn't say it.

He just coughed lightly and said helplessly: "I can't do anything either. Who made me weak and unable to deal with this Chen Jiang? Otherwise, I don't need to be so troublesome, I'll just deal with him directly!"

Ling Xuan comforted and said: "Brother Lu, this Chen Jiang used to bully the small and the strong to bully the weak. You have done a good job! If it was me, I don't know what it would look like to be bullied by him!"

Speaking of this, he thought again that Lu Lin and Chen Jiang are enemies, all for him, for a sense of morality.

He was very grateful to Lu Lin all of a sudden, and he began to think about how to repay Lu Lin in return.

At this moment, Lu Lin suddenly heard a "ding" sound.

Another mission is downloaded!

It is Zhang Jing's mid-grade ice talent.

He suddenly felt a subtle change in his body.

Vaguely, his affinity for water energy has rapidly increased a lot!

With a thought in his mind, he ran the "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique" for a while, and found that he could activate it at any time!

In addition to being happy in Lu Lin's heart, he also suddenly had all kinds of strange ideas.

He glanced at his download panel.

There are two remaining tasks, one is "Ling's Talisman Refining" on Ling Xuan's body, it will take about a day or so to finish.

Of course, if Ling Xuan starts refining a large number of talismans again, the download can be accelerated.

But now that the materials are all used up, Lu Lin can't find an excuse for Ling Xuan to continue refining the talisman, so he can only slow down.

The second task, naturally, is the "Frightening Dragon Palm Method" on Chen Jiang.

Now that Chen Jiang ran away, the download was naturally suspended.

Lu Lin, who has read the original story novel, naturally knows what Chen Jiang will do next.

He also knew that Chen Jiang was about to finish his game.

Before that, he had to find a way to download the "Frightening Dragon Palm Method"!

So, Lu Lin suddenly opened his mouth and said, "You take them here temporarily, I'll go out and see!"

Hearing this, Ling Xuan couldn't help but be taken aback.

He said puzzled: "Brother Lu, it's very dangerous outside now, that guy Chen Jiang doesn't know what to do, why are you..."

Lu Lin didn't wait for him to finish, and interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

Lu Lin said with a serious face: "It is precisely because I don't know what Chen Jiang is going to do, so I have to go out to see and find out the situation! Otherwise, we will be beaten passively, and there is no way! "

Ling Xuan thought it was very reasonable.

Ling Xuan said, "How about I go?"

Lu Lin shook his head and said, "After all, this talisman was set up by you, so you are more familiar with it, and you can always make amends if there are any flaws! Moreover, my movement technique is slightly better than yours, even if I encounter danger. , the chance of escape is even greater!"

When he said that, Ling Xuan didn't know how to refute it.

Ling Xuan could only say solemnly: "Well, Brother Lu, you must be careful. If you find something wrong, come back quickly! We use the talisman to defend, and we should be able to support the invigilator until the invigilator comes over!"


Lu Lin waved his hand, and immediately stepped out, his figure suddenly rushed out of the cave.

As soon as he left the talisman formation, Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing, and Zhang Jing who were in other positions of the talisman formation could naturally see him.

Seeing Lu Lin suddenly go out, the three of them were a little puzzled.

Among them, Han Xiaomo suddenly widened his eyes, with a look of astonishment on his face, and muttered to himself: "This... this guy's talisman technique just displayed, how does it feel similar to my "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique"?"

The reason why he wasn't sure was because the time just now was too short, and he didn't have time to observe it clearly.

In addition, when he performed "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique", it was usually accompanied by "Dragon Body Movement".

Lu Lin is paired with "Cloud Track Footwork", which naturally looks a little different.

Before he could understand, Lu Lin had already quickly chased after Chen Jiang in the direction that Chen Jiang had left. His figure was so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye!

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