Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 26: How can you let your sheep run out to deliver food?

in the cave.

Lu Lin's face was a little ugly, and his eyes kept staring outside the cave.

Outside, there was a figure that he didn't want to see.

Chen Jiang!

Ling Xuan's enemy.

At the same time, he is also the villain in the plot of the novel Rongcheng.

He was dressed in casual clothes, with black and blue matching, and orange-red leather boots. At first glance, he looked like a famous brand, which was extremely exquisite and valuable.

Even if Lu Lin didn't know him before, he could recognize him at a glance.

Because of his attire, he couldn't buy it in Rongcheng.

But according to the original plot of the novel that Lu Lin knew, this guy should have been busy with his own plans.

In the novel, it was Ling Xuan who took the initiative to find him at the end of the third day, and the two sides started a decisive battle.

Not to mention, Chu Qingxue went to trouble him just now, so he shouldn't appear here again!


The plot still changed.

Lu Lin murmured to himself: "Could it be because I kept talking about him just now, so I was talking about him?"

At this time, Chen Jiang had already walked within twenty meters in front of Lu Lin.

Lu Lin also kept staring at him, so his attribute panel popped up in front of him.

Name: Chen Jiang

Age: Nineteen

Cultivation: Eighth Level of Astral Spirit Realm

Cultivation method: "Shocking Tao"

Talents: Water Element (Top Grade), Talisman (Middle Grade), Gold Element (Middle Grade)

Bloodline: none

Skills: "Frightening the Dragon Palm (Dacheng, "Smoke and Rain Sword Technique (Xiaocheng, "Moving and Changing Shapes (Xiaocheng, "Golden Wheel Protection (Xiaocheng, "Mysterious Light Alchemy (Xiaocheng Xiaocheng

After taking a look, Lu Lin made a judgment: In terms of talent, this guy is not as good as Han Xiaomo!

From this attribute panel, it can be seen that the only thing he can do well, that is, the eighth level of Astral Spirit Realm, and a fourth-level palm technique and rune skill.

However, his cultivation base is obviously also dependent on his extraordinary family background, and he piled it up with various resources, which is not solid.

Lu Lin couldn't figure it out. With such a thing, he couldn't figure out why he would fight against a son of luck like Ling Xuan?

Just because your cultivation is two levels higher than others, so you think you will win?

Courage is commendable!

Unfortunately, the result was cruel.

In the original plot, Ling Xuan was indeed inferior to him at the beginning of the fight, but then a breakthrough came and he directly killed him!

Of course, the reason why Lu Lin can see this so clearly is because he has a system.

Chen Jiang has no such plug-ins.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to know that Ling Xuan's talent is so terrifying, and it is even more impossible to know that Ling Xuan's skills are not weaker than him at all.

He was used to being arrogant. After several conflicts with Ling Xuan, he naturally wanted to destroy Ling Xuan.

But who would have thought that Ling Xuan was the son of luck, and his several calculations were all in vain. In the end, he shot himself and was killed by Ling Xuan!

His talent is not particularly good, but that is compared with Ling Xuan.

Compared with ordinary people, he is still very outstanding.

As for some of the things he did, in fact, many rich second-generation like him would do.

However, he was more unlucky. He met Ling Xuan, so he died!

If he hadn't met Ling Xuan, maybe his life would have been other wonderful things.

Thinking of this, Lu Lin suddenly felt some sympathy for this guy.

Of course, sympathy belongs to sympathy. If the two sides really want to fight later, Lu Lin will not be soft-hearted.

But now, seeing Chen Jiang approaching step by step, the first thing Lu Lin did was to directly select the "Frightening Dragon Palm Method" on his attribute panel and add it to the download task.

This is what he wanted to do before, but he didn't expect that Chen Jiang would take the initiative to send it to him so quickly!

Task 3: Skill: "Frightening Dragon Palm Method (Dacheng

Download progress: 0.01% (remaining: about two days)

However, in fact, Lu Lin didn't expect to finish this palm technique, just wanted to see how long it would take him to finish this task now.

Lu Lin still had a bit of luck in his heart, hoping that Chen Jiang just happened to pass by nearby and would leave soon, and would not disturb him to continue downloading here.

Unfortunately, Lu Lin was disappointed.

Chen Jiang, who was outside the cave, suddenly stopped.

Immediately, he sneered and shouted loudly, "Come out, I know you are here!"

Found out?

Lu Lin's heart sank.

But he didn't do anything immediately, but continued to watch.

Now they are in the talisman formation.

Who knows, is this guy cheating them?

Han Xiaomo and others, who were hiding in another nearby talisman formation, were also looking at Chen Jiang at this time.

They all felt that Chen Jiang must have come to Ling Xuan, so they didn't move.

Outside the Fu array, Chen Jiang waited for a while, but there was no movement, and his face was a little ugly.

He said in a deep voice, "Ling Xuan, get out of here! I've asked my people to guard the surroundings and set up a talisman formation to block others from entering. Come out and fight me to the death if you want!"

When Lu Lin heard this, he understood why the other party was the only one here this time.

However, he still didn't understand why Chen Jiang found them here?

Immediately, he suddenly remembered those younger brothers of Jiang Xing.

It is very likely that they leaked the news!

Lu Lin shook his head helplessly, but did not regret it.

Because, he didn't want to keep Jiang Xing's younger brothers together, but because of his lack of strength, he could only scare them away.

It's just that he didn't expect that UU Reading Mosha Ridge was so big, and a monster riot broke out just now, but Chen Jiang actually happened to meet those few people who knew their news.

Thinking about these things, Lu Lin still didn't move.

After all, what Chen Jiang called was Ling Xuan, not Lu Lin, so he naturally had to go and ignored him.

What's more, they still have talisman protection, how could he just leave the talisman and go out foolishly?

Chen Jiang, who was outside the Fu formation, found that there was still no one to take care of him, and his forehead couldn't help but burst into blue veins.

If it wasn't for the few people he caught just now, they had sworn to confirm with him that Ling Xuan was here, and if he had detected the existence of a talisman nearby through special means, he would have doubted whether he was looking for him. Wrong place!

At this time, seeing that there was still no response, he was completely impatient.

With a gloomy face, he said, "If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Before he finished speaking, the talisman power on his body had begun to surge, and he even took out several talisman treasures in his hand.

Ling Xuan, whose eyes were originally closed, finally opened them.

He glanced at Chen Jiang outside, and his face was a little ugly.

Seeing that he was about to stand up, Lu Lin immediately opened his mouth to stop him and said, "Don't move, continue to adjust your breath and recover!"

Ling Xuan was a little worried and said, "But..."

"Nothing but!"

Lu Lin didn't wait for him to finish, and said calmly: "Your task now is to restore rune power! Leave the rest to me first! When you recover to your best state, I will naturally give you a chance to fight him. !"


Knowing that the wolf is outside, how could he let his sheep run out to deliver food?

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