Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 24: Did a great deed that no one knows about!

Chu Qingxue didn't stop there.

She came here just to make sure Ling Xuan and Lu Lin, two people she values ​​very much, are safe.

At this time, she was sure that Lu Lin and the others were safe, so she naturally left.

Inside the cave.

Seeing that Chu Qingxue's attribute panel disappeared, Lu Lin also knew that the other party had left.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly: This is all because he discovered a hidden usage of the system again!

It turned out that he had found out that Chu Qingxue had arrived just now!

Because, Chu Qingxue's attribute panel popped up automatically just now.

This is also a hidden function of the system.

Once a target that has been parsed before and has great value, once it enters a certain range, the attribute panel will automatically pop up.

Lu Lin has not yet determined how big this range is, but it should be larger than the download range.

In other words, even if the opponent's strength is far superior to Lu Lin, and he has used some sky-defying means to hide himself, as long as he approaches, he will be instantly discovered by Lu Lin!

And just now Lu Lin discovered Chu Qingxue's appearance, so he deliberately said the words just now.

Next, as expected, Chu Qingxue was going to run to trouble Chen Jiang.

In fact, Lu Lin and Chen Jiang, the early villains, have no hatred.

Even, he was able to quickly gain Ling Xuan's trust and make Han Xiaomo and Jiang Xing obedient, all thanks to Chen Jiang's constant tossing!

Unfortunately, what Chen Jiang will do next is destined to run counter to Lu Lin.

Chen Jiang wanted to kill Ling Xuan desperately, and Lu Lin was still thinking of downloading something from Ling Xuan, so it was impossible for Chen Jiang to do so.

After thinking about it, Lu Lin naturally could only cause some trouble for Chen Jiang, so that he could not come and affect his download plan!

Anyway, even if Lu Lin didn't say anything, Chu Qingxue would eventually find out that Chen Jiang was doing the trick.

Now, Lu Lin is just making this matter a little bit earlier.

In this way, it can also reduce the casualties of some contestants, which can be regarded as reducing Chen Jiang's sins!

This is also his own reward to Chen Jiang!

Lu Lin felt that he had done a great deed!

Moreover, he didn't intend to let others know.

Especially not wanting Chen Jiang to know!

What happened next, just as Lu Lin had predicted, Ling Xuan had been refining talismans in the cave, while Han Xiaomo and the others brought more monster materials.

Of course, the monster materials they brought could not be exchanged for equivalent talismans.

Generally, when they bring back materials that can refine ten treasures, Lu Lin will give them six treasures.

You always have to pay some hard fees to take care of Ling Xuan's feelings.

So, Lu Lin happily downloaded it while watching the increasing number of monster materials and talismans in front of him.

Ling Xuan, Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing, and Zhang Jing all became his workers.

However, this state of affairs did not last long.

Because the situation of monster riots is getting worse and worse.

A large number of monsters are raging wildly, even if Lu Lin and the others are on the edge of the Demon Ridge, they will be affected.

After the three of Han Xiaomo had hunted down five monsters, their rune power was almost exhausted, and they didn't dare to go out to hunt at all.

So, they returned to the hillside where Lu Lin and the others were, and with the help of the auxiliary talisman they got from Lu Lin, they set up a talisman formation and hid in it.

The location of their hiding place was designated by Lu Lin.

It was only ten meters away from the entrance of Lu Lin's cave.

Lu Lin's arrangement was naturally for the convenience of downloading!

Just now, he had already added Zhang Jing's mid-grade ice talent to the download panel, so he silently waited for it to be completed!

After Ling Xuan refined a large number of talismans, the talisman power was exhausted and he had to stop.

In this way, the download acceleration effect will naturally disappear temporarily.

Although Lu Lin had some regrets, there was nothing he could do.

It's the king's way to scoop up the wool and keep the water flowing. If it's too ruthless, it will kill the sheep, but the gain will outweigh the loss!

Therefore, he also told Ling Xuan very solemnly: "You can adjust your breath to recover, and then hand it over to me!"

"Okay, then please Brother Lu!"

After Ling Xuan expressed his gratitude to Lu Lin, he immediately began to adjust the breath to restore the magic power.

From this point, it can be seen that he has complete trust in Lu Lin now.

As for Lu Lin, there is a reason why he dared to make such a package.

First of all, he knew that Chu Qingxue went straight to Chen Jiang, and it was almost impossible for Chen Jiang to kill him!

Secondly, this place is located in a marginal area, and most monsters will not come even if they are in a state of riot.

The last point is that Ling Xuan has already completed the arrangement of their planned compound five-star array after a lot of hard work!

In fact, the degree of completion is better than what Lu Lin saw in the original plot of the novel!

In this case, it is almost impossible for them to encounter any danger!

At this moment, Lu Lin suddenly heard a "ding" sound.

Immediately afterwards, a lot of information emerged in his mind, quickly forming a brand new rune skill!

The corner of Lu Lin's mouth curled slightly: "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique" is finally finished!

Then, he closed his eyes and quickly absorbed this new rune skill. UU reading

This "Yunlong Transformation Shadow Technique" is very important to Lu Lin.

In the original plot, Han Xiaomo often used this rune technique to escape for his life, and he escaped death many times because of it.

Lu Lin also mainly wanted to use it for his body.

After all, he is likely to download what he wants from various targets in the future.

Some targets may be dangerous.

Possessing a secret escape skill means too much to him!

In addition, if he encounters some download targets and suddenly wants to leave his download range quickly, he can also use "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique" to chase the other party!

Chase behind each other to download!

However, "Cloud Dragon Shadow Transformation" requires two types of runes, water and wind, to be able to cast it.

Lu Lin now only has the wind attribute.

For the water attribute, he would have to download the ice-type talent from Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing's ice-type cultivation talent, although it is only a mid-grade talent, is actually comparable to an ordinary high-grade water-type talent because of its rarity!

After Lu Lin quickly digested "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique", his heart suddenly moved.

There is one download task vacant, but unfortunately Han Xiaomo's download cooldown has to wait until tomorrow.

Otherwise, he can download the top-grade water talent directly from Han Xiaomo!

Anyway, the download time for this high-grade water talent is longer than Zhang Jing's mid-grade ice talent.

Once the mid-level ice-type talent is downloaded, he has the lower-level talent. It is estimated that the download speed of the high-level water-type talent will also speed up immediately!

In this way, he will be able to raise the talent of the water element to the top grade more quickly!

Just when Lu Lin was secretly regretting it, he suddenly found that someone was coming nearby!

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