Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 21: Simply brilliant and predictable!

Ling Xuan imagined for a while, if he was alone with Han Xiaomo, or Jiang Xing's group.

The most he can do is to drive them away, and he absolutely cannot make them what they are now.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but cast a look of admiration at Lu Lin.

In his opinion, Lu Lin is extremely smart and predictable!

Looking at Ling Xuan's appearance, Lu Lin probably guessed what he was thinking.

Lu Lin just smiled lightly, thinking: This is the benefit of knowing the plot and knowing everything about you!

Outside the cave, Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing, and Zhang Jing continued to beg Lu Lin for mercy.

Ling Xuan couldn't help but ask: "Brother Lu, do we just ignore them? If they are too desperate, they might be detrimental to us!"

Lu Lin naturally understood this.

Don't look at him now bluffing Han Xiaomo and Jiang Xing, but if these two guys attacked them desperately, or attacked them directly before abandoning the game, it would not be good for them!

Lu Lin thought for a while, then said, "Then give them a chance!"

Ling Xuan asked curiously, "How to give them a chance?"

Just now, Lu Lin pretended to be planning a strategy by himself. There were ambushing soldiers everywhere, and the talisman formation they arranged was full of mystery and danger.

But my own people know their own affairs.

Where do they have a powerful talisman formation, and how can other companions be ambushed around and ready to attack at any time?

If Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing, Zhang Jing and the others are allowed to enter the talisman formation, they will see the truth of their own side, maybe they will immediately attack them!

Lu Lin smiled and said, "They want to be sheltered by us, so naturally they can't be free. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Then, he said to Ling Xuan: "You first think about how to set up the talisman formation in here, to defend against possible attacks and dangers for a while, I will go out and talk to them!"

In fact, it was already past midnight, and Ling Xuan's download cooldown was over.

Therefore, Lu Lin had already added Ling Xuan's "Ling's Talisman Alchemy" to the download list.

However, the download speed is very slow.

He now urgently needs Ling Xuan to start refining the talismans to speed up the download for him.

Therefore, other trivial matters can only be done on their own.

Ling Xuan has no opinion on this.

Now he was actually used to following Lu Lin's orders.

Because, Lu Lin's previous proposals were all correct!

Afterwards, Lu Lin took a step forward, stepped over the psychedelic rune formation, and reappeared in front of Han Xiaomo and Jiang Xing.

Han Xiaomo and the others were overjoyed and thanked Lu Lin again and again: "Thank you Brother Lu, thank you Brother Lu!"

Hearing that they were so smart, they all began to call him Brother Lu like Ling Xuan. Lu Lin was satisfied, but his face did not show the slightest emotion.

He just said lightly: "For everyone's sake from Rongcheng, I allow you to hide here!"

At this point, the three Han Xiaomo, who were originally excited, suddenly stiffened.

They thought that Lu Lin wanted them to enter the talisman formation, but who would have thought that Lu Lin would only allow them to hide nearby?

If it's just like this, they don't need Lu Lin's permission!

Lu Lin raised his brows and said, "Don't you think that you can enter the talisman formation we set up? No? You and I are not related, so you won't be so thick-skinned that you want to prostitute for nothing. ?"


Seeing his shocked expression, Han Xiaomo and the others were all at a loss for words.

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, if they can hide nearby, once they encounter danger, Lu Lin and the others can help to resist.

This actually helps them.

But this is obviously not as safe as staying directly in Lu Lin's talisman formation.

Especially now that they don't have any auxiliary talismans on them, and there are almost no talismans that can be arranged.

Security is too low!

At this moment, an earth-shattering roar suddenly came from not far away, and there were even people's screams.

Han Xiaomo and the others suddenly woke up.

With a face of pleading, Zhang Jing said to Lu Lin, "Brother Lu, you can do it! We are really desperate!"

Lu Lin glanced at them, sighed softly, and said, "Forget it, who will make me soft? I'll give you a chance! As long as you can each bring me back a material for a mid-level star-level monster, I can give you some auxiliary talismans of the same value, so that you can use them to arrange the talisman."


Zhang Jing opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

Jiang Xing interrupted her.

At this point, Jiang Xing couldn't see it, Lu Lin couldn't let them take refuge in the talisman formation.

Thinking about it, it is also true that everyone is not relatives and not related, and there was even a conflict just now. If it was them, it would be impossible for others to easily enter their own talisman formation.

Lu Lin has no obligation to save them!

Lu Lin is willing to let them exchange the materials for the refined auxiliary talismans, so that they can reduce the time for refining the talismans.

Jiang Xing said to Han Xiaomo: "Now that the monsters have just started to riot, it is relatively easy to hunt down some middle-level monsters of the star rank! How about, let's fight together?"

Han Xiaomo gritted his teeth and said, "Fight!"

When Zhang Jing saw this, UU Reading could only bite the bullet and follow them!

So, the three of them left together immediately and went to look for hunting targets nearby.

Lu Lin smiled slightly, then turned around and returned to the cave.

As soon as he came back, he greeted Ling Xuan's admiration.

Ling Xuan sighed and said, "It is a great luck for them to meet such a good person as Brother Lu!"

Lu Lin coughed lightly and said, "I'm not as good as you said!"

In fact, Lu Lin asked Han Xiaomo and the others to collect materials, and come to find them in exchange for auxiliary talismans. Why did he want to help Han Xiaomo and the others because of his great mercy?

His biggest purpose is to let Ling Xuan refine some more talismans, so that the download speed of the "Ling's Talisman Refining" he is downloading is just faster!

Of course, it was impossible for him to tell Ling Xuan about this, so he could only change the subject and asked, "How are you thinking about the defensive talisman formation?"

Ling Xuan scratched his head and said, "I have some ideas, but they haven't been decided yet. I'm just trying to discuss with you."


Lu Lin felt that it was a waste of time!

He couldn't wait for Ling Xuan to start refining talismans!

Then, he thought of a certain detail in the original plot.

He said calmly, "What do you think about the compound five-star array?"

Hearing this, Ling Xuan's whole body shook violently!

He widened his eyes, looked at Lu Lin in surprise, and said, "Okay! That's great! This talisman array is better than all the plans I just thought of! Moreover, the auxiliary talismans we have on hand are almost ready to use. Lay out this talisman!"

Then, he cast an admiring look at Lu Lin again: "Brother Lu is Brother Lu, it's amazing!"

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