Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 19: The essence of jade dragon and the riot of monsters!

"Boss, don't be sad, those guys are not worth your sadness!"

"You will definitely receive more reliable and powerful younger brothers in the future. Let those traitors regret it then!"

Zhang Jing came to Jiang Xing's side and comforted him softly.

However, Jiang Xing was still a little dejected.

When Han Xiaomo saw this scene, he couldn't help feeling a little sour.

This girl named Xiaojing, although not very beautiful, is very loyal, reliable and considerate.

Why is Jiang Xing so lucky?

It's just that this guy doesn't even know it!

Han Xiaomo finally resisted the urge to beat Jiang Xing again.

Then, he looked at Lu Lin again.

Seeing that Lu Lin was still playing with the dagger he made, he couldn't help but say, "That... this dagger belongs to me."

Lu Lin glanced at him and asked with a look of surprise, "Didn't you already send it out just now? How can this be counted on you?"

His expression seemed to be asking: Why are you so embarrassed to say this?

Han Xiaomo: "..."

Even if he is as thick-skinned as he is, he is really embarrassed to speak again at this time.

Forget it, forget it, if you break wealth and eliminate disasters, you should treat yourself as a charity!

After comforting himself in his heart, he simply changed the subject and said, "I don't want this thing! Well, the essence of the jade dragon you just mentioned... Can you tell me now?"

Lu Lin smiled and said, "It's simple, but can you release the dagger for me first?"

The corners of Han Xiaomo's mouth twitched.

To be honest, he was actually thinking just now, when he got the information he wanted, he would go back and find a way to **** off Lu Lin, and then get the things back!

Let Lu Lin know that not everyone can take Han Xiaomo's things!

However, now Lu Lin actually asked him to disown the weapon, and he wanted to get it back later, but it wasn't that simple!

But he really didn't dare to refuse Lu Lin's request now.


Isn't it just a broken knife!

If you can exchange information about the essence of the Jade Dragon, it will be a good deal!

So, Han Xiaomo gritted his teeth and suddenly struck a talisman, cutting the connection between himself and the short knife directly.

"All right?"

Lu Lin tried to put his rune on the short knife.

In an instant, he only felt that it was unobstructed, and it was much easier to use!

"Not bad!"

Lu Lin sighed in admiration, "Are you good at your craft!"

Han Xiaomo slandered: As soon as I came to this broken place, I spent most of the day collecting materials and refining things, is it okay?

But there was only a shy smile on his face, and he said, "You'll be satisfied! That... Can you tell me the essence of the Jade Dragon now?"

Ling Xuan listened to the conversation between the two and became curious about the so-called "Essence of Jade Dragon".

However, he didn't interrupt either, just listened silently beside him.

Unexpectedly, Lu Lin actually said a name that surprised him: "Chen Jiang!"

Han Xiaomo was also a little surprised.

Immediately, he glanced at Ling Xuan and said suspiciously: "Really? You don't want to use me to help solve that Chen Jiang!"

Lu Lin shrugged and said, "Believe it or not!"

Han Xiaomo's face changed slightly.

With his character, the more Lu Lin explained to him, the more suspicious he would become.

Now Lu Lin doesn't seem to be bothered to explain, but instead makes him believe it.

As for whether there is any problem with the news, he will naturally find a way to verify it.

Thinking of this, Han Xiaomo handed over to Lu Lin and said, "Farewell!"

But just as he was about to leave, he heard Lu Lin shout again, "I think you'd better not leave now."

Han Xiaomo's heart tightened, and he glanced at him vigilantly: "What do you mean?"

Lu Lin was a little speechless, and said, "What do you think I can mean? If I really played tricks on you, I wouldn't have to wait until now!"

Han Xiaomo didn't say a word.

Lu Lin ignored him, but looked at Zhang Jing and Jiang Xing, who were also about to leave, and shouted, "You two are too, for the sake of your contribution to me. , I will remind you for free, don't leave here for the time being!"

Jiang Xing frowned and asked, "Why?"

Ling Xuan also looked at Lu Lin in confusion.

According to their previous plan, they will start refining the talismans by themselves.

In this case, shouldn't these people be driven away so that it is convenient for them?

Lu Lin took a deep breath and said, "Because next, a monster riot is about to break out!"


The faces of Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing, and Zhang Jing changed dramatically.

Even Ling Xuan was taken aback by Lu Lin's words at this time.

He finally couldn't help but ask, "Brother Lu, is this true?"

Lu Lin said seriously: "Of course it's true! I won't joke about this kind of thing."

"But, it's impossible!"

Han Xiaomo was also a little panicked at this time.

After all, by nature, this little fat man is very afraid of death.

He panicked and said, "Well done, how could there be a monster riot?"

Ling Xuan couldn't help but said, "Yes, Brother Lu, I have never heard of a monster riot in this Mosha Mountain!"

Lu Lin looked at Ling Xuan, UU Reading sighed, and said: "Indeed, under normal circumstances, there is indeed no monster riot in this Mosha Mountain. However, don't forget, this time, some people I want to kill you!"

Ling Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly.

He said in a deep voice, "You mean, that guy Chen Jiang?"

Lu Lin nodded and said, "This time, in order to kill you, he didn't hesitate to ask a killer for help, but he couldn't find you, so he naturally went mad!"

Ling Xuan's face was extremely gloomy, he gritted his teeth and said, "This lunatic!"

Han Xiaomo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "Is it possible that he just took out the essence of the jade dragon to provoke the monster?"

Lu Lin glanced at him and said with admiration, "You're quite smart!"

Han Xiaomo's mouth twitched.

This time, he believed that Chen Jiang really had the essence of the Jade Dragon in his hands.

But, in this case, how did he get it?

Enemy the monsters in the entire Mosha Mountain, and steal food from their mouths?

When Zhang Jing listened to the conversation of the three, she was extremely panicked for a while.

With a pale face, she looked at Jiang Xing and asked, "Old... Boss, what should we do? I don't want to die!"

Jiang Xing quickly reassured her and said, "Don't panic! We are not sure whether the news is true or not!"

But just as his voice fell—



There were bursts of roars, and there were also terrifying beast roars, which suddenly sounded from the mountains and forests in the distance.

The faces of the people around Lu Lin turned pale all of a sudden!

The monster riot has really appeared!


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