Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 15: Breakthrough again? how did you do that? !


At the entrance of the cave, Ling Xuan, who had been observing the situation outside, almost burst out laughing.

However, because he thought that Lu Lin was still cultivating by his side, he quickly covered his mouth.

As a result, he felt a twitch all over his body.

No way, this little fat guy outside is so funny!

He actually knew just now that Han Xiaomo had already sensed their existence.

After all, Lu Lin's psychedelic talisman formation would definitely not be able to stop the rune power fluctuations emanating from Lu Lin's body just now!

It's just that he didn't expect that there was still a person hiding outside the cave entrance, and he somehow helped them stop the disaster!

And when he saw that Han Xiaomo suffered a loss, but temporarily wanted to join the team of the young men in denim suits, Ling Xuan guessed that this guy was most likely going to use these people to deal with them!

Therefore, Ling Xuan immediately prepared for battle, ready to face a fierce battle.

Unexpectedly, the young man in the denim suit is not stupid, and he is not so easy to fool.

He actually just accepted Han Xiaomo's talisman, but he refused to let Han Xiaomo join in!

Now Han Xiaomo has lost his wife and lost his army!

He just really thought that if he handed over everything readily, the other party would accept him. Who would have thought that the other party would not talk about martial arts!

If you want to trick others, you won't succeed if you don't!

So embarrassing!

Seeing that the plan failed, Han Xiaomo could only bite the bullet and ask again: "Brother, can't you think about it again? I really want to take refuge!"

The young man in jeans just sneered and said, "No! I don't like fat people."

Han Xiaomo: "..."

I ride a horse...

This kind of thing also engages in appearance discrimination?

It's outrageous!

Now he is so angry that he wants to do it directly!

However, he calmed down when he thought that he might take advantage of the fisherman in the end by taking action by himself.

His mind quickly turned, and he felt that the situation in front of him was not completely impossible.

The next moment, his figure suddenly moved, and at the same time he shouted: "Boss, I tried my best, but I didn't succeed! I'll take a step first!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly used the "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique", and his body quickly flew away in the distance!

In the blink of an eye, he has disappeared without a trace.

"What a fast speed!"

The young man in the denim suit and the others were all taken aback at once!

They didn't expect that the unassuming fat man actually has such a powerful movement and rune skills!

If this guy wanted to escape just now, they wouldn't be able to catch up!

When they realized this, their hearts were also tense, and their eyes immediately looked around.

"There are other people nearby!"

"This little fat man could have escaped just now, but he didn't. It turned out to be a conspiracy!"

"Bastard! How dare you plot against us!"

"Who is it? Get out of here!"

The young man in denim swept his gaze around, and Shen Sheng said to the ice-type female contestant named Xiao Jing beside him, "Let's try it out and see who else is hiding nearby!"


Xiaojing immediately moved the talisman, and the talisman light surged throughout her body.

In the cave, Ling Xuan was a little helpless when he saw this.

After all, we still have to make a move!

No matter what, he definitely couldn't let the other party interrupt Lu Lin's cultivation!

So, he was about to rush out of the cave and start before the opponent.

In this way, at least the opponent will not attack Lu Lin's side again.

But at this moment—

"Let me come!"

Lu Lin, who had closed his eyes just now, suddenly opened his eyes.

Before the voice fell, Lu Lin's figure had turned into an afterimage, and he rushed out of the cave in an instant.

Ling Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then his heart was shocked.

"Brother Lu... sure enough, he has become stronger again!"

The moment Lu Lin rushed out just now, he clearly felt that Lu Lin's cultivation level had once again reached the sixth level of the Astral Spirit Realm!

Xiuwei has caught up with him!

At this moment, his mood is very complicated.

In the past, he felt that his talent was very strong, but since he met Lu Lin, he inexplicably felt that he seemed ordinary.

And just when he sighed in his heart, Lu Lin's figure had already rushed in front of the young men in jeans and the others.

The young men in jeans and others were taken aback by him.

The talisman skills of the ice-type female contestant were also interrupted all of a sudden.

They all looked at Lu Lin with vigilance, and found that Lu Lin's face was very ugly and seemed very angry.

Lu Lin was indeed very angry.

Because, when Han Xiaomo left just now, the task he had not downloaded was cut off all of a sudden.

The reason is because these guys ran out and ruined his good deeds!

However, when he rushed out of the cave, he found that the download actually resumed!

Good guy!

It turns out that Han Xiaomo didn't really escape at all!

He just repeated his old trick, pretended to escape, and then quietly touched it back.

After Lu Lin came out at this time, he happened to be within 20 meters of him again, and the download naturally resumed!

At this moment, Han Xiaomo is hiding nearby and watching!

He turned the light into darkness, but he suddenly turned into a oriole in the dark!

Seeing that Lu Lin was successfully forced out by him, he secretly praised himself: Sure enough, I am smarter!

He obviously never thought that Lu Lin could pass the task of downloading him, UU reading www.uukanshu. com judged that he was back!

Lu Lin originally wanted to take a strong shot and directly deal with the group of young men in jeans.

However, after realizing that Han Xiaomo was back, he had to reconsider what to do.


Even if you want to defeat the young men in jeans, you can't be too strong!

Otherwise, Han Xiaomo would be scared away, and his download task would be impossible to complete.

When Lu Lin was thinking about this, the young men in denim suits opposite him all responded.

"You are the guy who suddenly broke through the cultivation base outside Mosha Mountain!"

Someone exclaimed in surprise.

Others also recognized Lu Lin.

The young man in the denim jacket looked shocked and said, "You... you actually broke through again, and your strength has reached the sixth level of the Astral Spirit Realm!"

The others were in an uproar.

"How is this possible?"

"Didn't he just break through once before he came in?"

"Breakthrough again? How did this happen?!"

Lu Lin couldn't help but move in his heart when he saw them all making a fuss.

Immediately, he urged Fu Li, and the corner of his mouth forced a trace of blood donation.

Then, he glared at the youth in jeans and the others, and said, "You bastards, you interrupted my training, and I will kill you!"

After he finished speaking, a rolling rune surged on his body, and he rushed towards the young men in jeans and the others!

It looks like you are going to fight them hard!

Seeing Lu Lin's appearance, everyone on the other side was a little stunned.

Because, when they discovered the rune power surging on Lu Lin's body, they felt very confused!

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