Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 13: How can you say robbing about the Talisman Master?

Lu Lin has to admit that this exercise is really not something that ordinary people can practice.

Now that he has mastered this technique, the foundation of everything is based on Chu Qingxue's perception.

It is indeed very difficult for him to comprehend the original text himself!

On the basis of Chu Qingxue, to achieve a better understanding of this cultivation technique, at least it is not something he can do now!

So, for now, it's enough to practice according to Chu Qingxue's perception!

Of course, when he comprehended the "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements", he mainly wanted to leave an impression first.

It is convenient for him to go back and download "Blue Dragon Art". If it is integrated into "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements", compare and see what changes will occur.

After doing this, Lu Lin checked the progress of the remaining tasks.

He found out that nearly two hours had passed since the download time.

Among the three download tasks he just added, the wind system cultivation talent, the download progress reached 92.1%, and the "Blue Dragon Art" also reached 90%.

However, the download progress of "Yunlong Huaying Technique" is still in a state of turtle speed, and the progress can only exceed 5%.

At this moment, he heard some movement in the cave behind him.

Looking back, it was Ling Xuan who had finally recovered his power and was walking towards him.

"Brother Lu, why did you come to the entrance of the cave?" Ling Xuan asked Lu Lin suspiciously.

Lu Lin smiled and said casually, "I heard some movement outside just now, so I came over to have a look."

Ling Xuan's heart tightened and he asked, "Then nothing happened, right?"

Lu Lin shook his head and said, "Although someone passed by, they didn't find us! I was worried that there would be other changes, so I stayed at the entrance of the cave!"

Ling Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he said gratefully, "Brother Lu has worked hard!"

Lu Lin laughed and said, "You guarded me for more than six hours, and I only guarded for more than two hours. What's the hard work!"

After a slight pause, Lu Lin changed the subject and said, "By the way, it's time for you to start refining talismans. Have you thought about it before?"

Ling Xuan nodded and said, "Just now I have basically planned all the talismans I want! I just don't know what talismans you want to refine, Brother Lu?"

Lu Lin took another look at the wind element talent (top grade) and the download progress of "Blue Dragon Art".

It is estimated that the remaining time will take about ten minutes.

However, it still takes half an hour before the morning.

He decided to have a good chat with Ling Xuan, chatting with him for half an hour, waiting for his task to be downloaded and the cooldown time to end.

So, Lu Lin said, "Tell me first, what is your idea?"

Seeing that he was still sitting at the entrance of the cave, Ling Xuan had no intention of moving, so he simply sat down beside him.

Ling Xuan said: "I think we should start with an attacking talisman, and in addition, some auxiliary talismans needed for the arrangement of the talisman array. As for the defensive talisman, we can refine it after we have obtained more materials. system."

Lu Lin shook his head again and again and said, "I think that we can wait until we finish refining the offensive and defensive talismans for the auxiliary talismans needed to set up the talisman array, and then we can see what is left, and then we can refine them again! "

Ling Xuan frowned and said, "But in this way, when we need to use talisman formations, there may not be enough auxiliary talismans, many talisman formations cannot be used, and our strength is limited!"

Lu Lin grinned and said, "You forgot, we are in a competition right now! When we were refining talismans, other contestants were also refining them!"

When he said that, Ling Xuan understood immediately.

He said excitedly: "Brother Lu is saying that we can **** the needed auxiliary talismans from other people later?"

Lu Lin said with a serious face, "How can we say robbing the Talisman Master? We are borrowing it! The big deal is that we will return these things to them after the game is over!"

Ling Xuan was stunned.

It turns out that this matter can still be said so openly?

Sure enough, Brother Lu is still amazing!

However, Ling Xuan had no opinion on Lu Lin's proposal, instead he felt that Lu Lin was smarter than him.

Because when he arrived at this time, he suddenly thought that most people refine talismans, and only identify the masters of attack and defense talismans.

And the auxiliary talisman used to arrange the talisman, basically will not recognize the master.

In that case, they will grab it, no, after borrowing it, you can use it directly without any obstacles!

On the contrary, if they get attack and defense talismans, unless they kill each other, it will be very troublesome to forcibly refine the opponent's talismans!

Moreover, if they simply borrowed auxiliary talismans from other players, the other contestants would probably not resist too violently.

If it is an attacking or defensive amulet, then they may feel that they are killing them!

Thinking of this, Ling Xuan suddenly said to Lu Lin with admiration on his face: "Brother Lu, you have a good heart, I'm not as good as you!"

Lu Lin: "??? Why are you praising me so well?"

Ling Xuan said very seriously: "I think, most of the contestants must be thinking about how to defeat their opponents, and then steal everything from others to win the game! Even me, including me, thought about it as a last resort. Under the circumstances, even if you want to kill others, you will not hesitate! Only Brother Lu, you have never thought about killing people from beginning to end!"

Lu Lin: "..."

In fact, the reason why he said that he could pick up some auxiliary talismans from other people was because in the original plot, Ling Xuan was a fish in troubled waters. thing!

Unexpectedly, after his remarks, he became a good person inexplicably?

Fortunately, this good man card wasn't given to him by a woman!

However, when he turned around and planned to take Ling Xuan as his younger brother, it was no harm that the image in Ling Xuan's eyes had become stalwart.

So, he just chuckled: "Don't say that, I just think that everyone is a human race. For a mere match, there is no need to really splatter blood on the spot."

Ling Xuan nodded.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with a serious face: "However, Brother Lu, you have to be careful. Among these contestants, it is estimated that many of them will be cruel to others!"

Lu Lin said in his heart: Just say Chen Jiang's name and forget it!

However, after UU Reading's kind reminder to Ling Xuan, Lu Lin nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a virgin either, if people don't offend me, I won't offend others, if anyone offends me, then don't Blame me for giving it back a hundredfold!"

A smile appeared on Ling Xuan's face.

Obviously, he now completely regards Lu Lin as his friend, so he reminded him so seriously just now.

Immediately, Ling Xuan asked again: "Brother Lu, you haven't said what kind of attack talisman and defense talisman!"

Lu Lin thought for a while, and said, "I want a knife and a python leather armor! If you have specific requirements..."

Lu Lin began to speak carefully.

And just when he finished communicating with Ling Xuan, he heard the prompt sound of the system task completion!

Talent: Wind Element (Top Grade), download complete!

In an instant, Lu Lin only felt warm currents surging all over his body, so comfortable that he almost wanted to shout.

When Ling Xuan was beside him, his expression was strange, and he asked in confusion, "Brother Lu, what's the matter with you?"

"No, it's fine!"

Lu Lin waved to him!

Coincidentally, at this time, another task: Cultivation Technique: "Blue Dragon Art" has also been downloaded!

In an instant, countless information about the "Blue Dragon Art" emerged in his mind.

Lu Lin hurriedly said to Ling Xuan: "I suddenly feel something in my heart, and I need to comprehend it. You prepare first, and start refining the talisman in a while, don't worry about me!"

After speaking, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Ling Xuan glared at Lu Lin in disbelief.

He murmured in a low voice, "Didn't Brother Lu just break through before entering the arena? Now I feel something in my heart, isn't it about to break through again?!"

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