Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 11: Hidden for countless years, just to amaze the world

The fat boy looked panicked, waved his hands again and again, and said, "Two big brothers, I really didn't mean it! If you don't discuss it, I will pretend that I have never seen you, and you will also have never seen me, and no one will interfere with anyone. ,OK?"

But the two masked men ignored him at all, and even accelerated towards him.

Seeing this, the fat boy suddenly changed his face, showing anger and ferocity on his face.

He shouted angrily in a low voice: "Tigers don't show their power, you think I'm a sick cat? I originally wanted to let you go, but since you don't know how to praise, don't blame me for being rude!"

The two masked men in black suddenly stopped.

Seeing Han Xiaomo's furious appearance, they were also a little surprised for a while.

Although the two of them were both stronger than this young man, they did not forget that all the geniuses in Rongcheng were gathered in this Mosha Mountain.

Don't look at this little fat man's appearance, but who can't know, will he be a fierce tiger?

What these geniuses like to do most, isn't it the leapfrog challenge?

Not to mention, this young man is still a Talisman!

The talisman masters have too many peculiar methods that ordinary warriors like them cannot understand!

So, they have to be careful!

What they didn't know was that Lu Lin was looking at them just a dozen meters away from them, separated by a hallucinatory talisman formation.

At this time, Lu Lin's mood was somewhat different from theirs.

In the original plot, there was actually no such scene.

Although Ling Xuan did have some contact with Han Xiaomo, it was not such a contact.

Obviously, this also caused some changes in the plot because of him.

However, Lu Lin was also mentally prepared early in the morning.

He just looked at Han Xiaomo and sighed again and again: "This guy's acting skills are really good, if I hadn't known your details, I would have been fooled!"

As far as he knows, with Han Xiaomo's character, it is impossible to do anything desperate to fight with others!

Immediately, Lu Lin's eyes flickered slightly, but he was lost in thought.

Because, at this time, Han Xiaomo's personal attribute panel appeared in front of him.

Name: Han Xiaomo

Age: Eighteen

Cultivation: Astral Spirit Realm Sixth Layer

Cultivation method: "Blue Dragon Art"

Talents: Wind (top grade), Talisman (top grade), water type (top grade)

Bloodline: Dragon Blood Battle Body (Unawakened)

Skills: "Cloud Dragon Shadow Transformation (Dacheng, "Dragon Movement (Xiaocheng, "Canglong Nine Swords (Beginner, "Cloud Mirror Shield (Xiaocheng, "Basic Alchemy (Xiaocheng become

Lu Lin clicked his tongue secretly.

Previously, his estimates for this little fat man were already very high, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated him.

The overall strength of this little fat man is far stronger than he imagined!

Even compared to Ling Xuan, Han Xiaomo is only humble in terms of talent, but his potential is equally huge!

Moreover, these skills on him are even more supporting things.

Lu Lin knew that he was very strong in the later stage, but he didn't expect that he would have obtained these things long ago.

However, thinking about Lu Linyou felt relieved, because this Han Xiaomo was originally a cunning character.

He is obviously very talented, but he pretends to be weak, laughing and joking all day long. If it wasn't for a critical moment, he wouldn't give his all at all.

He is obviously very hardworking in private, but he is always arrogant in front of others, unrestrained and lazy.

It was only in the later stage of the plot, when the decisive battle, that he burst out with astonishing strength, stunning the world in one fell swoop!

When Lu Lin saw that scene, he was immediately stunned.

He was very suspicious that Han Xiaomo had been hiding for so long just to find a blockbuster opportunity.

It's a pity that he was always obscured by the aura of the protagonist Ling Xuan, which made him decide to keep a low profile.

It was for this reason that Lu Lin was very impressed by him.

At this time, seeing this little fat man, Lu Lin naturally immediately thought: I must download more things from him!

Especially that dragon blood battle body bloodline, that's an absolute good thing!

According to what he learned from the original plot, there are many secret treasures, secret methods, and even secret realms in this world, all of which are related to the dragon family.

With this kind of physique, you can get a lot of advantages!


Lu Lin started the operation very decisively.

However, at this moment, Han Xiaomo's personal attribute panel in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Han Xiaomo actually left his download range?

Lu Lin was stunned for a moment, then looked out of the cave again, only to find that Han Xiaomo's figure was still standing there, not leaving at all.

How is this going?

Is the system exhausted?

Such an idea first appeared in Lu Lin's mind.

But then, he seemed to have thought of something, and his heart moved: No! That's not his real body!

That is the cloud dragon shadow technique!

Lu Lin was suddenly speechless.

He had forgotten for a while that before the later episodes, what Han Xiaomo was best at was running away!

And this "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique" itself is a kind of confusing escape talisman technique!

Once it is cast, a phantom that looks exactly like him will be left on the spot!

As for his body, it will eerily turn into a shadow, and with a simple rune formation, he can escape silently!

At this time, the Han Xiaomo that Lu Lin saw was obviously the phantom left by Han Xiaomo, and his body had just escaped!

Looking at the two killers who were chasing Han Xiaomo, they were clearly in the Moon Shadow Realm, but they didn't find it at all.

They were frightened by Han Xiaomo's aura just now, but soon they thought that their mission this time was very important, and even if this little fat man really had the ability, they couldn't let the other party leave.

Therefore, they recklessly rushed to Han Xiaomo again.

But, it's too late!

When they rushed forward, they found that Han Xiaomo's figure began to fade and become illusory.

"Void? No, we were deceived!"

"Bastard! This guy dares to trick us!"

The two killers were extremely angry, and yelled at them.

Then, they cursed and searched for Han Xiaomo everywhere.

Lu Lin could only mourn for them.

He estimated that it was impossible for these two guys to find Han Xiaomo.

This is because according to the original plot, he remembered that Han Xiaomo passed this trial successfully.

On the other hand, it is an inference based on Han Xiaomo's personality.

This guy is too good at escaping!

At the same time, Lu Lin also sighed secretly: It's a pity, this time Han Xiaomo ran away, so there was no download!

He actually had the intention to go out and pursue Han Xiaomo.

After all, now that he is on Ling Xuan's side, he can't download anything for the time being.

However, he thought that Ling Xuan had devoted himself to protecting the Dharma for several hours just now, and he himself had promised Ling Xuan to protect the Dharma for him.

In the end, Lu Lin gave up the idea of ​​leaving the cave.

He secretly said in his heart: If it's a big deal, I'll find a chance to download it later!

Even if he can't find a chance in this Mosha Ridge, as long as he passes the trials this time, he will then represent Rongcheng to go to the state capital to participate in the war, there is a chance!

He is determined to win both the Dragon Blood Battle Body and the "Cloud Dragon Transformation Shadow Technique"!

Even, he was still thinking, what would happen if Han Xiaomo's "Blue Dragon Art" was downloaded by himself?

Will it be integrated with "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements", or will they master both techniques at the same time?

Just when he was thinking about this, the two killers had long since disappeared.

Lu Lin turned his head and wanted to return to the cave, but at this moment, his body froze.

Because, he suddenly discovered that Han Xiaomo's figure had come back!

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