Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 99: Projection all over the city! Shocking images of Rongcheng!

"Master, for some unknown reason, a huge light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky in the city!"

In the mobile phone, Mrs. Yang's anxious voice came.

Yang Chuan's face suddenly darkened.

Huge light curtain?

This made him think of the city-wide projection function of the Great Defense Array!

Although only the city lord has the complete authority to use the moat, the deputy city lord also has some authority, including the city-wide projection function!

Yang Chuan suddenly thought that the person who started this whole projection at this time must be Chu Qingxue!

Thinking of this, Yang Chuan was secretly relieved.

Although he didn't know what Chu Qingxue wanted to do, since the whole process of projection was activated, it proved that Chu Qingxue was still in Rongcheng, and not here!

In this way, the person he needs to solve next is much simpler!

From Yang Chuan's point of view, except for Chu Qingxue, the entire Rongcheng can be easily solved with the help of spells!

Of course, he wasn't sure if Chu Qingxue would rush out from the city immediately, so he had to move faster now.

As soon as he thought about it, he said directly: "I know, Madam, you should pay close attention and report to me at any time if there is any situation, I still have things to do first!"

"Okay, sir!"

After Mrs. Yang answered, she hung up the phone.

Immediately, Yang Chuan also accelerated again, rushing in the direction of the battle sound.

What Yang Chuan didn't know was that at the same time he received the call, Chu Qingxue, who he thought was in Rongcheng, also received a call from a subordinate in the city.

Chu Qingxue couldn't help being startled when she learned that the projection of the whole city in the city was suddenly activated.

After all, Yang Chuan is still outside the city, who else in the city can turn on the city-wide projection?

Then, she suddenly thought of Lu Lin again.

Just now, after Lu Lin recorded the process of Yang Chuan killing Chen Hu, he hurriedly teleported away.

Chu Qingxue couldn't help but think: Could it be Lu Lin's handwriting? Did he record that video just to broadcast it all over the city?

Have to say, this is an excellent note!

Part of the source of Yang Chuan's magic power comes from the beliefs of the people of Rongcheng.

Once Yang Chuan's hideous face is released, his spell will naturally collapse, and he will even suffer backlash from the spell!

Of course, what shocked Chu Qingxue the most was that Lu Lin could actually mobilize the great defense formation!

She couldn't help chuckling: "Interesting! I don't know how many trump cards this guy has hidden!"

However, now that Yang Chuan was going to hunt down Song Bin and the others, Chu Qingxue didn't have time to think about it for the time being.

As soon as she moved, her figure flashed out of the talisman formation and chased after Yang Chuan!


In Banyan City.

The huge light curtain that suddenly appeared suddenly made the entire city seem to have suddenly turned into daylight.

Such a scene immediately attracted the attention of the residents of the whole city!

"Isn't it only early in the morning? Why is the sky suddenly bright?"

"Hey, that's not right, this is the light from the Great Defense Array!"

"Look at it, it seems to be a light curtain projected by the whole city!"

"Did something major happen? Why did the City Lord's Mansion activate the city-wide projection in the middle of the night?"

"Isn't there an alien race coming to attack Rongcheng?!"

"Quick! Wake everyone else up!"

Many residents of Rongcheng who were sleeping soundly were disturbed.

They all ran outside, facing the light curtain that appeared in the sky, and there was a lot of discussion.

Everyone in the orphanage also sensed the movement and was also awakened.

Ling Xuan, Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing, Zhang Jing, Li Lan, and the old dean all came to the courtyard and looked up at the sky.

Curious expressions appeared on their faces.

Because, as everyone knows, this whole process of projection is generally not a big deal, and it will not be used at all.

The old dean was a little worried and said, "That child Lu Lin doesn't know how he is doing now?"

When she said that, the others couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Lu Lin had told them before that something big might happen tonight.

They also knew that Lu Lin wasn't here tonight, so he was busy with something.

Seeing that all the projections in the city were dispatched now, but Lu Lin had not come back, it was inevitable that everyone would be a little worried.

Seeing this, Han Xiaomo couldn't help but grinned and said, "Don't worry about it, everyone, Brother Lu is very capable, and he will be fine!"

People can only hope so much now.

Only Ling Xuan sighed lightly and said, "After all, we are still too weak!"

He felt that he owed Lu Lin a lot of favors, but he couldn't do anything for Lu Lin in return, and he always felt a little depressed.

At this time, he secretly decided that he must improve his strength as soon as possible, and strive to repay Lu Lin's kindness as soon as possible!

What Ling Xuan and the others didn't know was that the person who caused such a shocking scene in the city at this time was the one they were worried about right now, Lu Lin.

Lu Lin is not in any danger now.

Instead, he was staying in the villa garden, enjoying the tea and snacks that Xiaoyue and Xiaoxi prepared for him.

Not to mention, he was already hungry after a busy night.

At this time, after drinking a cup of hot tea and eating several snacks, he asked, "How is the situation outside?"

Xiaoyue said respectfully: "Back to the young master, the people below report back, most people in the city have been awakened and are waiting for the projection to start!"

Lu Lin nodded and said, "Okay, then I can't make everyone wait!"

After he finished speaking, he took out an image talisman, and at the same time he took out the black token he got from the underground of Ling Xuan's house.

He first injected a rune into the image rune crystal, and played the image in it.

Immediately afterwards, he mobilized the black token to mobilize the defense formation.


A rune pattern appeared out of thin air, covering the image rune crystal in his hand.

The next moment, the white light curtain above the sky of Rongcheng changed!

Yang Chuan's figure appeared on the light curtain!

This scene instantly lifted the spirits of all the residents of the city.

"The Lord of the City has appeared!"

"Sure enough, the Lord of the City is going to announce something important?"

"Strange, why does Lord City Lord seem to be not in the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Don't you think that the face of the Lord of the City is not very good-looking? It looks a bit terrifying!"

"Is this really the Lord of the City? I've never seen him like this!"

Yang House. UU reading

Yang Chuan's wife was also taken aback when she saw her master appear above the light curtain with a hideous appearance.

She has never seen Yang Chuan like this before!

Then, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

She couldn't help taking out her mobile phone and wanted to call Yang Chuan again.

But at this moment, the maid next to her suddenly spoke up and said, "Madam, look quickly, why does the lord seem to be fighting someone else?!"

Mrs. Yang made a move, and hurriedly looked nervously at the light curtain above.

Afterwards, everyone in the whole city saw how Yang Chuan and Chen Hu fought and finally cast a spell to kill him!

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