Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 9: Too bad talent? Just download it!

The Mosha Mountain has a wide range, with several mountain ranges connected one after another, and the mountain situation is also very complicated, and various monsters are dormant in it.

After thinking for a while, Lu Lin finally chose to continue following Ling Xuan, ready to pick some wool from him!

Although it's a bit of a waste of time, in a place like Mosha Mountain, it's not easy to find another sheep that can only be eaten!

After walking around with Ling Xuan, he found a cave.

The previous battle had consumed them a lot, so they were going to take a break and recover.

After a brief cleaning, they hid in the cave.

The psychedelic array was also arranged by Ling Xuan again to cover the entrance to the cave.

In the cave, the two of them re-arranged the materials they had just harvested.

Among them, there are several new things, which are some ores, bones and the like.

These were found on the road just now, because Ling Xuan needed them.

On the way here, the relationship between Ling Xuan and Lu Lin became more and more familiar.

Now, they call each other brothers and sisters.

Lu Lin was one year older than Ling Xuan, so Ling Xuan naturally called him Brother Lu.

At this time, Ling Xuan said to Lu Lin, "Brother Lu, I'll restore the talisman power first, and then start refining the talisman treasure! Please help me guard it first!"

Hearing this, Lu Lin's heart moved.

He wanted to download Ling Xuan's family tradition of talisman refining, and when Ling Xuan refined the talisman, it was undoubtedly the most suitable time, and the download speed was also the fastest!

But if Ling Xuan starts to restore the talisman power now and starts refining the talisman in two hours at most, and the system's download cooldown has not yet passed, wouldn't he miss the best download opportunity?

That's not possible!

So, Lu Lin rolled his eyes and said, "Wait, do you want me to recover first?"

Ling Xuan was a little puzzled and said, "If I recover first, can't you recover as well when I refine the talisman? That will save some time!"

However, Lu Lin shook his head and said with a serious face: "This Mosha Ridge is too dangerous. My cultivation base is not as good as yours, and the consumption just now is so great. I don't have the confidence to protect you in this state."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Furthermore, when you are refining the talisman, it is best to have someone to guard it, otherwise if something interrupts it, wouldn't it be a waste of materials?"

"Brother Lu seems to make sense when he said so!"

Ling Xuan thought about it, nodded and said: "Okay, then I will help you guard first, by the way, I will simply deal with these materials, and come up with a refining plan for the talisman! You recover first, and then help me later. Protect the law!"

"No problem!" Lu Lin readily agreed.

Then, Lu Lin immediately sat down with his knees crossed, started to run the exercises, breathed in and out, and regained his talisman.

For a while, layers of mysterious floating light appeared on his body, as if countless runes were flickering.

Ling Xuan only glanced at it, and couldn't help being shocked: Sure enough, Brother Lu is not ordinary!

Although he couldn't see what kind of exercises Lu Lin was practicing, but looking at the performance of the exercises, he also knew that Lu Lin's exercises were definitely not simple!

He didn't bother Lu Lin, and silently began to classify the materials they collected, while doing simple processing.

Lu Lin opened his eyes slightly, and when he saw his condition, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Naturally, he didn't fully trust Ling Xuan just now, so he seemed to be running the exercises to restore the rune power, but he was actually on guard.

But now it seems that everything that happened before has indeed made Ling Xuan completely believe him.

He also felt relieved and focused on running "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements".

This is also the first time he has focused on cultivation since time travel. Some curious, some excited.

As a result, through this cultivation, he discovered that he had a very fatal problem.

Talent is too bad!

Even though he has now used the system to forcefully learn the "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements", the effect of training is only slightly better than the "Qing Yuan Jue" he practiced before!

This is obviously not normal!

In this way, he should improve his talent as soon as possible!

Otherwise, it would be too uncomfortable to have powerful exercises and powerful skills, but not be able to exert their power!

It's also because of his poor talent for cultivation and the fact that his exercises are too strong and profound, so that Lu Lin's breathing adjustment took a full six hours!

For such a long time, not to mention that Ling Xuan was greatly surprised, even Lu Lin himself was unexpected.

When he finally recovered Fu Li with great difficulty, he opened his eyes again.

He cast an apologetic look at Ling Xuan and said, "I kept you waiting, Xiao Ling!"

Unexpectedly, Ling Xuan looked at him with admiration and said, "Brother Lu, you are really amazing!"

Lu Lin was a little surprised.

Why did this guy suddenly praise him?

Then, he heard Ling Xuan say: "Your practice, I feel very profound when I look at it! Brother Lu, you can learn such a profound practice, which is really admirable! Brother Lu, you have practiced this practice. Fa, the cultivation base is only at the fifth level of the Astral Spirit Realm, right?"

"That's right!"

Lu Lin touched his nose.

He can't always say that this is a practice that someone else learned, he just downloaded it from someone else!

Lu Lin found that Ling Xuan really admired him, and because he saw the extraordinaryness of his practice, he didn't think there was anything wrong with him adjusting his breath for so long.

After all, powerful exercises are a little more complicated and a little more troublesome to practice, isn't it normal?

Anyway, such a misunderstanding is a good thing for him, so Lu Lin didn't explain anything!

Immediately, Lu Lin was too embarrassed to continue procrastinating, and directly said to Ling Xuan, "It's your turn next, I'll help you guard!"


Ling Xuan didn't say much, and immediately sat down with his knees crossed.

Seeing that Ling Xuan closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, ran the exercises, and began to breathe out and restore the magic power, Lu Lin moved in his heart and called up his attribute panel.

At this point, there have been some changes.

Name: Lu Lin

Age: Eighteen

Cultivation base: Five layers of Astral Spirit Realm

Exercise: "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements"

Talents: Wind (middle grade), rune (low grade)

Bloodline: none

Skills: "Cloud Tracking Footwork (Dacheng, "Slayer Sword Technique (Xiaocheng, "Spirit Armor and Body Protection (Xiaocheng, "Basic Palm Technique (Xiaocheng, "Basic Talisman (Xiaocheng Xiaocheng

Immediately, Lu Lin looked at his download panel again.

It turned out that during his cultivation just now, the last download task had been completed!

At this time, he also immediately discovered that there was a lot of information in his mind.

Lu Lin was refreshed and immediately began to digest the relevant content of this rune skill.

After a while, he had completely mastered this defensive rune technique.

One more life guarantee!

Taking a look at his attribute panel again, Lu Lin also had some thoughts on the task goal he was going to download next.

Obviously, now his talent has become his shortcoming.

When Lu Lin was fighting just now, he had already discovered a problem.

That's because his own talent is too poor. Even if he downloads Chu Qingxue's "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements" with the help of the system, the effect he can exert will be greatly reduced.

So, it's time to improve your cultivation talent!

And Ling Xuan has the talent for him to download!

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