Dark inside the tent.

Shen Lingjun, standing by the bed, held his breath and hesitated.

A few days ago, she would have stabbed him without hesitation and stabbed this son of a bitch to death.

But right now...

She hesitated.

I haven't been able to do it for a long time.

Perhaps it was Lin Jiangnian's slightly inflammatory remarks a few days ago that swayed her. Even if I don’t want to believe it in my heart, I think about it unconsciously.

After thinking carefully, her original firm idea gradually wavered. In addition, during the past few days, she specially followed Lin Jiangnian and his carriage to observe, and indeed found that the prince... did not seem to be so evil?

At least on the surface, he is indeed far from the imagined image of someone who bullies men, dominates women, and commits all kinds of evil.

He even let Wang Qin go? !

This was an unexpected result for Shen Lingjun. Coupled with what her uncle mentioned to her before, Shen Lingjun's thoughts were completely shaken.

The opportunity was clearly right in front of her, but she hesitated!

Do you really want to kill this bitch?

What if he was right?

Wouldn't that be an injustice to him?

Killed a good guy by mistake? !

Shen Lingjun's eyes hesitated, becoming more and more hesitant.

In the dark environment, Lin Jiangnian could be vaguely seen sleeping soundly on the bed, with the smell of drunkenness filling the air.

Shen Lingjun fell into hesitation and confusion. The hand holding the dagger trembled slightly and did not drop it.

"Young Prince, you deserve to die!"

In the darkness, Shen Lingjun's bright eyes held a hint of hatred.

She gritted her silver teeth, but the dagger in her hand never fell.

She gave up!

"I will find out what happened to Miss Yingying. If you dare to lie to me, I will definitely kill you next time even if I chase you to the ends of the earth!"

Shen Lingjun gave him one last hateful look, put away the dagger, and turned to leave.

However, Shen Lingjun just walked to the door of the tent. There was sudden movement outside the door, and a figure pushed open the tent and walked in.

Shen Lingjun's eyes were alert for a moment, and when he was about to take action, he was stunned again.

"Girl Paper Kite?!"

In the dark and dim environment, Shen Lingjun recognized the person's identity at a glance.

It's the paper kite.

In the dark environment, the familiar white clothes.

Zhiyuan paused for a moment when she saw Shen Lingjun in the room, but she didn't seem surprised. He glanced up at the bed not far away, walked slowly to the side of the room, and lit the oil lamp on the table.

Oil lamps illuminate the tent.

A paper kite dressed in white appeared in the room, with a bit of a dusty smell about her body.

"Girl Paper Kite?"

Shen Lingjun was a little surprised!

Zhiyuan disappeared after leaving the ruined temple in the afternoon. If she hadn't witnessed Lin Jiangnian's every move, she would have even doubted whether Lin Jiangnian had done something to Zhiyuan.

Now that Zhiyuan suddenly appeared, she breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, before she could figure out why Zhiyuan left without saying goodbye, she suddenly saw Zhiyuan lighting the oil lamp, and immediately whispered nervously: "Zhiyuan, you will scare off the snake..." …”

Lighting an oil lamp in the tent will inevitably attract attention from outside, and your identity will be exposed if you are not careful.

At this time, Shen Lingjun still thought that Zhiyuan was here to assassinate Lin Jiangnian just like her.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at Shen Lingjun. She said nothing, but shook her head slightly.

Shen Lingjun was startled and didn't know why.

Then, she saw Zhiyuan slowly turn around, walk to the bed, and look down at Lin Jiangnian on the bed.

"Girl Paper Kite..."

Shen Lingjun opened his mouth and was about to say something when he saw Zhiyuan suddenly sitting on the edge of the bed, reaching out and touching Lin Jiangnian's forehead lightly.

Shen Lingjun's eyes were dull.

My head seems to be stuck.

Didn't Miss Zhiyuan come to assassinate Lin Jiangnian?

She is...

doing what?

"How much did he drink?"

Zhiyuan didn't raise her eyes and suddenly spoke.

Shen Lingjun was still in a daze at this time, and said subconsciously: "I drank a lot, and I drank with my uncle... The maid who helped him back was already drunk, and he probably won't wake up..."

Zhiyuan didn't speak anymore, just looked down at Lin Jiangnian's sleeping face, gently stretched out his hand to cover him with the quilt, and then slowly stood up.

Turning around, he met Shen Lingjun's extremely shocked gaze.




And...deeply confused!

"Girl Paper Kite..."

Something flashed through Shen Lingjun's mind, and he instinctively felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't put it into words.

She looked at Lin Jiangnian on the bed, and then at the girl Zhiyuan in front of her, who was extremely elegant and had a cold and unparalleled temperament. For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

"Come with me."

Zhiyuan seemed to notice her doubts, spoke softly, and walked towards the door.

Shen Lingjun was stunned for a while, his mind still filled with doubts. He followed Zhiyuan's footsteps and walked out of the tent.

Outside the tent, the cold wind howled, and the bonfires lit around it slightly illuminated the night.

At the door of the tent, two maids braved the cold wind and stood guard at the door. The cold wind made them shiver slightly.

"You all go down and rest."

Zhiyuan glanced at the two of them and spoke softly.


The two maids lowered their heads and left obediently.

Behind him, Shen Lingjun's head buzzed when he saw this scene.

Before she could react and come to her senses, the guards standing around outside the tent, as well as those wearing black armor and rumored to be the personal soldiers around Prince Lin, all looked respectful and respectful when they saw Zhiyuan.

Wherever the kite goes, other people do not bow their heads in respect.

This scene completely confused Shen Lingjun, his eyes were dull, staring at Zhiyuan's cold back, with an incredible look of shock on his face.

The kite stepped lightly and came to the grass in the middle of the plain. The blazing bonfire drove away the night and the cold.

Zhiyuan stopped, looked at the blazing flames, slowly turned around and looked at Shen Lingjun.

At this time, Shen Lingjun was still in a state of confusion. She looked at Zhiyuan with stunned and shocked eyes.

She already had a bold and incredible idea in her mind!

"Paper, Miss Paper Kite..."

Shen Lingjun suppressed his shock, "You, you know them?"

Zhiyuan looked at her calmly and nodded gently: "Yes."

After getting the definite answer from Zhiyuan, Shen Lingjun's head was banged and he was completely stunned.


Does Miss Paper Kite know everyone here?

This means that Miss Zhiyuan is... a group with them?


Just now those maids and guards all obeyed Miss Zhiyuan's orders, it's obvious...

Shen Lingjun's eyes widened in disbelief, and his breathing began to quicken.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, then spoke softly: "I used to be from Prince Lin's Mansion."

Shen Lingjun was shocked and stunned!


Girl Zhiyuan is actually from Prince Lin's Mansion? !



Seemingly sensing Shen Lingjun's shock and confusion, Zhiyuan spoke softly: "I left Prince Lin's Mansion probably a few months ago."

Shen Lingjun was puzzled.

Leaving Prince Lin's Mansion?

Then why is she here again now?

Zhiyuan didn't explain much, but just looked back at the tent where Lin Jiangnian was not far behind him.

"I used to be his maid."


Shen Lingjun raised his head in disbelief.

She swallowed: "Miss Zhiyuan, are you the dog... Lin Jiangnian's maid?"


"What kind of maid?"

"Personal maid."


Shen Lingjun was completely confused!

It’s numb too!

Personal maid?

Miss Zhiyuan, she used to be Prince Lin's personal maid?

This, how is this possible?

Girl Zhiyuan is clearly a knight in the world. With such proud martial arts skills, why would she want to be a maid for that bitch prince?

What a waste of natural resources!


How could she be the maid of that bitch prince? !

It was difficult for Shen Lingjun to understand and accept it.

But when he saw Miss Zhiyuan's indifferent expression, she couldn't say a word.


A master like Zhiyuan Girl could actually be the maid of that bitch prince?

Shen Lingjun feels very ridiculous!

At the same time, she also remembered the vows she had made in front of the son of a bitch not long ago. As a result, the heroine she described as having unfathomable martial arts skills turned out to be the maid of Prince Gou!

At this moment, Shen Lingjun's face was burning.

Her voice trembled with shock: "Girl Zhiyuan, you, how can you be him, his maid?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and said calmly: "This is what I owe the Lin family."

Owe the Lin family?

Shen Lingjun still didn't understand. The cold wind was howling and the warmth of the campfire was blowing on her body. At this moment, she was stunned on the spot with complicated emotions.

Incredibly complex!

She was still digesting the shocking news that made her question her life.

There are countless doubts in my mind that I want to ask, but I can't say a word.

After a while, after taking a deep breath, Shen Lingjun seemed to think of something: "Then why didn't you kill me before?"

Since Zhiyuan was Lin Jiangnian's maid, why didn't she stop her when she said she wanted to assassinate Lin Jiangnian?

She had revealed her identity in front of Zhi Yuan and was the assassin who assassinated Lin Jiangnian. Why didn't Zhi Yuan kill her?

With Zhiyuan's skills, it would be easy to kill her.

Zhiyuan did not answer her question, but asked: "Why don't you do it tonight?"

Shen Lingjun was startled, then lowered his head slightly: "I don't know..."

Shen Lingjun's tone was a little low and a little confused.

She couldn't explain it clearly, but she still had doubts in her heart. Once doubts arise, she will not be at peace if she kills Lin Jiangnian without solving them.

Speaking of this, Shen Lingjun suddenly smiled bitterly.

It turns out that in the end, she was always the stupidest person!

She had always thought that everything was under control and that she knew everything.

turn out to be……

She is the stupidest.

"Just kill me."

Shen Lingjun raised his head to look at Zhiyuan and spoke slowly: "The assassin you want to catch before coming to the palace is me. If I can die in your hands, Miss Zhiyuan, it is considered complete."

However, Zhiyuan did not move: "Who said they wanted to kill you?"

Shen Lingjun was stunned for a moment and looked at her in surprise: "You won't kill me?"

Zhiyuan shook her head gently: "I am no longer from Prince Lin's Mansion now."

Shen Lingjun was startled.

"Since he didn't kill you, naturally no one will touch you."

Zhiyuan raised her eyes to look at the tent not far away and spoke lightly.

Shen Lingjun also turned her head with complicated eyes. She didn't know why Lin Jiangnian didn't kill him.

He could obviously kill her easily!

Could it be...

Afraid of her uncle?

"Just take care of yourself."

Zhiyuan spoke softly, the voice was very light, but in Shen Lingjun's ears, there were some indescribable complex emotions.

After taking two steps, Zhiyuan seemed to think of something again and turned to look at her.

"By the way, I ordered Chen Yingying to be arrested."

Shen Lingjun raised his head suddenly.

"She committed suicide in prison in Prince Lin's Mansion out of fear of crime!"

Zhiyuan spoke calmly and glanced at her: "She was one of the accomplices in the assassination of His Highness... Half a year ago, His Highness suffered an assassination outside Linjiang City. It was so dangerous that His Highness almost lost his life!"

"And Chen Yingying is one of the accomplices who ordered the betrayal!"

Shen Lingjun suddenly froze on the spot, his eyes and pupils gradually widening.

She half-believed the words of Prince Gou, but she had to believe some of Miss Zhiyuan's words.

What's more, there is absolutely no need for Miss Zhiyuan to explain this!

Could it be that Miss Yingying really assassinated Lin Jiangnian?

Could it be that she misunderstood and blamed Lin Jiangnian for everything?

Late at night, Shen Lingjun stood there like a sculpture.

A long time, a long time!

The cold wind howled outside the tent, making noises all around. Inside the tent, it was unusually warm.

The dim light swayed as Zhiyuan returned to the tent and looked up at the bed not far away. On the bed, Lin Jiangnian was still asleep.

Zhiyuan approached slowly. After taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped and said in a soft tone: "She's gone."

"Stop pretending to be asleep."

On the bed, Lin Jiangnian, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were clear and there was no trace of sleepiness at all.

He looked at the graceful paper kite in front of him, a smile appeared on his face, and sighed: "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you!"

From beginning to end, Lin Jiangnian never fell asleep.

Everything before was just a pretense.

Even everything tonight is a game!

The fact that Shen Lingjun could sneak into the tent so easily was due to Lin Jiangnian's tacit approval.

Otherwise, how could she get in with the guards outside the door tightly guarded?

What I didn't expect was...

"She didn't actually do anything?"

Lin Jiangnian was somewhat surprised.

"Where is she?"

Lin Jiangnian sat up and looked at Zhiyuan.


"Have you told her?" Lin Jiangnian asked.


"How did she react?"

Zhiyuan said nothing.

But Lin Jiangnian could also guess how wonderful the expression on the face of the heroine Shen was when she learned that Zhi Yuan was with him?

"What a pity!"

It's a bit of a pity that I couldn't see it with my own eyes.

Lin Jiangnian stood up and walked to Zhiyuan. He looked down at Zhiyuan's fair face, which looked a little tired.


Zhiyuan shook her head.

"where are they?"


Zhiyuan's answer was concise and to the point.

"What does it feel like?"

Lin Jiang asked in a young voice.

Zhiyuan was able to kill Wang Changjin and Wang Qin with her own hands, which fulfilled her wish and avenged the Jiang family.

Zhiyuan still didn't speak. Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. Just as he was about to look down, he felt something approaching.

The woman's soft and warm breath came closer. Lin Jiangnian turned his head and saw Zhiyuan's head resting gently on his shoulder.

It's very light, very soft, and the girl's pleasant body fragrance slowly spreads.

Zhiyuan's tone was very light, as if she was deeply tired.

"I'm tired."


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