Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 188 Taking advantage of the situation

Above the small town, there are few people.

Shen Lingjun pulled Zhiyuan across two streets and came to the inn where she lived. After closing the door, I breathed a deep sigh of relief.

In the room, Zhiyuan looked around the room casually, and finally his eyes fell on the door. His face was full of surprise and uncertainty, and Shen Lingjun, who breathed a deep sigh of relief, was slightly confused.

"You, what?"

"Girl Zhiyuan, I forgot to tell you..."

Shen Lingjun took a deep breath and calmed down: "It was too dangerous just now!"


Zhiyuan looked even more suspicious.


Shen Lingjun lowered his voice slightly: "Did you notice anything unusual when you stayed at that inn before?"


"It's just...haven't you noticed that there are mysterious and sneaky people everywhere around you?"



Zhiyuan quickly realized that the people Shen Lingjun was talking about should be pro-military guards hiding inside and outside the inn?

Zhiyuan thought for a while and nodded: "Yes."

"Yes, the origins of those people are not simple..."

Shen Lingjun took a deep breath: "Also, did you see the dog...person standing behind me on the second floor just now?"

Zhiyuan remained calm and stared at Shen Lingjun: "What's wrong with him?"

"The origin of his identity is not simple..."

Having said this, Shen Lingjun had a look of indignation on his face, and he immediately explained to Zhiyuan.


"Prince Linwang?"

Zhiyuan looked at Shen Lingjun in front of him quietly. He looked like he was gnashing his teeth. He clearly seemed to have a deep hatred for Prince Lin?

Zhiyuan frowned slightly at first, and then became vaguely aware of it.

"Yes, he is the notorious Prince Lin of Linzhou!"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth and spoke, but when he saw the calm expression on Girl Zhiyuan's face, he was slightly startled: "Miss Zhiyuan, you don't know him?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, "I heard a little bit about it!"

"I see……"

Shen Lingjun thought that Miss Zhiyuan didn't know about Prince Lin Wang's evil deeds. After all, this was Yanzhou. Although Prince Lin Wang was notorious, not everyone knew about his bad deeds.

Therefore, Shen Lingjun decided to educate Miss Zhiyuan about the evil deeds of the son of a bitch.

"Speaking of that son of a bitch, the things he has done are countless..."

"The people of Linzhou are all gnashing their teeth and hating him to the bone..."


Shen Lingjun told Zhiyuan like a treasure trove of the evil deeds that Prince Lin had committed, one by one. When he got excited, he remembered the tragic death of Miss Yingying and wished he could personally bring that son of a bitch to justice. Act on behalf of heaven!

There was still no expression on Zhiyuan's face, but when her originally calm eyes fell on Shen Lingjun, they seemed a little colder.

She was silent for a long time.

"Do you have any grudge against him?"

Zhiyuan suddenly asked.


Shen Lingjun nodded angrily and told Zhiyuan about the conflict between her and Lin Jiangnian.

After learning of Chen Yingying's tragic death in Linjiang City, she sneaked into a brothel and pretended to be an oiran to assassinate Lin Jiangnian. After the failure, she was forced to flee. Later, he attempted to assassinate Lin Jiangnian on the road in Xunyang City. After failing again, he met the girl Zhiyuan...

Shen Lingjun told the story about her grudges with Lin Jiangnian without reservation. She had great trust in the girl Zhiyuan in front of her. If the girl Zhiyuan hadn't come to the rescue before, she might have died long ago.

However, what Shen Lingjun didn't notice was that while she was detailing her grievances with Lin Jiangnian, Zhiyuan, who had been listening quietly, changed her expression slightly.

The face still didn't change much, but those eyes seemed to realize something, and they looked a little colder when staring at Shen Lingjun.

That was a habit she had developed subconsciously during her years in Prince Lin's Mansion!

She remembered that His Highness had indeed been assassinated once when he was in the brothel in Linjiang City.

The person responsible for protecting His Highness that time was Lin Kong, and it was Lin Kong's negligence that time that almost caused a big disaster. After being severely reprimanded and warned by her, Lin Kong was dismissed from his position and waited for the fate of His Highness and the Prince.

The whereabouts of the assassin who killed His Highness was unknown after that.

That time...

It turned out to be her?

Zhiyuan looked at Shen Lingjun a few more times, thoughtfully, his eyes vaguely sharp.

This cold and chilling gaze made Shen Lingjun, who was still thinking about it, seem to notice it and subconsciously raised his head.

"Girl Zhiyuan, what's wrong?"

Zhiyuan looked away and said calmly: "It's okay."

The tone was neither cold nor indifferent, but seemed to be hesitant.

After a moment of silence, Zhiyuan glanced at her again and said calmly: "What are you going to do?"

At this moment, Shen Lingjun didn't realize that he had exposed his background. When Miss Zhiyuan asked, he immediately gritted his teeth.

"Of course I want to get rid of that bitch prince and seek justice for Chen Yingying and all the innocent people who were oppressed and killed by him!"

Shen Lingjun said with indignation, not noticing that Zhi Yuan beside her was looking at her with an increasingly cold look.

"But, Miss Zhiyuan, I'm afraid I can't do it alone..."

Speaking of this, Shen Lingjun was a little frustrated.

She failed in two assassinations and has realized her incompetence. When she met her uncle this time, she wanted to persuade him to do justice for heaven, but he told her not to mess around. He also said that Prince Lin had a good character and did not look as bad as the outside world said...

What kind of confusing soup was fed to the master?

The uncle was unwilling to take action, so Shen Lingjun could only think of other ways. Now that she met the Paper Kite girl, she would naturally not let this opportunity pass by.

"Girl Zhiyuan, I hope you can help!"

Shen Lingjun knew that Miss Zhiyuan hated evil as much as she did. If she could get Miss Zhiyuan's help, she would be more likely to succeed in assassinating the prince.


Zhiyuan was obviously startled, looked at her strangely, and was silent for a long time: "How do you need my help?"

"There are so many masters around the Prince of Dogs. It's hard for me to kill him alone. But if I have your help, Miss Zhiyuan, it will be different..."

Shen Lingjun spoke in a low voice: "Miss Zhiyuan, you and I will work together to eradicate this scourge, avenge Miss Yingying, avenge the innocent people of Linjiang City, and restore peace to the world..."

Shen Lingjun said it with dignity and determination. He clenched his fist secretly, as if he was about to do something very great.

Zhiyuan looked at her expressionlessly for a long time, her expression unchanged, and nodded.



It's approaching evening.

Lin Jiangnian sat at the window of the room, looking out at the scenery.

The wind in late autumn is getting colder.

Calculating the time, we are still quite far away from the capital, and we have not yet left the boundary of Yanzhou.

Information about Yanzhou's territory is still coming in continuously.

There was chaos in Xunyang City.

The dignified Governor of Xunyang was killed and everyone was silenced. This news was so shocking that as soon as the news came out, it caused an uproar, shock, and heated discussion throughout Yanzhou.

The news even spread to Beijing.

Yuan Zhongnan was in dire straits, as two minor mutinies occurred in Xunyang County. If Yuan Zhongnan had not been prepared in advance, the consequences would have been disastrous.

However, the chaos in Yanzhou is also temporary. After all, Yuan Zhongnan is the governor of Yanzhou. If he cannot handle such things well, he will be underestimated.

On the other side, although he has not yet arrived in the capital, the situation in the capital is always under Lin Jiangnian's radar. Staring at the information sent to him on the table, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes.

"This third prince is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, and his plans are not small!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

The rumors in the capital were indeed not false. The third prince was unwilling to be a prince and stayed in the capital shamelessly. Privately, he has affairs with many forces in Beijing.

What he planned was naturally extraordinary...

The emperor was seriously ill and had been in seclusion for a long time, ignoring the affairs of the court, and the forces in the court were complicated. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here to supervise the country, but he is safe and sound.

But not long ago, news suddenly came out in Beijing that His Highness the Crown Prince suddenly fainted in the palace. Although the imperial doctor arrived in time, His Highness the Crown Prince was not seriously injured.

But as soon as the news came out, it still attracted the attention of many people.

There are many rumors, some say that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince worked too hard, causing his body to be overwhelmed and fell ill. Some people said that His Highness the Crown Prince was suffering from a stubborn illness and was at the end of his life. Some even said that they saw His Highness the Crown Prince vomiting blood...

Various rumors abounded, but a key piece of information was also revealed.

His Royal Highness may have some health problem!

This is a vital message!

The emperor is seriously ill and is in seclusion. His Royal Highness suddenly has a physical problem. What if something unexpected happens...

"It seems that Beijing is really lively!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were delighted.

The increasing chaos in the capital is good news for him and even Prince Lin's Mansion.

When he came to Beijing this time, he was worried that there would be no chaos in the capital.

Just as Lin Jiangnian was thinking, there was a sound of pushing the door open, and a figure walked in slowly.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes, a little surprised: "Zhiyuan?"

The person who walked into the room was Zhiyuan.

"came back?"

Lin Jiangnian looked up and down Zhiyuan and raised his eyebrows: "Where is Nvxia Shen?"

Zhiyuan didn't say anything and walked closer. His eyes fell on the information on the table. After looking at it twice, he looked away and looked at Lin Jiangnian at the window.

"come over."

Lin Jiangnian waved to her.

Zhiyuan stood there, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly stepped forward.

As soon as he approached, Lin Jiangnian held her hand out of habit, then put his arms around her slender waist and pulled her into his arms.

Zhiyuan's face looked a little unnatural, and she struggled slightly. Then Lin Jiangnian was allowed to act a little frivolously.

"What did she tell you?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her delicate face and half-smiled: "Are you asking us to assassinate my son together?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and nodded.


Lin Jiangnian looked playfully.

He realized something from the moment Shen Lingjun anxiously pulled Zhiyuan away from the inn, looking nervous and in a hurry.

Zhiyuan, is she probably the beautiful and powerful martial arts heroine she talks about?

What a coincidence!

"How did you meet her? Tell me?"

Lin Jiangnian hugged Zhiyuan with one hand, leaned closer to smell her faint fragrance, and asked softly.

Zhiyuan was not used to it, so she turned her face away, a flash of red rhyme flashed across her face, and bit her lower lip lightly.

"I met her in an inn in a small town outside Xunyang City. Her martial arts was banned by you, and she ran into trouble at the inn..."

Zhiyuan spoke softly and talked about the scene when she met Shen Lingjun.

At that time, Shen Lingjun was unarmed and was threatened by the owner of the black shop inn in the small town and almost sold out. Zhiyuan rescued her in time and uncovered the abduction and trafficking of women in the small town inn. After that, the two were arrested and taken to the county jail. Under Zhiyuan's instructions, Shen Lingjun escaped from prison and went to Xunyang City to kidnap Wang Qin until they discovered the secret room in the back mountain...

Zhiyuan's voice was very soft, with a bit of coldness, but very soft, and she described in detail the process of her acquaintance with Shen Lingjun.

After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian became thoughtful and then remembered something: "So when you went out that day, you went to see her?"

Zhiyuan nodded slightly.

"I see."

Lin Jiangnian nodded. He also wondered why Zhiyuan had friends in Xunyang City.

It turns out that it’s Nvxia Shen!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian smiled a bit strangely.

"That's a bit of a coincidence!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Lingjun met Zhiyuan by accident?

Unexpectedly, she actually wanted to take Zhiyuan with her to assassinate him?


Lin Jiangnian suddenly looked forward to how the heroine Shen would react after knowing the truth.

Presumably, it will be exciting?

"So, she doesn't know your identity yet?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan, who shook his head slightly, paused for a moment, and looked at him again.

"What are you going to do?"

"What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back.

There seemed to be a bit of silence on Zhiyuan's delicate face.

"She's not a bad person at heart."

After hesitating for a moment, Zhiyuan spoke.

But then, a sharp coldness flashed through her eyes.

"I'll take care of her."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her, a little surprised, but seemed to be expecting it.

Based on Zhiyuan's temperament, it stands to reason that when she learned that Shen Lingjun had the idea of ​​​​murdering him, she should have been killed.

He understands Zhiyuan, and Zhiyuan will never be merciful in this regard.

Now that Zhiyuan is saying this, it shows that she has some soft feelings for the heroine Shen.

It seems that the relationship between the two is not bad?

"She is indeed a heroine with a righteous heart, but it's a pity that she has a single-minded brain and is not very effective!"

"She may not be a bad person, but if she is stupid, she will most likely do bad things!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and sighed: "If she hadn't killed me, I might have to praise her a little!"

The heroine is a good heroine. It is rare to meet such a passionate heroine in this world of intrigues.

It's a pity that she was targeting Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't praise her enough.

Zhiyuan remained silent and lowered his eyes.

"A self-righteous heroine like this just suffers from the disadvantages."

Lin Jiangnian sighed with emotion, glanced at Zhiyuan in his arms, and hugged her into his arms.

Zhiyuan was caught off guard and was held in Lin Jiangnian's lap. Her delicate body was tense, as if she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to do such an intimate thing to her.

Although the two of them now sleep on the same bed, they have also had close contact. But such an aboveboard thing still made her blush instantly.

Her delicate body tensed, and she immediately broke away from Lin Jiangnian's arms, took a few steps back, and turned her head.

Lin Jiangnian felt a little regretful, felt the warmth in his palms, and said with a half-smile, "Didn't she want to assassinate my son?"

"In that case, let's try to pull it off!"

"Teach this righteous woman Shen a lesson!"


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