Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 185 Shen Lingjun’s uncle

Zhiyuan's eyes were slightly lowered and she remained silent. Her delicate and pale face didn't seem to have much color, which was heartbreaking.

Along with the rapid breathing, a few strands of black hair fell messily, and there were a few crystal clear beads of sweat on the white forehead.

She indeed underestimated the opponent's strength.

This person's martial arts skills are extremely high, above hers.

With such strength, he is definitely not a small player in the Celestial Sect.

A trace of regret flashed across her face, and when she was about to raise her eyes, she suddenly saw a hand stretched out from beside her.

Turning around, Lin Jiangnian handed a pill to her.

"Take the medicine first!"

Zhiyuan paused, then reached out to pick up the pill and swallowed it without hesitation.

After the pill entered her body, she took a few deep breaths to calm the overwhelming surge in her body.

After a while, she opened her eyes.

His face looked slightly better than before.

"You go and rest first, and leave the rest to me."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan's weak appearance and knew that her internal energy was severely depleted. If she didn't take a good rest, she might have sequelae.

Zhiyuan glanced at him, then glanced outside the inn. This time, she rarely refuted anything. She nodded slightly, handed the Qiushui Sword in her hand to Lin Jiangnian, and turned around to go upstairs.

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the Qiu Shui Sword in his hand. There was still a hint of the girl's aura on the hilt. The sword was crystal clear, with strands of cold light shining around it.

Just now, Zhiyuan relied on this sword to forcefully defeat the opponent, forcing the opponent to flee in embarrassment.

Although Zhiyuan is already at the end of his strength, it is undeniable that this sword has greatly improved Zhiyuan's martial arts strength. An excellent peerless weapon is indeed extremely important for masters.

This sword fell into Lin Jiangnian's hands. With his current strength, it was somewhat buried.

After lowering his head and thinking for a moment, Lin Jiangnian sheathed his sword and looked up into the inn. At this moment, the lobby of the inn was in a mess. The fight between Zhiyuan and the other party left the lobby in a mess. At this moment, the dust has settled, and except for the guards who went to hunt the other party, the remaining people are cleaning up the scene.

The innkeeper and the waiter hid in the corner, shivering, and were terrified. They didn't expect to encounter such an unreasonable disaster tonight.

It wasn't until Lin Jiangnian sent someone to deliver the compensation money to the shopkeeper that he put away the sad look on his face and smiled happily.

"Your Highness, there were six people in the opponent's group. Except for one person who escaped, the remaining five were all killed."

A guard came forward to report.

"No one alive?"

"The other party was extremely vigilant and resisted fiercely. When he realized there was no way to escape, he chose to commit suicide by taking poison..."

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised by this result. He had already learned from Liu Su that the Tianshen Sect was a relatively fanatical organization.

You can tell it from the name of their organization.

There are many believers in the Tianshen Sect, and many of their beliefs are extremely extreme and have already fallen into the category of cults.

"Your Highness, my subordinates have found some information from these people..."

The guard lowered his head and brought up some information: "These people are indeed believers of the Tianshen Sect. They seem to have been ordered by the Sect to go to Xunyang City... On their bodies, there are also some code clues left by Xunyang City. …”

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the information in front of him and confirmed his suspicion.

The destruction of the Wang family was probably inseparable from them. It's a pity that there is no one alive, otherwise perhaps more intelligence clues can be obtained.

Lin Jiangnian pondered for a moment and then ordered: "Notify me and send someone to Xunyang City to follow these clues to investigate."

Since they are taking action in Xunyang City, they will probably leave clues to see if they can find out anything through these clues.


The guard nodded and left.

After giving the instructions, Lin Jiangnian was about to go back to his room to see the kite. At this moment, there was another noise outside the door.


"Who are you! This is an inn, why are you not allowed in?"

came an angry voice.

This sound...

Lin Jiangnian stopped and frowned slightly. Sounds familiar?

He turned to look outside the inn, and through the lights of the inn, he saw two figures appearing outside the inn door.

At the same time, the guards outside the inn blocked the way of the two of them, and there seemed to be some conflict.

The two figures, one tall and one short, one old and one young.

An old man with a stooped figure, who looked to be in his final years, was wearing a gray robe and carrying a box behind him. He looked old.

Next to the old man stood a tall, graceful woman. She has a delicate appearance and is wearing a purple robe and long skirt. She is capable and seems to have a bit of a heroine's temperament.

At this moment, she was the one who spoke.

With an angry expression on her face, she was arguing with the guard at the door.

However, the guard at the door stood in front of the two of them expressionlessly, saying nothing and refusing to let them in.

This made her angry, and when she was about to continue her argument, she suddenly realized that the people in front of her looked familiar, and she subconsciously glanced inside the inn.

At this glance, I saw that the inn was in a mess, and there seemed to be many figures cleaning something. It seemed like something had happened?

Conflict between rivers and lakes?

Gratitude and hatred?

She quickly realized that there was probably something wrong with the inn.

Black shop?

Thinking of this, I also remembered the experience I had in a black shop not long ago. I immediately felt a little wary, and my momentum suddenly weakened a lot. When I was thinking about whether to find an inn somewhere else, I happened to catch a glimpse of a figure from the corner of my eye. .

At this glance, she immediately froze on the spot.

Immediately, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Dog, Prince of the Dog?!"

"伱, you're not dead?!"


Inside the inn, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised when he saw the two figures appearing outside the door.

There were two people outside the door, one old and one young.

A strange old man, and the young woman standing next to him... Shen Lingjun!

Miss Shen!

Isn't it the same Nuxia Shen who assassinated him in Linjiang City before, and then colluded with Li Qianlin in Yanzhou to assassinate him again, but failed and was corrupted?

Lin Jiangnian was kind enough to let her go, but he didn't expect to meet her here again?

"Hey, isn't this Miss Shen? Long time no see!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, half smiling.

Shen Lingjun's eyes widened and he stared at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief.

"You, you are still alive?!"

"What? You really hope that my son is dead?"

Shen Lingjun was stunned for a long time, unable to believe his eyes.

But he quickly realized something and glared at him fiercely: "I hope that you, this son of a bitch, will die miserably!"

She hated Lin Jiangnian extremely.

If I just wanted to do justice for heaven and eradicate this son of a bitch for the people. So since the last time, the grudge between her and Lin Jiangnian has been completely settled.

This son of a bitch used obscene means to control her, banned her martial arts, and wanted her to submit.

She took note of this account!

Later, she escaped and almost encountered danger along the way. Fortunately, she met the kind-hearted Sister Zhiyuan, who saved her from fire and water. Only then did she escape. Not only did she recover her martial arts, but she also met her master in Xunyang City. Bo.

While in Xunyang City, she heard about the death of Prince Lin. Shen Lingjun was shocked, surprised, happy and joyful when he learned the news.

As expected, those who commit too many unjust actions will be punished by death. That son of a bitch was finally accepted by heaven!

In order to confirm whether this matter was true or not, Shen Lingjun went over to inquire about it. Although he could not see the body of the prince with his own eyes, he could confirm from the Wang family and various clues that Lin Jiangnian was probably dead!

I was in a pretty good mood!

But now, when she saw the prince who was supposed to be dead, appeared in front of her alive again.

Shen Lingjun was stunned and in disbelief.

Not willing to give in!

How come this son of a bitch is still alive?

The atmosphere was like this, how could he still be alive?

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the previous intelligence information was wrong?

"Sure enough, the disaster will last for thousands of years!"

Shen Lingjun was shocked for a while before finally coming back to her senses, but she quickly glared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely: "But don't be complacent, you bitch, even if you are lucky enough to survive this time... it won't be like this next time Good luck."

"Hey, when we meet, you act like a bitch prince. Has this prince ever provoked you?"

"You still dare to say that?"

Shen Lingjun's eyes widened and he said angrily: "How did you bully me before?"

"Then tell me, how did this prince bully you?"


Shen Lingjun was about to speak, but felt that the previous experience was a bit shameful and difficult to speak, so she could only stare at him with an angry and murderous look.

Lin Jiangnian's tone was relaxed and playful: "I let you go last time, but I didn't expect you to show up to me again today... Can you blame me for this?"

When Lin Jiangnian spoke, his eyes inadvertently fell on the old man next to Shen Lingjun.

The old man's body was hunched over, and his face looked as if he was dying.

But for some reason, Lin Jiangnian sensed a somewhat difficult aura from this old man.

This old man may not be simple.

Lin Jiangnian felt a little more wary.

"Hey, you brought helpers to the door?"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was relaxed and he sneered.

Hearing this, Shen Lingjun was furious.

However, after the last experience, she knew that she was no match for this son of a bitch, so she immediately turned to look at the old man beside her.

"Uncle, that's him. He bullied me last time..."

"He is the evil prince in Linzhou who preys on the common people, bullies women, and does all kinds of evil... Master, please kill him quickly and eliminate harm for the people!"

Shen Lingjun spoke angrily.


Upon hearing this, Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes and looked at the old man.

Is he Shen Lingjun's uncle?

I had gotten some information from Shen Lingjun before. This heroine came from a little-known sect in the world. The sect has been disbanded, and the brothers in the sect have also dispersed.

Unexpectedly, this female hero actually called his uncle to support her?

However, Lin Jiangnian quickly sneered: "I didn't expect you to be able to call for help..."

"However, can you, your junior uncle alone, be able to kill my eldest son?"

Shen Lingjun sneered: "Young Master, don't be complacent, my uncle has unrivaled martial arts skills and is more than enough to kill you!"


Lin Jiangnian's eyes were still careless, but he was already alert in his heart. He looked at the old man in front of him: "How powerful is your uncle?"

He couldn't see through the old man, which meant that the old man's martial arts skills were indeed very good.

At the same time, the guard who was originally standing behind Lin Jiangnian turned slightly sideways and approached Lin Jiangnian, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

Shen Lingjun sneered and was about to speak when he heard a dull voice coming from the side: "Lingjun, don't be rude!"

Hearing this, the smile on Shen Lingjun's face froze, and he quickly turned his head and lowered his head: "Yes, uncle!"

The old man slowly raised his head and landed on Lin Jiangnian. He looked at Lin Jiangnian for a few times. His face was calm and his eyes were calm: "Are you Prince Lin?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him and chuckled: "That's my prince!"

"His Royal Highness has an extraordinary temperament and excellent martial arts skills...but it is inconsistent with the rumors from the outside world. It seems that the rumors from the outside world are not trustworthy."

The old man seemed a little surprised. After looking up and down for a few times, he suddenly sighed softly.

The smile on Shen Lingjun's face froze.

Something is wrong!

Master, why do you seem to be praising him?

Why are you praising this son of a bitch?

You are my uncle!

Even Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. This old man actually praised him?

"What the senior said is absolutely true. The outside world is just slander and jealousy from some people with good intentions towards this prince!"

Lin Jiangnian also spoke lightly and glanced at Shen Lingjun.

Shen Lingjun stared at him angrily... What did this son of a bitch mean?

Click her?

"Uncle, don't be deceived by him. This son of a bitch is not a good person..."

Shen Lingjun spoke immediately, trying to make his uncle recognize the true face of this son of a bitch, but his uncle waved his hand.

He looked up at Lin Jiangnian and sighed: "It seems that there is some misunderstanding between Lingjun and His Royal Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Shen Lingjun with a half-smile: "Nvxia Shen indeed has some misunderstandings about this prince!"

Shen Lingjun was anxious.

Where did the misunderstanding come from?

It's obviously...

"Uncle, you really don't want to be deceived by him..."

"Lingjun!" The old man looked back at her with a calm expression: "Don't be rude."

Shen Lingjun reluctantly shut up and gritted his teeth. Then he saw Lin Jiangnian's playful smile and became angry.

Is he still showing off?

"Your Highness, Lingjun and you did have some conflicts before... If I have offended you in any way, I hope you will forgive me!"

Having said this, the old man sighed softly: "Lingjun has lost his parents since he was a child, and his master left early. He wandered the world alone, and his character is a bit reckless. If you offend him in any way, please, for my sake, please don't do it." Just care about her..."


Shen Lingjun was completely anxious.

Master, what's wrong with you?

Are you still apologizing to this bitch?

Don't worry?

Aren’t you giving others prestige?

Lin Jiangnian was also a little surprised. He originally thought that Shen Lingjun brought his helpers to come to him to settle scores and take revenge.

Unexpectedly, are you here to apologize?

It was truly unexpected.

"Senior, you're welcome. There is indeed some conflict between my prince and Lady Shen. However, my prince doesn't take it to heart. As long as Lady Shen doesn't cause trouble for my prince, my prince will naturally not care about her."

As he said that, he glanced at Shen Lingjun again, his eyes seemed to be saying something.

Look, see how reasonable your uncle is?

But in Shen Lingjun's opinion, it was Chi Guoguo's provocation.

Shen Lingjun was furious!

Angry and anxious!

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