Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 183 The oriole is behind

The curtain of the carriage opened, and Lin Jiangnian, dressed in brocade clothes, stepped out and looked up ahead.

At the end of the still desolate official road, a small town appeared. The town doesn't look too big, but it is still populated.

Since leaving Xunyang City and heading north, most of the time the journey has been deserted, and not even a single person can be seen on weekdays. Occasionally, I passed through several small villages, which were also in ruins. The young people in the villages had already left home, leaving some lonely and elderly people waiting to die quietly.

"Okay, then let's rest for the night and start our journey again tomorrow."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand.

"Yes, my subordinates will make arrangements now!"

Lin Qingqing lowered her head in response. When she turned around, she glanced at the car from the corner of her eye and saw Sister Zhiyuan sitting in the car, looking out the window with an indifferent expression. After confirming that Sister Zhiyuan's clothes were normal and there was no strange look on her face, she breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly turned around and left.

Lin Jiangnian re-entered the carriage and came to Zhiyuan: "There is a small town ahead, let's rest here for the night?"

While rushing along the way, although Zhiyuan had strong internal energy, extremely high martial arts skills, and quite good physical fitness, the exhaustion from traveling along the way was still unavoidable, and she looked a bit haggard to the naked eye.

Zhiyuan didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

The carriage slowly approached the town, and the scene inside the town gradually came into view.

"Earth Pony Town!"

Lin Jiangnian looked up at the name of the town. It was a strange name.

The town is not big, but there is a lot of traffic. After all, it is located next to the official road heading north to Beijing, so there is not a lot of traffic. Therefore, Lin Jiangnian's carriage did not attract much attention when it entered the town.

However, when Lin Jiangnian walked into the town with Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu, he attracted the attention of many people.

Even though Zhiyuan had put on the bamboo hat again before entering the town, covering up her original appearance, she still couldn't hide the cold temperament on her body, and her charm could be seen at a glance. Coupled with the cute and cute Xiaozhu, the two women followed Lin Jiangnian on the left and right, making it difficult not to attract attention.

Coupled with Lin Jiangnian's splendid mink velvet robe, a young and handsome face as white as jade, and his innate elegant temperament, he looked like a noble son of a wealthy family.

The young master is unparalleled!

As a result, when he first entered the town, he naturally attracted the attention of many people, including many coveting and greedy eyes.

When going out to explore the world, you should keep a low profile. But Lin Jiangnian behaves like a young man from a rich family, and he is accompanied by two beautiful girls... When people go out to travel in the world, they live a hard life of sleeping in the open air. Why are you rich and accompanied by a woman?

There are many people in the town, including merchants, bodyguards, and people from all walks of life. In this remote and desolate town, even the government can't control it, so it naturally magnifies the feelings of these people infinitely. evil thoughts.

However, as soon as some people's evil thoughts emerged, they saw several guards following the rich young master.

These guards had a restrained aura, steady steps, and piercing eyes. Especially the swords on their waists exuded a somewhat cold and stern aura. It was clear that their martial arts were unfathomable, and they quickly dissuaded many people with malicious intentions.

Traveling in the world, your ability to survive for a long time depends on your eyesight.

However, there are naturally some people who are not afraid of death and want to be the ones who stand out. But before he could get close to Lin Jiangnian, he was pushed to the ground by the guards behind him and dragged into a side alley...

The movements are clean and crisp, and extremely skillful.

I don't know what the outcome will be, but it has calmed the surrounding people and the people with malicious intentions in the dark, so that they dare not have other thoughts.

Lin Jiangnian took Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu and entered the first inn and restaurant in the town.

The innkeeper, who had good eyesight, immediately bowed his head and came forward with a smile on his face: "Guests, do you want to be a top or stay in the hotel?"

"Stay in the hotel, the boss will arrange four rooms!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Prepare some of your store's signature dishes!"

"Okay, sir, please take a seat first!"

The shopkeeper greeted quickly.

Lin Jiangnian nodded and was about to find a place to sit down with Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu. When he turned around, he glanced at the inn lobby.

The next second, Lin Jiangnian paused and looked at the corner not far away in the inn.

Zhiyuan next to her noticed something strange about Lin Jiangnian and followed his line of sight. There were five people sitting in the corner not far away.

Five...somewhat strange people!

Zhiyuan frowned slightly, there was something strange about these five people, especially the middle-aged man... his martial arts was not weak.

Is there an aura about him that looks familiar to her?

At the same time, the middle-aged man happened to see Lin Jiangnian and his party walking in from the door. A hint of astonishment clearly flashed in his eyes, and then he disappeared.

Eye to eye!

"Your Excellency, you look familiar. Have we met before?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the people in the corner and spoke first.

His expression was neither cold nor indifferent, with a slightly kind smile on his face.

But in my heart, I already understood.

God teaches everyone!

The people in front of me are the same people I met at the Xunyang City Teahouse. And they are also the people most suspected of destroying the Wang family.

Yuan Zhongnan is still looking for them all over the world, but he didn't expect them to come here?

What a... surprise? !

Lin Jiangnian didn't show any strange expression on his face.

At the same time, the Great Elder was also very surprised.

I had just learned that Prince Lin Wang was still alive, and they happened to meet each other. They were really enemies on a narrow road.

The elder, whose face was slightly gloomy, quickly realized something... Lin Jiangnian didn't recognize him?

That's right, he has never appeared before, nor has his identity been revealed, so Prince Lin naturally does not recognize him.

Thinking of this, the great elder's thoughts began to wander, and a kind smile appeared on his face: "We just came from Xunyang City, maybe we have met before, right?"

"Xunyang City?"

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "What a coincidence, Ben... we also happened to come from Xunyang City. No wonder we look familiar. I'm afraid I may have met you in Xunyang City before. We are destined!"

"Yes, we are destined!" The elder nodded with a smile.

"Then I won't disturb your dinner, and we can have a drink together when we have the chance!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled boldly and waved his hand. After the elder nodded with a kind smile on his face, he took Zhiyuan and Xiaozhu to the other side and sat down by the window.

At the same time, the bright smile on the great elder's face disappeared instantly and was gone.

He glanced at the table with cold eyes and said in a very low voice: "Gather in the room!"

Several people quickly finished the rice in their bowls, got up and left.

Lin Jiangnian sat by the window and watched with a smile on his face as the group of them left and went upstairs to their room. The smile on his face not only did not diminish, but... became even brighter.

Zhiyuan's eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian's face. He was silent for a moment and then said, "He has murderous intentions towards you."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and chuckled: "Can you feel this?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes: "This person is very dangerous."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Is he very powerful?"


"Compared to you?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "I don't know."

Lin Jiangnian thought thoughtfully: "Even you don't know, so I'm afraid this person does have something... I don't know if there will be any accidents."

While he was thinking about it, he heard Zhiyuan's expressionless voice coming from next to him: "No."

"What?" Lin Jiangnian didn't hear clearly.

Zhiyuan glanced at him and turned away: "There will be no accidents!"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned: "Didn't you say you don't know the depth of his martial arts?"



"I can beat him."

Lin Jiangnian felt a little confused. Wasn't her statement contradictory?

Zhiyuan looked at him calmly, then said seriously and calmly: "He is indeed very powerful."

"But, I can definitely kill him!"


Inn, second floor.

inside the room.

At the table, the great elder's face was as dark as water: "I didn't expect that Prince Lin Wang is really not dead, and we can meet him here. What a ghost!"

Several people on the side also recognized Prince Lin just now, but did not say anything. Now the Great Elder has gathered them here to discuss this matter.

"Great Elder, what should we do next?"

The Great Elder pondered expressionlessly for a moment, glanced at the table, and said in a deep voice: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... This son of a bitch lives in the same inn as us. In this case, we can find a way to kill him. !”

Some time ago, their plan to assassinate Lin Hengzhong failed, resulting in heavy losses and low morale within the church. Now meeting the prince again, this is a rare and good opportunity.

If you can take the opportunity to kill him, you will have done a great service. Even if he can't be killed, if he captures Prince Lin, he might be able to take the opportunity to blackmail Prince Lin and set up a trap to lure Lin Hengzhong into taking the bait...

"But there are so many experts around Prince Lin, do we have a chance?" Someone raised an objection.

"How will you know if you don't give it a try?"

The Great Elder said solemnly: "It is indeed rare to have an opportunity in normal times, but tonight he is staying in an inn with us. This is the best opportunity..."

"He doesn't know our identity yet and is not wary of us. This is also our biggest advantage..."

From Lin Jiangnian's reaction just now, the Great Elder concluded that the other party did not know their identities. In this way, deliberately and unintentionally, he took advantage of the silence of the night to raid Prince Lin's room, and before his guards could react, he struck a fatal blow...

The First Elder quickly had a plan in his mind, "You all should keep a low profile later, explore the layout of the inn, and find out where Lin Jiangnian lives. Remember to be careful and don't show any chicken feet..."

Downstairs, lobby.

"They are members of the Celestial Cult."

Lin Jiangnian approached Zhiyuan and explained softly.

"Celestial Cult?"

Zhiyuan recited the name silently in her mind, seemed to think of something in a daze, and glanced at him.

"If nothing else, the destruction of the Wang family is probably inseparable from them."

Lin Jiang young sighed.

These people took away Zhiyuan's opportunity to take revenge with her own hands.

However, to Zhiyuan, it doesn't matter who destroys the Wang family, she just wants the result.

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised at first, but he quickly figured out the reason.

When the Jiang family was exterminated, Zhiyuan didn't remember anything. The Jiang family is just a completely unfamiliar place of memory to her. She didn't have any empathy, what she did have was just the instinct in her body... she wanted to avenge the wronged souls of the innocent Jiang family who died in vain!

When Zhiyuan heard this, her eyes changed slightly. She looked at Lin Jiangnian: "What are you going to do?"

"You still understand me!"

Lin Jiang young laughed, glanced at the stairs, half-smiling: "Now that we have encountered each other, naturally we can't let them go. I am still curious as to why they want to kill the Wang family... But I guess they are like this too." Thought."

Zhiyuan's heart was like a mirror, and her tone was slightly cold: "They want to kill you."

"Yes, they are targeting this prince."

Lin Jiang young sighed, but the smile on his face became brighter: "But me, why not?"


In the dead of night, the town fell into darkness and fell into sleep.

The passengers in the inn also went to bed early, and the entire inn was silent inside and outside.

In the dead of night, in the inn room on the second floor, several dark figures appeared silently, making no sound when they stepped on the floor.

Several figures moved toward the third floor in a strong and strange manner. The three of them quickly approached a room in the corner of the third floor. One of them broke the window paper and blew poisonous gas into the room.

The other person took out a dagger from his arms and quietly opened the window.

When the window was pried open, several figures turned over and fell into the room, and then went straight to the bed in the room.

In the darkness, the few people made no sound from beginning to end. As they approached the bed, they could clearly see a person lying on the bulging bed. Several people's eyes were cold, and their daggers were stabbed hard at the person on the bed.

However, the dagger seemed to be pierced into a ball of soft material.

The expressions of the three people changed immediately.

Opening the bed, the bed was empty, except for the quilt, there was no one around.

"be cheated!"

A low and anxious voice sounded.

The three of them turned around and ran out of the room without any hesitation.

But at this moment, the room that had just been opened was suddenly closed.


The room was dark.

The three of them immediately took out the weapons hidden on their bodies and ran towards the door.

The next second, a dangerous aura hit them, causing the expressions of the three of them to change drastically.

"call out!"

A crossbow arrow shot through the window paper and came towards the three of them. The three of them held their weapons tightly and blocked the crossbow arrow.

But right after, a series of "ssssssssssssssssssss" pierced the air, and crossbow arrows struck densely from around the room, instantly surrounding several people in the room.

Several people in the room tried their best to block, but there were countless crossbow arrows outside the window. They were cold and fierce, and the angle was tricky. For a moment, one of them was caught off guard and was hit by a crossbow arrow in his arm. As soon as the movement slowed down, the other crossbow arrows came again, instantly piercing him on the spot.

The other two people were soon killed by the dense crossbow arrows!

At the same time, the three men were trapped in the room and died.

The great elder on the other side instantly realized that he had been tricked and did not hesitate at all.


He took the remaining two people to leave the inn, but just after walking a few steps, the lights in the lobby of the inn suddenly came on.

At the same time, not far in front of the great elder, several figures blocked his way.

A lazy and somewhat playful voice came from the crowd.

"Hey, where are you going this late at night?"


Update in advance today

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