Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 181 The eldest princess is still waiting for you

As night falls, Xunyang City is still bustling.

Most of the time, the bloodshed, overt and covert fighting in the city has little to do with the lives of ordinary people. At least on the surface, Xunyang City is still prosperous and stable.

Zhiyuan walked alone through the busy streets and returned to a private house located a few streets away in a prosperous area.

Walking into the yard, passing through the pavilion and corridor, and about to return to the room, he suddenly stopped again.

Just under the eaves not far away, Youdao's figure has been waiting for a long time.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Jiangnian sat lazily by the eaves railing, looking at her with interest.

It was a kind of casual and leisurely manner, like a dandy on the street teasing women from good families.

However, it's not annoying.

Zhiyuan hesitated and remained silent for a moment, then said softly: "I went out to do something."

"What's up?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

"Meeting someone."


Zhiyuan thought for a moment: "A heroine who met by chance!"


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and looked her over.

With Zhiyuan's character, it's not like he would get close to anyone, let alone just a chance encounter?

What kind of heroine is she talking about? I’m afraid it’s not ordinary?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't ask any more questions. He stood up slowly and stretched.


Zhiyuan's beautiful eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian. She was silent for a moment and nodded lightly.

"Let's go eat!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand at her, turned around and walked outside.

Zhiyuan stared at his back and was stunned for a moment.

Is he specifically waiting for me?

Zhiyuan looked at Lin Jiangnian and then at the place where he had been sitting before. He was silent for a long time before slowly following him.

After dinner, Lin Qingqing came over to report the information in the city. Nothing major happened, but everything was like a calm after a storm.

Lin Jiangnian no longer had much interest in this and asked about the situation of the wounded.

A secret room in the back of a private house collapsed, causing many of Lin Jiangnian's pro-military guards to be injured. Even Lin Kong was seriously injured and almost lost his life. They all stayed outside the city to recuperate this time and did not enter the city.

"Your Highness, their injuries are no longer serious."

Lin Qingqing was also paying attention to the situation outside the city. After hesitating for a moment, she asked: "Your Highness, what should we do next?"

"What do you think?" Lin Jiangnian asked her opinion.

Lin Qingqing thought for a while and said: "Your Highness, we have wasted a lot of time in Xunyang City. The weather is getting colder and colder now. It will soon be winter if it continues. Once winter comes and there is heavy snow, it may not be easy to travel... …”

Lin Qingqing naturally hoped that His Highness would enter Beijing as soon as possible, but she thought that His Highness might have some important things to do, so she held back.

"What you said makes sense. Since everyone's injuries are almost healed, it's time to prepare to leave!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded. Now that the Wang family was wiped out and he saw Zhiyuan again, the purpose of coming to Xunyang City was almost achieved. It was time to leave.

Lin Qingqing received His Highness's approval and immediately hurried down to prepare for the journey.

Lin Jiangnian rested in the courtyard for a while, but did not find Xiaozhu, so he turned around and went to the small courtyard where Zhiyuan lived.

As soon as he walked into the small courtyard, he saw Xiaozhu walking hurriedly.

"Your Highness?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Jiangnian asked, his eyes falling on Xiaozhu's hand, holding a basin of hot water and a towel, and he was about to walk to Zhiyuan's room.

Xiaozhu explained softly: "Go and give medicine to Sister Zhiyuan!"

"Apply medicine?"

Lin Jiangnian then remembered something, looked at the room, and then at Xiaozhu: "Give it to me!"


Xiaozhu blinked and didn't react for a while.

Lin Jiangnian had already reached out and took the hot water towel from her hand: "You should go back first. I have something to discuss with Zhiyuan."


Xiaozhu watched in confusion as His Highness walked into Sister Zhiyuan's room with a hot towel, and she left the courtyard obediently. It wasn't until I walked out of the courtyard that I gradually realized that something was wrong?

Your Highness has something to do with Sister Zhiyuan?


Sister Zhiyuan, hasn’t she taken the medicine yet?

Your Highness...

What is this for?

As soon as Lin Jiangnian stepped into the room, he saw that the room was filled with hot mist, as if he had just taken a bath, mixed with the girl's body fragrance, and filled the air.

good smell!

Lin Jiangnian closed the door and locked it, blocking the cold wind outside and leaving the fragrance in the room.

Turning around, he saw a figure sitting on the bed behind the screen not far away.

When he saw that the person walking into the room was Lin Jiangnian, his tone was somewhat wary: "Why is it you?"

Lin Jiangnian walked to the bed, put down the hot water towel, and looked at Zhiyuan, who was sitting on the bed with a wary and uncomfortable face, and half-smiled: "Why can't it be me?"

Zhiyuan looked slightly unnatural and turned away: "Where is Xiaozhu?"

"She has something to do, go and get busy!"

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless, looking slightly unhappy.

Obviously, another very lame reason.

She glanced at the hot water towel beside her, and seemed to realize something. A blush appeared on her face, but it quickly disappeared.

"It's time to change the dressing!"

Lin Jiangnian stood beside the bed, reminding and urging.

Zhiyuan didn't speak or move.

"What? Do you need me to help you take it off?"

A hint of shame and anger emerged, Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glared at him.

After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let Xiaozhu come."

"They say Xiaozhu is busy with something and has no time!"

Zhiyuan naturally didn't believe it and stared at him angrily.

Lin Jiangnian looked into her eyes and said, "What? Isn't this my prince good at it? Don't you believe in my prince's skill in applying medicine to you?"

Is it a matter of belief or disbelief?

She believed in Lin Jiangnian's skills in applying medicine, but she didn't believe in other aspects of this guy...

The two stood in a stalemate for a moment, looking at each other.

Lin Jiangnian looked playful, obviously planning to embarrass her tonight.

Zhiyuan looked at him angrily for a few times, and finally looked away without saying a word.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian stepped forward and said, "Do you need my prince to help you take off your clothes?"

Zhiyuan's delicate body trembled slightly, and her face felt a little hot for a moment. She gritted her teeth and turned her head away. Her tone was dull, as if she was ashamed and angry, but also full of anger.

"Need not!"


Lin Jiangnian was already familiar with the process of changing the dressing. The injury on Zhiyuan's back was almost healed, and even the scars had faded a lot. Today's balm is indeed a miracle medicine for treating scars. Such a severe trauma only left less obvious traces in a short period of time.

It is estimated that after taking medicine for a while, he will be able to truly and completely recover.

Perhaps he was still angry. After changing the medicine, Zhiyuan lay down in his clothes, wrapped himself tightly in the quilt, turned his back to Lin Jiangnian, and ignored him.


Lin Jiangnian wasn't annoyed, but felt that she was getting cuter and cuter.

She had never been seen looking so sulky before.

Lin Jiangnian glanced out the window, packed up the things in the room, took off his coat, and got into bed easily.

Just when he wanted to get into the quilt like before, the quilt had already been wrapped tightly by the paper kite, leaving no room for him to get in.

"Hey, do you want to freeze me to death?"

Lin Jiangnian pulled off the quilt but didn't move it, seeing that she did it on purpose.

Zhiyuan said nothing, huddled in the quilt with her back to him and remained motionless.

"If you don't let go, will I force my way in?"


"If I accidentally hurt you later, don't scream!"


"My prince has come in!"


In the darkness, after a while of pulling on the bed, Lin Jiangnian finally got what he wanted and got into the warm quilt.

Feeling the warmth and fragrance wrapped in the quilt, Lin Jiangnian turned around and hugged the stubborn and angry girl next to him from behind.

"Let, let me go!"

"If you don't let go...if you continue to struggle, I'll touch you!"


The kite stopped moving.

As if she was frightened, her delicate body was stiff and motionless.

Lin Jiangnian quietly held the girl in his arms, smelling the fragrance from her hair, feeling the softness and warmth of the girl in his arms, and was somewhat moved.

Hard work pays off!

The relationship between him and Zhiyuan has gone from being incompatible with each other at the beginning, to now they are naturally sleeping together.

It went smoothly and quickly.

Perhaps, it can be one step closer?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes became a little fiery.

It's midnight, the cold wind is howling outside the window, and the weather is cold, suitable for exercise.

After a while, just as Lin Jiangnian was trying to find something, he suddenly felt his hand being pulled hard by Zhi Yuan under the quilt.

Lin Jiangnian tried to break free, but he still underestimated Zhiyuan, who tightened his hand tightly to prevent him from moving.


After a while, Lin Jiangnian sighed, leaned into her ear and said helplessly: "Are you so defensive of me?"

Zhiyuan didn't look back, but her voice trembled slightly: "No!"



for a long time.

"When will you leave for the capital?"

Her voice was soft and there was no emotion.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned and a little surprised. Why did she suddenly ask this in the middle of the night?

However, Lin Jiangnian still replied: "Come on, if you are willing, we can leave tomorrow..."

Silence continued again.

After waiting for a while, Lin Jiangnian continued to try to get started.

But it was quickly blocked.

At this time, Zhiyuan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"The eldest princess is still waiting for you!"

Lin Jiangnian was confused when he heard this meaningless sentence.

The eldest princess?

"wait for me?"

The eldest princess is waiting for him?

Are you sure you're not waiting to break his legs?

"Go to sleep."

Before Lin Jiangnian could speak, Zhiyuan said something casually.

His tone was still very light, without any waves. After she finished speaking, she became silent and seemed to have fallen asleep.

But for some reason, I could clearly feel a trace of resistance from her.


Lin Jiangnian looked down at the quiet and cold face of the girl in his arms, thoughtfully.

What she said...

Is it hinting at something?


The Wang family fell, and the governor's palace was officially controlled by the Yanzhou governor. Lin Jiangnian and others no longer needed to hide in Tibet. What's more, the Yanzhou governor warmly invited Lin Jiangnian to live in the prefect's mansion.

Rejected by Lin Jiangnian!

Yuan Zhongnan's move probably had no good intentions.

Nowadays, in Xunyang City, countless pairs of eyes are watching every move of the Prefect's Mansion, and any disturbance will attract the attention of others. Not to mention that the news of the Wang family's demise could not be concealed. The Prefect's Mansion is a place of right and wrong.

If Lin Jiangnian moved into the prefect's mansion at this time, it would be like inviting trouble.

Yuan Zhongnan made a plan and wanted to get Lin Jiangnian to bear the consequences of the Wang family being wiped out, and to bear part of the pressure and firepower for him as the prince.

Lin Jiangnian would naturally not let him get his wish, not to mention that the news of his 'death' had already spread throughout the world. After what happened some time ago, most people believed that Prince Lin had been killed.

The turmoil in the city a few nights ago made many people even more certain of this.

Lin Jiangnian was also happy!

Now everyone thinks he has been killed, which is actually a good thing. In this way, he can strategize in secret.

On the other side, Yuan Zhongnan was not idle either.

After getting clues about the Tianshen Sect from Lin Jiangnian, he sent people non-stop to search the city and capture the relevant suspects.

Then he sent people out of the city to take over the troops inside and outside Xunyang City, and at the same time dispatched his cronies to Xunyang City.

News of the drastic change in the Prefecture has begun, and there is not much time left for Yuan Zhongnan. He must take the entire Xunyang City into his hands before then.

At the same time, Yuan Zhongnan did not let anyone related to the Wang family go. Although the entire Wang family was wiped out, there are still many close associates of the Wang family holding important positions inside and outside Xunyang City.

For example, Wang Shi, the county magistrate outside Xunyang City, was a distant relative of the Wang family. Following this clue, we dug up many people related to this. Even before the brothers Xie Yongan and Xie Yongqing could realize what was going on, they were pressed on the head by soldiers and horses sent from Xunyang City.

The news about this clue of human trafficking and the abduction and trafficking of women from good families into prostitution was exposed. Wang Shi and others did not even have a chance to quibble, so they were beheaded by Yuan Zhongnan with a wave of his hand.

The people of Xunyang City applauded, but it also aroused suspicion and vigilance from other aristocratic families in Xunyang City.

At this time, the news that the Wang family was wiped out could no longer be concealed.

As the news came to light, the whole city was in uproar, shocked and stunned.

From the wealthy families to the common people, everyone was shocked by the news and were dumbfounded and in disbelief.

The Wang family was exterminated?

The Prefect's Mansion was taken away by everyone?

The dignified Governor of Xunyang was first imprisoned for treason, and then was assassinated in prison?

Isn’t this too exciting?

After being shocked, ordinary people clapped their hands happily.

There was such a fierce commotion in the city some time ago. Wang Qin, the son of the prefect, preyed on the people, bullied men and dominated women, but was protected by the government. The people were already filled with anger.

Now that they heard that the Wang family was wiped out, although it was tragic, many people were still very happy.

God has eyes!

On the other side, although people from various aristocratic families had expected it, they were still horrified when they actually received the news. When I reacted, I quickly realized something was wrong.

Let’s not talk about the crime for which the Wang family was imprisoned... Is it too much of a coincidence that someone from the Wang family was assassinated just after being imprisoned?

It's a bit too much like being murdered and silenced!

Is it to hide some truth?

For a time, all doubts and suspicions were directed at Yuan Zhongnan.

Naturally, the various aristocratic families did not sit still and wait for death. The news that the Wang family was wiped out made them aware of the incomparable crisis, and they were ready to take action, with undercurrents surging.

The weird atmosphere in Xunyang City was extremely dull at this moment.

It was at this time that Lin Jiangnian had already hidden his merit and fame, quietly left Xunyang City, and continued his journey to the north and Beijing!

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