"Protect your lord?!"

Wang Cheng immediately spotted the woman in white in front of him. Looking frightened, who is this person? Why can he appear behind them quietly?

Wang Cheng's whole body tensed up and his vigilance increased to the extreme. He protected Master Yashou behind him and stared at the white-clothed figure not far ahead in a prepared manner, as if facing a formidable enemy!

Even though the other party was just a woman, he had no intention of relaxing.

The sudden appearance of the woman in white in front of him gave him great pressure. The breath of the cold night all around him instinctively gave him a chill from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, it is late at night.

Not far away, the sound of fighting outside the prefect's mansion was endless.

Getting closer.

The sharp clash of swords mixed with the screams and roars that filled the night sky, getting closer and closer.

Obviously, the sudden figure in the dark night was getting closer and closer, and the people in their prefect's mansion could hardly stop it.

Everyone present was trembling, but they couldn't care less about that at the moment. All eyes were fixed on the white-clothed figure outside the lobby ahead.

That is a young woman!

A woman with excellent appearance, figure and temperament stood quietly under the eaves of the lobby, looking at everyone.

The bright eyes are clear, but without any emotion. Just the look in their eyes already made them feel a little more trembling and fearful.

She, who is she? !

Why here?

The guards surrounding Wang Shiquan felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and no one dared to step forward or act rashly.

Wang Shiquan raised his eyes and stared at the woman in white under the eaves in front of him. His eyes were serious.

This woman is very beautiful and has great temperament!

more importantly……

The woman in white in front of him gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Deja vu!

Where have you seen it?

Wang Shiquan frowned and thought carefully about where he had seen this woman?

At this moment, the world seemed to be in a stalemate.

The woman in white was motionless, like a cold sculpture.

The guards in the courtyard became increasingly vigilant and did not even dare to breathe.

Until Wang Shiquan broke the silence.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Wang Shiquan stared at the woman in white in front of him, and the more he looked at her, the more familiar she seemed.

If he had seen such a stunning woman before him, he would definitely not be unimpressed.

But if you haven't seen it before, why do you think it looks familiar?

The feeling of familiarity was hard to describe, and it made him more and more confused.

Wang Shiquan spoke in a deep voice, trying to be as gentle as possible. Although he didn't know who the woman in white was, he could feel the cold aura on her body.

It can also be seen from the reaction of the guards around him that this woman may be difficult to deal with.

The woman in white did not speak, but stared at Wang Shiquan with her cold eyes, calm and calm, but it made Wang Shiquan's heart tremble.

It's obviously not dangerous in the slightest, but it's a bit creepy for some reason.

Wang Shiquan immediately realized... How could he be a friend if he broke into the prefect's mansion in the middle of the night? !

Realizing this, Wang Shiquan's heart suddenly sank.

"Escort your Excellency quickly and leave, and leave this person to your subordinates to stop him!"

Wang Cheng held the long knife tightly, stared at the figure in white in front of him, and said in a deep voice without looking back.

This woman is so weird.

He is very young and does not have the aura of a master at all.

But the more so, the more alarming it becomes.

How could someone who could sneak into this place quietly and avoid many masters in the Prefecture not be a master?

But why can't he detect even a hint of the other person's aura?

Basically there are only two possibilities, either the other party is really just an ordinary person, or the other party's martial arts is so high that he can hide his own aura at will and release it freely.

Those who can reach that level are all top masters in the world. If this is really the case, then...

I'm afraid it will be difficult tonight!

Wang Cheng's face was extremely ugly, but no matter what, as a guard of the Prefect's Mansion, he must ensure the safety of the Lord.

While letting people escort the adults away, he held a long knife and stood in front of him with several other guards, staring at the woman in white.

Wang Shiquan also realized that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he hurriedly left from the trail under the escort of the guards.

Just as Wang Shiquan was leaving, the woman in white under the eaves also reacted.

She suddenly raised her eyes, and a hint of murderous intent suddenly emerged.

"Stop her!"

Wang Cheng spoke in a deep voice.

The two guards beside him immediately stepped forward with swords in hand.

But the next second.


A majestic aura emerged from the woman in white, and the two guards who had just approached were enveloped by this aura and were instantly knocked away.

Seeing this scene, Wang Cheng's pupils shrank.

Before he could recover, the woman in white stepped forward.


Wang Cheng didn't care too much, and immediately subconsciously raised the knife and stepped forward to block the woman in white.

The long knife in his hand struck hard at the woman in white without any hesitation.

He didn't hold anything back!

Realizing the unfathomable strength of the woman in white, Wang Cheng used almost 100% of his inner strength to strike the sword with thunderous gravity.

However, the next second, the terrifying aura that hit his face was instantly locked, and the falling long knife stopped in mid-air, unable to take another step closer.

At this moment, Wang Cheng was horrified!

This, this kind of strength...


The majestic terrifying aura enveloped him and instantly knocked him away.

He fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood, and his hands were numb. His eyes were horrified, staring at his trembling hands, which could no longer hold the long knife.

One face-to-face encounter and he was already seriously injured.

He still underestimated the terror of this woman in white.

Wang Cheng's eyes were frightened and he could only watch the woman in white leave.

When Wang Shiquan just left the yard, he heard the screams behind him. His heart sank and he walked faster.

Passing through the courtyard corridor, he was about to walk to the backyard of the mansion.

The next second, Wang Shiquan suddenly stopped again, raised his head, his gloomy face became darker and darker.

Ahead, on the eaves.

The woman in white stood quietly on top.

In the dark night sky, the dim moonlight fell on her body, as bright as the moon and as cold as frost.

The white clothes were whistling and blowing under the cold wind, and the black hair was scattered.

His face was still expressionless and unruffled. But in this late night, Wang Shiquan felt numb all over and felt uneasy.

Even Wang Shiquan, who had experienced too many storms, couldn't help but tremble in his heart at this moment.

An indescribable fear came over me.

Such a strange woman in white, following closely behind him, was clearly coming for him.

"Kill her!" Wang Shiquan's deep voice came.

The next second, in the night sky, several figures with strong auras appeared from all directions on the eaves, heading towards the woman in white on the eaves.

These figures are all worshipers who are closely guarded by Wang Shiquan. There was civil strife in the Prefect's Mansion tonight, and they did not take action easily. They hid in the dark and waited for the opportunity.

At this moment, following Wang Shiquan's order, four middle-aged figures with strong inner strength appeared and headed towards the woman in white on the eaves.

The four of them had strong internal strength, and they didn't hold back at all when they met each other. Their sharp killing moves were directed at the woman in white on the roof.

The woman in white stood on the spot, unmoved by the four figures. He raised his eyes slightly, his sleeves danced, and the bare hands under his sleeves were knives, and a sharp aura surged out instantly.


The violent collision caused an explosion in an instant, and the impact of the explosion swallowed up the four figures that were approaching.


A fierce scream sounded, and the next second, several figures were directly blasted out by the explosion and fell heavily to the ground.

This scene made the guards down the corridor stare blankly and feel extremely frightened.

In the scene just now, they didn't even see clearly how the woman in white took action, and it was just... over?

Such strength...

They couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and looked up, only to see that the woman in white had disappeared from the eaves.

When he came back to his senses, the woman in white appeared in the corridor ahead at some point and was approaching.

The footsteps were so gentle that there was almost no sound, but for some reason, they seemed to step on their hearts with every step, so hard that they breathed quickly and turned pale.

The remaining guards' eyes were horrified, and even the hand holding the knife began to tremble slightly.

The scene tonight was beyond their psychological endurance.

Wang Shiquan's face was particularly ugly. He was already sure that the woman in white was coming for him.

Tonight, we are here to take his life!

But, who is she?

Why does it look so familiar?

Not surprisingly, she is Prince Lin's son, but he is not familiar with Prince Lin, so how could he...

"Prince Lin..."

At this moment, Wang Shiquan seemed to think of something, and a light flashed in his mind.

The next second, his eyes were stunned and his expression was shocked.

As he continued to stare at the woman in white, the more he looked at her, the more familiar she became. It was like an enlightenment, and his mind suddenly opened.

"Is it you? Is it you?!!"

Wang Shiquan suddenly remembered something and stared at the woman in white in front of him: "You, are you Jiang Cheng's remnant daughter?!"

"It's you?!!"

Wang Shiquan's voice was extremely shocked.

The woman in white who was approaching slowly suddenly stopped.

There was still no emotion in his cold eyes, but for some reason, Wang Shiquan's eyes were cold and frightened.

He finally remembered!

Not long ago, Wang Changjin mentioned to him that when the Jiang family was destroyed, Jiang Cheng's wife and daughter escaped.

Although the bodies of the wife and daughter were found later, Wang Changjin's words last time made him uneasy.

No one saw with their own eyes that Jiang Cheng’s wife and daughter were dead!

The corpses they found were also beyond recognition and could not be identified. At that time, I could only rely on the clothes on the body and the things left behind to prove my identity.

But, after all, I didn’t see it with my own eyes.

Wang Changjin's words made him take note.

Until now...

No wonder he felt that the woman in white in front of him looked so familiar!

He had never seen this woman in white before, but the aura of this woman in white was so familiar to him.

Isn't this Jiang Cheng's wife back then?

Very similar!

Although the appearance is not very similar, the temperament is definitely unmistakable.

It's her, it's her daughter!

Is she here for revenge? !

Wang Shiquan's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty. As the prefect of Xunyang, he would not be really confused. After confirming the identity of the woman in white in front of him, he finally realized her purpose.

"So, you are here to avenge your Jiang family today?"

Wang Shiquan gradually calmed down the emotions on his face and spoke in a deep voice.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and looked at the middle-aged man in front of her, her eyes were calm and seemed to be in a trance.

Is the person in front of me the culprit who caused the Jiang family to be destroyed?

"You deserve to die."

Zhiyuan spoke.

The voice was soft and cold.

But there was no hint of anger.

She slowly glanced at the courtyard and said, "You all must die."

Very calm tone.

It's as normal as telling them to eat and drink water.

But these words made everyone present change their expressions.

All must die?

"What a loud tone!"

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy. After realizing the identity of the other party, he felt a little less frightened.

What people fear most is facing the fear of the unknown.

Now that he knew the identity and purpose of the woman in white, he calmed down a lot.

"Do you think that I am a soft persimmon that you can manipulate?"

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy: "Back then, your Jiang family committed treason and everyone was executed. You, the remnant of the family, are barely surviving, but you still dare to come here and act recklessly..."

"Do you really think that with Prince Lin supporting you, you can do whatever you want?!"

Zhiyuan didn't speak.

Maybe I don’t know what to say, or maybe I’m just too lazy to talk nonsense.

To her, it made no sense.

Wang Shiquan noticed her cold eyes, as if looking at a dead person, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"Stop her!"

In the darkness, several more figures emerged and stood in front of him. .

As the prefect of Xunyang, Wang Shiquan was protected by many masters. He had anticipated that such a day would come, so he was prepared for it.

No matter how high her martial arts skills are, can she really be able to fight one against ten? One versus a hundred?

Facing the several black shadows that appeared all around, Zhiyuan turned a blind eye. In her eyes, there was only Wang Shiquan.

She took a sudden step.

The next second, the figure disappeared from the place, leaving only an afterimage.

Fast, too fast!

Almost at the same time, Wang Shiquan's pupils suddenly shrank, and fierce murderous intent rushed towards his face.

"Sir, be careful!"


Wherever the afterimage went, screams continued.

In the darkness, several figures fell down one after another.

The guards surrounding him fell down before they could even catch the other person's afterimage.

At this moment, Wang Shiquan was horrified. Only by experiencing it personally could he know how terrifying the other party was.

What kind of perversion happened to Jiang Cheng? !

But Wang Shiquan couldn't care so much at the moment, he had to leave here as soon as possible. Before the city defense army arrived, he had to ensure his own safety.

At this moment, rapid footsteps came from outside the corridor.

"The city defense army has arrived, the city defense army has arrived!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Wang Shiquan suddenly raised his head and saw flames rising into the sky from the Prefect's Mansion not far away, as well as the deafening sound of footsteps approaching.

The guards of the Taishou Mansion who had been almost defeated finally had their last glimmer of hope.

Yes, saved! !

The support of the city defense army finally arrived? ! !

Wang Shiquan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The city defense army is coming!

There are more than 3,000 city defense troops in Xunyang City. Even if Prince Lin's people are highly skilled in martial arts, they will still be doomed!

They are dead!

Wang Shiquan's eyes were excited. Before he could be happy, another news came.

"The Governor is here!"

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