Dark basement, inside a cell.

"Da da da!"

Crisp footsteps appeared in the cell, echoing around.

The entire dungeon was silent, except for the crisp and loud footsteps, there was no other sound.

The silence all around was so oppressive that one could hardly breathe.

The dungeon is not big, and there are traces of water droplets on the dark and smooth stone walls around it. The lights flickered, making people tremble.

The surroundings of the dungeon were dark and dark, and there was no one around.

In the entire dungeon, the only place where there was movement and sound was in the cell in the deepest part of the dungeon.

A wretched figure lay in the dungeon, languid.

He was wearing luxurious clothes that were shabby and shabby, lying on the damp straw, his hair disheveled, unkempt, and without a trace of vitality.

Until the footsteps came from not far away, the embarrassed figure on the ground raised his head with difficulty, a pair of dim eyes with a bit of fear, frightened and uneasy, as if he was waiting for his fate to be judged.

As the footsteps approached, he became increasingly uneasy and his expression became more frightened.

"Tick tock!"

A drop of rainwater slipped from the dungeon and fell on Wang Qin's dry face. He licked his lips and raised his head.

A figure appeared outside the cell door.

However, he was not the person Wang Qin imagined.

What appeared in his sight was a woman!

A very beautiful woman!

Wang Qin seemed to be sluggish, his head short-circuited for an instant, and he stared blankly at the woman in front of him.

Very beautiful!

The beauty is breathtaking!

The beauty made his brain forget about thinking and the situation he was in.

As the son of the prefect of Xunyang, Wang Qin has seen many women, including many who are extremely beautiful. But the only thing that can really haunt him is the glimpse of the eldest princess in the capital.

At this moment, the woman who appeared in front of him was no worse than the eldest princess!

Wearing a snow-white dress and a mink velvet coat, she appeared in his sight as pure and flawless as a fairy, yet cold and beautiful.

Very beautiful!

Also very indifferent!

Like ice cubes in the cold winter, it is so cold that it makes people tremble.

The next second, Wang Qin shuddered, his back was numb and his whole body was as cold as if he had fallen into an abyss.

He had seen the woman in front of him before.

Not long ago, in the secret room in the back mountain.

This woman...

He and his second uncle were chased and killed.

She's not dead?

After realizing this, Wang Qin had a look of horror on his face.

Prince Lin is not dead, so she, who is trapped in the secret room in the back mountain like Prince Lin, is naturally safe and sound.


Why is she here? !

After being briefly amazed, Wang Qin felt deep fear in his heart.

He knew very well that the woman in front of him was very dangerous.

Extremely high martial arts!

What does she want to do? !

Wang Qin struggled to get up, but felt weak all over. He hadn't eaten for several days and was so hungry that he felt dizzy, his chest pressed against his back, and he couldn't muster any strength.

Just as he struggled to get up, he fell back down again, panting.


The cell door opened.

Wang Qin raised his head in horror as he watched this stunningly beautiful woman slowly step into the cell. He struggled and took a few steps back.

"Who are you?!"

"You, what do you want to do?!"

His words were serious but there was no momentum at all.

At this moment, Wang Qin is no longer the son of the high-ranking Xunyang Prefect in the past. During the few days he was imprisoned, his pride had long been worn away.

This dark and damp basement tortured him mentally and physically.


Zhiyuan stepped into the cell and looked at Wang Qin in the cell coldly. There was no emotion in her expression, and she just stared at him until after a long time, she said expressionlessly: "You deserve to die."

Wang Qin's whole body trembled suddenly, and he looked up in fear, only to see a dagger and scimitar in the hand of the woman in white.

A ray of cold light shone from the dagger and scimitar, and also flashed into the fear in Wang Qin's heart.

She, she wants to kill herself? !

This thought emerged, and Wang Qin collapsed completely.

"Female, heroine, please spare your life..."

Wang Qin fell to the ground like a dead dog, wailing and screaming: "I have no enmity with you... You have enmity with my second uncle. If you want revenge, you should go to my second uncle and don't implicate me." …”

"Let me go..."

After experiencing the torture of life and death, Wang Qin had lost half of his backbone. Right now, he just wants to survive.

Even if it is very frustrating to survive.

But, he has to live.

As long as you are alive, there is hope.

Once you die, there is nothing.

In response to Wang Qin's begging for mercy, Zhiyuan looked indifferent, unmoved at all, and said coldly: "You deserve to die too!"

"All of you in the Wang family should die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhiyuan flicked his sleeves and took out the dagger and scimitar in his hand.

The next second.


A sharp scream came.

The dagger instantly penetrated Wang Qin's palm and plunged his right hand into the ground.

Blood spurted out, and Wang Qin lay on the ground, screaming repeatedly, his pale face full of ferocious fear.

The roaring scream was as cruel as a slaughtered pig, and he fainted on the spot.

Zhiyuan stood there, watching this scene indifferently.

like a statue.

There seemed to be some hesitation in his eyes.

The murderous intention lingered and eventually disappeared.

She didn't say anything, she gradually lowered her gaze and turned around slowly.

He turned around, but stopped again.

Not far ahead, Lin Jiangnian appeared in the dungeon at some unknown time, leaning against the wall with his arms folded, watching the scene with interest.

He glanced behind Zhiyuan and then landed on her.

"Why not just kill him?"

Zhiyuan said nothing.

"Since you want revenge, wouldn't killing him directly mean that the Wang family will be extinct?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and chuckled: "Why don't you kill her?"

This Wang Qin is the only member of the current generation of the Wang family. After his death, the Wang family is indeed considered to have no descendants.

He learned that Zhiyuan came here alone and guessed her purpose. I thought Wang Qin would definitely die, but didn't expect that she didn't kill Wang Qin?

Zhiyuan said calmly: "He can't die yet."


Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at him: "Because he is the only child of the Wang family, he still has the final use value..."

Lin Jiangnian was very interested: "How do you say it?"

"Keep him. If Wang Shiquan's only son is in your hands, he will definitely be wary and not dare to break up completely. If Wang Qin dies..."

After a pause, she said expressionlessly: "Wang Shiquan no longer has any worries. Once he loses his mind, he will fight to the death with you and me. The gain outweighs the loss!"

Lin Jiangnian listened to Zhiyuan's explanation and stared at her delicate and delicate face. After a while, he sighed: "I still underestimate you."

Indeed, now was not the time to kill Wang Qin, and Lin Jiangnian had no intention of doing so now.

As Zhiyuan said, as long as Wang Qin is alive for one day, it will be a huge constraint for Wang Shiquan. With Wang Shiquan's love for his only son, as long as Wang Qin still had a chance of survival, he would not dare to completely break up with Lin Jiangnian.

He couldn't afford the fate of losing everything.

But once Wang Qin dies, there will be no worries for Wang Shiquan. It is difficult to guarantee what irrational things a father will do when he suffers the pain of losing his son.

"You could actually kill him."

Lin Jiangnian glanced behind her and shook his head slightly: "Whether he dies or not, the impact will not be big... Even if he and Wang Shiquan completely break up, it won't be a bad thing."

For Lin Jiangnian, killing Wang Qin and completely angering Wang Shiquan was not a good choice, but it was not impossible.

If Zhiyuan really wanted to kill Wang Qin, Lin Jiangnian would not stop him. It didn't matter whether Wang Shiquan completely broke up with him or not, Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward slowly and walked up to her: "Since you don't plan to kill him, why do you come here?"

Zhiyuan still didn't answer the question, but after being silent for a while, he suddenly spoke.

"When will we do it?"



Zhiyuan was startled and subconsciously raised her eyes to look at him.

"That's right."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Just tonight."



Lin Jiang young laughed: "The person I was waiting for has arrived, and it's time for the show to begin."

Zhiyuan was silent, but there was a little more worry in his eyes.

"don’t worry."

Lin Jiangnian seemed to notice her worries, shook his head gently, and helped her trim her hair. Zhiyuan subconsciously took a step back, but Lin Jiangnian grabbed his bare hand.

Zhiyuan twitched slightly, but did not pull it out.

However, she didn't seem to be planning to pull away. She just resisted symbolically and then stopped moving, allowing Lin Jiangnian to catch him.

Lowered his head and stared quietly.

"After waiting for so long, it's time to end this matter once and for all."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and chuckled: "Let's go."

Zhiyuan looked at him: "Where are you going?"

"Go and see this great show!"

Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment: "Don't you want to go to the prefect's mansion and witness it with your own eyes?"


Night falls.

Xunyang City, Taishou Mansion.

"No news yet?"

Wang Shiquan was sitting in the lobby, his face gloomy and his brows furrowed.

Outside the hall, several guards were kneeling on one knee, their brows full of fatigue.

The atmosphere around was dull.

Having been searching for several days, the Prefect's Mansion sent many guards and soldiers to search Xunyang City all over the place. Although it is true that many forces hidden in Xunyang City were found.

But there is still no news about Wang Qin.

Looking for a needle in a haystack!

Nothing was caught.

Wang Shiquan's face became increasingly ugly. He knew very well that Wang Qin must still be in Xunyang City.

How to find it is a question.

If Wang Qin cannot be found for one day, he will be in danger for one more day.

just in case……

Wang Shiquan did not dare to continue thinking.

No matter how dandy he is, no matter how good-for-nothing he is, he is still his only son.

"If anything happens to Qin'er, all of you should come to see me!"

Wang Shiquan's eyes were gloomy.

At this moment, he lost a bit of elegance and a bit more violent indifference.

"Of course Qin'er is looking for him, but Linzhou... has to be on guard!"

From the side, Wang Changjin's voice came.

With a bit of a low voice: "The movement in the direction of Linzhou is a bit big. Once Lin Hengzhong really sends troops north regardless of the charge of rebellion, I'm afraid there will be a tough battle."

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy: "I went to see the governor. Once Lin Hengzhong sends troops, he will not sit idly by and ignore it."

Wang Changjin still frowned: "What I'm worried about is, what if he can't stop Lin Hengzhong's troops?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Shiquan fell silent.

Not a word was spoken.

No one can guarantee this.

After all, Yanzhou is located in the interior of the dynasty. There are not many troops stationed in Yanzhou, and there are many eunuchs' sons in the Yanzhou army. Most of them have never been on the battlefield and can only talk about military affairs on paper. When it comes to combat effectiveness, who can There is no guarantee.

Linzhou, on the other hand, is located on the border of the dynasty and has rich experience in actual combat drills all year round. Most of the soldiers under Lin Hengzhong are elites who have participated in southern Xinjiang in the past, and all of them are soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles. Once Lin Hengzhong is determined to launch troops, can these troops in Yanzhou really stop him?

I'm afraid, they already have the answer in their minds.

The only thing that can make them happy is that once Lin Hengzhong really launches troops, he will definitely become a public enemy of the dynasty. The imperial court will never sit idly by and do nothing. Even if Lin Hengzhong can conquer Yanzhou, he will soon be surrounded and destroyed by reinforcements from all directions.

However, this is the most ideal situation.

No one can guarantee what will happen by then.

"No matter what, you have to give it a try."

Wang Changjin said in a deep voice: "The time has come to decide the fate of our Wang family!"

Wang Shiquan glanced at him: "What about Qin'er?"

Wang Changjin was silent for a moment, "If he is alive, everything will be fine. If something happens to him..."

"Help him take revenge."

Wang Shiquan's eyes changed instantly: "You mean, give up on Qin'er?"

Wang Changjin said calmly: "If that time comes, you have no choice."

Wang Shiquan's expression became fierce and he said angrily: "Qin'er is your nephew!"

"I know!"

Wang Changjin remained calm: "I love Qin'er too, but what can you and I do now?"

"Don't forget, you are not only Qin'er's father, but also the governor of Xunyang County. You have to be responsible for your people!"

Wang Shiquan sneered, the smile on his face was a bit sarcastic: "Responsible?"

"If you hadn't caused this disaster, would you have ended up in this situation?"

"You should never, never provoke Prince Lin Wang!"

"Kill him, can you and I really afford the consequences?!"

Faced with Wang Shiquan's questioning, Wang Changjin remained silent for a long time.

"It's meaningless to say all this now. What you have to do is find a way to stabilize the situation!"

Wang Changjin said in a deep voice: "Qin'er will be fine, at least not now... As long as our Wang family is still around, they won't dare to touch Qin'er."

There was a long silence in the lobby.

Until not long after, the sound of rapid footsteps was heard outside the hall.

"Sir, yes, there is a clue about the young master!"

Hearing this, Wang Shiquan and Wang Changjin both stood up excitedly: "Where are you? Where is Qin'er?!"

"Sir, my subordinates found Miss Piaoxiang, the oiran from Liuxianglou who disappeared with the young master in the city that day. She is outside."

Wang Shiquan's eyes narrowed: "Bring her in quickly!"

A wretched and miserable figure was brought into the lobby by the guards.

It was the Piaoxiang girl from Liuxiang Tower. At this moment, the oiran woman looked embarrassed, her eyes were full of fear, and she was trembling all over, as if she had been greatly stimulated.

Wang Shiquan stared at the woman in the hall and said in a stern tone: "Where is Qin'er? Tell me quickly!"


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