Faced with Lin Jiangnian's burning eyes, Zhiyuan acted very calmly. He closed the book in his hand, put it on the table, and said expressionlessly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the paper kite in front of him with interest.

She is lying.

She must have heard the conversation between Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu during the day. Otherwise, Xiaozhu would never be called here.

As for her purpose, it is self-evident.

Lin Jiangnian did not expose it.

"It's okay if you don't understand."

After a pause, he looked at her a few more times and said as if casually: "Xiaozhu is still quite afraid of you."

Zhiyuan said nothing.

"Don't scare her either."

Lin Jiang young sighed: "Xiao Zhu said that you were very hostile to her after coming back this time. She looked wrong, as if she had offended you in some way... She is a little maid, so don't argue with her."

He couldn't help but feel a little funny when he thought of Xiaozhu's pitiful appearance yesterday.

Zhiyuan's face remained expressionless, but for some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Even a little irritable.

Can't tell.

She turned her head, her fair and delicate side face expressionless: "I have no hostility towards her."

"She thinks too much."

"Is it?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her. Zhiyuan looked cold and cold at the moment, and kept strangers away.

No wonder Xiaozhu is scared!

Not to mention Xiaozhu, Lin Jiangnian felt that she was a little too cold. Such a cold appearance makes it really difficult for people to get close to him.


Her tone seems a bit strange?

Are you really thinking too much?

"Then let me wait and have a good talk with Xiaozhu, right?"

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, and his face that turned sideways remained calm and emotionless.

However, where no one was paying attention, her bare hands hidden under her sleeves squeezed.

And soon let go.

"how about you?"

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian came closer again and asked suddenly.

Zhiyuan turned her head and saw Lin Jiangnian staring at her with burning eyes. The smile on his face was a little more playful: "Are you still angry with me?"

Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned his head away.


"You have."


Lin Jiangnian stared at the cold and pretty face in front of him, half-smiling but not smiling: "Didn't anyone tell you that you are not good at lying either?"

Zhiyuan was silent and did not respond.

"The way you lie is really bad. You haven't learned the essence of my prince!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, then suddenly stood up, walked to Zhiyuan and sat down.

Zhiyuan reacted suddenly, her delicate body tensed slightly, and she was about to stand up. However, Lin Jiangnian held her shoulders and pushed her back to the seat.

"Don't move!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and raised his eyebrows: "Are you afraid of my son?"

Zhiyuan's face was full of vigilance, staring at Lin Jiangnian without saying a word.

Perhaps because of the experience of suffering losses in the past few times, Zhiyuan maintained a high degree of vigilance and would never give Lin Jiangnian a chance in the slightest distraction.

"Don't worry, I will not take advantage of you today."


Zhiyuan was silent.

Obviously, she didn't believe Lin Jiangnian's assurances.

Lin Jiangnian ignored Zhi Yuan's distrustful look and said to himself: "I've been too busy during this period. I finally have some time tonight. I want to have a good talk with you, how about it?"

Zhiyuan was still silent.

She was already taciturn, and now she didn't know what to say.

Lin Jiangnian looked at the silent kite and swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

This girl is so cold!

It was so cold that people often had no desire to continue chatting with her. It was as if they had hit a wall and were very boring.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Jiangnian held back.

Judging from Zhiyuan's current state, it is estimated that if they continue to communicate, they will be playing the piano to others. In this case, it is better to save time.

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and changed the topic.

"Do you remember what I told you this afternoon?"

Lin Jiangnian mentioned another incident: "I wanted to teach Wang Qin a lesson, but unexpectedly, I got an unexpected reward..."

At this point, he paused: "You are right, there is indeed support from other forces behind the Wang family."

"The other party's background is quite small."

Zhiyuan listened quietly and lowered her eyes in silence for a moment: "Third Prince?"

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised that Zhiyuan could guess correctly. A lot of evidence has been put on the surface, and the Wang family is probably involved with the forces in Beijing behind the scenes.

As for the third prince, who had considerable influence in the capital and was very ambitious, he was naturally unwilling to be just a prince.

Then, it is not difficult to understand that there are some actions behind the scenes.

"There are many forces involved behind the Wang family. To be precise, the Wang family has interests involved with almost every family in Xunyang County. The Wang family has spent so many years carefully compiling a huge network of interests..."

"Once the Wang family is touched, the whole body will be affected!"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "This means that if you want to touch the Wang family, you will inevitably encounter opposition from other families in Xunyang County."

Zhiyuan slowly raised her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian: "You mean, you can't touch the Wang family?"

"Of course not."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly and said calmly: "The Wang family almost killed my son this time, so I will naturally have to repay this. But we still need to wait..."

"Wait for the people behind the Wang family to jump out on their own."

"Third Prince?"


Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "The third prince will not show up on his own initiative. The Wang family is just a dispensable chess piece in his hand... Even if the Wang family falls, it will not have much impact on him."

The evidence in Lin Jiangnian's hands cannot currently bring down the third prince.

Zhiyuan frowned: "Who is that?"

Lin Jiangnian did not answer the question. After looking down for a few times, he grabbed Zhiyuan's plain hand, held it in his palm, and chuckled: "Don't you want to ask how this prince plans to solve the problem of the Wang family in Xunyang County?" Many years of power network?”

Zhiyuan frowned slightly and subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand. But after two hard pumps and no success, I gave up.

He looked a little unnatural, turned his head and said expressionlessly: "Take advantage of the situation."

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face froze. After a while, he sighed softly: "Girls are too smart to be deceived!"

Zhiyuan said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on Zhiyuan's snow-white hands. The skin was delicate and smooth, and the fingers were as delicate as jade. They were small and crystal-clear when held, and had an excellent feel.

You can slightly feel the existence of the sword cocoon in the palm of your hand, but it is not obvious.

Zhiyuan's martial arts skills are very high. As Senior Li's apprentice, he has learned martial arts from Senior Li, so his swordsmanship is naturally not weak.

However, in Prince Lin's Mansion on weekdays, Zhiyuan is almost never seen taking action. Of course, there was no chance for her to take action.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't put it down. He gently squeezed the girl's smooth and delicate hand, rubbed it gently, and sighed: "It seems that you have known about my prince's plan for a long time?"

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, but her delicate body was slightly tense, as if she was a little nervous. The sideways face glowed with a faint red light, his eyes were extremely unnatural, and he was silent.

Breathing a little heavy.

"Your guess is indeed correct. This prince intends to take advantage of the situation... However, it cannot be regarded as borrowing!"

"Can I borrow something that belongs to me?"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "The Wang family dares to attack this prince this time, so naturally they have already made plans to break up with Prince Lin's Mansion..."

"The Wang family has the courage to rely on the Wang family's deep roots in Xunyang County, rely on common interests to kidnap the major families in Xunyang County, tie everyone on his thief ship, and then use the name of the court to attack Linwang's Mansion. Press!"

"His move is indeed very good. If he uses it well, Prince Lin's Mansion may really suffer from this."

As if thinking of something, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Maybe, if my son dies, his death may be in vain."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, then said calmly: "No."


Lin Jiangnian raised his head in confusion.

But Zhiyuan didn't look back, looking indifferently ahead, her tone cold but firm.

"Your death will not be in vain."

"The prince will definitely let the entire Wang family be buried with him!"

The tone was firm and determined.

Lin Jiangnian was startled: "How can you be so sure?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a long time this time, lowering her eyes and saying calmly: "You are the prince's only heir..."

"If something happens to you, the prince will definitely not let the Wang family go..."

Having said this, Zhiyuan took a deep breath and his eyes became colder: "Even if you are an enemy of the world, the prince will not hesitate."

Lin Jiangnian was silent.

This sentence is a bit shocking to hear.

He knew that Prince Lin loved his only son very much, and it could be seen from the time he spent with Prince Lin in Prince Lin's Mansion. Although the time they spent together was short, Lin Jiangnian still felt the King Lin's meticulous care for him.

Even in front of him, King Lin was not at all as cold-blooded and ruthless as the outside world said.

For some reason, Lin Jiangnian was in a complicated mood.

After a while, he came back to his senses and chuckled like a self-mockery: "Maybe..."

Then, he quickly waved his hand: "Bah, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Isn't this prince alive and well now?!"

"Stop saying bad words."

Zhiyuan didn't speak again, glanced sideways at Lin Jiangnian, then turned away, thoughtfully.

"So, it is not difficult to deal with the Wang family... The Wang family wants to use the entire Xunyang County family forces as a shield, but those family forces are not necessarily willing to get involved."

"Without the participation of those family forces, the Wang family will not be able to survive for long."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes. The Wang family's plan was indeed good. But he wasn't completely unprepared.

"So, this prince plans to use his tactics to his advantage..."

Zhiyuan frowned slightly: "Would the other families agree?"

"Then it depends on which side they stand!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "As long as their brains are not broken, they should know how to choose."

Zhiyuan was silent: "The Wang family has worked hard in Xunyang County for many years and is deeply rooted. It also holds many secrets of the major families to check and balance each other. They may not necessarily turn against them!"

"They have no choice."

Lin Jiangqing shook his head softly: "The only ones I have to deal with are the Wang family and have nothing to do with them. If they are willing to help the tyrants do evil, then don't blame me for not being able to afford it. Besides..."

"I don't think they are all monolithic!"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "Do you think they are really willing to let the Wang family become the largest family in Xunyang County?"

"Then they don't have any idea about the position of prefect?"

Zhiyuan was startled, then realized something, "What do you mean..."

"The Wang family has been operating in Xunyang County for many years and has accumulated such a huge family business. Do you think those family forces will be interested?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "That's how your Jiang family was targeted and divided up!"

Zhiyuan said nothing, silent.

The Jiang family back then was indeed plotted by them, and everyone in the family was eventually executed. And the entire Jiang family's belongings were divided among their major families.

"What did they do to the Jiang family back then? Now, it's the Wang family's turn!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled half-heartedly, "Do you think other families would be interested?"




Silence fell in the room.

No one spoke for a long time.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, thinking about something, with a strange color on her cold face.


Lin Jiangnian didn't speak again. Some things didn't need to be explained too clearly. A smart person like Zhi Yuan could figure it out with just a few words.

What's more, she was originally from Prince Lin's Mansion, and she knew much better than Lin Jiangnian. After realizing Lin Jiangnian's thoughts, she guessed what Lin Jiangnian wanted to do.

As for Lin Jiangnian, he was concentrating on playing with... the girl's bare hands!

Gently kneading her delicate and silky bare hands, caressing it gently, and then holding it in the palm of her hand, holding it tightly, like playing with a toy and loving it.

Zhiyuan, who had been lost in thought, realized something at this moment. She lowered her eyes and saw Lin Jiangnian still holding her hand, looking attentive.

Feeling something strange coming from the palm of her hand, she felt a little panicked. She bit her silver teeth lightly, and a look of shame and anger appeared on her pretty face.

"Have you touched enough?"

Lin Jiangnian was touching it when a voice with a somewhat shy and angry tone came to his ear.

Looking up, he saw Zhiyuan looking at him expressionlessly, with a hint of shame and anger in his clear eyes.

"not enough!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and answered honestly.


"Let go, let go!"

Zhiyuan twitched hard, and finally pulled her hand back this time.

Lin Jiangnian felt a little regretful.

Zhiyuan put the plain hand that had been squeezed for a long time back under her sleeve, and the gentle and slightly numb feeling in her palm was still there. There was an indescribable feeling that seemed to spread all over her body along that hand. Her delicate body trembled slightly, and there was a strange feeling of heat all over her body.

The already red face seemed to be even redder.

"It's getting late!"

Hiding his hands under his sleeves, turning his back, Zhiyuan stood up and spoke expressionlessly.

Under the cold face, there was a hint of imperceptible panic.

The weak oil lamp on the table was about to burn out, and the room was getting dark. Lin Jiangnian glanced at the night outside the window and saw that it was indeed getting late.

I've touched everything tonight, and I've taken advantage of it a lot, so I'll give it up when it's good.

"It's indeed getting late, I should go back and rest!"

Lin Jiangnian yawned, stood up and said to himself: "Xiao Zhu should be anxious!"

He muttered to himself and turned around to leave.

However, just after taking two steps, a chill came from behind Leng Buding.

As sharp as the back of a thorn.

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously turned around and saw Zhiyuan standing quietly at the table not far away, looking at him expressionlessly.

"What's wrong?"


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