Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 168 Set a trap for yourself

As a qualified subordinate, in addition to being reliable and able to help the master solve problems, he must also be discerning.

More importantly, you can't ruin your master's good deeds.

Lin Qingqing is obviously a very qualified subordinate.

She was adopted by King Lin since she was a child, and entered Prince Lin's Mansion along with many other children of the same age who suffered the same fate, and was secretly trained in secret.

From the first day she entered Prince Lin's Mansion, Lin Qingqing knew her future identity...she would be Prince Lin's personal soldier, and would be trained to be loyal to Prince Lin.

She has been indoctrinated with information about this since she was a child... They were secretly trained to be a sharp blade around Prince Lin, to protect His Highness's safety and solve problems for His Highness.

He looks like a dead soldier, but he is a little more humane than a dead soldier.

Lin Qingqing was undoubtedly one of the most outstanding people in the Prince's Army. She had good martial arts talent, a calm and intelligent personality, and was cautious, conscientious and complex in her work. Therefore, she stood out from the Prince's Army and was selected and promoted by Prince Lin and Zhiyuan.

After Zhi Yuan left, Lin Qingqing gradually took over the affairs left by Zhi Yuan and assumed the important responsibility of protecting His Highness' safety. Along the way north to Beijing, Lin Qingqing was dedicated to her duties, nipping all dangers in the cradle.

Even in Xunyang County, during the time when Lin Jiangnian's 'accident' happened, she was still very calm and composed, and did not lose her position.

It is rare to have a calm personality and the ability to adapt to situations quickly.

Especially at this moment.

Just in this small courtyard.

After leaving the Prefect's Mansion, Lin Qingqing shook off the pursuers behind her and hurried back, intending to report the matter to His Highness.

But just as she quickly stepped into the courtyard, the scene in front of her made her freeze on the spot.

Under the eaves not far away, there were two figures, His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan. From Lin Qingqing's perspective, you can just see His Highness holding Sister Zhiyuan?

At this moment, Lin Qingqing even thought that she had seen something wrong?

But when she blinked her eyes hard, the scene in front of her still didn't change.

Indeed... hugging each other? !

Your Highness, why are you holding Sister Zhiyuan?

The smile on Lin Qingqing's face was stiff, and she stood there blankly, with an expression as if she had seen a ghost.


Are you feeling strong today?

I actually saw His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan hugging each other?

In sight, His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan were both under the eaves, and His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan were very close to each other. The two of them were almost touching each other, and their movements were extremely intimate.


Your Highness seems to be planning something?

Lin Qingqing noticed His Highness's hand that was ready to move. He was clearly planning to do something?

Lin Qingqing was completely stunned.

The scene in front of her was tantamount to subverting her worldview.

Don’t His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan have a bad relationship?

Isn't there a conflict between the two?

But this scene before me...

How to explain?

At the same time, the two people under the eaves suddenly noticed something, turned their heads, and the next second, their eyes met.

The surroundings instantly became quiet.

It was eerily quiet.

Lin Qingqing, who was confused and had dull eyes, finally realized something when she noticed His Highness's somewhat unkind gaze. The thoughts in her mind gradually recovered, she looked at His Highness, and then at Sister Zhiyuan beside her...

At this moment, Sister Zhiyuan's fair face showed an indescribable blush, and a hint of panic... This was something Lin Qingqing had never seen before.

I have known Sister Zhiyuan for so long. Sister Zhiyuan has a calm and cold personality and does not like to show off.

But what about today?

Sister Zhiyuan's red face clearly means something...

At this moment, something suddenly clicked in Lin Qingqing's mind.

"My subordinate suddenly remembered that he still had something important to do... Your Highness, please leave now..."

It must be said that as an excellent subordinate, Lin Qingqing is well versed in the ability to act according to circumstances.

After a brief moment of shock, she turned around and left without hesitation. Before His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan could react, she quickly evacuated the place of right and wrong.

Under the eaves.

The atmosphere was silent.

I originally planned to take the opportunity to take a step closer and find an excuse to teach Zhi Yuan a lesson. Unexpectedly, Lin Qingqing suddenly broke in and broke Lin Jiangnian's plan.

It was precisely because of Lin Qingqing's arrival that Zhiyuan came back to her senses. She quickly escaped from Lin Jiangnian's clutches and took four or five steps back, keeping a safe distance from Lin Jiangnian.

He straightened his clothes, took a deep breath, and calmed down.

On that pink and white face, there was still a bit of blush that had not faded away, which made her look beautiful instantly.

Lin Jiangnian took a few more glances and seemed to be noticed by Zhiyuan. She turned her head away unnaturally and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Jiangnian called out to her.

Zhiyuan paused slightly and did not look back: "Is there anything else, Your Highness?"

The voice was still cold, but it couldn't hide the tremor.

"You haven't answered my prince's question yet!"

Lin Jiangnian did not intend to let her go so easily. He walked forward slowly, stared at her delicate face, and asked, "Could it be that you are going to renege on your debt?"

Zhiyuan stood there, her clear and bright eyes trembling slightly, she lowered her eyes and took a deep breath. A hint of uneasiness can be seen on the pretty face with delicate skin.

Then, she slowly raised her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "Your Majesty, do you really agree?"

The eyes were very calm, like questioning, but extremely gentle, without any discomfort.

"That's natural."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Do you suspect that I am lying to you?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, but his eyes... were indeed suspicious.

"Although you have left Prince Lin's Mansion, once you are my maid, you will always be my maid..."

Lin Jiangnian came closer and said with a slightly proud tone: "So, you don't have a chance to regret your debt."

Zhiyuan didn't speak, her face was calm.


Lin Jiangnian took a step back and looked at her: "If you don't believe it, you can go to the prince for confirmation?"

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian for a while, thought about it, and suddenly nodded: "I will."

Her reaction was unexpected by Lin Jiangnian.

Looking at Zhiyuan so indifferently, Lin Jiangnian vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Nodding so simply?


Seeking confirmation?

Where can I go to get confirmation now?

Linwang's people were in Linzhou, and Lin Jiangnian had to go north to the capital. After she finishes asking for confirmation, why don't she go to the capital and then return to Linzhou?

This coming and going, wouldn't it take half a year at the earliest?

Isn't this a trap for him?

When he looked up at Zhiyuan again, he saw that her eyes were bright and clear, and she seemed to have a trace of indescribable joy.

Apparently, she had thought of this too.

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment: "When do you plan to go to my father for confirmation?"

Zhiyuan glanced at him and said calmly: "Let's go back to Linzhou later."

"When will you return to Linzhou?"

"What do you think?"

"I never lie to others."


"My prince cannot wait that long!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan's delicate face and thought for a while.

"How about you go to bed in advance?"


Front yard, front hall.

Lin Qingqing sat at the table, glancing towards the backyard from time to time, with a trace of shock remaining in her eyes.

Of course it was an excuse to have important things to do. Lin Qingqing was very discerning. She accidentally broke into the backyard and discovered this incredible 'secret', which also ruined the good deeds of His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan.

His Highness must be very angry. If she continues to stay here without knowing what she is doing, His Highness will definitely not be able to spare her.

Excellent subordinates are naturally very inspiring.

If she can't tell the difference between occasions, it's her fault!

Lin Qingqing wisely chose to pretend not to see it and left quietly.

However, my heart was filled with confusion, mixed emotions, and it was hard to understand and believe.

Your Highness and Sister Zhiyuan, how could they...

As one of the closest people to Sister Zhiyuan, Lin Qingqing is the one who is most aware of the conflict between His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan.

In the past, when they were in Prince Lin's Mansion, His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan were almost incompatible with each other.

At that time, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was ignorant, had a flamboyant and dandy character, and had a deep conflict with Sister Zhiyuan, who was sent by the prince to discipline His Highness.

Lin Qingqing still remembers how His Highness the Crown Prince pointed at Sister Zhiyuan's nose and cursed loudly, and how he angrily plotted against Sister Zhiyuan, even intending to secretly murder Sister Zhiyuan...

As for Sister Zhiyuan...

Lin Qingqing's eyes dimmed.

Although Sister Zhiyuan has never mentioned it or shown it. But Lin Qingqing could tell that Sister Zhiyuan didn't like His Royal Highness, and was even a little...disgusted!

But what about now?

His Highness has undergone earth-shaking changes. The changes are so great that Lin Qingqing sometimes wonders if His Highness is a different person.

Now His Highness has grown up, matured and stabilized, and Sister Zhiyuan has also left Prince Lin's Mansion. But now that they meet again, what makes Lin Qingqing unbelievable the most could His Highness fall in love with Sister Zhiyuan?

What happened?

Lin Qingqing's eyes were complicated and shocked. What else were His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan hiding from her?

Could it be that the two of them are...

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing felt complicated and it was difficult to describe this feeling.



It wasn't until footsteps came from outside the hall that Lin Qingqing put away her random thoughts, looked up and saw Lin Jiangnian stepping into the hall.

"Your Highness."

Lin Qingqing stood up quickly and walked quickly to His Highness.

Lin Jiangnian said nothing, just looked down at her.

Lin Qingqing raised her eyes and her heart skipped a beat: "Your Highness, you..."

"Why are you looking at your subordinates like this?"

Lin Jiangnian's expressionless eyes fell on her, which made Lin Qingqing, who was already complicated, a little uneasy.

Is Your Highness here to hold you accountable?


Your Highness wants to kill people and silence them?

Lin Qingqing was nervous, hesitated, and suddenly whispered: "Your Highness, don't worry..."

"What are you worried about?"

"My subordinates will not tell anything about you and Sister Zhiyuan."

Lin Qingqing's eyes were firm and she looked loyal.


"what are you thinking?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "My prince and Zhiyuan are innocent."

Lin Qingqing's eyes were strange. Is Your Highness redefining innocence? !

They are all hugging each other, how can they still be called innocent?

Lin Qingqing knew very well that after knowing Sister Zhiyuan for so long, she had never seen Sister Zhiyuan have contact with any man, let alone such an intimate behavior?

Absolutely appalling!

This already means something.

Lin Jiangnian naturally noticed Lin Qingqing's strange eyes and knew that she might have misunderstood something. But he didn't take it seriously and wasn't in the mood to explain it.

I was just teased by the kite, and I was not in a good mood.

Seeing Lin Qingqing's curious and smart look, she immediately waved her hand half-faced and changed the subject: "Tell me, how is the situation over there."

Lin Qingqing then put away her emotions and got down to business.

"Your Highness, my subordinates leaked their whereabouts according to your instructions. As expected, people from the Prefect's Mansion came to the door soon..."

"My subordinates went to meet Wang Shiquan. Wang Shiquan really valued Wang Qin's son, even at the cost..."


After listening to Lin Qingqing's report, Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly.

The news reported by Lin Qingqing was almost the same as what he had guessed and expected.

"The Wang family seems to be in a panic now!"

Lin Qingqing's eyes were slightly cold: "No matter how courageous the Wang family is, they are not qualified to quarrel with our royal family."

"The murder of His Highness is a heinous crime of the royal family and cannot be forgiven."

Compared to Lin Qingqing's anger, Lin Jiangnian seemed quite indifferent: "Don't be so angry, am I not okay now?"

"That's because they didn't succeed." Lin Qingqing said coldly: "I didn't expect that the Wang family would dare to do such a thing to seek death!"

Do the Wang family really not know the consequences of assassinating His Highness?

Do you really think that Prince Lin's Mansion is just a decoration?

"Perhaps they don't want to kill me either."

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "It's just that they have no choice."

Lin Qingqing was puzzled: "Your Highness, what do you mean by this?"

"The biggest secret of their Wang family was discovered by this prince, and they had to be silenced."

Lin Jiangnian laughed and shook his head: "Compared to exposing the secret of the Wang family's rebellion and collaboration with the enemy, they seem to think it is easier to kill my son?"

Lin Qingqing's expression was cold, "Your Highness, when will we take action?"

Now that the plan is almost done, it's time to settle the accounts with the Wang family.

If we don't take action, the Wang family may not be able to sit still for a long time.

"It's not the best time yet."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.


Lin Qingqing was stunned for a moment and stopped talking.

Now they are ready. A few days ago, Lin Qingqing flew a pigeon to send a message back to Linzhou, and there was already news in Linzhou.

Nowadays, people in Xunyang City are in panic, and the Wang family is like a frightened bird, terrified and uneasy. This time is the best time to attack the Wang family.

If it continues to be delayed, it may be disadvantageous for the Wang family to recover.

This is Xunyang City after all, the territory of the Wang family. In addition to revenge, Lin Qingqing also has to consider His Highness's safety.

Furthermore, the Wang family has deep-rooted influence in Xunyang County, and the only way to deal with it is to cut through the mess quickly. Once it is delayed, it will be extremely detrimental to them.

Lin Qingqing finally expressed her concerns. After hearing this, Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense, but..."

"We have to wait a while!"

"What are you waiting for?" Lin Qingqing couldn't help but ask.

"one person!"

Lin Qingqing was stunned: "Who is it?"

"A person who can make the Wang family irreversible."

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