Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 166 Confrontation at the Prefect’s Mansion

Inside Xunyang City.

A quiet tea house.

Lin Qingqing was sitting on the second floor by the window, staring at the street not far away. He didn't know what he was thinking, and his expression was a little solemn.

There was a sudden noise on the street not far away. Immediately afterwards, a column of fully armed soldiers appeared on the calm and bustling street, rushing in from a distance.

The appearance of these soldiers immediately attracted the attention of many people. People on the streets gave way, hiding under the eaves, pointing and talking.

The atmosphere in the city these days is tense, and everyone is used to it. I'm just slightly curious, who else is going to be unlucky today!

While everyone was discussing, they saw a row of fully armed and armored soldiers approaching the teahouse and heading straight upstairs.

In the teahouse, many people's expressions changed.

Those people who were still talking loudly in the teahouse were all silent at this time and did not dare to breathe. Watching the soldiers going upstairs, they all looked ugly and trembled all over.

These days, there are such big things happening in the city, and they are talking in public places, pointing fingers at the government and the prefect's house.

Many people have been arrested and imprisoned for this.

Today, is it coming again?

While everyone was feeling uneasy, this group of soldiers quickly surrounded and controlled the entire teahouse. Then, a man who looked like a general stepped onto the second floor and approached the window.

By the window.

Lin Qingqing sat quietly, raised her eyes, and looked at the general approaching her indifferently.

Not unfamiliar.

When she and His Highness first arrived in Xunyang City, it was this general who greeted her in the city and took His Highness to the Prefect's Mansion.

What's your name...Wang Cheng?

A general under Wang Shiquan.

"Miss Lin, long time no see!"

Wang Cheng approached, and when he saw Lin Qingqing sitting at the table with a calm expression, his eyes were a little complicated. He took a deep breath and quickly concealed the emotions in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, please."

Lin Qingqing raised her eyes slightly, as if she had expected it, and said calmly: "What do you want from me, sir?"

Wang Cheng lowered his head and said calmly: "You will know when Miss Lin goes there... This subordinate is just passing on the message and does not know the inside story."

Lin Qingqing sneered as if contemptuously, stood up and walked towards the outside of the teahouse.

"Let's go."

Wang Cheng was startled for a moment, as if he didn't expect that she was so easy to talk to?

Naturally, he knew that the person in front of him was the most trusted confidant around Prince Lin, and he had a lot of power in his hands.

Today he was ordered to come and invite this girl into the house. I originally thought that it would take a lot of talking, or even... a military confrontation.

Prince Lin's son died, and now many people in the city put the blame on the prefect's mansion. Although Wang Cheng didn't know the inside story, he vaguely guessed that the matter was probably closely related to the prefect.

He was well prepared for coming today, but he didn't expect that Miss Lin would be so cooperative?

For a moment, Wang Cheng felt a little weird in his heart.


Why does it feel like this Miss Lin has been waiting for him?

Prefect's Mansion.

The atmosphere in the dull lobby was tense.

This is not the first time that Lin Qingqing has come to the Prefect's Mansion. As His Highness lived in the Prefect's Mansion for a period of time some time ago, she has already secretly investigated the layout of the Prefect's Mansion.

This time she stepped into the prefect's mansion alone, and she didn't have much worries. Stepping into the lobby calmly, one could see the familiar figure sitting in the lobby.

Wang Shiquan.

Wang Shiquan, who was dressed in a gray robe, was sitting in the hall, his face expressionless, with a look of vicissitudes of life and a hint of fatigue.

Like an old man in his twilight years, there is an indescribable aura surrounding him.

"Sir, Miss Lin is here."

After Wang Cheng brought the people into the lobby, he stepped aside.

Wang Shiquan slowly raised his head and his eyes fell on Lin Qingqing. A sharp light flashed. In just an instant, he disappeared again.

Nothing seems to have happened.

Lin Qingqing approached slowly, raising her eyes and staring at Wang Shiquan in front of her, her face expressionless and silent.

The cool breath carries a somewhat vague confrontational momentum.

At this moment, Lin Qingqing seemed to have the temperament of a paper kite in her body.

Equally cold, arrogant, and somewhat domineering, he did not fall behind in the face of the Xunyang Prefect.

She didn't speak, as if she was confronting the prefect in silence.

Wang Cheng, who retreated to the corner, saw this scene, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

This Miss Lin didn't even bow to the prefect when she saw him, and even looked at him with such offensive eyes. She...

Suddenly thinking of something, Wang Cheng's face changed slightly.

At the same time, Wang Shiquan was the first to speak: "Commander Lin?"

His tone was very calm, as if he didn't care at all about Lin Qingqing's rude offense to him, and he spoke slowly: "It's been a while since I've seen Commander Lin. I wonder if you're okay?"

Lin Qingqing said calmly: "As long as the prefect cares, everything will be fine."

The tone seemed neither cold nor indifferent, but in fact it contained a hint of deep coldness and hostility.

Even Wang Chengdu heard it, and his expression changed even more. Is this to break up with the adults?

However, Wang Shiquan sighed softly and said, "I have been busy with government affairs recently and rarely pay attention to things in the city... I have heard rumors in the city in the past two days that something unexpected happened to His Royal Highness, Prince Lin. I wonder if it is true?"

Lin Qingqing sneered in her heart and exposed it unabashedly: "Shouldn't the prefect know best whether it is true or not?"

Wang Shiquan frowned slightly: "Commander Lin, what do you mean by this?"

Lin Qingqing sneered even more, "Why do you pretend to be confused, sir?"

Wang Shiquan was silent for a moment.

It seems that he didn't expect that the other party would be so naked, and he wouldn't even pretend to be?

As expected of the subordinates of Prince Lin, his behavior style has been inherited.

There was a hint of anger in my heart, but it was quickly suppressed.

"I don't quite understand what Commander Lin said..."

Wang Shiquan was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice: "I know that Commander Lin may have some misunderstandings about me..."

"I am deeply saddened by the murder of His Royal Highness. I did not expect that such an appalling thing would happen within the territory under my jurisdiction. I am naturally responsible..."

"If you need my help, Commander Lin, just ask. I will definitely give an explanation to Commander Lin and King Lin!"

Wang Shiquan's face was full of seriousness and a bit of sadness, as if he was extremely sorry for the murder of Prince Lin Wang.

Lin Qingqing looked at this scene coldly.

The acting is really good.

Pretending to be pretty good.

People who don't know the inside story may be deceived by his appearance.

Thinking of His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan almost losing their lives, and thinking of so many brothers and sisters who were tragically killed and seriously injured, Lin Qingqing's anger welled up in her heart, and her eyes became colder: "If the prefect calls me here today, it is just to act in this scene. , that’s not necessary.”

Wang Shiquan's always gentle eyes finally changed slightly. He stared at Lin Qingqing and said in a deep voice: "Commander Lin, you mean that there is no room for maneuver in this matter?"

Lin Qingqing sneered: "Don't you have the answer in your mind, the governor?"

Wang Shiquan's face was extremely ugly. He knew that the worst result had finally come.

Taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice: "I know that what happened to Prince Lin was an accident... No one wants this accident to happen, and I am very sorry for this..."

"If Commander Lin is willing, I can compensate you..."

However, before Wang Shiquan could finish speaking, he was coldly interrupted by Lin Qingqing: "Master Taishou, do you think our Highness will miss these things?"

Wang Shiquan was silent again.



Will the Lin family be short of something like this?

Gold and silver treasures? Authority power? Or is it something else?

The Lin family is in Linzhou, with overwhelming power and wealth. Would they value these things?

This is an unsolvable answer.

But Wang Shiquan had to do this.

He was silent for a long time this time, and finally spoke: "This matter is a grudge between your Prince Lin's Mansion and me, and has nothing to do with Qin'er."

"so what?"

Lin Qingqing sneered, as expected, everything was as expected by His Highness.

"Qin'er is innocent..."

Wang Shiquan said in a deep voice: "Let him go."

"I don't understand what the governor means?"

Lin Qingqing shook her head lightly.

Wang Shiquan stared at her: "Now that we've reached this point, why do you continue to pretend to be stupid?"

"There is a way out for those who work hard!"

Lin Qingqing's eyes remained indifferent: "Why do you say this, sir? I have never had any interaction with your young master... His life or death has nothing to do with me!"

Wang Shiquan stared at her: "Are you going to deny that Qin'er was kidnapped by you guys?"

"Your Excellency, you have misunderstood. We have never kidnapped Mr. Ling!"


At this moment, Wang Shiquan was shrouded in haze.

Wang Qin was his only son, no matter how badass he was, he was still the only bloodline of his Wang family. For Wang Qin, he had to find Lin Qingqing himself and wanted to rescue Wang Qin.

But Lin Qingqing's current attitude finally made the pent-up anger in Wang Shiquan's heart emerge.

"You mean you don't want to talk anymore?"

For Wang Qin, Wang Shiquan had suppressed his anger for a long time.

The person in front of her was just a subordinate of Prince Lin Wang. He was able to talk to her in a friendly manner, which was already a great honor.

I didn’t expect that the other party would be so ignorant? !

Lin Qingqing was expressionless: "Talk?"

"What do you want to talk about, sir?"

"Or, sir, do you want to deny that the accident that happened to His Highness was not the fault of your Wang family?"

"My lord, do you want to hide the truth?"

As Lin Qingqing spoke, the sneer on her face became more intense: "You can fool the people outside, can you fool me?"

"Or do you think that we in Prince Lin's Palace are all fools and will be deceived by you so easily?"

Wang Shiquan was silent again.


He knew that it was the Wang family that had caused the disaster from the very beginning. But now that things have happened, there is no way back for his Wang family.

"So, do you really want to break up with me?"

Lin Qingqing looked at Wang Shiquan with an indifferent look: "I am just a small guard next to His Highness, so naturally I am not qualified to quarrel with you. But..."

"I'm not qualified, but that doesn't mean we, Prince Lin, are not qualified!"

The tone is loud and clear.

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy. How could he not hear the threat in these words?

His face was already torn apart.

Wang Shiquan said with a calm expression: "Of course I am not as good as you Linwangfu, but do you really think that I will be afraid of you Linwangfu?"

Lin Qingqing said lightly: "Since you are not afraid, why are you looking for me today?"

Wang Shiquan's face suddenly changed and his tone was cold: "My Wang family has been standing in Xunyang County for many years. Not everyone can provoke me..."

At this point, Wang Shiquan suddenly stared at Lin Qingqing: "You don't have to quibble, I know Qin'er is in your hands... let Qin'er go, I won't care about you!"

Lin Qingqing said lightly: "My lord has misunderstood. Where your young master is, it has nothing to do with me."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Wang Shiquan's tone was full of threats.

"Sir, do you want to kill me?"

Wang Shiquan's face was expressionless: "You are just a small guard in Prince Lin's Mansion!"

Lin Qingqing didn't have the slightest fear on her face. She sneered: "Your Excellency is right, I am just a small guard in Prince Lin's Mansion. Whether I am alive or dead is not worth mentioning, but you..."

Speaking of this, Lin Qingqing paused for a moment, and suddenly said expressionlessly: "This time something happened to my Highness, who is responsible for it? Your Excellency knows better than anyone else..."

"I have reported this matter to the prince. The character of my prince should be familiar to you!"

"I will definitely investigate this matter to the end when I come to the palace and I will never give up!"

Wang Shiquan's face was particularly ugly, even a little pale. At this moment, the little guard in front of him actually gave him a somewhat oppressive aura.

"If there is nothing wrong, sir, I will leave first!"

After saying this, Lin Qingqing turned around, walked out of the lobby, and stopped again.

"Also... I hope you will take care of yourself, sir!"

After saying this, Lin Qingqing left without looking back.

Wang Shiquan was left standing in the lobby, his face looking particularly ugly.

At the same time, there was Wang Cheng, who had an ugly face and remained silent all the time.

"grown ups……"

Wang Cheng finally couldn't help but said: "Just let her go like this? No, keep her?"

Wang Shiquan's face was gloomy, why didn't he want to stay?

But the threat in her tone just now was already obvious.

She was just a small guard in Prince Lin's palace, and her death was not a pity. But once she dies, it means that Qin'er will definitely die.

Wang Shiquan can't take this risk!

This Lin Qingqing is just a small guard. Even if she has some power, it will not affect the overall situation. Killing her will not help.

"Prince Lin's Mansion..."

Wang Shiquan's face was solemn and he was thinking about something when suddenly there was the sound of rapid footsteps outside the door.

"grown ups!"

A figure hurriedly stepped into the lobby and delivered a piece of information.

"Sir, there is an urgent report from the border of Yanzhou, saying that there is an operation in Linzhou..."

"In the past few days, all states and counties in Linzhou have suddenly mobilized soldiers and horses to station troops on the border..."

Upon hearing the news, Wang Shiquan's expression suddenly changed.

Stationing troops?

Linwangfu, are we really going to send troops?

"Is this news accurate?!"

Wang Shiquan suppressed the shock in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

The visitor lowered his head and said anxiously: "It's absolutely true. Detailed information has been sent from the front. There is a big move in Linzhou this time. I heard that the person leading the troops this time is... Zheng Zhiming!"

Upon hearing the news, Wang Shiquan's face completely lost all color.

Zheng Zhiming? !

This name was not unfamiliar to him.

One of the four closest confidants around Lin Hengzhong, this person has a mysterious identity and unfathomable martial arts skills. This time it was him who took action, which was obvious.

Lin Hengzhong really wants to use troops? !

Thinking of this, Wang Shiquan finally couldn't sit still.

"Somebody come!"

Wang Shiquan's face was extremely ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "Prepare the carriage and horses!"

"Where are you going, sir?"

"Out of town!"

Wang Shiquan gritted his teeth: "I want to see the governor in person!"


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