Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 161 Jealous Paper Kite?

A figure suddenly appeared in the room, almost frightening Wang Qin.

"Who? Who are you?!"

Wang Qin got up from the bed in panic, subconsciously grabbed the quilt and wrapped himself in it, then raised his head and said angrily: "Who allows..."

His words stopped abruptly.

When his eyes fell on the figure in the room, not far from the window, he suddenly froze on the spot, his eyes dull.

The next second, an expression of disbelief and horror appeared on his face, and his eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen some horrifying scene, and he was extremely frightened: "You, you..."

His voice was trembling, as if he had seen a ghost, and his whole body was shaking, almost to the point of paralysis.

Next to Wang Qin, a naked young woman wrapped herself up in a quilt in panic, feeling dissatisfied and angry.

Who doesn't have eyesight? How dare you disturb her and Prince Wang?

Isn't this courting death?

Ruining the prince's elegance will cost his life?

Just as Piao Xiang raised her eyes angrily, she suddenly realized that something was not right with the prince beside her.

"Young Master Wang? You, what's wrong with you?!"

Only then did Piao Xiang notice something. The prince next to her was actually...trembling?

What are you afraid of?

Piao Xiang subconsciously looked at Mr. Wang, but saw that his eyes and pupils were wide open at this time, and he was terrified. That was a reaction she had never seen before.

Piao Xiang was also stunned.

As the son of the prefect, the prince is a person who covers the sky with one hand in Xunyang City. I have never heard of the prince being afraid of anyone, and I have never seen him afraid.

But now, what is Prince Wang's reaction? !

Piao Xiang was almost confused. She subconsciously raised her head and looked at the figure at the window.

He was a young man of about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a handsome and delicate appearance. There was a bit of scholarly air on his handsome face, but he also had a bit of perseverance.

Piao Xiang's eyes lit up slightly. As the courtesan of Liu Xiang House, she had seen many talented and beautiful women in the brothel on weekdays, and she had also seen many handsome men.

But those people are either pedantic and prudent scholars, or they are wealthy businessmen who smell like copper, or they are dandy brothers who are full of idiots.

But the young man in front of her gave her an unprecedented feeling. Whether it was the delicate and handsome appearance or the seemingly innate temperament, it was enough to show that the origin of the man in front of him was unknown.

Especially since this young man was leaning on the window sill with his arms folded, his eyes playful, looking at the two people on the bed with a smile, as if he was watching a good show.

"King, Mr. Wang, he, who is he?"

Piao Xiang couldn't help but whisper and asked.

However, there was no answer.

Beside her, Wang Qin's face couldn't stop trembling as if he had seen a ghost. His handsome face looked particularly ferocious and frightened, and his tone was trembling: "Ghost, ghost, you are a ghost..."

As if he had been greatly frightened, he was speechless.

Piao Xiang didn't understand very much. What happened to Mr. Wang?

How could you be so frightened by such a handsome young man?

Could it be that he is some big shot?


At the window sill, Lin Jiangnian looked at Wang Qin's expression on the bed as if he had seen a ghost, and smiled half-heartedly: "Master Wang, are you saying that this prince is a ghost?"

"you you……"

Wang Qin's eyes were filled with fear, and he pointed at him tremblingly: "You, aren't you already dead? You, how could you..."

"Are you surprised that my son is not dead?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Wang Qin's frightened expression at this moment, and his expression became more and more playful: "Actually, my prince is dead, and now he has turned into a ghost to seek revenge on you!"


Hearing this, Wang Qin trembled all over. When Leng Buding suddenly saw Lin Jiangnian, he was almost stunned and could not react at all. When he realized something, he raised his eyes and looked out the window.

It was broad daylight, where did the ghost come from? !

Thinking of this, Wang Qin subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, the fear in his eyes emerged again.

No, not a ghost? !

Then, then...

Wang Qin stared at Lin Jiangnian in the room. When he saw the young man on the window sill, he was exactly the same as the Prince Lin whom he had seen in the prefect's mansion that day.

His heart pounded and he was completely panicked.

Yes, it's him? !

He, he's not dead? ! ! !

Prince Lin is not dead? ! !

In an instant, Wang Qin was spinning.

"You, why are you here?!"

Wang Qin's voice trembled, and finally he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly opened his voice: "Come on, someone is here!"

"Quick, someone is coming!"

He turned to look out the door and roared in panic.

Almost yelling.

However, there was no movement.

"Stop shouting!"

Lin Jiangqing shook his head softly: "When you, Mr. Wang, were happy, the little brother outside your door would have been dealt with long ago!"

After hearing the news, Wang Qin was frightened and shouted twice more. Seeing that there was no movement outside the door, his heart finally fell into the abyss.

It’s over!

No, no one left?

Where are the guards?

What about the offerings at home?

All, gone? !

"You, what do you want to do?!"

Wang Qin finally panicked, his eyes were frightened and he was trembling with fear.

In order not to disturb the good things between him and Miss Piaoxiang, the room was specially chosen in a quiet place in the elegant room of Liuxiang Building. The surroundings were silent and no one would dare to approach without orders.

It was originally a place where he had fun and had a good time with Miss Piaoxiang, but now it has become a prison where he calls out the sky and the earth for not responding.

"What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was still unhurried, as slow as a cat playing with a mouse.

The plan had been laid out a long time ago. To catch Wang Qin, Lin Jiangnian did not need to do it himself. The people under his command could do it for him. But he almost died at the hands of Wang Qin in the secret room in the back mountain. Now that he has returned to Xunyang City, Lin Jiangnian naturally wants to settle the score with Wang Qin.

Lin Jiangnian usually doesn't hold grudges and will avenge them on the spot.

The appearance of a resurrected person in front of Wang Qin was enough to scare him half to death.

Wang Qin's reaction at this moment made Lin Jiangnian very satisfied.

Killing him was easy, but to make Wang Qin so frightened, enjoying the process of being tortured was the most important thing.

Wang Qin's heart pounded. After the sudden panic of seeing Lin Jiangnian 'resurrected from the dead', he gradually calmed down.

After all, he was not a complete fool. Now that Lin Jiangnian appeared in front of him, it meant that his second uncle's secret room plan had completely failed.

This is definitely a disaster for the Wang family!

But now, Wang Qin knows that Lin Jiangnian is not a good person, and he needs to find a way to escape as soon as possible.

"I, I have no grievances or grudges against you. What happened in the secret room in the back mountain has nothing to do with me..."

After a short moment, Wang Qin quickly decided to pass the blame: "This, this matter has nothing to do with me."

"Nothing to do with you?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't expect that Wang Qin would throw the blame very quickly. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Who is it related to? Is it your father or your second uncle?"

Wang Qin looked ugly and gritted his teeth: "I, I don't know."

"have no idea?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Do you think this prince is a fool?"

Speaking of this, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "If you have the guts to handle this matter, I will respect you as a man. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. You did as expected."

Wang Qin looked embarrassed and sneered in his heart.

Carry it down?

Do you think I am stupid?

If you carry it down, will you let me go?

Anyway, you didn't see it with your own eyes that it was me who did it. wasn't me who locked you in a secret room and poisoned you.

It has nothing to do with me!

Just when he was about to quibble further, he saw Lin Jiangnian approaching slowly.

When Wang Qin saw this, his expression immediately changed: "You, what do you want to do?!"

He subconsciously wrapped the quilt around him, thinking that he was still not wearing any clothes.

Lin Jiangnian had just taken two steps when he seemed to think of something again. He glanced at the bed with a little disgust and stopped.

If Wang Qin had the courage to take matters into his own hands, Lin Jiangnian would still respect him. However, a dandy is a dandy after all and cannot be promoted to the stage.

Doing it himself made his hands a little dirty.

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Come in."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open and several figures poured in.

Wang Qin's heart sank completely as he looked at these strange figures.

Not his people.

It’s over!

"You, what do you want to do?!"

Seeing these figures walking towards him, Wang Qin was frightened and subconsciously wanted to struggle, but before he could resist, he waved his fists.


One of the guards was not polite at all and punched him in the face.

Wang Qin screamed and fell on the bed. He was immediately pressed down and tied up, his mouth was gagged with rags, and he was skillfully packed into a sack and transported away. It's flowing, simple and crude.

After all this was done, a guard walked up to Lin Jiangnian and said respectfully: "Your Highness, there is another woman to deal with it?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the bed.

At this moment, the oiran named Piao Xiang was curled up on the bed in disheveled clothes, hugging the quilt tightly, her white shoulders exposed, her hair messy, looking at him with frightened eyes.

He looked weak and restless, as if he had just been raped.

Not to mention, Wang Qin is a bitch with good eyesight. The girl in front of him is good-looking. Such a pitiful appearance can indeed arouse a bit of protective desire in people.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's eyes falling, the girl Piao Xiang on the bed spoke tremblingly.

She heard everything she said just now.

She heard the prince calling the young man in front of her—'Crown Prince'? !

Crown Prince?

Wang Qin's father was the governor of Xunyang County. There were not many people who could make Wang Qin so frightened.

As for the prince...

Piao Xiang is not stupid, she has also heard about the things that happened in Xunyang City during this period. She heard that Linzhou's famous Prince Lin came to Xunyang City recently and something happened.

Combined with Wang Qin's reaction, Piao Xiang immediately determined that the young man in front of her was probably the Prince Lin whom everyone called Prince Lin!

When you think about it this way, everything makes sense.

In the past, when she was at Liuxiang Tower, Piao Xiang often heard Prince Wang mention Prince Lin, and he was dismissive of Prince Lin in his words, making various belittling and provocative remarks. Even last time, Prince Wang threatened to teach Prince Lin a lesson when he arrived in Xunyang City.

But the scene that happened now made Piao Xiang completely dumbfounded.

The prince was actually taken care of by Prince Lin?

Although it is logically true, but this is Xunyang City?

Prince Lin, aren't you afraid of offending the eunuch?

Of course, these are not what Piaoxiang is concerned about. What she is most concerned about is... Prince Lin Wang is here to cause trouble for Prince Wang. Now something happens to Prince Wang, what should she do? !

Especially when she saw the cold and murderous guards around her, Piao Xiang was frightened out of her mind.

So, when Lin Jiangnian's cold eyes fell on her, Piao Xiang was frightened and subconsciously showed a look of pity.

When she noticed that Prince Lin's eyes were looking at her a few more times, Piao Xiang felt happy.

This Prince Lin is...looking at her?

Having been in romantic places all year round, Piao Xiang is extremely sensitive to men's gaze and knows better how to use her beauty. When she realized that Prince Lin seemed to be interested in her body, Piao Xiang subconsciously slowly pulled down the quilt that was originally wrapped around her body, revealing her snow-white skin...

Lin Jiangnian naturally discovered this.

When he saw the oiran on the bed looking at him pitifully, his eyes were blurred and a bit seductive, and the quilt on his body had 'accidentally' slipped a lot, he was stunned for a moment.

What does she want to do?

Isn't it possible to seduce this prince?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and quickly realized the oiran's little thoughts.

However, although this oiran looks good, in Lin Jiangnian's eyes, he is not considered top-notch.

As for what you think of her?

Lin Jiangnian shook his head secretly. He was not interested in things used by others.

However, this woman witnessed the whole scene, so naturally she couldn't stay. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a cold gaze coming from behind him.


Lin Jiangnian subconsciously turned around and saw a figure appearing at the door of the room not far away.

Paper kite.

She didn't know when she appeared at the door. Her temperament was cold and pure, and she looked at Lin Jiangnian in the room with an expressionless face.

His eyes first fell on Lin Jiangnian, and then on the disheveled Piao Xiang on the bed not far away.

When he noticed Piao Xiang's pitiful appearance and the exposed white skin, he seemed to realize something. The originally calm eyes suddenly seemed to have a bit of cold air.

Gives the room an instant cooling effect.

The fragrance on the bed made me want to try to 'seduce' the Prince Lin, but suddenly I saw the figure appearing at the door, with a flash of surprise in my eyes.

How could there be such a stunning and beautiful woman in the world? !

The next second, when the woman's eyes fell on her, Piao Xiang's scalp went numb for a moment, as if she was being stared at by some ferocious gaze. Her whole body was freezing for an instant, and the hairs on her body almost stood up, and she almost collapsed to the ground.

Just one glance made it almost difficult for her to breathe!

This woman's eyesight is so good, so amazing!

"How did you come?"

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian broke the silence and walked to the door.

Zhiyuan slowly withdrew his gaze and landed on Lin Jiangnian's face. After staring for a few times, he turned around and left without saying a word.

After walking a few steps, she seemed to notice that Lin Jiangnian was still stunned at the door. She suddenly stopped again and said coldly: "Let's go."

"Go? Where?"

Before Lin Jiangnian could react, he saw Zhiyuan turning around again, his voice was dull and cold, and seemed to be a little angry.

"If you don't want to leave, then stay!"


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