In Xunyang City, the peace of the past was once again broken.

Wang Qin, the son of the Xunyang governor, returned safely. The city of Xunyang had been quiet for a few days before it became tense again.

Those soldiers who had just been withdrawn for a few days reappeared on the streets of Xunyang City. There were even several times more soldiers guarding the city in Xunyang than before. From time to time, some strange figures shuttled through the city. Messengers and various figures were constantly riding in and out of the city inside and outside the city gate, causing complaints and complaints from the people on the streets.

There was a depressing atmosphere in the city, even more solemn than a while ago. Some people noticed something strange and went around asking for news.

Many things cannot be hidden.

There was a big explosion outside the city. Naturally, such a big movement could not be concealed. Coupled with the nervous reaction of the officials in the city, it had to arouse suspicion.

So after careful inquiries, some clues were quickly found.

Before Prince Lin Wang entered the city, someone had already found out that His Royal Highness was protected by many experts. A group of experts followed Prince Lin into the city, while another group stayed outside the city.

But in the past few days, some people saw that all the masters around Prince Lin suddenly disappeared. Whether they were in the city or outside the city, the whereabouts of those masters were unknown.

This made some people realize something was wrong.

A thoughtful person combined these events and found out some information from the government in the city. Soon, a news came out.

I heard that something happened to Prince Lin!

This seemingly true and false news immediately aroused heated discussion in the city.

News in the city spread quickly, especially Prince Lin, who attracted much attention. As a result, various versions of rumors emerged one after another and spread rapidly in the city.

"Have you heard? Something happened to Prince Lin, and he is said to be dead!"

"I also heard that he was assassinated to death!"

"You are wrong. I heard that Prince Lin was related to the explosion outside the city. I heard that he was killed..."

"Are you keeping this news true?"

"Hey, to be honest with you, my brother-in-law is working as an errand in the Prefect's Mansion, and he accidentally overheard this secret. Now the people in the Prefect's Mansion are panicking, and the Master Taishou may not be able to protect himself now!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Nonsense, Prince Lin's eldest son died in our Xunyang City. Do you think Prince Lin will let it go? The only son of the Lin family died here. Can our eunuch clear the relationship?"

"I estimate that our governor may be in bad luck this time!"

"What you said makes it sound like Prince Lin was killed by the eunuch?"

"Is not it?"

"Do you have evidence?"

"Haha, you are still too young!"


The common people in Xunyang City are no strangers to this Prince Lin. Yanzhou is close to Linzhou, and news about the Prince Lin's deeds comes to Xunyang City from time to time.

And this time, the sudden news that Prince Lai was in trouble, whether it was true or false, aroused the attention of many people.

Without him, this Prince Lin Wang is, after all, the only son of Prince Lin in Linzhou. If anything happens to him, Prince Lin will definitely not let it go. If something happens to Prince Lin in Xunyang City, the responsibility will naturally fall on Xunyang City.

Of course, there are also some people who applaud and applaud. The second generation ancestor of such a dandy and a slave to the common people should die well!

While applauding, I also felt a little regretful, why didn't I bring Wang Qin with me?

What a disaster!

When the news came, most people did treat it as a rumor at first, but as the situation developed in a few days. Prince Lin's whereabouts are still unknown, and the guards around him are missing. The officials in the government have solemn expressions and are hurriedly handling the case. The city has stepped up its defenses, and the entire city is enveloped in a gloomy atmosphere. All these signs indicate that... something has indeed happened!

Prince Lin is probably really dead!

In the city, an inn located in the downtown area.

On the third floor, a room near the south.

Pushing open the window of the room, the north wind outside the window fell into the room sparsely. Outside the window, there was a bustling scene.

Dressed in red, she was sitting at the window. She raised her eyes and looked out at the distance outside the window. She seemed to be looking in one direction, her eyes were indifferent, and she didn't know what she was thinking on her cold face.

There were sudden footsteps outside the door behind him, followed by a knock on the door.

"Saint, are you there?"

Liu Su didn't look back, she still leaned against the window and said calmly: "Come in."

The door was carefully pushed open, Ling'er walked into the room, closed the door, and walked into the room carrying something.

"Holy girl, this is the hot soup you just made, come and drink some!"

Ling'er raised her eyes and looked at the window.

"Leave it there and drink it later!"

Liu Su spoke calmly.

"The soup will get cold in a minute!"


Ling'er blinked and looked at the beautiful yet aloof temperament of her saint at the window, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Saint, something is wrong!

Ever since that night a few days ago, the Saint said she had to go do something and didn't come back until very late.

After returning, something was wrong with the saint.

It's like a different person!

These days, the saint seems to be in a bad mood. She spends most of her time shutting herself in her room, not knowing what she is doing.

As the person closest to the Saint, she can naturally detect the Saint's emotional changes. The Saint was not in a good mood, and occasionally showed a bit of anger.

It's hard to describe.

Like being bullied?

Is it more like meeting a heartless man and being cheated on your feelings?

However, who dares to live up to the Saint?

Linger tentatively asked, but the saint said it was okay. This worries Ling'er even more, what's wrong with the saint?

Ling'er looked at the medicine bowl on the table, then at the saint who was still sitting in a daze at the window, and approached cautiously.


Ling'er spoke softly.


Liu Su turned around and glanced at her lightly.

"The Great Elder has been outside these days and seems to have gotten some information..."

Ling'er whispered: "The great elder came to Xunyang City this time, I'm afraid he has a big agenda..."

As the most loyal subordinate around the Saint, the Saint was acting badly during this period, but she couldn't. She had to receive information from the sect at any time and be wary of the great elder who lived in the same inn.

The great elder does not get along with the saint, so Ling'er must always be on guard against the great elder being detrimental to the saint.

"The Great Elder wanted to see you yesterday, but you drove her away. The Great Elder seemed very angry..."

Ling'er spoke carefully and talked about what happened in the past few days.

Liu Su quietly raised her eyes and looked out the window, still calm and calm.

"Let him be."

His tone was cold, as if he didn't care at all.


Ling'er hesitated for a moment and said cautiously: "Then, when should we take action?"

Ling'er still remembered that she and the saint came to Xunyang City on a mission.

Liu Su said lightly: "Didn't he say anything?"

Ling'er lowered his head: "The Great Elder did not reveal any information to his subordinates."

Liu Su narrowed her eyes slightly: "Then there's no rush!"


Ling'er nodded and wanted to say something, but Liu Su waved her hand: "You go back first, I'm a little tired."


Ling'er hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing and stood up to leave.

However, as soon as he stood up and took two steps, he seemed to think of something again: "By the way, Saint, a big event happened in the city recently..."

Liu Su still didn't look back, her tone was cold, and she didn't seem to be very interested: "What's the matter?"

"It has something to do with Prince Lin..."

Ling'er hesitated, thinking about whether to tell the saint about this matter. As soon as she opened her mouth, she suddenly felt a sharp gaze falling on her.

Ling'er subconsciously raised her head and saw that the saint turned back at some point and her eyes fell on her. The slightly cold, somewhat sharp gaze made Ling'er subconsciously startled: "Holy, Saint?"

What's going on?

Only then did Liu Su realize that she seemed to have lost her composure. She looked away as if nothing had happened, her tone was still cold, and she asked casually, "What's wrong with him?"

Ling'er was doubtful, but didn't think much about it, and whispered: "There are rumors in Xunyang City recently that something happened to Prince Lin Wang..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Ling'er felt the sharp gaze again. He looked up and saw Liu Su staring at him again. Staring at her coldly: "What happened?!"

"Listen, I heard, my subordinates only heard..." For some reason, Ling'er was suddenly afraid of the saint's reaction: "I heard that Prince Lin is dead, dead..."

"What did you say?!!"

At the window, Liu Su, who had always looked calm, was almost stunned when he heard the news.

My heart skipped a beat!


The expression on Liu Su's face finally changed, and her tone was cold and anxious: "How could he die? Where did you get the news?!"

"Yes, it's news from the city..."

Ling'er became even more frightened, the saint's reaction... was a bit too much!

What's going on?

Ling'er stammered, shrouded in the saint's terrifying and cold aura, and tremblingly told the recent events in the city.

"There are rumors in the city that the explosion outside the city is related to Prince Lin. There are rumors that Prince Lin is dead... I heard that it is related to the Wang family, but the news is not clear yet..."

"However, I heard that the Wang family has taken action, and the troops in Yanzhou have suddenly been mobilized..."

When Liu Su finished listening to Ling'er's words, he was stunned on the spot. His head seemed to have been hit hard by something heavy, and he was dizzy.

I didn't come back to my senses for a long time.

Dead, dead?

That dead? !

An indescribable emotion emerged from Liu Su's heart, and her eyes were dull. The indescribable emotion was like some kind of inexplicable sadness, pulling her heart down suddenly.

There is a kind of indescribable nervousness and panic!

The news came so suddenly that she couldn't accept it for a while. The unspeakable emotions welling up in his chest were getting stronger and stronger.

"Saint, saint? You, what's wrong with you?!"

It wasn't until Ling'er's anxious and probing voice came from the side that she was finally brought back to reality!

Ling'er was worried, what happened to the saint?

Why did she react so emotionally when she heard something happened to Prince Lin?

Could it be...

As if something had occurred to him, Linger's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Is he really dead?"

Liu Su lowered her eyes and spoke in a deep voice, her voice a bit hoarse and trembling.

The bare hands under the sleeves were squeezed tightly.

"My subordinates don't know..."

Ling'er shook his head: "However, I heard that Prince Lin Wang has not appeared for several days, and the masters around him have also left Xunyang City. I think something must have happened..."

This news made Liu Su, who was sitting at the window, almost stagger and almost fall.

"Saint, be careful?!"

Ling'er anxiously stepped forward, but was blocked by Liu Su with a wave of her hand.

"I'm going out!"

Liu Su spoke expressionlessly.

Before Ling'er could react, Liu Su stood up and jumped down from the window.

Ling'er quickly approached the window and looked down, and saw the saint dressed in red jumping down from the third floor. She floated and landed steadily on the roof next to her. She stepped lightly on the roof, jumped up again, and gradually disappeared into the distance.

And the direction where the saint is going... seems to be the prefect's mansion over there?

Ling'er opened her eyes wide, full of doubt and uneasiness.

Holy girl, what's going on? !

Why was she so nervous when she heard the news about Prince Lin's accident?

Is it really...

Ling'er's eyes suddenly opened even wider!

Prefect's Mansion.


"God helps me!"

In the room, Wang Qin fell to the ground after returning to his room, sweating profusely. His face was filled with a relieved smile, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

I thought that after this incident, his father would be extremely angry and even punish him. Unexpectedly, the second uncle stepped in and easily defeated his father, successfully resolving the matter.

Wang Qin can be said to be very proud of himself!

Although this incident was a big one, the Wang family also suffered heavy losses. But at least the consequences are not serious.

At least for Wang Qin, it has nothing to do with him now.

As for the conflict with the Lin family, that was something that his father and second uncle should deal with. No matter how powerful Lin Hengzhong was, without any evidence, would he really dare to be unreasonable and come to Xunyang County to cause trouble for his Wang family?

The Wang family is indeed no better than the Lin family, but they are not some soft persimmons that can be easily kneaded!

If Lin Hengzhong dares to come, the Wang family will naturally have a way to deal with him.

"Congratulations, young master, this time it can be said that your worries have been eliminated."

Next to Wang Qin, a loyal confidant who usually followed him had a flattering smile on his face.

"That's not the case!"

Wang Qin laughed ferociously, his eyes full of pride.

Being able to get rid of Prince Lin this time was the biggest surprise for him.

"When Prince Lin dies, his engagement with the eldest princess will naturally be cancelled..."

Wang Qin's eyes were burning, and he gradually had some thoughts: "After this matter is over, I will go to the capital."

The servants on the side quickly understood what the young master meant: "Young master, are you going to the capital to see the eldest princess?"

"That's right!" Wang Qin's eyes were intense.

"The engagement between the eldest princess and Prince Lin's son is cancelled. As a result, the young master may have a chance. If he can get close to the eldest princess, the young master may be able to have a sweet kiss..."

The confidant on the side said with a smile on his face.

Wang Qin looked proudly and narrowed his eyes. This was exactly what he was thinking.

He had longed for the eldest princess, but now that Prince Lin Wang was dead, he was naturally ready to take action again.

While the master and servant were discussing.

On the eaves not far from the courtyard, a cold figure in red stood quietly, watching everything coldly.

His face was expressionless and murderous.

The red dress is peerless, and that touch of red is particularly dazzling.

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