Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 154 Applying Medicine

In a dark and quiet room.

Zhiyuan sat at the table, looking up at the door from time to time. Occasionally, a wave of emotion flashed across that cold and pretty face, as if there was some kind of indescribable emotion.

Until not long after, footsteps were heard outside the door.


The door opens.

Lin Jiangnian walked in with a medicine basin, closed the door and walked to the table.

The strong medicinal aroma spreads in the room and is inhaled into the body, giving people a sense of spiritual comfort.

Zhiyuan glanced at the medicine basin placed on the table. The basin was filled with dark green medicinal juice, and her eyes were a little unnatural.

"It's time to apply the medicine."

Lin Jiangnian pointed to the things in the medicine basin on the table: "You should know Tianxiang Ointment, right?"

Zhiyuan looked down at the medicine basin on the table and said nothing.

"It's okay if you don't know him. This medicine can cure your injuries and has miraculous effects."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Your internal injuries are not serious. You will recover after a period of rest. As for the external injuries..."

"Although the trauma is not very serious, if not treated properly, there is a risk of infection or even leaving ugly scars..."

Hearing this, Zhiyuan's face turned pale in an instant.

She was not very afraid of the wound infection, but when she heard that it would leave ugly scars, her expression changed slightly.

She knew very well that the injury on her back was serious. Under normal circumstances, scars would remain even after the wound healed. No matter how well the treatment was done, the scars could not be completely eliminated.

Although the wound is hidden, neither you nor others can see it, but after all, as a woman, how could you want to leave such an ugly scar on your body?

"This balm can not only cure your wounds and speed up the healing of the wounds, but also repair the scars of the wounds, ensuring that they will not leave any traces after healing and will be as smooth as ever..."

Hearing this, Zhiyuan's eyes suddenly lit up, but then a look of doubt came over him, and he stared at the pot of medicine on the table: "Is it really such a miraculous effect?"

"When did I lie to you?"


Zhiyuan, who originally still believed a little, suddenly didn't want to believe it anymore.

However, she did hear about Tianxiang Ointment. Logically speaking, a plaster like this shouldn't be so crude, right?

Seeming to see the confusion in Zhiyuan's eyes, Lin Jiangnian nodded and explained: "This is definitely not the real Tianxiang ointment!"

The real Tianxiang ointment is not that simple, and the required raw materials and production process are not that simple.

"It's missing a few important ingredients, and there's no time to dry them, grind them, and prepare them. So it's not really a heavenly balm, but it's not bad at treating wounds."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "The current conditions are simple, how about you make do with it for now? Will I get you real Tianxiang ointment when you get back?"

Zhiyuan was silent, knowing that Lin Jiangnian might not have lied to her. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded slightly. Just when he was about to say something, he was startled again, glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and quickly looked away, still landing on the medicine basin on the table.

"I need to change my dressing!"

After a moment of silence, she suddenly spoke.

The voice was very soft, with a hint of shyness and uneasiness.

After he finished speaking, seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't respond, a trace of shame and anger flashed through his eyes.

"You, please go out first."

Lin Jiangnian stood there without moving, half-smiling but not smiling: "Can you change it by yourself?"

Zhiyuan was startled, then lowered his eyes, the shame and anger in his eyes becoming more and more obvious.

Can one person change the medicine?

Can't change it!

Apart from the wounds on her left arm, the biggest trauma was on her back. The trauma caused by the explosion was especially on the back. No matter how powerful she is, she can't apply medicine on her own back.

Clearly, help is needed.

But now here, who can I call for help?

In the dim room, an indescribable blush appeared on Zhiyuan's fair cheeks.

She bit her lip stubbornly and said nothing.

When she was in the secret room in the back mountain, she could still be brave enough to bandage the wound on her arm alone. But this time...

The wound was on her back and she couldn't do it by herself.

Lin Jiangnian crossed his arms and looked at Zhiyuan with a smile. He rarely showed a bit of embarrassment, which was very interesting.

"Do you need my help?"

Zhiyuan remained silent and said nothing.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt that it was not interesting anymore.

Originally, Xunsi planned to take this opportunity to tease her, but seeing Zhiyuan's uninterested silence, Lin Jiangnian felt bored.

"Okay, I'm kidding you."

Lin Jiangnian turned around and walked towards the door: "Shall I call the aunt to help you?"

You need to take off your clothes to apply medicine, but obviously, it is not practical to let Zhiyuan take off her clothes in front of him. Although the two of them slept on the same bed last night, this may have been the biggest bottom line for Zhiyuan.

As for asking her to take off her clothes in front of Lin Jiangnian... it was almost impossible.

Lin Jiangnian was not yet confident enough that he could make this disobedient little maid obediently undress and wear a belt in front of him.

For now, we haven't reached this point yet.

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly and walked to the door. When he was about to open the door, the sound of paper kites came from behind him again.


The voice was very soft, with a hint of hesitation, a hint of nervousness, and a hint of uneasiness.


Lin Jiangnian stopped and turned his head suspiciously: "What?"

Suddenly I felt that this scene looked very familiar, like last night...

At the table, Zhiyuan was silent for a long time, then turned away and looked out the window on the other side of the room.

Take a deep breath.

"You do it."

The tone was neither cold nor indifferent, and no emotion could be heard.


The expression on Lin Jiangnian's face was extremely exciting, even more surprising than last night.

"What did you say?!"

He stared at Zhiyuan, but he could only see a hint of redness on Zhiyuan's fair side face, and even the base of his crystal clear ears seemed to be red.

Zhiyuan didn't look at him again, but turned and walked towards the bed. As he walked, he spoke.

"Come here and help me change my dressing!"

The tone was very cold, concise, without a trace of nonsense.

More like giving orders.

How dare a little maid order him to visit the prince?

However, Lin Jiangnian was not only not angry at all. She even wondered...had her brain been damaged?

Or is she no longer a kite? The previous paper kite was taken away and traveled through time? Or reborn?

Lin Jiangnian looked at this scene in shock and disbelief.

Until Zhiyuan walked to the bed, sat down and glanced back. A trace of shame and anger appeared on his face. He bit his lip as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

He turned his head as if he was angry. I feel angry and don't want to speak. But then, his face felt even hotter.

She doesn't like to get along with people, and she doesn't like people to be close to her. Sharing the same bed with Lin Jiangnian last night was indeed her limit.

However, maybe even Zhiyuan himself didn't notice it. Regarding what happened last night, she seemed to be less resistant than she imagined?

As for now...

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, even though she tried her best to restrain herself, the indescribable shyness still emerged continuously.

She naturally knew that she had to take off her clothes to apply the medicine, and she also knew what would happen...but she really couldn't do it alone.

Applying medicine requires help.

And the only person who can help her right now is Lin Jiangnian.

As for the aunt...

She is indeed suitable. The aunt is kind and enthusiastic, treats her very well, and will definitely be happy to help.

But Zhiyuan doesn't want to!

She always maintained a trace of vigilance towards strangers and was unwilling to expose herself to the sight of strangers.

Especially taking off your clothes and exposing your most vulnerable back to others.

That would make her very uncomfortable and insecure!

In contrast, if it is Lin seems more acceptable?

Even Zhiyuan herself didn't notice that she had gradually regarded Lin Jiangnian as one of her own.

As a person you can trust?

Zhiyuan was thinking wildly and felt that the figure not far away moved and approached slowly.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she became increasingly nervous.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian had already walked to the bedside. He stared at Zhiyuan for a few times, but he was still a little unsure... She was really not a different person like him?

After staring at Zhiyuan for a while, I still couldn't see anything wrong.

"Then, did I really help you change your dressing?"


"If my service is not good, don't be angry?"

Still silent.

"Want me to help you undress?"


Zhiyuan turned around suddenly, her voice was very soft, with a hint of shame and anger and a hint of deep trembling.

"I, I'll do it myself."

Then, Lin Jiangnian saw Zhiyuan turning around with her back to him, putting her hand on her waist and gently untying something.

As the string around his waist fell, the coarse linen clothes on Zhiyuan slowly fell away. Lin Jiangnian stood behind him. From his line of sight, he could follow the girl's slender neck and glimpse a few touches of snow-white skin through her untied clothes.

Zhiyuan placed her hand on the clothes around her waist, paused for a moment, as if she had made up her mind, and slowly let go of her hand. The clothes slid down the girl's snow-white and smooth shoulders, exposing the girl's delicate skin to the air.

There seemed to be a cold air coming in from outside the room, blowing on the girl's delicate skin. The girl's skin was white and delicate, as pure and flawless as the snow in early winter. I don't know whether it was because of the cold or shyness, but when all the clothes were taken off, Zhiyuan's delicate body could clearly be felt trembling.

At this moment, Zhiyuan was kneeling on the bed, with her back to Lin Jiangnian. Her long, snow-white catkins were nervously blocking her chest subconsciously. The only thing left on her upper body was a light-colored girl's bellyband. A thin rope was wrapped around her back, small and delicate.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian, who had in-depth exchanges with Xiaozhu and made great progress in his studies, felt vaguely ready to start studying again...

Lin Jiangnian quickly looked away: "Why don't you get down?"

Zhiyuan trembled slightly but said nothing. But he stood up obediently and slowly lay on the bed.

Perhaps feeling a sense of security, Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, buried his head in the quilt, and remained motionless.

Lin Jiangnian approached the bed and looked at Zhiyuan's smooth jade back and the wound that had been bandaged before. He checked it and found that the wound was not aggravated. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then, should I help you change your dressing now?" Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

Zhiyuan, whose head was buried on the bed, remained motionless and pretended to be dead.

If there is no response, it is the default.

Young Lin Jiang gently stretched out his hand to untie the string of the bellyband that was obstructing the girl's back. As the string fell, Zhiyuan's back was no longer covered by any clothing, and her snow-white body was clearly visible.

Lin Jiangnian was not distracted and gently removed the bandage from the previous wound. The wound has improved a lot, but there is still a lot of blood left, which looks shocking.

The back that was originally as smooth as jade now looked a little miserable.

Lin Jiangnian's heart sank.

If Zhiyuan hadn't sacrificed his life to save him, he would have been the one who suffered the most. These injuries were all sustained by Zhiyuan on his behalf.

A flash of anger flashed in Lin Jiangnian's eyes, but he quickly calmed down. His voice was very soft, with a hint of pity: "Does it hurt?"

no respond.

Zhiyuan really pretended to be dead.

"I'm going to help you apply the medicine now. It may hurt a little, so please bear with it."

Lin Jiangnian helped Zhiyuan deal with the remaining blood on her back, carefully brought the medicine basin, and then gently helped her apply the medicine.

When the cool ointment fell on the wound on Zhiyuan's back, the strong stimulation made her delicate body tremble slightly and tense up in vain.

Lin Jiangnian moved his hands and looked up at her: "Does it hurt?"

Under the pillow, Zhiyuan's hoarse voice came: "No, it's okay..."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian hesitated and continued to help her apply the medicine, but his movements were gentler and more careful.

After applying ointment to all the wounds, Lin Jiangnian carefully re-bandaged the wounds with bandages.

From start to finish, the movements were careful.

After all this was done, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief.


On the bed, Zhiyuan remained motionless. Lying on the bed, her hair is messy, her head is buried under her hair, her snow-white catkins are gently grasping the bed, her upper body is naked, and her lower body is even more looming...

Why does this look feel like something is wrong?

Like afterwards?

"Am I going out first?"

After Lin Jiangnian glanced at her for a few more times, he looked away, gently covered her body with the clothes on the side, hiding the young girl's exposed beauty, then packed up the things in the room and walked out.


The door closed gently.

It wasn't until Lin Jiangnian left for a long time that Zhiyuan slowly sat up in the room.

Under the messy hair, there is a crimson face, white and rosy, and blushing like snow.

Girl, you are so beautiful!

There was a hint of shyness in those clear and bright eyes.

She looked down at herself, her clothes were disheveled and her upper body was naked.

It seems that nothing has been seen, and it seems that everything has been seen?

Although the bandaged wounds behind his back were invisible, one could feel Lin Jiangnian's carefulness and seriousness. There was still a slight pain at the wound, but it quickly disappeared.

Instead, there was an indescribable emotion.

Like, joy?

Zhiyuan was in a daze, it was difficult to describe this feeling.

She grew up in the Jiang family in Jiangnan. She was dependent on Princess Lin's younger sister and had almost no contact with anyone of the opposite sex.

Growing up, the only person of the opposite sex she had contact with was Prince Lin.

However, in the past few years since she entered Prince Lin's Mansion, she had not had much contact with Prince Lin. In most cases, masters and servants fight openly and secretly, and compete with each other.

To say that I really had a lot of contact with His Royal Highness, I have to start from half a year ago...

It seems that it started after His Highness’s attack on the temple?

Zhiyuan stared blankly at the door, worrying about gains and losses.

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