In the back mountain, in the secret room, the poisonous gas is still filled.

After taking the Qingxin Pills, Zhiyuan eliminated most of the toxins in her body. Coupled with her strong internal resistance, the poisonous gas had minimal impact on her.

After confirming this, Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

This poison is indeed not simple. It is several times more toxic in a closed chamber. If it weren't for the existence of Qingxinwan, I'm afraid she would still be in trouble even if she didn't fall for it this time.

It seems that she still underestimated the cruelty of the uncle and nephew.

He opened his eyes slightly and glanced around, but Lin Jiangnian was nowhere to be seen.

Where are people?

Zhiyuan stood up from the ground and found Lin Jiangnian in the other corner. He was squatting in the corner with his back to her, not knowing what he was doing.

Zhiyuan walked forward slowly and saw Lin Jiangnian staring at the stone wall in the corner in a daze.

"What are you doing?"

After staring at Lin Jiangnian for a while, Zhiyuan couldn't help but speak.

"I found the exit."

Lin Jiangnian didn't even look back and spoke.

Hearing this, Zhiyuan's eyes lit up: "Exit?"

Lin Jiangnian pointed to the gap in the corner in front of him and said, "I've checked, and the poisonous gas just came in from here... There is a gap here, which is very hidden. If they hadn't poisoned it, they might not have discovered it..."

"Since there is a gap, it means there must be an exit at the other end of the stone wall..."

Having said this, Lin Jiangnian looked back at Zhiyuan. Zhiyuan immediately realized his purpose: "What do you mean..."

"Come on!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded and touched the stone wall: "If you want to get out, you have to start here. This stone wall won't be too thick. If you blow it open with strong internal force, you may have a chance to escape."

"But I can only rely on you!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her.

Among the two, only Zhiyuan has such ability.

Although Lin Jiangnian has now reached the first level of Xuanyang Mental Technique, he has achieved some success. But it is still almost impossible to use internal force to forcefully break open such a thick stone wall.

But Paper Kite is different!

She is a third-level master, and her martial arts strength ranks among the top masters. Although Lin Jiangnian didn't know her true strength, he thought she must be very powerful.

Although the secret room in the back mountain is powerful, these stone walls are not indestructible after all. Perhaps Wang Changjin didn't expect that a master like Zhi Yuan would break in alone.

Zhiyuan's gaze fell on the stone wall, and her eyes narrowed slightly: "I'll give it a try."

Lin Jiangnian stood up and took a few steps back.

Zhiyuan stepped forward and stood in front of the stone wall. Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on her injured arm: "Your hand, is it okay?"


Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and said calmly, half-squinting her eyes.

Then, a sudden strong wind blew up in the originally silent secret room, and the candles in the niches were blown out by the strong wind, instantly falling into darkness again.

In the darkness, the pores on Lin Jiangnian's body almost stood up. He could feel the airflow in the air converging on the paper kite in front of him, and a majestic momentum was vaguely formed.

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes.

Is this the strength of a third-grade master?

The majestic momentum gathered in the secret room, compressing the surrounding air until it completely converged at one point.

In the darkness, Zhiyuan suddenly raised his right hand.

The majestic momentum gathered in the palm of his hand suddenly fell on the stone wall in front of him.


A violent explosion sounded, deafening.

As Zhiyuan's palm fell, the original stone wall was exploded, and rubble flew in all directions. Taking the stone wall in front of Zhiyuan as the center of the circle, traces of fragmentation appear.


Zhiyuan raised her eyes, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, and she landed another palm.

The stone walls shook, and even the entire secret room was trembling.

Zhiyuan stood still and continued to strike!

This time, the stone wall in front of him was completely shattered.

As the stone wall shattered and fell, light shone through the gaps in the stone wall. In the closed chamber, dazzling light penetrated, accompanied by circulating air.


Lin Jiangnian sounded excited, there was indeed a way beyond the stone wall.

At the same time, Zhiyuan slowly stopped her power, and the next second, she staggered.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Behind him, Lin Jiangnian had quick eyes and quick hands. He subconsciously supported her and looked down, only to realize that Zhiyuan's face was pale.

It is obviously a serious loss of internal energy!


Zhiyuan took a deep breath, lowered her head slightly, her earlobes under her hair were crystal clear and red: "First, get out first!"

Seeing that she was only suffering from serious internal energy loss and was not injured, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Okay, let's get out of here first."

With that said, he stepped out of the secret room first and looked around. This was the wall that separated the secret room.

"As expected, they were poisoning here before."

Lin Jiangnian looked around: "Count the time, they shouldn't have gone far!"

Zhiyuan followed closely, his eyes slightly cold: "Chase, we can't let them run away!"

"Don't worry, you can't run away."

Lin Jiang young laughed and calculated the time, reinforcements should have arrived. When Lin Qingqing arrived and surrounded them, the uncle and nephew naturally couldn't escape.

Zhiyuan remained silent, with a slightly cold expression.

With Lin Qingqing outside, the uncle and nephew naturally had nowhere to escape, but she was still uneasy because she had not been able to kill the uncle and nephew with her own hands. He turned around and walked to the side. After taking two steps, he suddenly stopped again.

"What's wrong?" Lin Jiangnian asked curiously when he saw her stop.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "How to get out?"

"You don't know?" Lin Jiangnian was stunned.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "Yeah."

She fought all the way in, only caring about taking action, and how could she care about knowing the way?

The secret room in the back mountain was so complicated that she naturally couldn't remember the way out.

Lin Jiangnian glanced ahead. The way he came had been blocked, and now there were unfamiliar passages in front of him.

"Dont look at me……"

Lin Jiangnian shrugged helplessly: "I don't know either."


The two of them stared at each other and fell into silence for a moment.

You look at me, I look at you.

After a while.


Lin Jiangnian made a suggestion: "Go this way first?"

He pointed to the nearest passage to the side.

Zhiyuan hesitated and nodded.

I can't remember the way out right now, so that's all I can do.

The two of them quickly walked back along the passage one after the other. However, the strange thing was that they didn't meet anyone else along the way.

Logically speaking, there should be many people guarding this secret room, but why is there no one?

Was there an accident?

They didn't meet anyone, which saved them trouble. The two of them made their way through the passage unobstructed and advanced in the dark.

After walking around for a long time, the two quickly arrived at another secret room. In this secret room, we also saw piles of armor, weapons, and various military supplies.

This scene further strengthened Lin Jiangnian's suspicion.

The Wang family may have really evil thoughts.

"By the way, you said before that the Wang family had the intention to rebel? What on earth is going on?"

Lin Jiangnian asked about this topic again.

I asked twice before, to no avail.

Zhiyuan looked at the military supplies in front of him and spoke softly: "There are people behind the Wang family who are instigating, whether it is colluding with foreign countries, or... their ultimate goal is related to the struggle between Beijing and China!"

In just a few sentences, a lot of information was revealed.

"So, the Wang family is just a chess piece?"

Lin Jiangnian asked, this was correct as he guessed.


Zhiyuan lowered his eyes and said.

"who is it?"

"Not sure."

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly. She only found out that the Wang family had an affair with the forces in the capital behind their backs. The Wang family spent a lot of money and effort to build this secret room in the back mountain, just so that it could be used one day.

"On the one hand, the Wang family is forming gangs in Xunyang County to stabilize their power, and on the other hand, they are secretly colluding with foreign countries through the influence of the prefect. On the other hand, there are people behind the Wang family who are giving instructions..."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "The Wang family's situation is very complicated."

She didn't explain anymore. It was difficult to explain the Wang family's situation in just a few words. The forces behind it are far more complicated than expected.

"Then this time you..."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment: "Are you here this time to uncover the Wang family's conspiracy?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, seeming to acquiesce.

Lin Jiangnian asked, "What if it fails?"

"What if you didn't meet me this time and you were trapped and died here?"

Zhiyuan was silent and didn't speak.

"That's not your style!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "You shouldn't act so recklessly."

Zhiyuan stopped, looked back at him, and shook his head gently: "Whether I come here or not, the Wang family will die."

Lin Jiangnian was stunned: "Do you have any backup plans?"

"So be it."

Zhiyuan nodded.

She didn't hide it.

Since Lin Jiangnian can appear here, he naturally knows her life experience and the purpose of her coming to Xunyang County.


Revenge for the Jiang family back then.

"I just want to make the evidence of the Wang family's crimes public and restore the innocence of the Jiang family..."

Speaking of this, Zhiyuan's tone was a bit disappointed: "However, it seems that it can't be done."

Back then, the Jiang family was framed for treason and their entire family was executed.

This case was decided by the emperor, and it was difficult to reverse the case.

Unless the emperor is allowed to admit that he wrongly accused the Jiang family back then?

This is obviously a fantasy!

What she did was most likely meaningless.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her but said nothing.

Some things, even if you know they are meaningless, you should still try.

Maybe, this is her.

This is the paper kite Lin Jiangnian knew.

"Perhaps one day, time will return your Jiang family's innocence."

Lin Jiang young spoke.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and nodded.

Probably, these are words of comfort.

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything more. The more he understood, the clearer he became about the complexity of Xunyang County. Right now, the two of them are not out of danger, so naturally they can't talk about their future plans.

"Let's get out of here first."

The two of them continued to leave along the passage while talking.

However, as I moved forward, I felt more and more something was wrong.

"Where is this?"

Lin Jiangnian looked around, feeling that the surroundings were a bit unfamiliar. Looking back on the route in his memory, he should have reached the exit by now, but something didn't feel right.

Zhiyuan also stopped and looked around carefully, "This is not the way we came."

Lin Jiangnian looked at it: "Is it possible that we have gone deep into the mountain behind this secret room?"

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian thought: "There is absolutely no way there is only one exit in this secret room. If we look again, there should be other exits!"

Zhiyuan nodded slightly. Such an important secret room couldn't have only one exit?

Even if it's not the way you came, just being able to get out is fine.

The two continued to search in the secret room, and sure enough, not long after, they passed through a passage and heard footsteps and conversations not far ahead.

"I heard that something big happened up front. All our people were transferred here just now."

"Yes, I heard that there was a sneak attack. I don't know what the situation is."

"How about we go over and have a look?"

"Forget it, don't wait and let the people inside go!"

"How is it possible? The people inside have been poisoned to death..."

Before the other guard could finish saying the word "die", a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Another guard noticed it and quickly realized something was wrong and turned around suddenly.

"call out!"

A cold light flashed before his eyes, and the last image of the guard remained on a beautiful and cold face, before he fell unconscious and fell unconscious.

Zhiyuan held the green sword in her hand with an expressionless face. She raised the sword and dropped it. The guard at the door was quickly dispatched by her easily.

This level of strength made Lin Jiangnian envious behind him.

This is the master!

It's an easy kill with one move.

When Zhiyuan took action, Lin Jiangnian had nowhere to use it.

Is this the joy of eating soft rice?

"Let's go."

Zhiyuan put away the green sword in her hand and glanced back at Lin Jiangnian behind her, leaving behind a beautiful profile and tall figure.

The light not far ahead reflects the location of the exit.

Just as Lin Jiangnian was about to take a step, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and there was a faint roaring sound in his ears.

He suddenly raised his head and saw that Zhiyuan in front of him also realized something, his face changed slightly, and his voice suddenly became low: "Run quickly."

The two of them had a premonition of something bad almost at the same time, and ran towards the door at the same time.

The next second, an earth-shaking explosion sounded.

A majestic explosion sounded from behind, and Lin Jiangnian's whole body tensed up. At the same time, a soft, boneless hand suddenly grabbed him, pulled him hard, and pushed him out of the secret room behind the mountain.

Lin Jiangnian staggered and was almost thrown out of the secret room.


The moment the two stepped out of the back door of the secret room, the shock wave caused by the earthquake and the explosion knocked them out instantly.


The two of them fell heavily to the ground. Lin Jiangnian's back collided solidly with the ground. At the same time, the girl's soft and delicate body collided hard on his chest. They were attacked from the front and back, which almost made Lin Jiangnian breathless.

Although the girl's delicate body was soft, such a strong explosion impact still made Lin Jiangnian almost vomit out a mouthful of old blood.

Before he could come back to his senses.

"Cough cough cough..."

The girl in her arms coughed violently. Lin Jiangnian looked down and saw Zhiyuan lying in her arms with a pale face, spitting out a mouthful of blood and breathing weakly.

At the same time, what did Lin Jiangnian's hand touch?

I felt my hands were wet. I raised my hands and saw, blood? !

Lin Jiangnian's pupils shrank, as if he had realized something. He looked down and saw that the blue shirt and long skirt on the back of the kite in his arms were broken, and his snow-white skin and plain white bellyband strings were exposed in the air.

The back was already covered in blood.

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