On the streets.

The lights are bright and the stars are intertwined.

On the bustling streets of Xunyang City, people are coming and going, businessmen and pedestrians passing by, mixed with the sounds of children laughing and playing, and the endless cries of vendors.

Lin Jiangnian was strolling on the street with a leisurely expression.

The weather in autumn is a bit colder, but it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of the people.

Xiaozhu followed His Highness step by step and wrapped himself in clothes to keep warm. A fair little face was flushed by the cold wind, which was really cute.

She looked around curiously, looking at the various people and the fun and novel gadgets, her eyes full of agility.

Lin Qingqing was still following His Highness meticulously, with an expressionless face, but she was always looking around, observing any disturbance.

When Your Highness goes out, safety is the most important thing!

Among the people coming and going on the street, there are also many soldiers of the Crown Prince in civilian clothes hiding, secretly protecting them.

"Doesn't this Xunyang City look no different from Linjiang City?"

Xunyang City is the most prosperous area in Yanzhou, but it is still far behind Linzhou Linjiang City. Walking on the streets of Xunyang City, you have the illusion of dreaming back to Linjiang City.

"I wonder if the girls in this brothel in Xunyang City are more beautiful than those in Linjiang City?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little curious about this.

When Xiaozhu heard this, he suddenly became a little nervous: "Your Highness, your Highness, are you going to a brothel?"

"What's wrong?"

Xiaozhu lowered his head, his little face bulged slightly, and after a while he whispered: "Sister Zhiyuan said that the brothel is not a good place..."

"Your Highness should go less often!"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "Zhiyuan has told you about this?"


"Then didn't she tell you that this prince is now at a good age to go to a brothel?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows and said playfully: "I am too young to go to a brothel, so why should I go to a brothel?"

Xiaozhu was speechless and didn't know what to say to refute. I just instinctively felt that something was wrong, but I didn’t know how to speak. I puffed my face like a doormat.

"Okay, just teasing you."

Seeing that the little maid seemed to take her seriously, Lin Jiang young laughed, reached out and pinched her tender and delicate face: "My prince is an upright person, how can he be such a vulgar person? My prince is not interested in that kind of romantic place at all. .”


"Of course it's true!"

Xiaozhu's eyes lit up, but he quickly thought of something: "But Your Highness, you used to..."

"That was before!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, hugged the little maid to his side, and vowed: "My son is now sworn in with drug gambling!"

The little maid had a blank look on her face, as if she didn't understand the connection between drug gambling and going to a brothel.

But before her little brain had time to think, she suddenly realized that she was being hugged by His Highness in public, and her face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

On the way to the capital, His Highness's occasional behavior was extremely excessive. Many people even knew about His Highness's relationship with her, but... they had never been so straightforward, right?

In the large court, the little maid blushed, nervous and shy, and felt at a loss.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, please don't..."



Fourth floor, window seat.

Liu Su's eyes fell casually on the street, and when she saw that familiar figure, she froze in place.

For a moment, I wondered if I had seen it wrong!

After checking again and again, she finally realized that she had not made a mistake.

Among the people on the street, that familiar figure, that familiar face... who else could it be if it wasn't Lin Jiangnian? !

The world is so small!

It was as if the expectation that had been rising in Liu Su's heart had finally come to fruition. She felt an indescribable sense of relief, and her eyes lit up.

This guy really came to Xunyang City!

But before Liu Su could feel the inexplicable joy in her heart for too long, she quickly noticed that there were two women beside Lin Jiangnian!

She is no stranger.

The woman who followed Lin Jiangnian respectfully, her body tensed and ready for battle, was called Lin Qingqing. She was a member of Prince Lin's personal army and was under Zhiyuan's command. Liu Su had met her several times.

As for another woman who is closer to Lin Jiangnian and has a close relationship...


Prince Lin's personal maid.

Is she here too?

This guy even brought his maid with him?

However, except for the maid, it seems that there is no other woman around this guy?

Thinking of this, Liu Su felt relieved for some reason and was in a pretty good mood. But this situation did not last long, and Liu Su suddenly saw Lin Jiangnian reaching out to hug the little maid next to him, and the little maid lowered her head, with a blush on her face, wanting to refuse but return the welcome.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Liu Su's face gradually solidified.

"Saint, saint?"

Ling'er, who was following Liu Su, was the first to notice something was wrong with Liu Su!

Why did the saint's breath suddenly become a little cold?

The great elder also noticed Liu Su's changes and subconsciously followed her gaze. Soon, I spotted a familiar figure on the street.

"Lin Jiangnian?!"

The Great Elder's pupils shrank suddenly, "He is really in Xunyang City?!"

In his sight, he saw that familiar face.

The great elder's heart immediately became hot. He raised his eyes to look at Liu Su, only to see that Liu Su was staring downstairs with something a little wrong.

His eyes seemed a little...angry?

This made the great elder's original suspicion that the saint was attracted to Prince Lin completely disappear.

The saint's reaction does not seem like she is attracted to Prince Lin, but more like... she has a grudge?

The great elder immediately said: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get rid of him!"

Liu Su didn't speak, her eyes still stared at the two people hugging each other on the street downstairs. It wasn't until they separated that she gradually came back to her senses.

But even so, you can still see the anger and coldness in her eyes. Seeing the two people hugging each other downstairs, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

What happened between this guy and Xiaozhu during her absence?

Why does the relationship between master and servant seem so close?

Did he attack Xiaozhu? !

Thinking of this, Liu Su felt inexplicably irritable. Taking a deep breath, I finally calmed down a little.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the Great Elder, and said expressionlessly: "Does the Great Elder think that he can be assassinated now?"

The great elder's eyes narrowed: "What does the saint mean by this?"

"Prince Lin may not be smart, but Lin Hengzhong is definitely not stupid. Is it really that simple for him to send Lin Jiangnian to Beijing to marry the eldest princess this time?"

Liu Su glanced at him: "Do you think there will be experts secretly protecting Prince Lin? How difficult would it be for you and me to assassinate him?"

The great elder stared at her: "Saint girl, are you afraid?"


Liu Su said calmly: "I just want to advise the Great Elder to act with caution. As for whether the Great Elder listens or not, that has nothing to do with me. But..."

"I still want to remind the elder that today, there are many people who want Prince Lin to die, but since Lin Jiangnian has been going north, he has not heard of any force taking action..."

"What do you think the reason is, Great Elder?"

The great elder was stunned in place, thoughtful, and his face gradually became serious.

the other side.

Lin Jiangnian took Xiaozhu and Lin Qingqing to wander around the streets to see the bustling night scene of Xunyang City. When he got tired, he found a teahouse and ordered a pot of tea to rest.

"It seems that Xunyang City has not been peaceful recently."

While walking around the streets, Lin Jiangnian could see that the atmosphere on the streets was still somewhat tense, and from time to time he could see city defense officers walking among the crowds.

"The disappearance of the governor's son really caused a thousand waves!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

Lin Qingqing was silent for a moment and said, "Wang Shiquan is extremely precious to this only son. If something happens to him, the consequences will be disastrous."

She hesitated: "Your Highness, do we really want to get involved?"


Lin Jiangnian shook his head gently: "Of course not, we are just watching a show!"

"As for other grievances, I won't get involved."

Lin Qingqing hesitated to speak, looking a little worried.

Can you really not participate?

Your Highness appears here now. Even if you don't want to, you will inevitably be forced to get involved. What puzzled Lin Qingqing was why His Highness had to wade through this muddy water?

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said nothing, and did not explain much. This trip north to Beijing encountered almost no obstacles, except for Li Qianlin's assassination plan that was foiled before he could take action.

Much easier than imagined!

But the more this happened, the more uneasy Lin Jiangnian became!

Logically speaking, there is considerable resistance to his entry into Beijing this time, and many people do not hope that he can enter Beijing safely.

But why is there always peace and quiet along the way?

"Let's go, it's almost time to go back!"

After drinking two pots of tea and resting for a while, Lin Jiangnian got up and prepared to leave with Xiaozhu and Lin Qingqing.

When he just stood up, he suddenly saw several figures coming down from the attic.

The leader was a figure in black robes, shrouded in black robes and unable to see clearly. Lin Jiangnian glanced subconsciously, and the man in black robes' eyes happened to fall on Lin Jiangnian, and their eyes briefly met.

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly.

This man in black robe is no ordinary person!

However, the eye contact only lasted for a moment, and the man in black robe withdrew his gaze and left with the two people around him.

When passing by Lin Jiangnian, he didn't stop at all. Lin Jiangnian took another look, then looked back at Lin Qingqing, and saw that her eyes were equally solemn.

Obviously, something was revealed.

"Is this guy a bit powerful?"

Lin Qingqing nodded slightly, with a solemn expression: "The aura is very strong, and the martial arts is at least above that of the subordinates."

"I didn't expect that there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons in Xunyang City!"

Lin Jiang young laughed and was about to leave. The next second, something seemed to flash through his mind, and the outfits he saw on the three men in black robes suddenly appeared in his mind.

The costumes are not surprising. There are many people in the world wearing strange clothes, but the clothes worn by the three people in black robes just now...

The patterns embroidered on the three of them look familiar?

Lin Jiangnian had an excellent memory, and he immediately remembered the strange patterns on the clothes of the three people. They looked very familiar!

In an instant, Lin Jiangnian quickly recalled the people he had seen around Liu Su when it rained heavily late at night in the ruined temple... The strange and strange patterns on their bodies seemed to be exactly the same as those three people just now?

For an instant, Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed.

Celestial Cult? !

Are those three people from the Celestial God Sect just now? !

Is that weird pattern the exclusive symbol of their religion?


Lin Jiangnian suddenly said: "Catch up with those three people just now and find out their origins!"

Lin Qingqing was startled, wondering why His Highness suddenly changed his tone and why he suddenly wanted to investigate those three people?

"Your Highness, do they have a problem?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly.

Lin Qingqing immediately looked serious: "Yes, my subordinates will do it immediately!"

With that said, Lin Qingqing stood up and left in a hurry.

"Your Highness..."

Xiaozhu on the side tugged at the corner of Lin Jiangnian's clothes: "Fa, what happened?"


Lin Jiang young shook his head slightly, but his eyes gradually became serious.

Unexpectedly, I would see people from the Tianshen Sect in Xunyang City. Judging from the aura of the man in black robe just now, I am afraid that this person has a high status in the Tianshen Sect.

For a moment, Lin Jiangnian was in a daze.

It has been a long time since Liu Su left last time. During this period of time traveling north, Lin Jiangnian also sent people to inquire about the Tianshen Sect and her, but to no avail.

The world is so big, looking for someone aimlessly is like looking for a needle in a haystack. What's more, Lin Jiangnian wasn't sure whether that woman would avoid him!

Meeting people from the Tianshen Sect in Xunyang City now means that the Tianshen Sect probably has plans to take action in Xunyang City. Perhaps we can find clues to the Celestial Sect from the man in black robe, or follow the clues to find Liu Su?

I haven’t seen her for so long, and I don’t know where she is now?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian was a little excited. After casually glancing around the teahouse, he took Xiaozhu away.

Not long after Lin Jiangnian left, Liu Su, dressed in red, appeared in the teahouse, looking downstairs blankly.


Ling'er followed Liu Su, glanced at Lin Jiangnian's leaving back, and said with emotion: "Is he the fake prince?"

That night in the ruined temple, she was the one who caught Lin Jiangnian, the fake prince, with her own hands. She is also the only one left who knows Lin Jiangnian’s fake identity!

"I didn't expect that he actually confused the truth with the lie!"

Ling'er's voice was a little emotional: "The Great Elder must not know about this matter. Saint, if you want the life of Prince Lin to be easy..."

Liu Su remained calm and silent.

After a while, she said: "Ling'er."

"Huh? What's wrong, Saint?"

"You go back first, I have some things to do."

Ling'er blinked and was about to ask the saint what she was going to do, but she saw that Liu Su had quietly left, leaving only a beautiful back.

She blinked blankly.

"Holy girl, where are you going this late at night?"


Prefect's Mansion, small courtyard.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Lin Jiangnian returned to the room.

At this time, Lin Qingqing also hurriedly arrived.

"Your Highness."

"How's it going?"

Lin Qingqing lowered her head and said: "Following His Highness's instructions, I secretly followed the three people and determined the inn where the three people were staying. However, the three people were extremely vigilant, and I did not dare to approach them easily. I just let people keep an eye on them secretly and come back." Report to subordinates..."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "You have done a good job. This matter is not urgent. Don't alert others, and investigate slowly to see who they have been in contact with and what their purpose is..."


Lin Qingqing nodded, but hesitated: "Your Highness, where are those three people from, and why are you suddenly staring at them?"

"The Celestial Cult."

Lin Jiang young uttered a few words.

Lin Qingqing was startled and understood instantly.

"My subordinate understands!"

"It's getting late, let's take a rest early." Lin Jiang young waved his hand lightly.

Lin Qingqing lowered her head: "Then my subordinate resigns!"

Lin Qingqing bowed her head and exited the room.

Lin Jiangnian stood up and walked to the carpet beside him, crossed his legs and started practicing.

This is his unshakable plan every day!

Along the way north, Lin Jiangnian did not waste his martial arts skills.

As Xuanyang's mental method circulated, Lin Jiangnian's energy and blood surged again and he entered a mysterious state.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Jiangnian finished his work, his breathing became calm and his mind became clear.

Feeling the blood surge throughout his body, he took a deep breath, raised his eyes and scanned the room, only to see that the room was empty.

Where is Xiaozhu?

Only then did Lin Jiangnian remember that Xiaozhu's room was arranged next to his, and Xiaozhu would not disturb him during his daily practice.

At this time, after practicing the exercises, Lin Jiangnian was full of vitality and blood. He stood up and pushed the door open and came to the door of the next room.


"Your Highness?"

Xiaozhu's cheerful voice came from the room, and soon the door opened, and Xiaozhu's pretty figure appeared at the door.

Not long after taking a bath, the little maid's skin was as delicate as snow and as white as jade. Under the wet hair, there is a delicate and childish face, like a young girl's first growth, blinking her eyes.

"Your Highness, you...ah..."

Just as the little maid was about to speak, His Highness suddenly stepped in, picked her up by the waist, and strode towards the room.

"Xiao Zhu, it's getting late, it's time to rest!"

Lin Jiangnian's voice was low, with a somewhat malicious smile.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The little maid didn't realize what was going on, and her voice was nervous and extremely shy: "No, no, Your Highness hasn't turned it off yet... Wu..."

In the dead of night, the small courtyard was quiet.

A figure stood in the dark and silent courtyard, staring at the room not far away.

That cold and beautiful face was full of chill.

The temperature in the entire courtyard seemed to drop sharply.

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