The disheveled girl stumbled out of the room and ran to the woman in the bamboo hat. In the room just now, she saw with her own eyes that this heroine easily defeated the strong men and thugs. At this moment, she immediately grasped this last life-saving straw.

She knew this was her only chance to survive.

When Xie Yongqing saw this scene, his expression immediately became extremely ugly.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

The woman in the bamboo hat turned back coldly and glanced at him.

Xie Yongqing was sweating profusely, and a look of panic flashed across his face. Then he took a deep breath, and his face gradually darkened.

"I have no grievances with the heroine. What on earth do you want to do? Why are you so pushy?"

Since he could no longer hide it, Xie Yongqing simply stopped hiding it. He has never concealed the things he has done behind the scenes over the years.

"I feel guilty today. Let's just say that today's matter has been wiped out. We don't owe each other anything. How about that?"

The woman in the bamboo hat still looked calmly.

But Shen Lingjun behind her was already filled with righteous indignation. She didn't want to meddle in other people's business today and thought it would be better to escape as soon as possible. She didn't expect that the woman in the bamboo hat who rescued her would be nosy, especially after seeing the martial arts of the woman in the bamboo hat just now, which made Shen Lingjun ready to take action again.

Especially when he saw the disheveled girl running out of that shitty room, Shen Lingjun was filled with rage. He still didn't understand what was going on?

This black shop even forces abduction and trafficking of women? To do something so outrageous to both humans and gods?

He is simply more evil than that bitch prince!

Shen Lingjun walked to the disheveled girl on the side and put his coat on her.

"Thank you, thank you..."

At this moment, the girl was trembling, looking embarrassed, and spoke tremblingly.

"Don't be afraid, you have me...she is here to support you today, so you don't have to be afraid!"

Shen Lingjun comforted her: "What's your name? Why are you here? Did he kidnap you?"

"My, my name is...Wu, Wu Qianqian, from Wujia Village, Xunyang County. Two days ago, I, I and the people from the village came to this town to play and came to this restaurant to eat..."

"I don't know why, but I suddenly passed out. When I woke up, I appeared here..."

"He, he wants to force me..." The girl looked frightened and pointed at Xie Yongqing not far away: "He also said that he would sell me to a brothel in Xunyang County..."

The girl stammered and after hearing this, Shen Lingjun already understood what was going on.

My heart was extremely angry.

Sure enough, they are abducting women and forcing them into prostitution!

This black shop is even more disgusting than imagined!

"Damn it!"

Shen Lingjun had a cold face and immediately stepped forward angrily, "I thought your black shop was just for making money, but I didn't expect you would dare to kill someone!"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became!

The waiter in the shop cheated her out of twenty taels of silver before. If he couldn't get that much money, he would force her to stay. If the woman in the bamboo hat hadn't come to her aid, what would have happened if she was really left here?

Will she be sold into a brothel like Wu Qianqian?

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun was extremely angry.

Xie Yongqing looked panic-stricken at this time: "Nothing, it's just her talking nonsense and slandering... I am doing serious business, and I will never do such a thing."

Xie Yongqing is not stupid, so he will naturally not admit it.

But how could Shen Lingjun care whether he admitted it or not?

"You still dare to quibble?"

Shen Lingjun, who was extremely angry, stepped forward quickly and kicked the middle-aged man in front of him away.

Although he had no internal strength, Shen Lingjun's martial arts skills were outstanding. With one kick, Xie Yongqing, who was obese and had been hollowed out by wine and sex all the time, was kicked to the ground and screamed repeatedly.

Shen Lingjun had no intention of letting him go and quickly stepped forward again.

"You seek wealth and kill people, you piece of shit deserves death!"

"Tell me the truth, how many women have you kidnapped?"

"If you dare to lie even a word, I will kill you!"


Xie Yongqing fell to the ground, clutching his head and running around, screaming repeatedly.

" hurts, it hurts, spare my life, spare my life..."

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, I said, I said..."


On the side, the woman in a bamboo hat stood quietly. When she was about to speak, she stopped again when she saw Shen Lingjun punching and kicking Xie Yongqing.

He waited until Shen Lingjun let out a bad breath before giving up.

Looking at Xie Yongqing lying on the ground like a dead dog, Shen Lingjun felt refreshed, as if all the grievances he had suffered these days had been vented.

On the other side, the woman in a bamboo hat stepped forward lightly, walked to Xie Yongqing, and stared at him condescendingly.

At this moment, Xie Yongqing was dying. When he noticed someone approaching, his whole body trembled.

"Don't, don't fight, I, I said..."


Outside of town.

A small village in the west.

"Thank you both for saving my little girl today. It's a great kindness..."

At the entrance of the village, a middle-aged couple cried bitterly while holding their lost daughter.

Their daughter disappeared a few days ago. They tried their best to search for her but to no avail. They almost thought something bad had happened to her. Unexpectedly, my daughter came back today. I learned that her daughter was kidnapped and almost lost her life. It was the two heroines in front of them who saved the little girl's life. The two old men were so excited that they knelt down in gratitude.

"No, no, no, it's just a breeze."

Shen Lingjun quickly waved his hand and helped the couple up: "Just be more careful next time, and... it's not me you have to thank..."

As she spoke, she glanced at the woman in a bamboo hat standing quietly under the tree not far away, her eyes filled with amazement.

This strange woman who saved her made Shen Lingjun grateful and curious.

Not long ago, they went to find trouble with the illegal shop owner, and then sent Wu Qianqian, the girl who was bullied by the illegal shop owner, to their home. After declining the couple's enthusiasm to stay for a meal, Shen Lingjun turned around and went to the tree at the entrance of the village, looking at the strange woman under the tree.

"I don't know your name yet."

Shen Lingjun looked at her and said, "My name is Shen Lingjun, what's yours?"

The woman in a bamboo hat under the tree raised her eyes slightly, revealing a pair of bright and beautiful eyes, and looked at her quietly without saying a word.

Seeing this, Shen Lingjun realized that the other party might really not want to reveal his identity, and immediately did not ask any more questions: "Since you don't want to say it, then you don't have to force it... No matter what, I want to thank you for saving me and Wu Qianqian today." .”

The woman in the bamboo hat was silent for a moment and said calmly: "No need."

If you are still familiar with it, keep it concise and to the point.

Shen Lingjun looked at her with a somewhat envious expression.

Jinghong glanced at the beautiful and delicate face under the bamboo hat, with an unparalleled temperament, which was particularly stunning.

Even Shen Lingjun had to sigh that there was such a strange woman in the world.

Shen Lingjun doesn't know much about this man with unparalleled appearance and unfathomable martial arts so far. The most outstanding one among them was the eldest princess of the current dynasty.

However, Shen Lingjun only heard about it and never saw the true face of the eldest princess.

After the woman in the bamboo hat glanced at her, she slowly turned around and left.

Shen Lingjun stood there, stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and immediately chased after him.

"Hero, where are you going?"

The woman in the bamboo hat stopped for a moment and said calmly: "Xunyang County."

"What a coincidence, so am I!"

Shen Lingjun's eyes brightened visibly: "How about we come together so we can take care of each other on the road?"

Shen Lingjun was about to go to Xunyang County to find help. He didn't know how many dangers he would encounter along the way. Now that she learned that this powerful martial arts heroine was going to Xunyang County, she immediately thought about it... and she didn't know if she would refuse.

"Don't worry, I won't disturb you. I just, just..."

Shen Lingjun's voice gradually became softer: "I will never cause you any trouble!"

The woman in the bamboo hat stopped and was silent for a moment.


Shen Lingjun's eyes suddenly lit up: "Well, thank you so much, Heroine!"

The woman in the bamboo hat slowly turned around and left.

Two horses were parked on the trail not far away.

The woman in a bamboo hat got on her horse, followed closely by Shen Lingjun, and the two of them walked forward slowly.

On the way.

"Hero, can I ask you something?"


"Why did you let that Xie Yongqing go in the restaurant before?"

Shen Lingjun couldn't help but ask.

In the restaurant before, Xie Yongqing had already revealed the person behind him.

As expected, that restaurant was a shady shop!

Like many black shops in the world that eat people without spitting out their bones, that black shop is in the business of ripping off customers and murdering people.

They would attack the businessmen and people who passed by along the way and watch them order food. If you encounter an ordinary caravan, then the lion will open your mouth and extort a lot of money. When you meet a martial arts master with average martial arts skills, you will inevitably suffer some losses.

And if those beautiful women dare to appear in the small town, they will probably not be able to escape their clutches.

If these women fall into the hands of a restaurant, they will be sold to the next family, who will then quickly sell them to another family, eventually selling these women to some shady places.

Or she could be sold to wealthy families as concubines, or she could be sold to dignitaries to play with. The worst fate would be to be sold into a brothel...

These days, a woman is very valuable.

Beautiful women are worth more!

After learning about this incident, Shen Lingjun was extremely angry. Although she had heard about the existence of such black shops in the world, the first time she encountered it, she almost couldn't restrain herself and wanted to slap the damn beast to death. .

However, he was stopped by the woman in a bamboo hat next to him.

This made Shen Lingjun extremely puzzled.

That Xie Yongqing has already revealed the person behind him. His subordinate is named Xie Yongan, who is Xie Yongqing's cousin. The two belong to the same family.

Xie Yongan worked as an official in a government office in Xunyang County. It was precisely because of this relationship that the brothers could secretly do such a shameful thing.

Now that we already know who the next family is, we naturally can't let go of Xie Yongqing. Even if we don't kill this beast, we should still send him to the government and let him be punished, right?

Although Xie Yongan works as an errand in the Yamen, he is just a small head catcher. Is it possible that he can cover the sky with one hand?

Unexpectedly, the woman in the bamboo hat let him go, turned around and left. This made Shen Lingjun extremely puzzled. Isn't this letting the tiger return to the mountain?

Keep this Xie Yongqing to continue harming others?

Along the way, Shen Lingjun finally couldn't help but asked this question.

However, the woman in the bamboo hat remained indifferent, riding on the horse, the cold wind blowing her hair, revealing the exquisite and beautiful face under the bamboo hat, staring ahead, not knowing what she was thinking, her delicate face was slightly thoughtful.

After a while, she looked back and said calmly: "Here he comes."


Shen Lingjun was stunned, what happened?

The next second, several figures suddenly appeared in the line of sight ahead.

Shen Lingjun felt like he was facing a formidable enemy. Just when he was about to take precautions, he saw the clothes on the opponent's body. This was... the official uniform of the government?

In sight, a dozen government officials wearing official uniforms and carrying swords at their waists appeared and stopped the two of them.

The leader was sitting on the horse, with a dark and weathered face, and he glanced at the two people in front of him coldly: "According to the order of the Chaoyang County Magistrate, you two are suspected of murder and come with me to the Yamen for interrogation and investigation. If anyone resists, shoot without mercy!"

Shen Lingjun's eyes widened suddenly, murder?

When did the two of them commit murder?

Also, how come the other party doesn’t know them?

When she was about to speak, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the woman in a bamboo hat looking at her lightly.


it goes without saying.

Go all the way north, on the official road.

The weather was getting colder. In the carriage, Lin Jiangnian climbed up from the girl's warm arms and wrapped himself in clothes.

"Your Highness..."

A shy and greasy voice came to his ears. Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and saw the little maid with a red face and shyly burying her head in the blanket.

"You have a good rest, I'll go out and take a look!"

Lin Jiangnian got dressed, opened the car curtain and walked out.

Outside the carriage, the motorcade was driving slowly, heading north.

According to the estimated time, we can reach Xunyang County in about two or three days.

The people sent by Lin Jiangnian had already arrived at Xunyang County one step ahead of time to prepare for the next move.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked ahead. A small town appeared not far ahead.

"We are almost arriving at Xunyang County!"

Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself, seeming to think of something, with a hint of a smile on his face.

"Zhiyuan, we will meet again soon."

"Your Highness."

Lin Qingqing appeared next to Lin Jiangnian at some unknown time: "There is a small town ahead. Does Your Highness need to eat something and take a rest?"

"That's fine."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and stretched: "Don't mobilize troops and mobilize the crowd. Let everyone stay outside the town. I can just go in and take a look."

Within the town.

Lin Jiangnian walked into the town with his personal maid, followed closely by Lin Qingqing.

Along the way north, Lin Jiangnian has been to almost all the small towns along the way, and there is nothing special about the small town in front of him. The town is deserted and there are not many people there. And there is only one decent restaurant in the entire town.

"Jianghu Restaurant?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and took a look, happy: "This name is interesting, let's go and have a look!"

Waving his hands, Lin Jiangnian led Xiaozhu and Lin Qingqing into the restaurant.

In the quiet lobby.

"The waiter!"

Lin Jiangnian looked around but saw no one, so he shouted.

No one is around in broad daylight, so no business?


After a while, a waiter-looking person came out of the backyard.

When he walked in, Lin Jiangnian was startled when he saw the waiter.

"Did you get beaten?"


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