Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 121 The kind little maid

Shen Lingjun: "..."

Her eyes were red and she was gritting her teeth.


If she committed suicide, wouldn't she have fulfilled his wish?

Didn't he just want to torture her like this?

"What? Don't you dare to die?"

Before she could speak, Lin Jiangnian's joking voice came again, "Here you go!"

It seemed like something was thrown over and fell to the ground.

Shen Lingjun took a closer look and recognized the object on the ground... It was the dagger she had used to assassinate the heir apparent!

"Since you are not afraid of death, why not commit suicide yourself and save me from having to do it myself!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "Are you... really afraid of death?"

Shen Lingjun was breathing rapidly, staring at the silver dagger on the ground, and then looking up at Lin Jiangnian's cunning smile. She remained silent and slowly picked up the dagger from the ground.

Familiar feel!

This dagger had been with her for many years. Holding it in her hand, she took a deep breath.

"Young prince, suffer death!"

The next second, Shen Lingjun suddenly got angry.

He clenched the dagger in his hand and stabbed Lin Jiangnian in the heart.

Sudden change!

Although all his martial arts skills have been lost, Shen Lingjun has not forgotten his martial arts instinct, and his basic skills are still there. While Lin Jiangnian was distracted, she immediately launched an attack!

How dare this son of a bitch let her get close and give her a dagger... Didn't this give her a chance to assassinate him?

Do you really think that since she lost all her martial arts skills, she won't be able to kill him?

Shen Lingjun's beautiful eyes flashed with light, and she clenched the dagger and stabbed it hard without hesitation.

But the next second, Lin Jiangnian, who was sitting under the tree with a calm expression all the time, suddenly made a move and grabbed her wrist that was holding the dagger tightly.

Shen Lingjun struggled hard but didn't move at all.

Her pupils shrank sharply, with an incredible look of shock in her eyes.

This bitch...

Before she could come to her senses, she saw Lin Jiangqiang exert a slight force, and she suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain in her wrist. With a sound of pain, the dagger fell to the ground.

"You are dishonest!"

Lin Jiangnian's playful voice came to his ears.

A look of astonishment appeared on Shen Lingjun's delicate face, and she stared at Lin Jiangnian: "You, you..."

Didn’t you say that Prince Lin was a fool with no skills and no ability to restrain a chicken? But she just felt clearly that the strength of this son of a bitch was definitely not that of an ordinary person? !

This son of a bitch actually knows martial arts? !

He hides it so deeply!

Realizing this, Shen Lingjun looked angry: "Despicable!"


Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "You attacked and assassinated my prince, and you still have the nerve to say that my prince is despicable?"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth: "You deserve to die, you bitch!"

"What a double standard!"

Lin Jiangnian put away the smile on his face: "Don't forget, I have spared your life. With your actions of assassinating me three times, it is not an exaggeration for me to kill all nine of your clans..."

"Do you really think that this prince will not kill you?"

When Lin Jiangnian's staring gaze was like a sharp knife piercing her skin, Shen Lingjun felt an incredible panic at that moment.

This frightened her greatly!

How could she be frightened by this ignorant and incompetent prince?

Fake, fake!

He must be pretending.

Shen Lingjun bit her lower lip tightly, her red eyes that had not completely subsided were still staring at Lin Jiangnian stubbornly.

"Kill me if you can!"

Lin Jiangnian looked away and shook his head slightly. He could see the thoughts of the female assassin in front of him.

Desire to die?

If she really wanted to die, she could just commit suicide and no one would stop her.

But she didn't want to commit suicide. She just wanted to die in Lin Jiangnian's hands. Her purpose was self-evident.

Assassinating Prince Lin, who was full of evil deeds, was accidentally captured and killed by that dog Prince. Not only would he leave a good reputation after his death, but it would also arouse the hatred of Prince Lin among the righteous people among the people.

A knight-errant like her who prides herself on being noble, doesn't she just want a name?


False name!

Lin Jiangnian naturally understood the purpose of her idea, but he ignored it.

Now that she has lost all her martial arts skills, she no longer poses any threat to Lin Jiangnian. Keeping her would be more interesting.

Lin Jiangnian climbed up from under the tree, patted his butt, stood up and left, ignoring the female assassin who still looked fierce.

Shen Lingjun stood there, his eyes still fierce and resentful... Did this son of a bitch really want to continue to torture her? !

Sure enough, he is not a good person!

Despicable, shameless, obscene...

After scolding this bitch several times in her mind, she finally felt a little hungry. Immediately, she smelled the aroma of food coming from not far away and swallowed subconsciously.

In the distance, a bonfire was lit, the food was fragrant, and the aroma spread along.

Shen Lingjun then remembered that she hadn't eaten anything for a day!

"Young Prince, you are so extravagant and wasteful under such circumstances, damn it!"

Shen Lingjun cursed, but his eyes were fixed on the food placed beside the campfire not far away. From a distance, it looked delicious and delicious. Along with the rich fragrance, it seduces Shen Lingjun's taste buds.

She seems to be hungrier!

"Your Highness."

When Lin Jiangnian returned to the tent in the camp, a little maid in a green shirt and skirt immediately came forward and said, "Dinner is ready, you can eat."

The voice is light, as clear and gentle as a lark.

Young Lin Jiang smiled and nodded. Xiaozhu had already moved the tables and chairs diligently and set out the dishes. In the cool night, he helped His Highness put on a coat and stood aside obediently.

"Come and sit down and eat with me."

Lin Jiangnian waved to her.


Xiaozhu sat obediently next to His Highness, looked at His Highness, and couldn't help but look up not far behind him.

"Your Highness?"


"That sister..."

Xiaozhu couldn't help but asked curiously: "Why is she still following us?"

Lin Jiangnian did not look back: "If she is willing to follow, let her follow."


Xiaozhu thought for a while and became a little worried: "Sister Qingqing said that she was with us today... Why didn't Your Highness drive her away?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't look up, "No need to rush."

"Then, is she a good person?" Xiaozhu blinked.

"It doesn't count."

"Then he's a bad guy?"

Xiaozhu's face showed concern.

"It doesn't count."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

The female assassin was probably a woman with a strong sense of justice and good martial arts skills, but her brain didn't seem to work very well.

At first glance, he looks like a rookie who has just come out of the world and has not experienced any beatings in the world. Although he is full of enthusiasm, he fails to succeed and fails.

To be fair, if Lin Jiangnian were not Prince Lin's eldest son, he might still have to praise her a few times. She is not afraid of powerful people, speaks out for justice, and acts chivalrously. She can be called a generation of female heroes... In this world, there are not many fools like her who hate evil and have justice in their hearts.

But it's a pity that Lin Jiangnian is the evil villain in the eyes of this heroine!

There is no solution to this problem.


Xiaozhu's brain seems to be a little exhausted.

Not a good guy, not a bad guy? So, who is that strange sister? !

The little maid blinked her eyes in confusion.

It was quiet around the camp at night.

After Lin Jiangnian finished his meal, he returned to the tent. The journey north was too boring. Most of his time was either playing two-player games with Xiaozhu or staying in the tent room to practice martial arts.

Although he left Linjiang City, Lin Jiangnian remembered the teachings of Mr. Li and Lin Hengzhong and did not waste his martial arts skills.

While still in Linjiang City, with the help of Lin Hengzhong and Liu Su, Lin Jiangnian's Xuanyang Mental Technique entered the first level.

Lin Hengzhong opened up Lin Jiangnian's meridians, and Liu Su directly helped him cross the threshold.

It was not until that night that Lin Jiangnian realized that the herbs Liu Su asked him to prepare were not the antidote to the poison at all, but a way to help him improve his internal skills.

And the real antidote to the poison... is Liu Su himself!

After entering the first level of Xuanyang, Lin Jiangnian obviously felt that both his martial arts and strength had been greatly improved. As he continued to practice, his internal strength became more and more refined. As his internal strength deepened, so did his own martial arts. A rising tide lifts all boats.

Now that it's been more than half a month, Lin Jiangnian vaguely feels that he has touched the threshold of the eighth level again.

At this rate, before arriving in the capital in more than a month, he would have a chance to reach the eighth level, or even... touch the threshold of the seventh level.

Under night.

On the flat ground, the night breath seemed particularly cold. There was silence all around, as if a strange silent movie was being staged.

Shen Lingjun squatted under the big tree, folded his hands on his chest, raised his eyes and stared not far away, with a trace of fear and uneasiness in his eyes.

After all, she underestimated the defensiveness of this son of a bitch.

As far as the eye can see, you can see the figures of guards in plain clothes everywhere. Not only that, there are more terrifying auras hidden in the darkness. Shen Lingjun was even more frightened by the black-armored guards he saw occasionally.

The martial arts of these people are extremely strong!

Shen Lingjun even saw a familiar figure in the crowd. It was the guard who injured her last time in Yingfeng Garden.

With so many experts protecting her, it was just a dream for her to assassinate this son of a bitch. Fortunately, she thought that she could kill the son of a bitch secretly and quietly, but she didn't expect that everything would be decided by him in the end.

Even now, she was reduced to a prisoner... No, it was worse than a prisoner.

Having lost all his martial arts skills, it is difficult to gain a foothold in this world. She didn't dare to leave at the moment. The surrounding area was deserted. If she left, she would either starve to death or be targeted, and then...

Shen Lingjun shuddered, his face turned slightly pale, he lowered his head and buried it in his knees.

It was slightly cold at night, and her thin clothes could not withstand the cold wind. Plus, she was hungry, cold, and tired after a long day. Such strong emotions surged into her heart, and her eyes turned red again.

Feelings of grievance are difficult to control.

But in the end, she forced herself to hold it back.

"Shen Lingjun, you can't just admit defeat..."

"Don't forget what the master said before he died. You must be strong and not lose the integrity of the master's mission!"

"You haven't killed this son of a bitch yet, how can you just give up?!"


She cheered secretly in her heart, but before the chicken soup to comfort herself could take effect, the hunger in her lower abdomen brought her back to the cruel reality.


So hungry!

I'm going to starve to death!

Just when Shen Lingjun was cold and hungry, and his head felt dizzy, he suddenly smelled the aroma in the air.

It’s the aroma of food!

Are you hungry?

Why is there the aroma of food?

Shen Lingjun looked up instinctively, and the next second, she suddenly became alert.

In the line of sight ahead, a petite figure appeared.

She quickly recognized the other party's identity... wasn't she the personal maid next to the prince?

What is Xiaozhu called?

The prince seems to be quite interested in her?

Just when Shen Lingjun was on guard, Xiaozhu was also curiously looking at Shen Lingjun under the tree. When he saw Shen Lingjun huddled under the tree, looking miserable, Xiaozhu blinked and took small steps forward.

"Now, here you go!"

Xiaozhu handed something to her.

Shen Lingjun took a closer look and saw the little maid in front of him holding a plate. And inside the plate is... steamed buns and steamed buns!

The steaming buns exuded the aroma of food, which instantly aroused her appetite and her stomach began to churn. Shen Lingjun stared at it intently.

But her instinctive vigilance still made her raise her head and her eyes fell on Xiaozhu's face: "What do you mean?"

"Eat quickly!"

When Xiaozhu saw that she didn't move, he quickly placed the plate in front of her and whispered: "Your Highness, he doesn't know."

Shen Lingjun: "..."

She stared at the little maid in front of her, looking at her pure and innocent eyes, as cautiously as if she had done something wrong.

At this moment, Shen Lingjun's heart trembled.


She opened her mouth and her voice was slightly hoarse: "Why do you want to bring me food?"

"Are you hungry?"

Xiaozhu said naturally: "You have been with us all day, so you must be very hungry, right?"

This reason...

Shen Lingjun was silent again.

She didn't know what to say.

"Okay, don't stand still, it will be cold later!"

Xiaozhu spoke, then looked at Shen Lingjun wearing only thin clothes in the cold wind, and thought of something: "Eat quickly, I'll come back later!"

With that said, Xiaozhu turned around and ran away quickly.

Shen Lingjun stared blankly at the little maid running away in front of him.

She... is so kind?

Shen Lingjun's eyes were dazed, but soon the hunger in her belly brought her back to reality. Staring at the steamed buns placed in front of her, she finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He grabbed the steamed buns on the plate and gnawed them in an imageless mouth. The usually tasteless steamed buns have now become a delicious delicacy in her eyes.

After a few big mouthfuls, Shen Lingjun felt the fullness of food in his belly, and Shen Lingjun was so moved that he almost cried. At this moment, she no longer cares whether the steamed buns will be drugged!

If there was medicine, I would have died!

With this thought in mind, she took big bites.

Just as Shen Lingjun was eating the steamed buns, Xiaozhu came back with something more in his hand.

"Eat slowly and drink some water!"

Xiaozhu handed over a glass of water, then brought out a piece of clothing and handed it to her: "Hey, it's cold outside, put it on quickly to keep out the cold."

At this moment, Shen Lingjun was stuffing steamed buns into her mouth without any image. When she saw the water and clothes handed over by the little maid, she subconsciously raised her head and saw a delicate and delicate face, as well as the gentle and kind eyes, quietly looked at her.

At this moment, Shen Lingjun's eyes were filled with tears.

He stood there in a daze.

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