Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 119 Give me the antidote


Shen Lingjun blurted out subconsciously, looking angry.

She knew Miss Yingying. Miss Yingying was a particularly gentle woman. As an oiran, she had never participated in any political struggle in Linjiang City. How could she be related to the assassination of this son of a bitch?

Why did she want to report the plot to murder Lin Jiangnian?

It must be this son of a bitch who slandered Yingying!

Shen Lingjun was furious. Not only did this son of a bitch kill Miss Yingying, but now he actually slandered Miss Yingying's reputation, which was extremely vicious.

"Forget it, I can't explain it to you."

Seeing that the female assassin was still staring at her fiercely, Lin Jiangnian shook his head and was too lazy to talk nonsense to her.

People's prejudices are like a mountain. This female assassin has not had a good impression of Prince Lin from the beginning. In her eyes, Prince Lin is a bully who bullies men and women. Once this persona is established, no matter how Lin Jiangnian behaves Explanations are of no avail.

So, too lazy to talk nonsense to her, Lin Jiangnian stretched, stood up and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian was about to leave, Shen Lingjun raised his head.

"What? Do you want to keep me as the heir apparent?"

Shen Lingjun immediately said angrily: "Go, go, go...get out of here!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her. This female assassin had a really bad temper. She looked like she had never been severely beaten in her travels.

I hope she can still maintain her current optimism in a few days.

Lin Jiangnian ignored her, walked straight to the door, opened the door and went out.

As the door to the room closed, Shen Lingjun in the room became restless.

She stared at the door, hesitated for a long time, and gritted her teeth. After Lin Jiangnian left for a long time, he stood up again and walked to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the familiar figure still standing outside the door.

Lin Qingqing.

The two looked at each other, Lin Qingqing was expressionless, looking at her coldly, with unkind eyes.

Shen Lingjun was a little frightened by her gaze, but he held back what he said.

Not a word was spoken.


Closed the door again.

Outside the door, Lin Qingqing remained expressionless.

"Watch her and don't leave the room even half a step."



Inn lobby.

There was silence.

Around the hall, there are several guard masters hidden in the darkness.

The innkeeper and two waiters knelt down in front of the hall, trembling.

"Everyone, spare your life, spare your life..."

"I really didn't know there was an assassin hiding in the inn."

"The assassin knocked out the little girl and disguised herself as a little girl. The little girl was also kept in the dark. Spare your life, hero..."

The innkeeper was trembling all over, his face full of fear and panic.

He had already seen that the identity of the guest who booked the inn tonight was not trivial. There were many guards around the young master in rich clothes, and he was also accompanied by many maids and maids. He was either rich or noble.

Naturally, the shopkeeper served him respectfully and carefully, fearing to offend the important man who was not a good entertainer.

However, something unexpected happened!

This distinguished man was assassinated in his inn, and the person who was assassinated was actually related to his daughter.

The assassin disguised himself as his daughter and assassinated the distinguished guest. When the shopkeeper heard the news, he was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the ground.

It’s over, it’s over!

The guards in black armor around him made him tremble all over, especially the cold-gleaming sword, which made him feel the murderous aura of death.

Just when the atmosphere was dull, Lin Jiangnian walked downstairs. Seeing this, the surrounding guards moved out of the way. Lin Jiangnian saw the shopkeeper and two waiters kneeling in the hall.

"Sir, please spare my life..."

"The little girl really doesn't know the assassin, she is innocent..."

When the shopkeeper saw Lin Jiangnian, he immediately excitedly explained.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "Go down."

The shopkeeper was startled, and the expression on his face did not register for a moment. This young master... didn't blame them?

But soon, the shopkeeper came to his senses.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!"

The shopkeeper kowtowed to Lin Jiangnian several times, and then cautiously prepared to leave.

"Wait." Lin Jiangnian spoke again.

The shopkeeper staggered and said tremblingly: "Mr. Master, do you have any more orders?"

"Prepare a pot of tea!"

The shopkeeper was suddenly startled, and immediately bowed and said: "Okay, okay, I will prepare it right away!"

After the disaster, the shopkeeper hurriedly went to prepare tea.

Lin Jiangnian came to the hall and sat down by the window, looking out the window.

It was almost dawn, and the sky was gradually getting brighter. After all the trouble tonight, I almost didn't sleep all night. Lin Jiangnian was no longer sleepy, asked the shopkeeper for a pot of tea, and sat by the window in a daze.

Not long after, Lin Qingqing came down from upstairs, approached Lin Jiangnian, and was silent for a while.

"Your Highness, let them go?"


Lin Jiangnian glanced at her.

Lin Qingqing was silent and said in a slightly cold tone: "The assassin is here to assassinate His Highness, disguised as the shopkeeper's daughter, and is inseparable from the shopkeeper."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "That female assassin has nothing to do with the innkeeper."

Lin Qingqing was still silent and stopped talking.

"Just say what you want to say?"

Lin Qingqing lowered her head and said softly: "Forgive me for speaking frankly, Your Highness should not be so merciful and soft-hearted."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "Based on what you see, what should we do?"

"I would rather kill by mistake than let go!"

Lin Qingqing spoke coldly, her tone full of murderous intent.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her blankly, and after a while he sighed deeply: "I probably know why this prince has such a bad reputation outside."

Lin Qingqing's eyes were confused.

"Don't learn from Zhiyuan!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. Lin Qingqing's behavior was exactly the same as that of Zhiyuan.

Cruel and ruthless, be decisive and would rather kill by mistake than let go!

Such unreasonable and overbearing behavior, with maids and guards like them staying with Prince Lin to work, why worry about Prince Lin's reputation?

Lin Qingqing's eyes were still puzzled.

"My prince's reputation is already bad enough. This innkeeper is not a murderer. If you kill him and this matter spreads, in the eyes of the world, my prince may be charged with killing innocent people indiscriminately."

Lin Jiangnian said helplessly.

Lin Qingqing was silent for a while, and then said firmly: "Your Highness, please rest assured that my subordinates will do it quietly and will never leave any clue!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"Is that what I meant?"

"Then what do you mean, Your Highness?"

Lin Qingqing was still puzzled.


Lin Jiangnian looked at Lin Qingqing who looked confused and fell silent.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Just don't worry about it and just listen to my prince."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and did not continue to explain to her: "Check the people in this inn. If it has nothing to do with them, spare their lives!"


Lin Qingqing lowered her head. Although she did not understand His Highness's behavior, she still obeyed the order.

After a pause, he asked: "Then, what should we do with the female assassin in His Highness's room?"

Lin Qingqing seemed to have thought of something and asked tentatively: "Your Highness, do you want to keep her?"

She recalled the unspeakable things that happened between His Highness and the female assassin in the room, and the disheveled appearance of the female assassin... Lin Qingqing felt uneasy.

Your Highness, could it be that you have fallen in love with her?

This doesn't work!

Your Highness is just playing around, you can't keep that female assassin any longer!


Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent: "Keep it for now!"

"Check her details, by the way..."

"Let her taste the pain of life!"


Dawn breaks in the sky.

The sun slowly fell on the town, and a figure wearing armor broke into the town tiredly and came to the inn.

As soon as I walked into the inn, I knelt down on one knee with a plop.

"Your Highness!"

The person who fell on his knees was Lin Kong.

At this time, Lin Kong was in a state of utter disarray, his black armor was stained with a lot of blood, and his hair was messy. He obviously seemed to have experienced a difficult battle.

"How's it going?"

In the inn, Lin Jiangnian asked.

"Last night, under the orders of His Highness, I went to search a village more than ten miles outside the town. As expected, there were many people with strange movements hidden in that village."

"My subordinates immediately ordered them to sneak into the village and accidentally disturbed the enemy."

"My subordinates led their subordinates to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against those people, and finally almost wiped them all out..."

"My subordinates are incompetent..."

Lin Kong gritted his teeth and looked extremely unwilling: "Your Highness asked his subordinates to capture Li Qianlin, but Li Qianlin seemed to have expected it. When his subordinates entered the village, he had already escaped..."

"Please forgive me, Your Highness!"

During this trip to Beijing, Lin Jiangnian was not only protected by personal guards, but also secretly escorted by the prince's own army. Last night, I originally thought I could take the opportunity to catch Li Qianlin and others in one fell swoop, but I didn't expect that he was allowed to escape in the end!

Lin Jiangnian looked indifferent, as if he had expected this result. After listening to Lin Kong's report, he shook his head gently: "It doesn't matter, let him go."

Lin Jiangnian's ultimate goal was not Li Qianlin.

It cannot be said that this raid was completely fruitless.

Under Lin Jiangnian's coercion, the female assassin in the room betrayed her teammates and revealed the whereabouts of her accomplices hiding outside the town. Lin Jiangnian immediately sent Lin Kong to arrest him, catching him off guard.

I gained a lot from Lin Kong’s report.

There are many masters hiding in that small village, and there is no way to escape from tonight's raid. According to Lin Kong, those people's martial arts were disorganized, and they were probably masters from the martial arts circles that Li Qianlin had recruited from somewhere.

Lin Jiangnian was thoughtful and nodded slightly: "Okay, then I'll leave it to you to handle the rest."

He stood up slowly and stretched: "I'm sleepy, so I'm going to rest."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, my subordinates will definitely handle this matter."

Lin Qingqing spoke softly and watched Lin Jiangnian go upstairs and return to his room. Then he looked back. As His Highness's personal bodyguard, she is responsible for protecting His Highness' safety. She knows what to do without His Highness having to say anything.

"How many are left alive?"

Lin Qingqing turned her head and looked at Lin Kong.

Lin Kong lowered his head: "We captured more than a dozen people alive!"


Lin Qingqing's face was expressionless, "Find out the mastermind behind them at all costs!"



Dozens of kilometers away from the town, several embarrassed figures appeared panting on a trail.

"Oops, almost died!"

Li Qianlin fell to the ground, gasping for air and looking extremely ugly.

It wasn't until he got rid of the pursuers and out of danger that he heaved a sigh of relief.

That woman named Shen was unreliable and she really betrayed them! If Lin Jiangnian's people could find them, they must have something to do with that woman.

What kind of children are there?

What kind of chivalrous person would never betray his teammates?


None of these gangsters can be trusted.

"She was almost killed!"

Li Qianlin gritted his teeth.

This plan failed and he suffered heavy losses, and he couldn't be happy at all.

"What should we do now?" A voice asked from the side.

If the long-planned assassination plan failed, wouldn't it mean that the success fell short?

"Don't worry, it's still early!"

Li Qianlin took a deep breath, slowly calmed down, and his eyes gradually darkened.

"Does Lin Jiangnian really think that this is all I have?"

There was a glint in Li Qianlin's eyes.

Everything he has done so far is just a pretense!

The so-called recruitment of martial arts masters to plot to assassinate Lin Jiangnian was only part of the plan.

His real killing move has not yet been made!

"Does Lin Jiangnian really think that when I come to Jiangcheng this time, I don't have any back-up preparations?"

"Now that it's been discovered, that's even better!"

Li Qian and Lin Yin said sympathetically: "If you fall short this time, it will definitely make that son of a bitch feel arrogant and let his guard down... Then, it will be his death!"

Someone on the side couldn't help but say: "Brother Li, what else can you do?"

Li Qianlin sneered: "Just wait and see."

"Besides you and me, there are many people who don't want him to enter Beijing alive!"

"This journey to Beijing is where he will be buried!"


The assassination in the inn was just an episode for Lin Jiangnian.

An insignificant episode!

Li Qianlin's long-planned assassination was discovered by Lin Jiangnian in advance before he could take action and completely failed.

As for the failure to catch Li Qianlin, it doesn't matter.

Keeping him would be more useful.

And the remaining ones who were captured alive were unable to pry out any useful information. They were just insignificant characters. Lin Jiangnian no longer cared about them and left them to Lin Qingqing and Lin Kong to deal with.

After two days of resting at the inn, we set out on the road again.

Next stop, Xunyang County.

"you can go now!"

After packing up, Lin Jiangnian glanced at the female assassin not far away.

For the past two days, the female assassin has been locked in a room with restricted movement. When she heard that Lin Jiangnian was about to let her go, she immediately turned red and gritted her teeth: "Young Prince, do you think this girl will still believe it?"

Thinking of the prince who had teased her before, how could she still believe what he said?

However, just before she could scold Lin Jiangnian for wanting to play with her again, she saw that Lin Jiangnian ignored her at all and turned around to leave the room, leaving her alone.

Glazed eyes!

Go, go?

Really, really let her go?

Outside the town, after everything was packed, Lin Jiangnian was about to get on the carriage and set off, when he saw a familiar figure not far away.

The female assassin Shen Lingjun followed him out of the town at some point and was standing not far away, looking at him with complicated eyes.

"Anything else?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to have expected it, and he seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Shen Lingjun was silent, and after a while he gritted his teeth and said, "Give me the antidote!"


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