Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 107 Father and son meet in Ruyi Building

At dusk at night.

The sunset slowly spreads along the horizon and onto the lake, reflecting the golden light. There were ripples on the lake, and half of the sky between the mountains in the distance was dyed red.

Falling on this Ruyi Tower, it is beautiful and resplendent.

Inside the building.

Lin Hengzhong sat at the window, quietly looking out at the scenery outside the window, without speaking for a long time. The silent and slightly aged face seemed to have a somewhat heavy look.

Opposite him, sitting quietly was Mr. Li from the building. He was as calm as ever, with no thoughts in his cloudy eyes.

On the table in front of the two of them, there was an endgame chessboard, and on the other side, there was a jar of wine, the aroma of which filled the air.

The two of them seemed to have fallen into a long silence, and neither one spoke first.

It wasn't until the sunset dyed half of the sky red and night gradually fell that Lin Hengzhong slowly looked away. But there was an indescribable trance in that expressionless expression.

"My lord, my condolences."

Mr. Li sighed lightly and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Lin Hengzhong waved his hand, hiding the last trace of sadness in his eyes, and said: "This is his own choice. Although I have guessed it, I can't stop it."

"This matter is all my fault..."

At this point, Lin Hengzhong suddenly fell silent again.

Mr. Li didn't speak either.

Although neither of them knew much about that matter, they both guessed some answers.

Mr. Li didn't speak, he just gently picked up the strong wine on the table and took a sip. There was an expression of enjoyment on his face, as if he was having endless aftertaste.

It wasn't until a long time later that Lin Heng came to his senses again, sighed deeply, raised his eyes to look at Mr. Li in front of him, and suddenly said: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Mr. Li for his generous guidance to Jiang Nian during this period. ...Jiang Nian was able to achieve such results in a short period of time, thanks to the cultivation of Senior Li."

Mr. Li shook his head gently: "His Royal Highness is interested in martial arts, and I just gave some superficial hints! His Highness's achievements are all the result of his hard work and study."

Lin Heng nodded. He had heard Zhi Yuan say it. Jiang Nian was indeed diligent in studying and training during this period. He practiced martial arts from morning to night every day, rain or shine. Because of such diligence, he was able to reach the ninth level in a short time.

"Mr. Li may know the prediction. What will Jiang Nian's future achievements be?"

Lin Hengzhong suddenly asked.

There seemed to be a glimmer of light in Mr. Li's cloudy eyes: "Your Highness has inherited the prince's martial arts talent, and his future in martial arts is indeed limitless."

Hearing this, Lin Hengzhong's face became a little more pleased: "Then according to your opinion, can Jiang Nian surpass me in the future?"

Mr. Li sighed: "Your Majesty is already a martial arts wizard who is rare to see in the world for a hundred years. His current achievements are considered a miracle. As for His Highness..."

Mr. Li thought for a moment, shook his head slightly, and sighed: "It's hard for me to predict how successful your highness will be in the future. But..."

After a pause, Mr. Li slowly spoke: "If His Highness is willing to study hard and practice hard, there are many resources prepared for him by His Majesty. As expected, His Highness is expected to reach the top of the Great Dao within ten years!"

"ten years?"

Hearing this, the smile on Lin Hengzhong's slightly weathered face could no longer be hidden: "I didn't expect that Mr. Li, you would have such a high opinion of Jiang Nian?!"

Mr. Li shook his head gently: "His Royal Highness has outstanding martial arts talent. He studies hard and practices hard, and he has the protection of Prince Xuanyang's mind. It would be a surprise if he has no future prospects..."

Lin Hengzhong thought about it, and it was true that any martial arts genius in the world was created by relying on resources.

These resources are basically in the hands of various sects, aristocratic families and the imperial court. Even if you are a genius, if you don't have the guidance of a famous teacher, the supreme secrets and martial arts skills, and the resources to accumulate them, you will eventually be lost to everyone.

The gap between the two is like a chasm!

This is also the reason why it is becoming more and more difficult for the people in the world to find truly top masters. Most of the masters in the world come from various sects and families.

To be precise, it is not that these masters come from aristocratic families, but that these aristocratic families have a great attraction for masters with martial arts talents.

This is also the reason why Lin Hengzhong built Ruyi Tower to collect the treasure trove of martial arts resources from all over the world. The existence of a treasure trove of resources like Ruyi Tower is enough to attract the world's masters to work for him wholeheartedly!

"Then, how does it compare with the girl from the Li family in Beijing?"

Lin Hengzhong suddenly asked again: "How does Jiang Nian compare with her?"

Mr. Li seemed startled: "The prince is referring to the eldest princess in the capital? His Highness's fiancée?"

Lin Hengzhong glanced at him: "Speaking of which, Mr. Li seems to be somewhat related to her?"

"It's just old memories."

Mr. Li waved his hands and sighed.

"That girl's martial arts talent is the highest I have ever seen..."

Mr. Li thought for a while and shook his head gently: "I can't say who is stronger or weaker between her and your highness, but your highness did learn martial arts a little late."

"That girl from the Li family should have entered the realm of Tianxuan by now, right?"

Lin Heng nodded with some emotion: "There are indeed many geniuses in this world!"

"In terms of age, she is slightly younger than His Highness. Now she has entered the second level of Tianxuan. No one can match her today!"

Mr. Li narrowed his eyes: "With the help of the Kendo people, she is expected to become a first-class master in three years, and within ten years..."

Mr. Li did not continue speaking, Lin Hengzhong had already expected it.

"So, Jiang Nian can't catch up with her?"

"Why chase?"

Mr. Li glanced at Lin Hengzhong and shook his head slightly: "She is engaged to His Highness and will be your future daughter-in-law. If His Highness is allowed to marry her back, in ten years, the palace will have another great master. "

"At that time, the three great masters of the palace and anyone in the world who want to touch the palace will probably have to consider it!"

Lin Hengzhong was startled, as if he thought of something, and then laughed twice.

"That makes sense!"

After laughing a few times, Lin Hengzhong put away the smile on his face, picked up the wine on the table, and drank it all in one gulp.

Eyes slightly bright: "Good wine!"

Then he looked at Mr. Li in front of him and sighed: "Mr. Li has been staying in Ruyi Building for almost twenty years, right?"

Mr. Li's eyes were cloudy: "Maybe it's almost there?"

"You really don't want to go out and see again?"

"What are you doing out there?"

Mr. Li shook his head gently: "It's good for me to stay here."

Lin Hengzhong was silent for a moment: "I know that Mr. Li was forced by the situation back then. Now that so many years have passed, do you really not intend to go out to see your old friends and relatives?"

"Twenty years!"

Mr. Li was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly: "After so many years, they must have forgotten that I am such a bad old man, right?"

Mr. Li murmured to himself, something strange seemed to appear on his face, and he sighed softly: "If it hadn't been for the prince to save me back then, I would have died long ago..."

"Being able to stay in Ruyi Building for the rest of my life to study and cultivate my character, which makes martial arts students all over the world go crazy, is a fulfillment of my wish."

Lin Hengzhong was silent and looked at the old man in front of him quietly.

No one would have thought that this little-known old man sweeping the floor in Ruyi Building would have become a sensation in the world.

In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed.

Lin Heng sighed softly: "Since Mr. Li doesn't want to go out, I won't persuade him any more, but..."

After a pause, Lin Hengzhong slowly spoke again: "I have a few things, I hope Mr. Li can help..."


At dusk, dim light shines into the room through the windows.

Lin Jiangnian slowly woke up from the bed, his whole body was sore and numb, and he felt an indescribable feeling of exhaustion. Opening his eyes and looking at the dark environment around him, memories slowly came to mind.


Lin Jiangnian looked around and recognized the familiar scenes around him.

This is...Liu Su's room.

Last night, he stayed here for the night, and the two slept together after drinking too much. When they woke up in the morning, they were still together.


Lin Jiangnian still remembers what happened.

And after that?

Lin Jiangnian couldn't remember anything. He only remembered that he suddenly felt dizzy after finishing the work, and then seemed to fall asleep again.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already now.

Looking around at the familiar dim and empty room, the air was still filled with a familiar aroma that had not completely dissipated.

The furnishings in the room were still the same, and there were even traces of the previous mess on the bed.

Everything is so real and clear.

However, the person is no longer there!


Walked away quietly? !

Lin Jiangnian sat up and realized something.

She probably did it on purpose, right?

The previous lethargy was probably due to her secretly drugging herself.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian felt an indescribable feeling of disappointment in his heart.

She left after all!

Sitting in the room, Lin Jiangnian quietly looked at the silent environment around him, his eyes still calm.

"Want to leave?"

"You can't escape from the palm of my hand!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were filled with excitement. Until now, he still didn't know where Liu Su was in his mind and what kind of feeling he had towards her.

However, this is not important!

Today, Lin Jiangnian is the real Prince Lin. And she, of course, couldn't even think about escaping.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes were filled with amusement. He stood up slowly and left the room.


In the quiet Ruyi Building, Lin Jiangnian slowly appeared in the building and met Mr. Li at the familiar window seat.

When Lin Jiangnian approached, he saw the decorations on the table.

Has anyone else been here?

There was a mess on the table and an empty wine glass beside it, indicating that someone had been here before.

Who has come to see Mr. Li?

Lin Hengzhong?

Or a paper kite?

"Mr. Li?"

"Your Highness."

Mr. Li slowly raised his head, looked at Lin Jiangnian who appeared in his sight, and nodded slightly.

"Mr. Li, this is..."

What did Lin Jiangnian think of: "My father has been here?"

Mr. Li glanced at the distance not far behind him. Lin Jiangnian followed his gaze and his eyes happened to fall on the stairs. Further up, there was the seventh floor of Ruyi Building.

"My dad is on the seventh floor?"

Mr. Li nodded: "Your Highness wants to take a look?"

Lin Jiangnian hesitated for a moment and shook his head slightly: "Let's go later... I'm here to see Senior Li today. There is something I want to inquire about with Senior Li."

"What do you want, Your Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "Senior Li, do you... know anything about the Celestial Sect?"


Ruyi Building.

Seventh floor.

In a dim environment, Lin Hengzhong stood in the room, looking around with some nostalgia. Looking at the familiar environment brought back some long-standing memories.

He walked slowly to the wall beside him. There were several sets of regular clothes, several longbows, and some other gadgets hanging on the wall.

Lin Hengzhong's hands slowly passed over these bodies, his eyes full of nostalgia. Finally, he stopped in front of the table on the other side. There was an open notebook on the table. Lin Hengzhong looked at the notebook quietly with a dazed look.

Until the footsteps coming from behind broke the brief silence.

Lin Hengzhong turned around and saw Lin Jiangnian's figure at the door.

"Jiang Nian?"


Lin Jiangnian looked at the majestic figure not far away and spoke softly.

"come in."

Lin Hengzhong nodded slightly.

Lin Jiangnian then slowly stepped into the room and came to Lin Hengzhong's side. He saw the open book in his hand. Lin Jiangnian had seen the content in the book. It was a piece of information left by Princess Lin in the past. This is a diary-like life record.

Lin Hengzhong slowly put the books in his hands back on the table and said softly: "Why are you here?"

"My child just went to see Mr. Li and learned that my father is here. My child asked Mr. Li a question, and Mr. Li asked my child to come to my father to clarify his doubts." Lin Jiangnian spoke.

Lin Hengzhong nodded slightly, seemingly surprised: "What's the problem?"

Lin Jiangnian hesitated: "Dad, do you know the details of the Tianshen Sect?"

Lin Hengzhong slowly turned around, looked at Lin Jiangnian, and suddenly asked, "Is she gone?"

"Dad knows?"


Lin Hengzhong nodded lightly, his eyes indifferent: "She is a saint from the Celestial Sect. It's normal that you can't keep her."

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised: "Dad knows her identity?!"

"That's right." Lin Hengzhong said.

Lin Jiangnian hesitated to speak, feeling slightly shocked.

From this point of view, Lin Hengzhong actually knew Liu Su's identity a long time ago.


For some reason, Lin Jiangnian felt a little uneasy.


Lin Hengzhong seemed to know what he was thinking: "Can't you let her go?"

Lin Jiangnian did not deny it and nodded.

Lin Hengzhong just smiled and didn't ask any more questions. He just changed his mind and said, "Do you know why dad let her go before?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed: "Is there any other reason?"

"It's one thing for you to like her, Jiang Nian, but there's another reason why dad decided to let her go!"

Lin Hengzhong spoke slowly: "She looks very similar to an old friend of my father's."

"Old friend?!"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. Could it be that Liu Su's parents knew Lin Hengzhong? Just when he was about to ask something, he saw Lin Hengzhong turned back and glanced at the notebook on the table: "Have you read what your mother wrote?"

Lin Jiangnian was puzzled, but he still nodded.

"Then, aren't you curious about Zhiyuan's identity?"

"The origin of the paper kite?"

Lin Jiangnian was wondering, wasn't he talking about Liu Su?

Why did you suddenly mention Paper Kite?


Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered something, and his expression condensed.

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