Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 105 The night before farewell

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's voice outside the door, Liu Su was startled for a moment, and then felt relieved.

As soon as I was alert, I almost subconsciously relaxed.

Looking down at the letter in his hand, he gently kneaded it with his bare hands, and then it disappeared with the stimulation of his inner strength.

After doing all this, she was completely relieved. Then she took a deep breath, her expression returned to normal, she came to the door and opened the door.

Outside the door, Lin Jiangnian's familiar figure appeared. He looked at her with a slightly amused look.

Looking at Lin Jiangnian who appeared here in the middle of the night, she was instinctively wary. I just left him, why did he come after me again?

"Is there a problem?"

"Come here and see you!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Liu Su at the door. She had just taken a shower, her hair was still wet, her fair skin was glowing with moisture, and her whole body looked more and more beautiful.

Especially the cold yet slightly soft face, which is pink and dusty, makes people want to take a bite.

Lin Jiangnian watched quietly for a moment, until he noticed Liu Su's increasingly vigilant and unkind gaze, and then he came back to his senses.


Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "I saw you leaving in a hurry earlier and not eating anything all day long. Are you hungry?"

Liu Su opened her mouth, subconsciously wanting to say she wasn't hungry.

...What does it mean that he came here to show his courtesy this late at night?

But as soon as the words came to his lips, he held back.

She is indeed hungry!

When I woke up, I was already hungry after tossing it until now. Her current identity is still the maid of Prince Lin's Mansion. It has already passed the meal time for the servants of the Prince's Mansion. As expected, she will have to go hungry tonight.

For Liu Su, it was nothing to be hungry. Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly smelled the aroma of food on his nose.

She was startled for a moment, then turned around and saw several maids walking into the courtyard.

"Your Highness, the meal you want the kitchen to prepare has been prepared!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Send it in."

Liu Su was a little absent-minded, surprised and stunned as she watched the maid in the courtyard bring the food to her room, and then left after finishing this. Liu Su stared at the food on the table for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at Lin Jiangnian.

"Are you watching what I do?"

Lin Jiangnian was still smiling.

Liu Su took a deep breath, how could she not realize the purpose of his thoughts?

After a moment of silence, he finally spoke: "Don't think that I will forgive you if you do this!"

"what are you thinking?"

Seeing that she still had a cold face, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and stepped into the room.

"Don't get me wrong... I feel a little hungry and it's too boring to eat alone, so I just came to have a meal with you."

As Lin Jiangnian said this, he came to sit down at a table.

Liu Su had a cold face, and there seemed to be a trace of anger in her eyes.

"What are you still doing?"

When Lin Jiangnian saw that she didn't move, he immediately waved his hand: "Come here and have dinner with me."

Liu Su still didn't respond.

"What? You don't even listen to my prince's words?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her sideways: "You little maid, do you still want to rebel?"

Although he said this, there was a somewhat meaningful smile on his face.

It was obviously intentional.

The shame and anger in Liu Su's eyes became more and more obvious. This bastard was clearly here to make her angry.

An angry expression emerged, and a bit of sullenness appeared in her beautiful eyes, but then she seemed to think of something, and a dim color flashed under her eyes. After a moment of silence and daze, he calmed down all his emotions.

Then he walked forward expressionlessly and sat down opposite Lin Jiangnian.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised.

I thought I still needed to talk a lot, but I didn't expect that she took the initiative and sat down obediently?

Liu Su sat down expressionlessly and glanced at the food on the table. Although the food was simple, it was all the best and rare ingredients in the palace. Although the food and treatment for the servants in the palace are equally good, they can't even imagine the food in front of them.

Looking up, she saw Lin Jiangnian looking at her with a smile.

Liu Su remained expressionless and glared at him.

No words were spoken.

Have a meal!

The meal ended in silence.

During the whole process, neither of them spoke, as if they were maintaining a delicate balance. After eating and drinking, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly and sat aside to rest.

It was quiet at night, but there seemed to be no intention of leaving.

Liu Su finally spoke after being silent for a long time.

"I gotta go."

His tone was calm, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

Lin Jiangnian, who originally had a leisurely and relaxed expression on his face, gradually lost his smile when he heard this.

He sat up and looked at Liu Su in front of him. Seeing that her face remained as usual, she looked at him calmly.



Lin Jiangnian asked.

Liu Su lowered her eyes: "Tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian felt an indescribable emotion in his heart, and couldn't help but ask, "Must you go?"


Liu Su stopped looking at Lin Jiangnian and looked down at the table.

It seemed that the atmosphere in the room was a bit dull, and she felt unexplainably flustered.

It's hard to describe this feeling.

She took a deep breath, raised her eyes again, looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Master, there's a letter!"


Lin Jiangnian suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Are there any informants from your Celestial Sect in Prince Lin's Mansion?"

She has not left the palace today, how did she get the letter from the leader? The only possibility... is that there is someone inside Prince Lin's palace who is her agent?


Liu Su spoke calmly.

"Your leader calls you back?"

Liu Su still nodded.

"Do you have to go back?"

Liu Su was silent for a moment: "The plan to assassinate Lin Hengzhong failed. The leader must have known about it. This time he wrote a letter to call me back in person. There must be something urgent in the church..."

She did not continue, but Lin Jiangnian already understood.

She is a saint of the Celestial Sect and a core figure of the Celestial Sect. Now that the assassination of King Lin failed, her situation must be extremely dangerous. Let’s not talk about what the Tianshen Sect’s next plan is. If the assassination fails, Liu Su will definitely be summoned.


Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt a little uneasy: "If you fail to assassinate King Lin, will your leader punish you?"

Liu Su lowered her eyes slightly, remained silent for a moment, and shook her head: "I don't know."

"In that case, why go back?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her.

Liu Su was silent for a while this time before speaking: "I have to go back to do something."

"What's up?"

"Very important thing!"

Liu Su raised her eyes to look at him and took a deep breath: "I must go back to verify this matter in, I have to go back."

She did not continue to explain. Lin Jiangnian remained silent and did not ask any more questions.

If she didn't want to answer, she really couldn't ask.


"Will you come back?"

Lin Jiangnian asked again.

He had already asked the question once, but he still wanted to ask it again.

This time, Liu Su did not answer him immediately. He just looked at him blankly and remained silent for a long time.


After a long time, she spoke softly.

Perhaps when she really realized that she was about to leave, she felt a little dazed in her heart.

Reluctant to give up?

Or do you have other emotions?

She didn't know it herself.


When Lin Jiangnian heard this, his eyes lit up slightly. So, does she still have plans to come back?

Liu Su looked at him and said calmly: "Who knows?"

"Perhaps one day in the future, when I am impoverished and live on the street, I may come to you, the Prince Lin, to make a living?"

"Maybe I won't come back!"

She said it calmly, but Lin Jiangnian frowned. Why do you say this as if you are parting from life or death?

"Where is your leader? Where do you plan to go when you leave here this time?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Liu Su shook his head gently: "It's not clear yet."

Lin Jiangnian frowned: "Your Tianshen Sect's main altar is not in the old Miao territory?"

"The main altar is indeed over there, but..."

Liu Su shook his head gently: "The leader is not here."

"The identity of the leader is mysterious. He rarely appears in the main altar all year round. The people responsible for the affairs of the church are always the guardians."

"This time the leader called me back, I don't know what the next step is."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian fell silent.

Even she herself doesn't know where to go next, doesn't it mean...

"Then, can we meet again in the future?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed and spoke.

I don’t know why, but it feels like there’s a bit of an atmosphere of separation between life and death. If she leaves this time, when will the next meeting be?

In this era, once many people are separated, they may never see each other again.

"If there is a chance..."

Liu Su paused and glanced at him: "Probably."




Lin Jiangnian took a deep breath and sighed: "To be honest, I don't want you to leave."

Liu Su said nothing, and his face remained expressionless. There was just a hint of pleasure in the occasional flash of eyes.

There seems to be a little bit of pride.

"Perhaps, I should imprison you in Prince Lin's Mansion so that you will never be able to leave here for the rest of your life... I have actually had such an idea."

Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke.

The expression on Liu Su's face froze, and her eyes immediately focused: "You dare?!"

He actually wants to imprison himself?

How brave? !

Thinking of some possibility, she immediately gritted her teeth.

"But after thinking about it later, I gave up. If I really did this, you would probably hate me for the rest of your life, right?" Lin Jiangnian sighed and spoke.

Liu Su said expressionlessly: "It's good that you know."

"So, if you want to leave, I can't stop you. In that case, it's better to get together and part ways!"

Lin Jiang young laughed and raised his brows: "Tonight, do you think I have put it into practice for you?"

Liu Su was silent and stared at Lin Jiangnian for a while. Looking at the relaxed and somewhat joking words on his face, her beautiful eyes retracted: "Since it is practice, shouldn't there be wine?"

"You're right, there should be wine."

Lin Jiangnian said, got up and came to the door.

Soon, two jars of wine were brought in from the yard outside the door.

When Liu Su saw this scene, his eyes narrowed, "Where did the wine come from?"

"I asked the maid to deliver it before."

Lin Jiangnian held two jars of wine and placed them on the table, with a hint of pride in his eyes: "I've already guessed something since you left without saying a word."

Liu Su was silent. She had to admit that after spending time together for the past two months, the guy in front of her did understand her very well.

At this moment, the reluctance in Liu Su's heart became even stronger.

At one moment, she really had a strong desire to stay.

The saint of the Celestial Sect was already dead when she failed to assassinate King Lin. She could have remained anonymous and stayed under a different identity?

Stay here?

However, when this thought came to her, she quickly took a deep breath and calmed down.

Her thoughts have been completely affected since last night. He started to become indecisive, even... soft-hearted.

This was a feeling she had never felt before, and it was all her fault...

It's all his fault!

Thinking of this, Liu Su bit her lower lip lightly, with a hint of resentment in her cold eyes.

Lin Jiangnian opened the wine jar on the table, and the aroma of wine quickly wafted through the room.

"Tonight, will you and I not come home until we get drunk?"

Lin Jiangnian poured two bowls of wine.

Liu Su looked at him expressionlessly: "No."

"Huh?" Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes.

"I'm afraid you'll act recklessly after drinking!"

Liu Su's eyes were alert.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

It's quiet at night.

The courtyard is silent.

At the table, both of them looked a little drunk.

The strong liquor was strong, and the room was filled with a somewhat drunken atmosphere, which seemed to be accompanied by a somewhat strange look.

"It's getting late!"

Liu Su's cold complexion was slightly flushed, her face was like a peach blossom, and her beautiful eyes were full of water, but she still seemed to maintain a certain degree of sanity.

"It's getting late, it's almost time!"

Her voice was very soft and a bit drunk: "It's time for you to go back."

Lin Jiangnian was drunk, his head was dizzy, and he seemed to be quite drunk.

"Can't move, sleepy, sleepy..."

Lin Jiangnian spoke drunkenly while getting up unsteadily. He didn't take two steps when he suddenly stumbled and fell onto the bed not far away, motionless.

Seeing this scene, there was a hint of shame and anger in Liu Su's eyes.

"Get up!"

"...Don't pretend to be dead, go back to sleep!"

How could she not understand this guy's intentions?

Does this guy want to stay with her tonight?

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't respond, Liu Su got up and came to the bed. She saw Lin Jiangnian lying on her bed with his eyes closed and seemed to have fallen asleep.

I was immediately angry!

Playing rogue with her, right?

"stand up!"

Liu Su kicked him, and Lin Jiangnian fell into a drowsy sleep, motionless.

It was like he was really drunk and passed out.

But how could Liu Su believe it?

Would a drunk person be so sober that he found her bed and fell down?

He immediately said in shame and anger: "Don't pretend to be for me, hurry up..."

She was about to grab Lin Jiangnian, but the next second, Lin Jiangnian, who was still lying on the bed, suddenly pulled her. Liu Su was caught off guard and staggered. The next second, he was pulled into Lin Jiang's arms vigorously, and they fell on the bed together.

"You, let me go?!"

Liu Su was immediately embarrassed and angry, and her pretty face, which was already flushed, turned even crimson.

Struggling desperately.

"Don't, don't move...sleep, sleep..."

Lin Jiangnian's confused voice came to his ears, as if he was already drunk.

But he held her tightly in his arms and remained motionless.

Liu Su's delicate body was tense, her pretty face was hot, and her eyes were full of shame. After struggling to no avail, he bit his lips tightly and stared at this guy in shame and anger. He looked up at his face for a long time, and then he was in a daze.

In the end, she didn't know what she thought of, Liu Su sighed lightly, but didn't struggle anymore.

Her martial arts has recovered a lot, and it is not difficult to break away, but she seems to have given up resistance. Just letting Lin Jiangnian hold her in his arms, feeling the familiar scent of the warm embrace, an indescribable emotion emerged, and his heart beat faster.

She lowered her head, concealing the pounding emotions in her heart, as if she was quietly experiencing this rare last night.

Are you leaving tomorrow?

Thinking of this, Liu Su's heart tightened slightly, and she felt a sense of failure.

Complicated feelings.

The room fell into dead silence, as if indulging in this brief and rare warm atmosphere.

On the bed, after a long time, he seemed to feel Lin Jiangnian sleeping soundly next to him, breathing slowly. And there was no other action except holding her. Liu Su's hanging heart relaxed slightly, and her tight body gradually relaxed.

He raised his eyes slightly and stared quietly at Lin Jiangnian's sleeping face.

Delicate, fair, and sharp-edged. Perhaps due to the martial arts training in the past two months, his body is less of a scholar's weak temperament and more of a tough one.

Liu Su stared blankly for a long time, and the last trace of cold gaze in her beautiful eyes turned into a moment of tenderness.

She looked away, lowered her head, rubbed her head slightly, seemed to find a comfortable position, curled up in Lin Jiangnian's arms and fell asleep.

That night, she slept extremely peacefully.

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