Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Vol 3 Chapter 389: I am dead! 【Two more】

At five in the morning.

After a humiliation that was overwhelmed and revisited by the whole army, the frogmen began to pay attention to all the next operations, and even organized a group of patrols, that is, vanguards, to take the lead and survey in front.

Later, they encountered two more sneak attacks. Although they were prepared in advance, they still suffered heavy losses and were forced to deviate from the designated position. After the other party retreated, it took them a certain time to find the previous route.

If this is a real battle, then for them, this is a crushing battle, they are beaten with no room to fight back, and even under the tragic casualties, they can’t catch a captive of the other party and probe to the point. news.

They seem to be ghosts, haunting in the jungle, and occasionally put on a few cold guns, and when they catch up, the people have disappeared without a trace.

This kind of moment makes people feel nervous and nervously fighting, which makes them collapse, and their experience and physical strength are greatly consumed. The training of this package makes them consume twice, three times or more than usual.

After the armed trekking ended, they climbed ashore from the water wetly, and just fell to the ground to catch their breath, they heard a pleasant and brisk laugh.

Several people raised their heads, and suddenly saw a pair of black military boots on the grass, stepping on them one foot at a time, the weeds were broken, and the ground left footprints. Gradually, the man approached.

They looked up inexplicably.

He suddenly saw Chu Ye's expression of hippie smile, his handsome face was full of smiles, and his eyes were curved like a kid who just got the sugar.

When Leng Buding saw him appear, everyone was a little baffled.

——What about the spread?

After two seconds, they suddenly realized-

This is the enemy!


"Brothers, copy guys!"

"Destroy them, these stinky and shameless!"

An angry cry broke out from the crowd.

However, before they could actually copy the guy forward, they were shocked and saw Chu Ye opening his coat to reveal a bunch of guys who were bluffing around his waist, and then sat directly on the ground.


Chu Ye shouted, simulating the sound of an explosion.

At night like this, Chu Ye shouted a little, it was a little funny, a little boring, and a little naive.

However, the frogs who copied the guy realized that they were miserable and could not help but look at each other.

Judging from the real exercise, the pile of things tied to Chu Ye's body was enough for them to suffer most of the casualties here.

When they were overwhelmed, they saw Chu Ye's shameless take off his coat, then opened his hands to them and announced to them cheerfully-

"Me, killed!"

Such a public announcement made the frogs who were originally in a daze state suddenly recover.

"Grandma is a bear, it's all hanging anyway, who is afraid of who!"

"Brothers, beat him up!"

"Who cares whether you die in battle or not? Since you dare to show up, don't blame us!"


A group of water ghosts who just hung up, with these three hours of anger held in their hearts, where will they control what rules are irregular? Directly copy the guy to Chu Ye and pounce, and the two will pounce on Chu Ye Fall to the ground, then use hands and feet to punish Chu Ye, and the painful Chu Ye wailed.

"You broke the are called abusive bodies...ah, help--"

Before the last word was finished, Chu Ye's mouth was blocked.

The water ghosts tied him up three times and five times, and hung them directly on the tree, they said it was called "demonstration".

Who told you to come to your door?

They are so frustrated in their hearts that they have to find a chance to vent?

Chu Ye, who was stuffed with stinky socks on his mouth, was watching this group of madly mad neuropathies at this moment.

Grandma, a bear, knowing that she shouldn't rush to complete this suicide mission.

The process is very easy, the ending is very pleasant, but afterwards... all tears!

Thinking of Mo Shangyun's expression when he gave them this suggestion, thinking of Mu Cheng and Peng Yuqiu's backward movement, thinking of Ji Zhou's seemingly unsmiling look when he saw the group of guys volunteering... Chu Ye couldn't help but realize.

He really is too young!

This is a routine!


Subei stood on the shore, not far from the rolling sea water, and she was also wet, with water dripping down the hair tips, helmet, sleeves, etc., and fell on the ground weeds.

She held a sniper rifle in her hand and placed it on the ground with the muzzle facing up.

After sweeping around this lively scene, Northern Jiangsu asked, with some laughter, to Duan Zimu on one side, "Is this still fun?"

"Well." Duan Zimu was also speechless, and nodded in response to half a ring, "Should."

Anyway, not playing cards according to routines is the consistent style of Mo Shangyun.

Unexpectedly, the two of them followed, without firing a shot, not even Mo Shangyun's face.

It is really……

Duan Zimu wanted to laugh a little, but felt a little helpless.

For Mo Shangyun's tricks, it is really unpredictable.

However, this is not actual combat, and there are no rules. She can play whatever she wants, as long as she has fun.

"Then I was killed in battle."

North Jiangsu simply said, put the sniper rifle on the ground, and then sat on the floor.

Duan Zimu gave her a curious look, "Don't continue?"

Although Chu Ye hung on the other side, it was really hung, and he will not participate in the next action after this time, but they are not the same. You can resurrect the blood in place and continue with the following training items.

Therefore, on their side, from the root, there is no such thing as "death".

"Although I was dead dead, when I was a ghost, I still had to be smart." North Jiangsu said frankly.

If you continue this way, you may not be able to meet Mo Shangyun.

The original intention was to be able to indulge in a while, but this way of action alone, they only have the abused part, there is no meaning to continue. What's more, she has already seen Mo Shangyun's ability.

It is said that she will become an instructor of a new special forces next month... This ability to be a soldier is probably more than enough to be the chief instructor.

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