You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 83 Seizing Lin Zisheng's Opportunity

"Save these things for now, and wait until you find time to go to the blacksmith shop to melt them all."

Ye Lin put the broken sword into the space ring, and then took out the formation disk from the space ring and put it in his hand.

"How to use this thing?"

Ye Lin looked at the array disk in his hand and suddenly felt that one was as big as the other.

This formation plate, in terms of its function alone, is definitely not low-grade.

At this time, there was a knock on the door downstairs. Ye Lin put away the array plate, came downstairs, opened the wooden door, and saw Chu Xue standing outside.

"Master, please come in."

"Master, this is the Baise Flower you need."

At this time, Ye Lin slowly took out the Baise Flower and handed it to Chu Xue in front of him.

"Well done, tell me what reward you want."

Chu Xue put away the Baise flowers with satisfaction, turned to look at Ye Lin and said.

"Master, I don't have anything urgently needed. Master, please help me figure out how to use this thing."

Ye Lin took out the formation disk from the space ring and placed it in front of Chu Xue. Seeing the formation disk, Chu Xue's eyes flashed with surprise.

"You were able to actually get this thing. In other words, you killed Wutian?"

Hearing this, Ye Lin nodded.

Seeing Master's expression like this, could it be that Na Wutian has some origin?

Ye Lin thought to himself.

"This is a high-grade Xuan-level treasure. It contains three sets of formations, namely the mist formation, the killing formation and the illusion formation."

Listening to Chu Xue's description sentence by sentence, Ye Lin finally understood its function and how to use it.

This formation plate contains three sets of formations. When using it, there is no need to set up the formation, you only need to use spiritual power to activate it.

The mist formation was the formation he had experienced before. Once it was used, layers of mist surrounded it, blocking even the perception of monks in the later stages of foundation building.

Once the killing array is activated, countless flying swords will attack you, and the attack power of each flying sword is no weaker than a full blow from a monk in the middle stage of foundation building.

Until it kills you, but to activate the killing formation, you must at least be in the late stage of foundation building.

The last formation, the phantom formation, can cause people in the formation to hallucinate when activated, and ultimately kill people invisible. The phantom formation cannot be activated unless the person is at the peak of foundation building, and the requirements are extremely high.

After clarifying his thoughts, Ye Lin understood the terrifying nature of this formation.

If three sets of formations were used at the same time, one peak-level foundation-building monk could kill several peak-level foundation-building monks.

"By the way, try not to let others know about this array easily."

At this time, Chu Xue spoke again.

"Master, from your tone, the origin of Wutian is not simple?"

"Wutian is the son of the leader of the Holy King Sect, and this array is also the sacred object of the Holy King Sect."

After listening to Chu Xue's words, Ye Lin looked extremely surprised. The Holy King Sect's treasure cannot be discovered by others now.

"Okay, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving now. If you encounter any trouble, you can come to me."

Chu Xue placed the array plate on the table, stood up and walked towards the door.

"Master, walk slowly."

When Chu Xue's back disappeared, Ye Lin turned around and looked at the array and marveled.

How much does the Holy King Sect dote on its own son? He went out with the Zongzong treasure, now it's his.

"By the way, it's time to get Lin Zisheng's chance."

At this time, after Ye Lin packed up everything, he walked out of Qingyun Sect and walked towards Shiwanli Mountain.

He is very interested in this small spiritual mine. Once he gets it, he will never be short of spiritual stones.

On the other side, on top of the three elders' single peak.

Song Changsheng looked at Lin Zisheng's right arm, which was gradually frozen, with shock on his face.

"Disciple, what's going on?"

"Master, there was a hidden weapon on Ye Lin's body. I didn't pay attention, and that's what happened."

Lin Zisheng said with an ugly expression, this Ice Soul Needle is really overbearing, no matter what treasures he uses, he just can't get rid of it.

"A yellow-haired kid actually uses such cruel methods."

Song Changsheng had a stern look on his face. Ye Lin not only dropped his dear disciple from the altar, but also used such cruel methods.

After all, they are fellow disciples, so there is no need to use hidden weapons, right?

"Master, I will dispel this poison for you first. As for Ye Lin, we will discuss it later."

After saying that, Song Changsheng took out several pills that looked like they were of high quality and handed them to Lin Zisheng. Then his spiritual power surged all over his body and he began to heal Lin Zisheng's injuries.


At this time, Ye Lin raised his head and looked at the hundred-meter-high mountain, and then flew his sword towards the top of the mountain. The panel displayed the center of Zilong Mountain.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Ye Lin found that there was a huge crack in the center of the mountain, as if someone had cut it open with a knife.

And in the cracks, there are strands of spiritual energy exuding, and the surrounding vegetation is growing very well, and it seems that it is nourished by spiritual energy at first glance.

Around the crack, there are three monster beasts, all in the early stages of foundation building. They are staring at Ye Lin in the sky.

"Back off."

Ye Lin was full of momentum in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. He let out a light drink. Seeing this, the three monster beasts in the Foundation Establishment stage below all stood up and howled lowly at Ye Lin.

Obviously, they are unwilling to give up this sweet potato.

"If you don't retreat, then die."

"The rainbow penetrates the sun."

Ye Lin made a sword finger with his right hand and swung it towards the three monster beasts, and a high-pitched sword sound resounded throughout the world.

The next moment, the three originally majestic monsters fell to the ground without any breath.

There is a blood hole on the head of each monster.

After doing everything, Ye Lin jumped into the crack.

As soon as he entered the crack, he felt an extremely rich spiritual energy coming towards him, and the scene around him completely stunned him.

A ten-meter-long crack was filled with various shiny spiritual stones, and on the surrounding walls, there were drops of crystal clear water droplets.

Those water droplets were not real water droplets, but spiritual liquid produced by extremely rich spiritual energy.

"So beautiful."

This was the first time he saw this spiritual mine. After reading it, Ye Lin began to search quickly.

With a wave of his hands, the surrounding walls began to loosen, and spiritual stones fell one by one and were collected into his space ring.

This is the power of the fifth-grade Taoist platform to control the five elements.

All things in the world are inseparable from the five elements.

After five minutes, Ye Lin mined all the small spiritual mines. Looking at the pile of spiritual stones in the space ring, he felt satisfied.

This time, the harvest is a total of thirty medium-grade spirit stones and one thousand low-grade spirit stones.

"Now, I don't have to worry about spirit stones."

"But I need to keep a close eye on Lin Zisheng. After the last time, the changes that happened were too big. If I don't pay attention, it may lead to a disaster."

Ye Lin thought in his heart. He had to keep an eye on Lin Zisheng from now on and not let Lin Zisheng get out of control.

What he feared most was the reincarnation of the great power. Now is the time when Lin Zisheng's luck counterattacks. During this period, Lin Zisheng's opportunities will definitely be refreshed quickly, and every time they are excellent.

If I don't pay attention, if I encounter some treasures, the soul of the great power in the fairy world will awaken after breaking through the peak of foundation building.

At that time, he will be in great danger.

"When the fate of the son of heaven disappears, it will be the day of your death."

Looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, Ye Lin muttered to himself.

When the son of heaven disappears, Lin Zisheng's fate will definitely decline again, and the luck counterattack will disappear, and he will not be of much use.

At that time, this time bomb can be cleared.

After a period of struggle, he understood a truth: in this world, it is either you die or I die, and being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself.

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