You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 81 Xiaohong shows off her power

Boom, boom, boom

At this moment, three shocking sounds were heard in the distance, and the ground beneath his feet was shaking slightly.

"what happened?"

At this time, Ye Lin looked into the distance with a puzzled face, only to see smoke and dust rising in the distance, covering the sky and the sun.

"With such a big movement, there must be a valuable treasure. Why don't we go over and take a look."

At this time, Shi Jian was the first to speak.

The rest of the people nodded one after another, raised their swords and flew towards the distance, and there were constant streams of light all around.

When they arrived at their destination, they saw the casual cultivators on the ground trying their best to escape, and in front of them, a terrifying aura was rising.

"What on earth is it?"

Looking at the smoke in front of him, Ye Lin frowned. From it, he felt an aura of peak foundation building.

"In the end what happened?"

At this time, a man in white clothes grabbed a casual cultivator from the ground and asked.

"We...we have released a huge beast. Run, run."

The casual cultivator's face was full of fear, and then he struggled violently and ran quickly towards the distance.

At this time, the smoke gradually disappeared, and what came into view was a giant beast with a height of more than ten meters. The aura of the peak foundation building exuded from its body made the disciples around it unable to help but take a step back.

"Look, there is a treasure behind this giant beast."

At this time, a disciple said loudly, and Ye Lin looked up.

I saw three wooden boxes placed behind the giant beast, just placed there quietly.

"There must be something good in that wooden box, it's mine."

One of them was confused by the treasure, and then rushed towards the front. The next moment, the giant beast moved, and with lightning speed, he slapped the disciple into blood mist.

"No, this giant beast can actually attack mentally."

At this time, the Xuanguang Tower in Ye Lin's mind burst out with rich light, protecting his soul.

Countless disciples around them looked greedily at the three wooden boxes in front of them. They didn't care about the giant beasts and immediately rushed forward.

"No, leave quickly, this giant beast can affect the soul."

Shi Jian exclaimed, and the next moment, a thicker wave of dust hit him, and the visibility suddenly dropped to extremely low.


At this time, the giant beast moved and started to attack the disciples who had lost their minds, basically slapping them one by one.

The disciples who were highly cultivated and could barely resist the mental attack ran towards the distance one after another.

If it were simply the peak of foundation building, so many of them might be able to fight, but for a giant beast that can attack mentally, they are not even qualified to fight.

Mental attacks are hard to guard against.

In just a few seconds, everyone who could run ran away, and everyone who couldn't ran died.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, was wrapped in phoenix fire. After noticing that there was no breath around him, the corners of his mouth rose.

Protected by the Xuanguang Tower, this giant beast's mental attack poses no threat to him.

Although the behemoth at the peak of foundation building is no match for him even if he uses all his cards, he still has cheats.


At this time, after dealing with those disciples, the giant beast roared at Ye Lin, and attacked Ye Lin with even more powerful mental power.

Then the giant beast raised its giant palm and slapped it towards Ye Lin.

Under this palm, Ye Lin felt a strong breath of death.

The gap between the middle stage of foundation building and the peak stage of foundation building is still too big.

"Come out, Xiaohong."

After making sure no one was around, Ye Lin took out the guard bag and opened it.


Along with a high-pitched scream, a fiery red flame flew out from the guard bag.



After seeing Xiao Hong, the giant beast obviously took a step back, obviously out of fear.

No matter what Xiaohong said, they were legitimate descendants of mythical beasts and had natural suppression power over these ordinary monsters.

"Xiaohong, can you solve it?"

Ye Lin looked at Xiaohong.

Xiao Hong gave Ye Lin a reassuring look, as if to say that this giant beast is just a piece of trash.


The next moment, Xiao Hong took the initiative and rushed towards the giant beast, with a strong sense of destruction exuding from the fiery red flames.

Seeing that Xiao Hong was so confident, Ye Lin ran forward with confidence, took a few steps around behind the giant beast, and directly put the three wooden boxes into the space ring.

"I see."

At this time, Ye Lin looked at the huge chain in the distance. Mysterious runes were engraved on the chain, and he understood in his heart.

This giant beast was originally in the seal, but was accidentally knocked out by the group of casual cultivators. The special chain in front of him is direct proof.


At this time, the giant beast became even more furious, staring at Ye Lin with its eyes.


The next moment, a fireball hit the giant beast's head, and the giant beast howled in pain.

No matter how rough it is, it can't withstand the attack of the Phoenix Fire.


At this time, Xiao Hong suddenly howled loudly, and an extremely beautiful and majestic huge phoenix shadow enveloped Xiao Hong.

The entire sky was dyed red with fiery red flames.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin couldn't help but smack his lips. No wonder the mythical beast clan could become the overlord in the ancient times when capable people emerged. With this power, they could instantly kill any peak human cultivator.


At this time, a huge fireball hit the giant beast. The giant beast raised its huge arm to resist, but the next moment, half of its body instantly turned into withered bones.

The whole body slammed hard on the ground, and the earth continued to crack.


At this time, Xiaohong collected all her breath, flew quickly to Ye Lin, and spun around Ye Lin.

As if to say, "What do you think? Come on, praise me."

"Well done, I'll give you a reward after we get out."

Ye Lin smiled and touched Xiaohong's wings, then put Xiaohong into the beast bag.

Now Xiaohong's vitality has not been fully restored, and she needs to rest.

But even so, her combat power is so terrifying.

Looking at the corpse of the giant beast, Ye Lin's mind moved, and he urged the magic shadow to come to the giant beast's mind, put the demon pill into the space ring, and then ran away in a dusty face.

After running for several thousand meters, Ye Lin found the main force.

"Senior sister, why don't we go and take a look? It's been so long, and Junior Brother Ye hasn't come out yet. I'm afraid..."

At this time, Shi Jian said with a worried face. He just ran by himself, and when he came out, he found that Ye Lin didn't keep up.

"Let's go."

At this time, seeing the smoke and dust in front slowly dissipate and no more movement, Li Miaoling said this.

Just now, the giant beast was the most violent, even if they went over, it would be useless.

"Brother, sister."

At this time, Ye Lin came flying with a sword in tattered clothes and in a very embarrassed state.

"Brother, are you okay? That's great."

Seeing Ye Lin safe and sound, Shi Jian said with surprise, and Li Miaoling also smiled.

"I almost died just now. At the critical moment, a monster with a fiery red flame suddenly appeared and fought with the giant beast."

"I ran out in the chaos."

Ye Lin said with lingering fear.

"It's okay, but it seems to have calmed down now. How about we go over and take a look?"

Shi Jian said.

And around, there were seven or eight unfamiliar men standing, each of them with an extremely ugly look.

Just now, several of their major forces had disciples who were hit, except Qingyun Sect. The person who was originally dead in their minds was actually alive and back now.

This made them feel very uncomfortable.

"If that's the case, then go over and take a look. Be careful."

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