You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 60: Tiger City Eliminates Demons

At this time, Ye Lin turned around and saw that Li Miaoling still had an expression of disbelief on her face. Obviously, this incident had a great impact on her.

"Junior brother Ye, let's go, I want to tell my master about this."

Hearing this, Ye Lin's face was full of helplessness. This girl usually looks like she should stay away from strangers. Why has she become so stupid now?

The sect leader in the Golden Core stage colludes with evil spirits. It is useless for you to tell an elder in the Foundation Establishment stage, and you might even be assassinated by the sect leader.

Even the evil spirits dare to collude with each other, so what else can he not dare to do?

"Senior sister, wait for me here. I'll be back as soon as I go."

After saying that, Ye Lin let go of Li Miaoling's hand, came to Qian Zaitian in a few steps, and slapped Qian Zaitian in the face.

Suddenly, Qian Zaitian was slapped and flew out. The three black beads in his hand floated in the air and were caught by Ye Lin.


At this time, Ye Lin snatched the long sword that Li Miaoling was carrying behind her back, stepped on it under her feet, grabbed Li Miaoling and flew away.

At this time, Qian Zaitian was lying on the ground without any breath. Apparently, he was slapped to death by Ye Lin.

"Junior brother, what is this?"

In a small forest, Ye Lin took out the magic bead and Li Miaoling asked curiously.

"I don't know either. The mysterious man in black robe calls it a magic bead. It seems to be something the sect leader needs."

"Presumably, it should be something that can extend its lifespan."

Ye Lin weighed the magic beads, touched his chin and said.

"Junior brother, let's go back to the sect. I want to report this matter to Master quickly."

"Senior sister, listen to me and don't tell anyone that the sect master is colluding with the evil spirits. Even if you tell the elders about this, you will get burned by the elders."

After listening to Ye Lin's words, Li Miaoling realized it later, and a blush appeared on her face. She was so frightened that she just went to her head.

His master only had the strength in the late stage of foundation building. Even if he complained to his master, he wouldn't be able to create any big disturbance, but would instead cause his master to suffer.

"Junior sister? Why are you here?"

At this time, a young man wearing a robe and holding a long sword walked out of the bushes on the side.

Ye Lin also turned around and looked, and a panel appeared in front of Ye Lin.

Name: Shi Jian

Cultivation: Early stage of foundation building

Fate: White

Numerology: [Boxing Leader]

Destiny: He stopped at the peak of the Golden Core. During an adventure in a secret realm, he was attacked by three other cultivators at the peak of the Golden Core and fell into the secret realm.

Recent opportunity: I went to Hucheng to kill the evil cultivator three hours later. After I saw the leader of the evil cultivator, I went to pursue him. In the end, I killed the leader of the evil cultivator with serious injuries, and found the Xuanjie low-grade elixir Intermittent Cream on his body. .

[Boxing Leader]: You are very talented in boxing, and you can always make rapid progress when practicing boxing.

Looking at Shi Jian's panel, Ye Lin thought in his mind, He knew this elixir of intermittent ointment.

It is specially used to treat injuries. It is useless for internal injuries, but it has miraculous effects on external injuries.

"Junior Brother Ye."

At this time, Ye Lin nodded towards Shi Jian and said.

"Senior brother."

"Why are you here?"

At this time, Shi Jian looked at the two people with doubts on their faces, and then looked at the moon in the sky, and a bold idea came to his mind.

"You two can't do it..."

"Senior Brother, don't think wrongly. Junior Brother Ye and I went to Qingshan City today to look for traces of evil spirits, so..."

At this time, Li Miaoling dragged out everything she had just seen and heard, and hid the sect leader's collusion with evil spirits and magic beads.

After Ye Lin reminded her, she became smarter.

"An evil spirit was found in Qingshan City? Is this serious?"

Hearing this, Shi Jian's face was serious and his heart was extremely solemn. Obviously, he was also shocked.

Where is Qingshan City? Demons can be found there, but what about other cities? Not to mention those small villages.

"It has not been decided yet, but I need to report this matter to Master as soon as possible and let Master make a decision."

At this time, Ye Lin said, while Shi Jian nodded.

"In this case, the ten elders are in the golden elixir stage. It would be best if the ten elders know about this matter."

After speaking, Ye Lin and Li Miaoling nodded, and the three of them headed to the sect together.

Ye Lin's heart was extremely complicated at this time. He had a premonition that Qingyun Sect was going to change.

However, the panel showed that a large-scale battle would take place in three years. Even if he gave this bead to his master, his master would not fall out with the sect leader in a short period of time.

After all, he is the leader of a sect and cannot move at all without absolute evidence.

Arriving at Qingyun Sect, it was already midnight, and the sect was extremely quiet. Li Miaoling and Shi Jian were waiting at the foot of the mountain, while Ye Lin went straight to Dufeng.

Arriving at the top of the peak, Ye Lin found that his master was standing alone on a boulder, looking into the distance.


Ye Lin walked forward, cupped his hands and bowed.

"Why did you come back halfway?"

Chu Xue's voice reached Ye Lin's ears.

"Master, Senior Sister Li and I went to Qingshan City to investigate the traces of evil spirits. Unexpectedly, we found that the head of the Qian family was colluding with evil spirits in the Qian family. This matter seems to involve the sect master, and we also found this object."

Hearing this, Chu Xue turned around, came to Ye Lin, and picked up three magic beads.

Seeing this magic bead, Chu Xue frowned slightly.

"Master, can you recognize this object?"

At this time, seeing Chu Xue's ugly face, Ye Lin asked tentatively.

"This object is a magic bead. It was refined by evil spirits with the blood of thousands of people. One can extend your life by three months."

After Chu Xue finished speaking, she looked at Ye Lin and said slightly.

"I already know about this. I just received news that three disciples of the Tianjian Sect were attacked by evil cultivators in Tiger City. You and the three of you should go quickly to provide support."

"Remember, proceed with caution."

After saying that, Chu Xue turned around with the magic bead and walked away.


After Ye Lin finished speaking, he walked towards the bottom of Dufeng.

At the same time, he was also extremely shocked. The devil's vicious methods were used to refine the magic beads with the blood of thousands of people just to extend the monk's life by three months.

"Senior brother, senior brother, since you already know about this, why do you still let him do whatever he wants? Do you want me to take action?"

Chu Xue played with the magic bead in her hand and looked towards the deepest place of Qingyun Sect, where the Supreme Elder lived.

"Junior brother, what did the tenth elder say?"

At this time, Shi Jian looked at Ye Lin and said.

"Master said that he already knows about this matter. At the same time, three Tianjian Sect disciples in Tiger City were attacked by evil cultivators. Now Master has asked the three of us to go to support them."

Hearing Ye Lin's words, Li Miaoling nodded, and Shi Jian seemed to be thinking about something in his heart.

"Since the ten elders already know about this matter, it is none of our business. In this case, let us quickly go to support the people of Tianjian Sect."

After saying that, Li Miaoling and Shi Jian left, with Ye Lin following behind them.

At this time, a transparent panel appeared in front of Ye Lin's eyes.

"Tiger City is ahead, be careful."

The three of them stopped. Shi Jian looked at the huge city gate in front of him and said to them. Then Yu Jian flew into the city, and Ye Lin and Li Miaoling quickly followed.

As soon as I entered the city, I saw no one around, it was extremely quiet, and there was a smell of blood in the air.

"Be careful. The evil cultivators are extremely cunning and value their own lives more than anything else. Maybe they are hiding in the dark, planning to give us a fatal blow."

Seeing the silence all around, Shi Jian said to the two of them.

At this time, there was a sound of fighting in front. Shi Jian took the lead and rushed forward, followed closely by Ye Lin and Li Miaoling.

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